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2024-07-09 23:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 经过;通过To pass someone or something means to go past them without stopping.

e.g. As she passed the library door, the telephone began to ring...她经过图书室门口时,电话响了。e.g. Jane stood aside to let her pass...简站到一边让她过去。

2. (沿特定方向)行进,穿过,穿越When someone or something passes in a particular direction, they move in that direction.

e.g. He passed through the doorway into Ward B...他穿过门口进入B病房。e.g. He passed down the tunnel...他穿行在隧道中。

3. (道路、管道等)延伸,伸展If something such as a road or pipe passes along a particular route, it goes along that route.

e.g. After going over the Col de Vars, the route passes through St-Paul-sur-Ubaye...这条道越过瓦尔山口之后,穿过于拜河畔圣保罗。e.g. The road passes a farmyard.那条路经过一个农家场院。

4. 使穿过;使通过;使越过If you pass something through, over, or round something else, you move or push it through, over, or round that thing.


e.g. She passed the needle through the rough cloth, back and forth...她一针一针地缝那块粗布。e.g. 'I don't understand,' the Inspector mumbled, passing a hand through his hair...“我不明白,”巡官一边嘟囔道,一边用手捋了一下头发。

5. 递;传递If you pass something to someone, you take it in your hand and give it to them.

e.g. Ken passed the books to Sergeant Parrott...肯把那些书递给帕罗特警官。e.g. Pass me that bottle.把那个瓶子递给我。

6. 转移;移交If something passes or is passed from one person to another, the second person then has it instead of the first.

e.g. His mother's small estate had passed to him after her death...他母亲死后留给他一小笔遗产。e.g. These powers were eventually passed to municipalities.这些权力最终移交给了各市当局。

7. 告诉,告知,传递(信息)If you pass information to someone, you give it to them because it concerns them.

e.g. Officials failed to pass vital information to their superiors...官员们没有将重要信息汇报给他们的上司。e.g. He passed the letters to the Department of Trade and Industry.他把信交给了贸工部。

8. 传(球)If you pass the ball to someone in your team in a game such as football, basketball, hockey, or rugby, you kick, hit, or throw it to them.

e.g. Your partner should then pass the ball back to you...然后你的搭档应该将球回传给你。e.g. Dodd passed back to Flowers.多德把球回传给弗劳尔斯。

9. (时间)消逝,过去When a period of time passes, it happens and finishes.

e.g. He couldn't imagine why he had let so much time pass without contacting her...他想不通自己为什么过了那么长时间还没有和她联系。e.g. As the years passed he felt trapped by certain realities of marriage...随着岁月的流逝,他觉得受困于婚姻的某些现实问题。

10. 度过(时间)If you pass a period of time in a particular way, you spend it in that way.

e.g. The children passed the time playing in the streets...那些孩子在街上玩耍打发时间。e.g. To pass the time they sang songs and played cards.他们靠唱歌、打牌来打发时间。

Do not confuse pass and spend. If you do something while you are waiting for something else, you can say you do it to 'pass the time'. He had brought along a book to pass the time. You can say that time has passed in order to show that a period of time has finished. The first few days passed… The time seems to have passed so quickly. If you spend a period of time doing something or spend time in a place, you do that thing or stay in that place for all of the time you are talking about. I spent three days cleaning our flat….a hotel where we could spend the night. 不要混淆 pass 和 spend。表示在等待的过程中做某事打发时间,可以用 pass the time,例如:He had brought along a book to pass the time(他带了本书打发时间)。表示一段时间已经流逝,可以用pass,例如:The first few days passed(最初几天过去了),The time seems to have passed so quickly(时间似乎过得非常快)。表示花一段时间做某事或呆在某个地方,用 spend,例如:I spent three days cleaning our flat(我花了3天打扫我们的公寓),a hotel where we could spend the night(我们可以入住过夜的酒店)。

11. 经历;遭受If you pass through a stage of development or a period of time, you experience it.

e.g. The country was passing through a grave crisis...那个国家正在经历一场严重危机。e.g. 'Have you ever been at all religious?' — 'No. I never passed through that phase.'“你信过教吗?”——“没有,我从没有信过。”

12. 超过;超越If an amount passes a particular total or level, it becomes greater than that total or level.

e.g. They became the first company in their field to pass the £2 billion turn-over mark.他们成为自己所在领域中首家营业额超过20亿英镑的公司。

13. 通过(测试)If someone or something passes a test, they are considered to be of an acceptable standard.

e.g. Kevin has just passed his driving test...凯文刚刚通过驾照考试。e.g. drugs which have passed early tests to show that they are safe...通过早期测试显示其具有安全性的新药

14. (考试的)通过,及格A pass in an examination, test, or course is a successful result in it.

e.g. An A-level pass in Biology is preferred for all courses...不管读什么课程,生物学高级证书考试最好都要及格。e.g. Passes are graded from 'A' down to 'E'.及格分为A到E几等。

15. 宣布…合格;核准;批准If someone in authority passes a person or thing, they declare that they are of an acceptable standard or have reached an acceptable standard.

e.g. Several popular beaches were found unfit for bathing although the government passed them last year...有几家火爆的海滨浴场被查出不适于游泳,但是去年政府却宣布他们合格。e.g. The medical board would not pass him fit for General Service.医疗卫生委员会不会批准他为全科医生。

16. 通过,批准(法律或议案)When people in authority pass a new law or a proposal, they formally agree to it or approve it.

e.g. The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent...爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议。e.g. Race Relations Acts were passed in 1968 and 1976.1968年和1976年通过了《种族关系法》。

17. 宣布(判决)When a judge passes sentence on someone, he or she says what their punishment will be.

e.g. Passing sentence, the judge said it all had the appearance of a con trick...宣布判决时,法官称其完全符合诈骗案的要素。e.g. Before sentence was passed, Mr Mills escaped from jail.在宣判前,米尔斯先生越狱了。

18. 发(言);陈述(意见)If you pass comment or pass a comment, you say something.


e.g. I don't really know so I could not pass comment on that...我不了解实情,所以我不能就此发表意见。e.g. We passed a few remarks about the weather.我们聊了几句天气。

19. 被说出;被做出If something passes without comment, or passes unnoticed, nobody comments on it, reacts to it, or notices it.

e.g. This practice embarrassed Luther, but he let it pass without comment...这种做法让卢瑟难堪,但是他未置一词。e.g. The cocktails were so sweet that the strength of them might pass unnoticed until it was too late.这些鸡尾酒太好喝了,等你感受到酒劲时可能为时已晚。

20. 被认作;被当作If someone or something passes for or passes as something that they are not, they are accepted as that thing or mistaken for that thing.

e.g. Children's toy guns now look so realistic that they can often pass for the real thing...现在的儿童玩具枪看起来过于逼真,以至常常被误认作真枪。e.g. It is doubtful whether Ted, even with his fluent French, passed for one of the locals.尽管特德能说一口流利的法语,但他是否会被当成当地人仍值得怀疑。

21. 推后If someone makes you an offer or asks you a question and you say that you will pass on it, you mean that you do not want to accept or answer it now.

e.g. I think I'll pass on the hiking next time...我想远足的事下次再说吧。e.g. 'You can join us if you like.' Brad shook his head. 'I'll pass, thanks.'“你要乐意,可以加入我们。”布拉德摇了摇头。“下次吧,谢谢。”

22. 排泄If someone passes water or passes urine, they urinate.

e.g. A sensitive bladder can make you feel the need to pass water frequently.敏感性膀胱让你有尿频感。

23. 通行证;入场证;乘车证A pass is a document that allows you to do something.

e.g. I got myself a pass into the barracks...我弄到了进兵营的通行证。e.g. Malaysian Railways has a rail pass for foreign visitors: 10 days' unlimited travel costs around £53.马来西亚铁路公司有专为外国游客准备的铁路乘车证:十日不限次乘车大约花费53英镑。

24. 关口;山口A pass is a narrow path or route between mountains.

e.g. The monastery is in a remote mountain pass.那个修道院在一个偏远的山口中。

25. see also: passing

26. 勾引;挑逗If someone makes a pass at you, they try to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with you.

e.g. Nancy wasn't sure if Dirk was making a pass at her.南希不确定德克是不是在勾引她。

27. to pass the buck -> see buckto pass judgment -> see judgmentto pass the time of day -> see time

相关词组:pass aroundpass awaypass bypass offpass off aspass onpass outpass overpass roundpass up






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