fragrance是什么意思 fragrance的中文翻译、读音、例句 您所在的位置:网站首页 perfume什么意思翻译 fragrance是什么意思 fragrance的中文翻译、读音、例句

fragrance是什么意思 fragrance的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-09-22 22:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: fragrance的中文解释是"香料、香味",fragrance是什么意思 fragrance的中文翻译、读音、例句,作为名词时有"芬芳"的意思,发音音标为[fr'eigrəns],fragrance是一个英语名词,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到60个与fragrance相关的用法和句子。




1. The fragrance of the roses filled the air in the garden.(玫瑰的芳香弥漫在花园里。)

2. She sprayed some fragrance on herself before going out.(她出门前喷了点香水。)




例句:The air was soft, and came over the cooling wave with something of summer fragrance. (清气徐来,带来仿佛是夏季的芳馨,掠过凉爽的海面。)


例句:The fragrance that you will smell, you will never be able to smell this way again. (一会你们将闻到一款香水 它会带给你们绝无仅有的体验)


例句:My youth which emits fragrance is virgin Tamil. (My youth which emits fragrance is virgin Tamil. 我的青春散发着芳香 我是泰米尔的处子)

4.芳香 、香味

例句:Fragrance from the flower bouquet (翻译:花篮的花香呀 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Fragrance from the flower bouquet)


fragrance一般作为名词使用,如在fragrance mix(芳香混合物)、fragrance retention([化] 留香性)、fragrance strip(杂志夹页香水样本)等常见短语中出现较多。

fragrance mix芳香混合物fragrance retention[化] 留香性fragrance strip杂志夹页香水样本fragrance test[轻] 香味试验例句

1. My youth which emits fragrance is virgin Tamil. (翻译:My youth which emits fragrance is virgin Tamil. 我的青春散发着芳香 我是泰米尔的处子)

2. Fragrance from the flower bouquet (翻译:花篮的花香呀 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Fragrance from the flower bouquet)

3. Breeze, sent bursts of fragrance pub I qingxiang. (翻译:微风过处,送来阵阵芬芳扑鼻的清香。)

4. The study, by Philadelphia's Monell Center, appears in Flavour and Fragrance Journal。(翻译:由费城蒙尼奥研究中心组织的这项研究成果已经在《香料与香味杂志》上发表。)

5. Wind-blown fragrance of hay permeates both banks (翻译:风吹稻花香两岸 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Wind -blown fragrance of hay permeates both banks)

6. Fragrance emanated from the flowers. (翻译:芬芳从花朵中散发出来。)

7. This fragrance caused the Villista chief to seek out something unknown at an unspecified place. (翻译:它引领着游击军的头目 来到这个未知的地方 寻找陌生的人)

8. Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste, fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine. (翻译:伊丽莎白·戴维兴奋地谈论普罗旺斯菜的口味、香气和特色。)

9. naturel flavor . it have reserved the peanut fragrance , mouth feeling cleanlily. (翻译:原汁原味。保留了花生米的原味清香,口感清爽。)

10. The faint fragrance of the foliage in the air awoke me to a full sense of life. (翻译:我嗅着枝叶的清香,觉得空气中充满了生命的气息。)

11. Basmati rice is a long-grained rice with a nutty flavor and fragrance. (翻译:巴斯·马蒂大米是一种有坚果味的长粒大米。)

12. The fragrance of perfume geranium suits a kitchen very much, can stomachic. (翻译:香水天竺葵的香味很适合厨房,能增进食欲。)

13. Only my intuition and a lingering fragrance.. (翻译:只有我的感觉和嗅觉里 留下的一些痕迹和芳香)

14. I catch once more the fragrance of that same perfume (翻译:{\cHE0B000}♫熟悉的香水让我唏嘘不已♫)

15. The locust-trees were in bloom and the fragrance of the blossoms filled the air. (翻译:槐树正开着花,空气中弥漫着花香。)



1. 词释:Fragrance 这个单词是指芳香、香味,形容物体具有让人愉悦的香气。Fragrance 可以用作名词,形容词和动词。


- The fragrance of roses filled the air.


- This brand of perfume has a very strong fragrance.


- I like how the fragrance of coffee lingers in the air.


2. 应用范围:Fragrance 可以用于描述各种物体的香气,如花朵、食物、香水、烛台等,可以用于不同场合下的表达。


- The fragrance of the fresh bread in the bakery was irresistible.


- The fragrance of the candles made the whole room smell wonderful.


- The fragrance of the perfume was too strong for my liking.


3. 原材料:Fragrance 也可以指制造香气的原材料,如植物提取物、化学合成物等。


- The fragrance in this soap is made from natural essential oils.


- She creates her own fragrances using a combination of natural and synthetic ingredients.


4. 化妆品卫生标准:Fragrance 可以在化妆品中被使用,但是美国食品药品监督局(FDA)要求所有化妆品必须标识出所有成分,包括 Fragrance。而在欧盟地区,成分含量超过0.001%的香料成分必须被列出来。


- This moisturizer has a pleasant fragrance, but it also contains some strong chemicals.


- The perfume industry has been challenged to be more transparent about the ingredients used in fragrances.


5. 私人口味偏好:Fragrance 的选择可能与个人口味有关,不同人喜欢不同的香气。


- My girlfriend likes fragrances that have a fruity scent.


- I am not a big fan of fragrances that are too sweet or floral.


综上所述,Fragrance 这个单词可以从多个方面进行解释和应用,包括词意、应用范围、原材料、卫生标准和个人口味偏好等。以下是以上例句的中英对照:

- The fragrance of roses filled the air.(玫瑰花的芳香弥漫了空气。)

- This brand of perfume has a very strong fragrance.(这个品牌的香水气味很浓郁。)

- I like how the fragrance of coffee lingers in the air.(我喜欢咖啡的香气在空气中弥漫的感觉。)

- The fragrance of the fresh bread in the bakery was irresistible.(面包店里新鲜面包的香气令人无法抗拒。)

- The fragrance of the candles made the whole room smell wonderful.(蜡烛的香气让整个房间的气氛变得温馨舒适。)

- The fragrance of the perfume was too strong for my liking.(香水的味道对我来说太浓了。)

- This moisturizer has a pleasant fragrance, but it also contains some strong chemicals.(这款保湿霜有一种令人愉悦的香气,但它也含有一些强烈的化学成分。)

- The perfume industry has been challenged to be more transparent about the ingredients used in fragrances.(香水行业面临更透明化的成分标识挑战。)

- My girlfriend likes fragrances that have a fruity scent.(我女朋友喜欢果味的香水。)

- I am not a big fan of fragrances that are too sweet or floral.(我不太喜欢太甜或太花香的香气。)

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