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(共88张PPT)状语从句目录01状语的概念与种类02状语从句的引导词03状语从句的省略在主从复合句中, 有连接词 的句子叫从句。从句: 连接词 + 陈述句复合句名词性从句主语从句宾语从句表语从句同位语从句定语从句状语从句状语的概念与种类01什么是状语从句?The students rose as the teacher entered the classroom.As he was reading, he was listening to the radio.The day breaks, for the birds are singing.状语从句在复合句中作_____,来说明一件事情发生的时间,地点,原因,条件,结果等.状语状语从句的分类时间,地点,条件,原因,让步,目的,方式,结果,比较分类如下:状语从句1. 时间状语从句2. 地点状语从句3. 原因状语从句4. 条件状语从句5. 让步状语从句6. 目的状语从句7. 结果状语从句8. 方式状语从句9. 比较状语从句状语从句的引导词021.时间状语从句常用连接词如下:when, while, as,till / until, not …till / until, before, since, after ,once, as soon as特殊连接词:immediately/directly/instantlythe moment/the instant/the minute,by the time/ each time/every time /wheneverno sooner … than, hardly (scarcely) … when1. when, while , as, before, after, until, till, since, ever since, once, as soon as ,2. every time, next/last/each time, the first time, the moment(一…就…), the minute(一…就…), the instant(一…就…)3. immediately, instantly, directly表示时间的状语从句可以由4. hardly…when, no sooner…than, scarcely…when(刚…就…)引导时间状语从句的从属连词1.基本类:before、after、when、while、as、since、till、until、once, as soon as, etc.2. 名词类(由名词词组充当引导词):the moment ,the minute, the second, the instant,etc. (一…就…); every time, each time, the last time, the first time,以及the day, the year, the morning等,也可引导一个时间状语从句, etc.I’ll tell him the minute (that) he gets here.I started the very moment I got your letter.3. 副词类(由副词充当引导词):immediately, directly, instantly, etc. (一...就...)4.句型类:no sooner…than…, hardly/scarcely… when…, etc. (一…就…)e.g. I will give you an answer immediately I finishmy work.The machine will start instantly you press the button.e.g She had no sooner heard the news than she fainted.No sooner had she heard the news than she fainted.Scarcely had he gone when she appeared.注意:用于句首时应引起部分倒装, 且前部分一般用过去完成时I was doing some cooking when the doorbell rang.He was about to go shopping when his mother came home.While you are in Beijing, can you collect some red leaves for me 规则1:when 通常意为“当……时候; 正在那时……”;be about to…when…意为“正要……这时……”。 while从句只能用延续性动词,意为“在……期间”。我正在做饭,这时,门铃响了。你在北京期间能为我收集一些红叶吗?=The doorbell rang when I was doing some cooking.他刚要去购物这时他妈妈回来了。The students rose as the teacher entered the classroom.As time goes by, it is getting colder and colder.= With time ______ by, ....The students sang as they went along.规则2:as 表示主句和从句的动作几乎同步进行,意为“一边……,一边……; 随着……”(1) as 着重强调主句和从句的动作同时或几乎同时发生(2)as还可以表示“随着……”,如:(3) As 还能表示“一边……一边”,如:going规则3:如果主句表示的是短暂动作,而从句用延续性动作的进行时态表示在一段时间内正在进行的动作时,when, while与as 可互换使用。(一):when, while, as_______________ we were talking, Mr. Smiths came in._____ they came home, I was cooking dinner.I was about to go to bed _______ I heard someone knock at the door.4. ________ we were watching TV, he was studying.5. He is fat _______ his brother is thin.6. ______ she sang, tears ran down her face.While/ As/ WhenWhenwhenWhilewhileAs/Whenas引导的时间状语从句, 可以表达“正当……”, “一 边……一边……”,“随着……”等意思。1. 表示某事一发生,另一事立即发生。As the sun rose, the fog disappeared.2. 表示在某事发生的过程中,另一事发生。Just as he was speaking there was a loud explosion.3. 表示两个动作同时发生。Helen sang a song as she washed.4. 表示“随着…..”.常指一个行为是另一个行为的结果,或一种状态随另一种状态变化。句中的动词多表示状态的发展变化。As she grew older, she became more beautiful.as, while , when的区别while:持续性动词 /进行时*一般或现在情况*将来情况-V一般现在时或现在进行时*过去情况e.g. I like listening to music while I am doingmy homework.e.g.— I’m going to the post office.-- While you are there, can you get somestamps for me e.g. I hurt my should while I was doing gym.While I was walking down the street, I came across an old friend. ( while=_______)While I really don’t like art, I find his work impressive. ( while =_________ )While there is life there is hope.(while = __________ )He likes pop music, while I am fond of folk music. (然而,表示一种对比)whenalthoughas long asWhile 在句中的不同含义:when: 持续性/非持续性动词都可*当……时*正在……忽然e.g. When I first saw her, I fell in love with her.---When did you get home ---It was eight o’clock when I got home.They were walking down the street when they saw an accident.2) I was about to go swimming when our guide stopped me.*尽管/虽然/鉴于/如果/届时/e.g. He walks when he might take a taxi.The Queen will visit the town in May, whenshe will open the new hospital.How can you hope for mercy yourself whenyou show none How could I live in Los Angeles when all myfavorite people live here 虽然届时如果鉴于, 既然when 还有一些较为灵活的翻译:主将从现主祈从现主过从过when、while、as引导的时间状语从句主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时---主将从现Eg:When he arrives, I will call you.主句是祈使句,从句用一般现在时---主祈从现Eg:Please call me when he arrives in Beijing.主句是过去的时态,从句用过去的时态---主过从过Eg:She was sleeping while I was reading books.before,after,sinceHe had left the town the day ______ she arrived.It was not long ______ he left his hometown.I played football _____ I (had) finished my homeworkPlease tell her I’ll come _______ I do some shopping.5. It will not be long ______ we meet each other again.6. I __________ (be) at his bedside since he _______ (become) ill.7. It ____________ (be) two years since we _______ (begin) to use this machine.beforeafterbeforeafterbeforehave beenbecameis/ has beenbeganbefore引导的时间状语从句◆ before引导的时间状语从句,常译为“在……之前”,表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之前。We clean the classroom before we leave school every day.It will not be long before you regret for what you’ve done.不久你就会为你的所作所为后悔的。after引导的时间状语从句◆ after引导的时间状语从句,常译为“在……之后”,表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之后。After you use plastic bags, you mustn’t throw them about.用过了塑料袋之后,不准到处乱扔。1)It will be two years before he leaves the country.2)It was three weeks before he came back.3)It won’t be long before she comes back.4)It wasn’t long before he left the country.“要过两年他才会离开这个国家”“过了三周他才回来”“要不了多久她就会回来的”“没过多久他就离开这个国家了”It is …before… 结构从句和主句的时态: 1. 一致:过去式 2.主将从现It will be two years before he leaves the country.It was not long before he worked out the problem.规则41)句型It will be/was+一段时间+before… “还要过多久才……”2)句型It will be/was not+一段时间+before… “不多久就……”a. It is three years since she joined the army.b. It is four years since she smoked.3)句型It be+一段时间+since… ,该句型主句和从句中动词谓语时态的搭配很严格。It is/has been … since sb. did sth.从句动词为短暂性动词从句谓语动词为延续性动词did肯定翻did否定翻since引导的时间状语从句◆ since引导的时间状语从句,常译为“自从……”,主句常用现在完成时,从句常用一般过去时。例句翻译:我们自从分手以后一直没见过面。We haven’t seen each other since we parted.常用句型:It has been (is) + 时间段 + since从句“自从……有多长时间了 ”例句翻译:自从她大学毕业已经有六年时间了。It has been (is) six years since she graduated from the university.I slept until the clock alarmed.I didn't sleep until my father came back.我一直睡到闹钟响为止。直到爸爸回来我才睡觉。规则5:until在肯定句中,表示“到……为止”;在否定句中,常与not连用,表示“直到……才开始”。until/ till引导的时间状语从句◆ until / till 引导的时间状语从句,常译为“直到……时”,表示主句动作发生在从句之前。◆当主句谓语动词是延续性动词时,主句常用肯定形式。例句:我会待在这里,直到你回来。I’ll stay here until you come back.◆当主句谓语动词是非延续性动词时, 主句常用否定形式。not… until…“直到……才……”,这时until 可用before替换。He didn’t go to bed until he finished his homework.例句:他直到做完作业才睡觉。The moment I heard the voice,I knew my father was coming.The boy burst into tears immediately he saw his mother.我一听到那个声音就知道我爸爸来了。那男孩一见到他的妈妈便放声大哭。规则6:as soon as, immediately, directly, instantly, the moment, the minute, the instant等,常译为“一……就……”。as soon as引导的时间状语从句◆ as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,译为“一…就…”,表示从句动作一发生,主句的动作马上就发生。例句:他一回来我就告诉他这件事。I will tell him about it as soon as he comes back.◆相当于as soon as 用法的词或短语还有:immediately,directly, instantly, the moment, the minute, the instant等.I’ll give him your message the minute he arrives.Directly I had done it, I knew I had made a mistake.No sooner had he sat down than the phone rang.Hardly had the game begun when it started to rain.他刚坐下,电话铃就响了。比赛刚刚开始,天就开始下起雨来。规则7:sooner…than 和hardly…when/before引导的从句表示“刚……就……”。主句中的动词一般用过去完成时,从句用过去时。若把no sooner, hardly提到句首,主句需要倒装。3、We had _______________returned home when it rained.4、_______________ had we begun when we told to stop.hardly/scarcelyHardly/ Scarcely其他连词引导的时间状语从句◆ no sooner… than…, hardly/ scarcely/ barely…when…引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时。当no sooner, hardly/ scarcely/ barely位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。I had no sooner begun to talk than he rang off.No sooner had I begun to talk than he rang off.我还未来得及讲话,他就挂断了电话。Every time I see the film, I can't help recalling my childhood in the countryside.Call me earlier next time you come to Shanghai.每次看那部电影时,我就忍不住回想起自己在农村度过的童年。你下次来上海时再早点儿给我打电话。规则8:特殊的时间状语从句的连词有:every time 每当,每 次;the first time 第一次……的时候;next time 下次……时。如:名词短语引导的时间状语从句◆ the moment, the minute, the instant, the time, the hour, theday, by the time, each time, every time, next time, any time等也可以引导时间状语从句。I thought her nice and honest the first time I saw her.By the time you arrived, the lecture had already ended.By the time he comes, we will already have left.1. When every time I was in trouble, he would come to help me.2. At next time you come, do remember bring your son here.3. For the first time I met the girl. I felt in love with her.4. You are welcome to come back at any time you want to.5. At the last time she saw James, he was lying in bed.语法规则:every time,each time,next time,the first time,any time 等名词短语引导状语从句不加介词。考点:名词短语引导时间状语从句地点状语从句用连接副词 where或wherever (在任何地方) 引导。e.g. a. Just stay where you are.b. Where there is a will, there is a way.c. You can sit wherever you like.d. Wherever you go, I’ll be right here waiting for you.When he reads a book, his habit is to make a mark ___ the meaning is unclear to him.A. there B. wherever C. the place D. in which2. 地点状语从句原因状语从句表示主句中的某一动作或状态所发生的原因。引导这种从句 常用的连接词是:because, as, since, now that, for,和considering that, seeing that 这七个连词都用于表示表示原因, 但在语气上一个比一个弱。e.g. He didn’t come to school because he was ill.c.f. He might be ill, for he didn’t come to school.表示“直接”原因。表示“间接的推断”原因.不可出现在句首。3. 原因状语从句because, since, as, for的区别:because—直接原因,非推断.语气最强. 回答why的问题。since – 表示的原因是人们已知的事实.译为“既然”as– 与since用法相似,所引出的理由在说话人看来已经很明显,语气最弱。for– 放句中,引导后半句表原因, 或补充推断的理由。1. I danced in front of the people _________ I liked it.2. You’d better wear strong shoes _____ we’ll doa lot of walking.3. ____ he was not well, I decided to go without him.4. ______ everybody know about it, I don’t want totalk any more.5. He must be ill, ____ he is absent Today.6. Some people believe that ______ oil is running out,the fate of the motor industry is uncertain.becauseasAsSinceforsince条件状语从句表示主句中的某一动作或状态是在什么情况或条件下发生的。条件状语从句中通常用一般现在时表示将来。条件状语从句由从属连词引导:if, unless (除非), as / so long as (只要), on condition (只要), once ( 一旦), in case (假使) , providing / provided (that) 等。a.We’ll come over to see you on Saturday if we have time.b. We should serve the people as / so long as we live.4. 条件状语从句____ you touch an English person, you should say “sorry”._____ they are dirty, certain seas are not able to clean themselves.__________ we don’t lose heart, we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty.You can be allowed to play the game ___________you finish your homework first.Don’t touch anything ______ your teacher tells you to.IfOnceAs long ason condition thatunlessd.if onlyvs.only ifif only但愿,要是……就好了表示一个不可能实现愿望,要用虚拟语气。only if只有等于only on condition that,从句用陈述语气。Only if you heat ice does it turn to water.If only I knew!if only 句型中的虚拟语气但愿…,要是…就好了时间 形式现在 过去式将来 would/could/might+动词原形过去 had doneIf only my elder sister were youngerIf only I had not been busy last weekIf only she would go to London with mewe take steps to deal with this problemcan weavoid a severe water shortage later on.If only B. As long asC. When only D. Only ifIf we take steps to deal with this problem,we canavoid a severe water shortage later on.Only放在句首,句子要用部分倒装。Only if we take steps to deal with this problemcan weavoid a severe water shortage later on..unless=if … not…如果不,除非I tend to forget things unless I maek them down.我常常会忘事,除非我把它们记下来in case多置于句首,等于if it happens that。In caseI forget, please remind me of my promise.如果我忘了,请提醒我所做的承诺。(只有我忘了的情况下才提醒我。)so/as long as , on condition that表示只要,条件是……As/So long aswe don't lose heart, we'll find a way to overcome the difficulty.You may use the roomon condition that/ so long asyou clean it afterwards.“万一,如果”1. _____ we have enough evidence, we can't win the case.A. Once B As long as C. Unless D Since2.You won't find paper cutting difficulty ______ you keep practicing it.A. even if B. as long as C. as if D. ever since语法填空题3.It is so cold that you can't go outside ________you are fully covered in thick clothes.unlessProviding/provided (that), supposing/suppose (that), given (that)如果,只要,假如Given thatthey are inexperienced, they've done a good job.考虑到他们缺乏经验,他们的工作已做得很好了。Provided/Providing (that)we invite him, he would surely come to dinner.假如我们邀请他的话,他肯定会来吃饭的。Suppose/Supposingwe can't get enough food, what shall we do 假设我们弄不到足够的食物,那我们怎幺办? 在复合句中表示让步概念的状语从句被称为让步状语从句。常用引导词:though, although, even if, even though,no matter + 疑问词(what/ who/ where/ when/ which/ how)疑问词-ever(whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever)特殊引导词: as (用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装),while ( 一般用在句首 ),whether… or… , whether (…) or not5. 让步状语从句though, although◆ 判断以下句子是否正确:Although he is rich, but he is not happy.Although he is rich, yet he is not happy.Although we have grown up, our parents still treat us as children.◆要点归纳:though, although当“虽然”讲, 都不能和 but 连用.但是他们都可以同yet (still) 连用.ever if, even thougheven if 和 even though 表示“ ”即使We’ll make a trip even though the weather is bad.as引导让步状语从句as 引导的让步状语从句,必须将从句中的 、 、以及谓语中的 提前至从句句首,作表语的单数可数名词前如有冠词,冠词需 。表语状语实意动词省略Though he works hard, he makes little progress.Hard as/though he works, he makes little progress.Though he was a child, he knew what was the right thing to do.Child as/though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.Though you may object, I’ll go.Object as you may, I’ll go.拔高: though 也有这种用法,可以替换as,但although没有这种用法whether… or… , whether (…) or notwhether… or… , whether … or not 表示“不论是否……”,“不管是……还是……”。其引导的从句旨在说明正反两方面的可能性都不会影响主句的意向或结果。Whether you believe it or not, it is true.You’ll have to attend the party whether you are free or busy.while 也可以引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管”,语气比though/ although弱。其引导的从句一般位于 。句首例句:我尽管喜欢它的颜色,但不喜欢它的形状。While I like its color, I don’t like its shape.While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.no matter + 疑问词 疑问词-everNo matter what happened, he would not mind.Whatever happened, he would not mind.替换:no matter what = whatever   no matter who = whoever   no matter when = whenever   no matter where = wherever   no matter which = whichever   no matter how = however判断正误:No matter what you say is of no use now.Whatever you say is of no use now.归纳:no matter+疑问词不能引导主语从句和宾语从句,而 “疑问词+ever”则可以while/although/though/aseven if/even thoughno matter who/what/when/how…(whoever/whatever/whenever/however); whether…or…让步虽然即使无论…Wherever you go,whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you.无论你身在何处,无论你在做什么,我都会在此守候。although/whilethough as尽管很累,他继续工作到深夜。②as 引导让步状语从句,必须把强调的词放在as的前面。Although he is a child, he knows a lot.Child as he is, he knows a lot.Tired as he was, he continued to work lateinto the night.形容词副词名词(不带冠词)动词(原形)+as+主语+谓语引导目的状语从句的连词:in order that …用于正式文体中,所引从句可于主句前或后。so thata. 较常用,一般用于主句后,有时可分开,so 有时可省; 从句中要有情态动词, 否则, 就成为下一种句型:b. 无情态动词则引导结果状语从句。for fear that; in case; lest (以免)等。6. 目的状语从句e.g. a. We’ll sit nearer the front so that we canhear better.b. I shall write it down lest I should forget.注意:当从句与主句的主语一致时,可用so as to do … 或 in order to do …e.g. He ran fast so that he might arrive therebefore ten o’clock. →He ran fast so as to arrive there before ten o’clock.结果状语从句常位于主句之后,由 so,so … that, such … that; so that 等引导。a. So quickly did he run that I couldn’t catch up with him.b. The bus broke down so that we had to walk home.c. She is such a good teacher that everyone admires her.★d. He got to the station finally, only to find the train had left.7. 结果状语从句such&so:such修饰名词或名词词组;so 修饰形容词或副词:1)such+a(an)+adj.+单数可数名词 such a clever boy2)such+adj.+复数可数名词:such interesting books3)such+adj.+不可数名词: such great progress1)so+adj.+a(an)+单数可数名词 so clever a boy2)so+adj./adv. so beautifulso 与表示数量的形容词many,few,much,little连用,组成固定搭配。当little意为“小”时,修饰名词时须用such,而不用so。 such little children名前such,形副so,多多少少也用so,little属特殊,“小”用such,“少”用soe.g.:①This story is so interesting that I want to read it again.This is so interesting a story that I want to read it again. ②He is in such a bad mood that even his dog stays away from him.They are such interesting novels that I want to read them again.He has made such big progress that the teachers are satisfied with him.only to...:表示意想不到的结果I arrived at the shop only to find I’d left all my money at home. 我到商店却发现钱全放在家里。描述主句动作进行方式的状语被称为方式状语。通常用下列词语引导: as, just as, as if, as though, the way (that), in the way (that)等。a. We must do as the Party tells us.b. Leave the things as they are.c. Most plants need sunlight just as they need water.d. It sounds as if it is raining.e. They did it in a way that I had never seen before.他们以我从没见过的方式行事。f. As water is to fish, so air is to man. 我们离不开空气,犹如鱼儿离不开水8. 方式状语从句方式Do in Rome as the Romans do入乡随俗.Just as Rome was not built in a day,wecan’t learn English well in a short time. He talks about Rome as if he had beenthere before.1.Just______ you need air to breathe, you needopportunity to succeed.2.Careful surveys have pointed out that 50percent of the patients donot take drugs ___ directed.as按照just as就像as if/as though好像asasas if,as though "仿佛……似的","好像……似的",表示与事实相反(虚拟语气)与事实相符,不用虚拟语气对什么时间的假设 形式现在 过去时过去 had done将来 would/could+V原型He speaks as if he knew all about the thingHe talked about Rome as though he had been there himselfShe feels very worried, as if the end of the world would come soon试比较:He talks as if heisdrunk. 从他谈话的样子来看他是醉了He walks as if heweredrunk.第一句表示“他已经醉了”,第2句则表示“他没有醉”。又如:It looks as if itis going torain.It looks as if itwere goingto rain. 第一例意味着快要下雨了,第二例则意味着不会下雨。as if /as though引导的方式状语从句所说情况是事实或可能实现的事,用陈述语气。as if从句用虚拟语气的情况。(1)如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。You look as if youdidn’tcare.你看上去好像并不在乎。He talks as if heknewwhere she was.他说话的样子,好像他知道她在哪里似的。(2)从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had+过去分词”。如:He talks about Rome as if hehad beenthere before.他说起罗马来好像他以前去过罗马似的。The girl listened as if shehad been turnedto stone.那女孩倾听着,一动也不动,像已经变成了石头似的。(3)从句表示与将来事实相反的,谓语动词用would/could/might+动词原形He opened his mouth as if he would say something.他张开嘴好像要说什么。1. You understand not only what the rule says but what it means, as if yourself____it.A. make B. made C. have made D. had made2. The two boys had so much in common as if they____________ brought up in the same family.A. should be B. would be C. have been D. had been比较状语从句常由下列词语引导: as …as, not so / as … as, more…than, less … than, the more + adj. / adv., the more + adj. / adv.a. He is not so / as healthy as his brother. b. They jumped up and down as hard as they could. c. John is less clever than Peter.d. The busier he is, the happier he feels.e. The job is not so difficult as I thought it would be.f. Send for a doctor as soon as (it is ) possible.9. 比较状语从句1)He works as hard as his sister (does).2)They play football as well as you (do) .3)In the world China is as powerfulas the USA (is).4)The weather is not so/as cold as it wasyesterday.5)The project did not go so/as smoothlyas we hoped.6)Yesterday they moved more/lessslowly than we (did).7)This flower is more/less beautifulthan that one (is).8)We have produced far more rice thisyear than we did last year.9)The more progress we make,the more money we will get.10)The higher the temperature is, thegreater the pressure is.11)The more you study, the moreknowledge you can get.12)Up to a certain point, the more stresswe are under, the better ourperformances will be.You are to find it where you left it.(地点状语从句)Tell me the address where he lives. (定语从句中有先行词)I don’t know where he came from.(宾语从句)Where he has gone is not known yet. (主语从句)This place is where they once hid.(表语从句)★ 注意区分不同从句:引导的是什么从句,不仅要根据连词,还要根据句子结构和句意来判别。以where和as为例,能引导多种从句。“as” 用于不同的状语从句中1. She sang as she worked.2. Smart as he is ,he doesn’t study hard.3. You must try to do as I did.4. She doesn’t do her work as carefully as I.英语常用的倍数的几种表达法:表达法①.…twice/three times + 比较级 + than…:......比......两倍/三倍1)This railway is twice longer thanthat one.2)My cellphone is three times moreexpensive than yours.3)She earns six times more money thisyear than she did five years ago.表达法②…twice/three times as…as…:......是......两倍/三倍1)Asia is four times as large as Europe.2)Betty is three times as tall as Rose.3)The plane flew ten times as high asthe kite.4)The factory produced three times asmany cars in 2018 as the year before.表达法③.…twice/four times the height of …:.......是......高度(...)的两倍/四倍【height可以改为weight, width, depth,length, size, amount, age…】1)This bridge is twice the width of theone over the River Thames.2)The earth is forty-nine times the sizeof the moon.表达法④倍数 + 名词1)At 120, he is twice my age.2)To get the new car, the boss must payalmost four times the price.3)China has eight times the populationof that country.4)Our province has an area three timesthe size of Singapore.状语从句的省略03当状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,从句的主语可以省略。谓语则按下面几种情况省略或变化:“系表”结构省略be动词;被动语态省略助动词be;主动语态的动词则变为doing。The flower his friends gave him will die unless (it is) watered every day..Even if (I am) invited, I won’t go there.Once (you are) caught sleeping in class, you’ll be punished by your head-teacher .Though (he was) surprised to see us, he gave us a warm welcome.She won’t speak to anyone unless (she is) asked to.When (it is) compared with the old one, our new house is really like a palace.These young man volunteered to go wherever (they are) needed.部分状语从句可用省略形式:even if, if , once, while, though, unless, when, as if etc.If necessary (如果有必要的话), I’ll explain it to you again.Though lacking (lack) money, they sent their children to school.He stopped as if to see (see) if someone followed him.状语从句同时具备下列两个条件:①主句和从句的主语一致,或从句主语为it;②从句主要动词是be的某种形式。从句中的主语和be动词常可省略。When ( the museum is ) completed , the museum will be open to the public next year .If (it is) possible, he will help you out of the difficulty.如果可能的话,他会帮你摆脱困境。When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Peterson, who has taken charge of the case, told journalists, “sometimes people make up such amazing stories…”When Sam Peterson was asked…省略的状语从句完整形式主,从句的主语一致从句的主语是it,且从句含有be动词状语从句中,句子主语和be动词省略If _______ possible, he will help you out of difficulty.She looked anxious as though _________ in trouble.The concert was a great success than ______ expected.(it is)(she was)(it was)Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. P(2)Once (she was) out in the street,…(2013.江西高考) If ___ to look after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once.A asked B to askC asking D having asked(2013.浙江高考)There are some health problems that, when ____ in time, can become bigger ones later on.A not treatedB not being treatedC not to be treatedD not having been treatedWhen they are not treated in time1._____________________ (在北京的时候), I paid a visit to the Summer Palace. 2. ______________________(当是个年轻人的时候), Abraham Lincoln was a storekeeper and a postmaster. 3. He has no money. ______ (要是有的话), he will give us. 4._____________(除非修理), the machine is of no use. 5. _______________________(要是给更多的关注), The boy could have turned out better. 6. A girl stood at the gate of the school as if _________ _____________________(正跟老师讲话).When/While in BeijingWhen/As a young manIf anyUnless repairedIf given more attention totalking with a teacher省略在As if引导的方式状语从句中应用的较多.1. Tom raised his hand as if ________to say something. 2. He acted as if _______ a fool. 3. She left the room hurriedly as if ________ angry. 4.He stared at the girl as if _______ seeing her for the first time. 5.The player is rolling on the ground as if _______hurt badly. 6. He opened the drawer as if ________ in search of something important. as if用于省略句中,如果as if 引导的从句是“主语+系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词,这样as if 后就只剩下不定式、名词、形容词(短语)、介词短语或分词。(he was)(he was)(she was)(he was)(he was)(he was)感谢倾听








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