词根学习8:ante;ortho;rect;eu;dys 您所在的位置:网站首页 patrol的词根 词根学习8:ante;ortho;rect;eu;dys


#词根学习8:ante;ortho;rect;eu;dys| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



ANTE is Latin for "before" or "in front of." Antediluvian, which describes something very old or outdated, literally means "before the flood"-that is, Noah's Flood. And antebellum literally means "before the war," usually the American Civil War.


antechamber   [ˈæntitʃeɪmbər]


An outer room that leads to another and is often used as a waiting room.


The antechamber to the lawyer's office was both elegant and comfortable, designed to inspire trust and confidence.


One expects to find an antechamber outside the private chambers of a Supreme Court Justice or leading into the great hall of a medieval castle. In the private end of the castle the lord's or lady's bedchamber would have its own antechamber, which served as a dressing room and sitting room, but could also house bodyguards if the castle came under siege. Anteroom is a less formal synonym, one that's often applied to the waiting rooms of professional offices today.


antedate   [ˈæntɪdeɪt]

vt.使 ... 提前发生;预期;预料;较…先存在或先发生;居先


(1) To date something (such as a check) with a date earlier than that of actual writing. (2) To precede in time.

(1) 用比实际书写日期早的日期给某物(如支票)定日期。(2) 在时间上领先。

Nantucket Island has hundreds of beautifully preserved houses that antedate the Civil War.


Dinosaurs antedated the first human beings by almost 65 million years, though this stubborn fact never used to stop cartoonists and screenwriters from having the two species inhabit the same story line. Dictionary editors are constantly noticing how the oral use of a word may antedate its first appearance in print by a number of years. Antedating a check or a contract isn't illegal unless it's done for the purpose of fraud (the same is true of its opposite, postdating).


antecedent   [ˌæntɪˈsiːdnt]



(1) A word or phrase that is referred to by a pronoun that follows it. (2) An event or cause coming before something.

(1) 一个词或短语,由它后面的代词指代。(2)在某事之前发生的事件或原因。

As I remember, she said "My uncle is taking my father, and he's staying overnight," but I'm not sure what the antecedent of "he" was.


A basic principle of clear writing is to keep your antecedents clear. Pronouns are often used in order not to repeat a noun (so instead of saying "Sheila turns 22 tomorrow, and Sheila is having a party," we replace the second "Sheila" with "she"). But sloppy writers sometimes leave their antecedents unclear (for instance, "Sheila helps Kathleen out, but she doesn't appreciate it," where it isn't clear who "she" is). Watch out for this possible problem when using not just he and she but also they, them, it, this, and that. And keep in mind that antecedent isn't just a grammar term. You may talk about the antecedents of heart disease (such as bad eating habits), the antecedents of World War II (such as the unwise Treaty of Versailles), and even your own antecedents (your mother, grandfather, etc.).


anterior   [ænˈtɪriər]


(1) Located before or toward the front or head. (2) Coming before in time or development.

(1) 位于前方或头部之前或朝向前方或头部。(2) 在时间或发展上先于。

When she moved up to join the first-class passengers in the plane's anterior section, she was delighted to recognize the governor in the next seat.


Anterior generally appears in either medical or scholarly contexts. Anatomy books refer to the anterior lobe of the brain, the anterior cerebral artery, the anterior facial vein, etc. Scholar and lawyers may use anterior to mean "earlier in time or order." For example, supporters of states' rights point out that the individual states enjoyed certain rights anterior to their joining the union. And prenuptial agreements are designed to protect the assets that one or both parties acquired anterior to the marriage.



ORTHO comes from orthos, the Greek word for "straight," "right," or "true." Orthotics is a branch of therapy that straightens out your stance or posture by providing artificial support for weak joints or muscles. And orthograde animals, such as human beings, walk with their bodies in a "straight" or vertical position.


orthodontics   [ˌɔːrθəˈdɑːntɪks]


A branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment and correction of crooked teeth and other irregularities.


A specialty in orthodontics would require three more years of study after completing her dentistry degree.


Orthodontics has been practiced since ancient times, but the elaborate techniques familiar to us today were introduced only in recent decades. Braces, retainers, and headgear are used to fix such conditions as crowding of the teeth and overbites. According to a 1939 text, "Speech defects, psychiatric disturbances, personality changes, … all are correctable through orthodontic measures," though many adolescents, having endured the embarrassment of rubber bands breaking and even of entangling their braces while kissing, might disagree.


orthodox   [ˈɔːrθədɑːks]


(1) Holding established beliefs, especially in religion. (2) Conforming to established rules or traditions; conventional.

(1) 持有既定信仰的,尤指宗教信仰。(2) 符合既定规则或传统的;依照惯例的。

The O’Briens remain orthodox Catholics, faithfully observing the time-honored rituals of their church.


An orthodox religious belief or interpretation is one handed down by a church’s founders or leaders. When capitalized, as in Orthodox Judaism, Orthodox refers to a branch within a larger religious organization that claims to honor the religion’s original or traditional beliefs. The steadfast holding of established beliefs that is seen in religious orthodoxy is apparent also in other kinds of orthodox behavior. Orthodox medical treatment, for example, follows the established practices of mainstream medicine. Unorthodox thinking is known in business language as "thinking outside the box."


orthopedics   [ˌɔrθəˈpidɪks]


The correction or prevention of deformities of the skeleton.


For surgery to correct the child's spinal curvature, they were referred to the hospital's orthopedics section.


Just as an orthodontist corrects crookedness in the teeth, an orthopedist corrects crookedness in the skeleton. Orthopedics is formed in part from the Greek word for "child," and many orthopedic patients are in fact children. But adults also often have need of orthopedic therapy, as when suffering from a joint disease like arthritis or when recovering from a broken arm or leg.


orthography   [ɔːrˈθɑːɡrəfi]


The spelling of words, especially spelling according to standard usage.


Even such eloquent writers as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were deficient in the skill of orthography.


Even as recently as the 19th century, the orthography of the English language was still unsettled. Not until spelling books like Noah Webster's and textbooks like "McGuffey's Readers" came along did uniform spelling become established in the U.S. Before that, there was much orthographic variation, even among the more educated. The many people who still have problems with spelling can take heart from Mark Twain, who once remarked, "I don't give a damn for a man that can spell a word only one way.

直到19世纪,英语的拼写仍然不稳定。直到诺亚·韦伯斯特(Noah Webster)这样的拼写书籍和《麦高菲的读者》(McGufffey’s Readers)这样的教科书问世,统一拼写才在美国建立起来。在此之前,甚至在受过教育的人中,也有很多拼写变体。许多仍然有拼写问题的人可以从马克·吐温那里振作起来,他曾说过:“我不在乎一个只会用一种方式拼写一个单词的人。


RECT comes from the Latin word rectus, which means "straight" or "right." To correct something is to make it right. A rectangle is a four-sided figure with straight parallel sides. Rectus, short for Latin rectus musculus, may refer to any of several straight muscles, such as those of the abdomen.


rectitude   [ˈrektɪtuːd]


Moral integrity.


The school superintendent was stern and not terribly popular, but no one questioned her moral rectitude.


We associate straightness with honesty, so if we suspect someone is lying we might ask if they're being "straight" with us, and we might call a lawbreaker crooked or label him a crook. Rectitude may sound a little old-fashioned today, but the virtue it represents never really goes out of style.


rectify   [ˈrektɪfaɪ]


To set right; remedy.


The college is moving to rectify this unfortunate situation before anyone else gets hurt.


We rectify something by straightening it out or making it right. We might rectify an injustice by seeing to it that a wrongly accused person is cleared. An error in a financial record can be rectified by replacing an incorrect number with a correct one. If the error is in our tax return, the Internal Revenue Service will be happy to rectify it for us; we might then have to rectify the impression that we were trying to cheat on our taxes.


rectilinear   [ˌrektɪˈlɪniər]


(1) Moving in or forming a straight line. (2) Having many straight lines.

(1) 沿直线移动或形成直线。(2) 有许多直线的。

After admiring Frank Lloyd Wright's rectilinear buildings for years, the public was astonished by the giant spiral of the Guggenheim Museum.


Rectilinear patterns or constructions are those in which straight lines are strikingly obvious. In geometry, rectilinear usually means "perpendicular"; thus, a rectilinear polygon is a many-sided shape whose angles are all right angles (the footprints of most houses, with their extensions and garages, are good examples). But rectilinear is particularly used in physics. Rectilinear motion is motion in which the speed remains constant and the path is a straight line; and rectilinear rays, such as light rays, travel in a straight line.


directive   [dəˈrektɪv]



Something that guides or directs; especially, a general instruction from a high-level body or official.


At the very beginning of the administration, the cabinet secretary had sent out a directive to all border-patrol personnel.


As the definition states, a directive directs. A directive from a school principal might provide guidance about handling holiday celebrations in class. A directive from the Vatican might specify new wording for the Mass in various languages. Even the European Union issues directives to its member countries, which they often ignore.



EU comes from the Greek word for "well", in English words it can also mean "good" or "true." A veterinarian who performs euthanasia is providing a very sick or hopelessly injured animal a "good" or easy death.


eugenic   [juˈdʒɛnɪk]

adj.优生的; 优生学的;优种的

Relating to or fitted for the production of good offspring through controlled breeding.


Eugenic techniques have been part of sheep breeding for many years.


The word eugenic, like the name Eugene, includes the Greek root meaning "born". Breeders of farm animals have long used eugenic methods to produce horses that run faster, for example, or pigs that provide more meat. Through eugenics, Holstein cows have become one of the world's highest producers of milk. But eugenics also has a dark side. The idea of human eugenics was taken up enthusiastically by the Nazis in the 20th century, with terrible consequences.


euphemism   [ˈjuːfəmɪzəm]


An agreeable or inoffensive word or expression that is substituted for one that may offend or disgust.


The Victorians, uncomfortable with the physical side of human existence, had euphemisms for most bodily functions.


The use of euphemisms is an ancient part of the English language, and perhaps of all languages, and all of us use them. Golly and gosh started out as euphemisms for God, and darn is a familiar euphemism for damn. Shoot, shucks, and sugar are all euphemistic substitutes for a well-known vulgar word. Pass away for die, misspeak for lie, downsize for fire, senior citizen for old person-the list goes on and on.

委婉语的使用是英语的一个古老部分,也许是所有语言的一部分,我们所有人都在使用它们。Golly和gosh一开始是上帝的委婉语,darn是人们熟悉的damn的委婉语。shoot、shucks和sugar都是一个众所周知的粗俗词shit的委婉替代品。pass away是死亡的委婉语,misspeak是撒谎的委婉语,downsize是解雇的委婉语,senior citizen是老年人的委婉语。这些委婉语还一直在持续添加。

euphoria   [juːˈfɔːriə]


A strong feeling of well-being or happiness.


Swept up in the euphoria of a Super Bowl victory, the whole city seemed to have poured out into the streets.


Euphoria is the feeling of an intense (and usually temporary) “high.” Doctors use the word for the kind of abnormal or inappropriate high spirits that might be caused by a drug or by mental illness, but euphoria is usually natural and appropriate. When we win enough money in the lottery to buy several small Pacific islands, or ever just when the home team wins the championship, we have good reason to feel euphoric.


eulogy   [ˈjuːlədʒi]


(1) A formal speech or writing especially in honor of a dead person. (2) High praise.

(1) 正式的演讲或写作,尤指为了纪念一个死去的人。(2) 高度赞扬。

The book was a fond eulogy to the 1950s, when Americans had joined social organizations of all kinds.


With its -logy ending, eulogy means literally something like "good speech." We are told to speak only good of the dead, but a eulogist actually makes a speech in the dead person's honor-or often instead for someone living, who might actually be there in the audience. The most famous eulogies include Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and Pericles' funeral oration for the Athenian warriors; but these are only two of the many great eulogies, which continue to be delivered not only at funerals and memorial services but at retirement parties, anniversary parties, and birthday parties.



DYS comes from Greek, where it means "bad" or "difficult." So dysphagia is difficult swallowing, and dyspnea is difficult or labored breathing. Dysphasia is an inability to use and understand language because of injury to or disease of the brain. Dys- is sometimes close in meaning to dis-, but try not to confuse the two.


dystopia   [dɪsˈtoʊpiə]


An imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives.


For a 10-year-old British boy, boarding school could be a grim dystopia, with no comforts, harsh punishments, and constant bullying.


Dystopia was created from Utopia, the name of an ideal country imagined by Sir Thomas More in 1516. For More, the suffix -topia meant "place", and u- (from the Greek root ou) meant "no," but also perhaps "good". In other words, More's Utopia was too good to be true. It's probably no accident that dystopia was first used around 1950, soon after George Orwell published his famous novel Nineteen Eighty-Four and 16 years after Aldous Huxley published Brave New World. These two are still the most famous of the 20th century's many depressingly dystopian novels. And what about all those bleak futuristic films: Blade Runner, Brazil, The Matrix, and the rest? What does it mean when no one will paint a picture of a happy future?


dyslexia   [dɪsˈleksiə]


A disturbance or interference with the ability to read or to use language.


She managed to deal with her dyslexia through careful tutoring all throughout elementary school.


Dyslexia is a neurological disorder that usually affects people of average or superior intelligence. Dyslexic individuals have an impaired ability to recognize and process words and letters. Dyslexia usually shows itself in the tendency to read and write words and letters in reversed order; sometimes similar reversals occur in the person's speech. Dyslexia has been shown to be treatable through patient instruction in proper reading techniques.


dyspeptic   [dɪsˈpeptɪk]



(1) Relating to or suffering from indigestion. (2) Having an irritable temperament; ill-humored.

(1) 与消化不良有关的或患有消化不良的。(2) 脾气暴躁的;脾气暴躁的;不幽默。

For decades the dyspeptic columnist served as the newspaper’s-and the city's-resident grouch.


Dyspepsia comes from the Greek word for "bad digestion." Interestingly, the Greek verb pessein can mean either "to cook" or "to digest"; bad cooking has been responsible for a lot of dyspepsia. Dyspepsia can be caused by many diseases, but dyspeptic individuals are often the victims of their own habits and appetites. Worry, overeating, inadequate chewing, and excessive smoking and drinking can all bring on dyspepsia. Today we generally use dyspeptic to mean "irritable"-that is, in the kind of mood that could be produced by bad digestion.


dysplasia   [dɪˈspleɪʒə]


Abnormal development of cells or organs, or an abnormal structure resulting from such growth.


The infant was born with minor hip dysplasia, which was fixed by a routine operation.


Of the dozens of medical terms that begin with the dys- prefix, dysplasia (with the suffix -plasia, meaning "development") is one of the more common, though not many nondoctors know it. Structural dysplasias are usually something you're born with; they often involve the hip or the kidneys. But cell dysplasia is often associated with cancer. And a dysplastic mole-a mole that changes shape in an odd way-is always something to be concerned about.







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