自适应阈值canny边缘检测(功能实现) 您所在的位置:网站首页 opencv阈值是什么 自适应阈值canny边缘检测(功能实现)


2023-07-17 00:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1 概述



在这里插入图片描述 对于每个像素点,如果 A ( i , j ) A(i,j) A(i,j)的梯度幅值比其梯度方向上相邻2个像素点 A 1 A1 A1和 A 2 A2 A2的梯度幅值大,该点标记为候选边缘点。





2 算法步骤小结 使用一个高斯滤波器平滑输入图像。计算梯度幅值图像和角度图像。对梯度幅值图像进行非极大值抑制。将非极大值抑制获得的图像利用Otsu算法确定双阈值。使用双阈值处理和连通域分析来检测与连接边缘。



//确定一个点的坐标是否在图像内 bool checkInRang(int r, int c, int rows, int cols) { if (r >= 0 && r = 0 && c edge.at(r, c) = 255; for (int i = -1; i float mag = edgeMag_noMaxsup.at(r + i, c + j); if (checkInRang(r + i, c + j, rows, cols) && mag >= TL) EdgePoint_Trace(edgeMag_noMaxsup, edge, TL, r + i, c + j, rows, cols); } } } } /********************************mian函数入口***************************************/ int main() { string path = "F:\\NoteImage\\lena.jpg"; Mat SrcImage = imread(path); if (!SrcImage.data) { std::cout float g_angle = angle.at(i, j); float K_mag = mag.at(i, j); //梯度方向在垂直方向 if ((g_angle 67.5) || (g_angle 247.5)) { if (K_mag >= mag.at(i - 1, j) && K_mag >= mag.at(i + 1, j)) Non_maxImage.at(i, j) = K_mag; } //梯度方向在水平方向 else if (g_angle 337.5 || (g_angle 157.5)) { if (K_mag >= mag.at(i, j - 1) && K_mag >= mag.at(i, j + 1)) Non_maxImage.at(i, j) = K_mag; } //梯度方向在+45方向 else if ((g_angle 22.5) || (g_angle 202.5)) { if (K_mag >= mag.at(i - 1, j - 1) && K_mag >= mag.at(i + 1, j + 1)) Non_maxImage.at(i, j) = K_mag; } //梯度方向在-45方向 else if ((g_angle 292.5) || (g_angle 112.5)) { if (K_mag >= mag.at(i + 1, j - 1) && K_mag >= mag.at(i - 1, j + 1)) Non_maxImage.at(i, j) = K_mag; } } } //双阈值处理--根据Otsu算出的阈值确定为高阈值,取高阈值的一半记为低阈值 unsigned TH = Otsu_threshold(Non_maxImage); unsigned TL = TH * 0.5; cv::Mat My_cannyImage = cv::Mat::zeros(grayImage.size(), grayImage.type()); for (int i = 1; i float K_mag = Non_maxImage.at(i, j); //大于高阈值确定为边缘点 if (K_mag > TH) EdgePoint_Trace(Non_maxImage, My_cannyImage, TL, i, j, height, width); else if (K_mag CV_Assert(apertureSize == 3 || apertureSize == 5); double scale = 1.0; cv::Sobel(mat, dx, CV_16S, 1, 0, apertureSize, scale, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE); cv::Sobel(mat, dy, CV_16S, 0, 1, apertureSize, scale, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE); const int TAN225 = 13573; //tan22.5 * 2^15(2 horizontal, 1 -> vertical, 2 -> diagonal magnitudes = cv::Mat::zeros(mat.rows + 2, mat.cols + 2, CV_32SC1); cv::Mat magROI = cv::Mat(magnitudes, cv::Rect(1, 1, mat.cols, mat.rows)); for (int i = 0; i short xs = dx.ptr(i)[j]; short ys = dy.ptr(i)[j]; int x = (int)std::abs(xs); int y = (int)std::abs(ys) magROI.ptr(i)[j] = std::abs(int(xs)) + std::abs(int(ys)); } int tan225x = x * TAN225; if (y int tan675x = tan225x + (x // diagonal angles.ptr(i)[j] = 2; } } } } } //根据angles将梯度图进行非极大值抑制得到NMSImage,对其利用OTSU算法计算阈值, //计算得到的阈值为高阈值high,低阈值取0.5*high void _calculate_hysteresis_threshold_value(const cv::Mat& dx, const cv::Mat& dy, const cv::Mat& magnitudes, const cv::Mat& angles, cv::Mat& NMSImage, int& low, int& high) { NMSImage = cv::Mat::zeros(magnitudes.size(), magnitudes.type()); //CV_32SC1 for (int i = 0; i int c = j + 1; int m = magnitudes.ptr(r)[c]; uchar angle = angles.ptr(i)[j]; if (angle == 0) //horizontal { if (m > magnitudes.ptr(r)[c - 1] && m >= magnitudes.ptr(r)[c + 1]) NMSImage.ptr(r)[c] = m; } else if (angle == 1) //vertical { if (m > magnitudes.ptr(r - 1)[c] && m >= magnitudes.ptr(r + 1)[c]) NMSImage.ptr(r)[c] = m; } else if (angle == 2) //diagonal { short xs = dx.ptr(i)[j]; short ys = dy.ptr(i)[j]; if ((xs > 0 && ys > 0) || (xs //135 degree if (m > magnitudes.ptr(r - 1)[c + 1] && m > magnitudes.ptr(r + 1)[c - 1]) NMSImage.ptr(r)[c] = m; } } } } //利用Otsu对非极大值抑制图像进行处理,将计算得到的阈值作为高阈值high, 低阈值取高阈值的0.5倍 cv::normalize(NMSImage, NMSImage, 0, 255, cv::NORM_MINMAX); NMSImage.convertTo(NMSImage, CV_8UC1); cv::Mat temp; high = (int)cv::threshold(NMSImage, temp, 0, 255, cv::THRESH_OTSU); low = (int)(0.5 * high); } //对非极大值抑制后的图根据高低阈值进行标记,当当前像素小于low,则标记为1,当当前像素大于low且大于high,则标记为2 //当大于low小于high时标记为0,并将标记为2的像素坐标压入队列 void _non_maximum_suppression(const cv::Mat& NMSImage, cv::Mat& map, std::deque& mapIndicesX, std::deque& mapIndicesY, int low, int high) { // 0 -> the pixel may be edge // 1 -> the pixel is not edge // 2 -> the pixel is edge map = cv::Mat::ones(NMSImage.size(), CV_8UC1); for (int i = 0; i int m = NMSImage.ptr(i)[j]; //nms -> CV_8UC1 if (m > low) { if (m > high) { map.ptr(i)[j] = 2; mapIndicesX.push_back(j); mapIndicesY.push_back(i); } else map.ptr(i)[j] = 0; } } } } //双阈值滞后处理:根据队列中的像素坐标,进行8领域边缘点寻找,即在map中与2相连的0均认作为边缘点 void _hysteresis_thresholding(std::deque& mapIndicesX, std::deque& mapIndicesY, cv::Mat& map) { while (!mapIndicesX.empty()) { int r = mapIndicesY.back(); int c = mapIndicesX.back(); //获取到边缘点之后要将其弹出 mapIndicesX.pop_back(); mapIndicesY.pop_back(); // top left if (map.ptr(r - 1)[c - 1] == 0) { mapIndicesX.push_back(c - 1); mapIndicesY.push_back(r - 1); map.ptr(r - 1)[c - 1] = 2; } // top if (map.ptr(r - 1)[c] == 0) { mapIndicesX.push_back(c); mapIndicesY.push_back(r - 1); map.ptr(r - 1)[c] = 2; } // top right if (map.ptr(r - 1)[c + 1] == 0) { mapIndicesX.push_back(c + 1); mapIndicesY.push_back(r - 1); map.ptr(r - 1)[c + 1] = 2; } // left if (map.ptr(r)[c - 1] == 0) { mapIndicesX.push_back(c - 1); mapIndicesY.push_back(r); map.ptr(r)[c - 1] = 2; } // right if (map.ptr(r)[c + 1] == 0) { mapIndicesX.push_back(c + 1); mapIndicesY.push_back(r); map.ptr(r)[c + 1] = 2; } // bottom left if (map.ptr(r + 1)[c - 1] == 0) { mapIndicesX.push_back(c - 1); mapIndicesY.push_back(r + 1); map.ptr(r + 1)[c - 1] = 2; } // bottom if (map.ptr(r + 1)[c] == 0) { mapIndicesX.push_back(c); mapIndicesY.push_back(r + 1); map.ptr(r + 1)[c] = 2; } // bottom right if (map.ptr(r + 1)[c + 1] == 0) { mapIndicesX.push_back(c + 1); mapIndicesY.push_back(r + 1); map.ptr(r + 1)[c + 1] = 2; } } } cv::Mat _get_canny_result(const cv::Mat& map) { cv::Mat dst(map.rows - 2, map.cols - 2, CV_8UC1); for (int i = 0; i dst.ptr(i)[j] = (map.ptr(i + 1)[j + 1] == 2 ? 255 : 0); } } return dst; } /*--------函数封装---------*/ //自适应阈值canny plus版本 cv::Mat Adaptive_Canny(const cv::Mat& src, int apertureSize, bool L2gradient) { CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_8UC1); CV_Assert(apertureSize == 3 || apertureSize == 5); cv::Mat gaussianSrc = _gaussian_filter(src); cv::Mat dx, dy, magnitudes, angles; _sobel_gradient(gaussianSrc, dx, dy, magnitudes, angles, apertureSize, L2gradient); //非极大值抑制计算高低阈值 int low, high; cv::Mat NMSImage; _calculate_hysteresis_threshold_value(dx, dy, magnitudes, angles, NMSImage, low, high); cv::Mat map; std::deque mapIndicesX, mapIndicesY; _non_maximum_suppression(NMSImage, map, mapIndicesX, mapIndicesY, low, high); _hysteresis_thresholding(mapIndicesX, mapIndicesY, map); cv::Mat dst = _get_canny_result(map); return dst; } //*****************************测试代码******************************// int main() { std::string path = "F:\\NoteImage\\手掌2.2.jpg"; cv::Mat src = cv::imread(path, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); if (!src.data) { std::cout






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