SAP 关于库存(MC.9)分析 您所在的位置:网站首页 olia什么意思 SAP 关于库存(MC.9)分析

SAP 关于库存(MC.9)分析

#SAP 关于库存(MC.9)分析| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


MMBE:MARD-LABST(Valuated stock with unrestricted use) MB52:MARD-LABST


MM03:MBEW-LBKUM (Total valuated stock) MB5L:MBEW-SALK3 (Value of total valuated stock)

MC.9:S032-MBWBEST(Quantity of valuated stock)      S032-WBWBEST(Value of valuated stock) 你看到上方几个典范T-code实际上是从不合table读数据的.

***我强烈建议那些号称MM资深垂问的人起码花点时候去懂得下三支法度.    PO,收货和发票校验逻辑,我指的是内部逻辑. 研究过SAPMM07M和SAPLMIGO(两者对应分别对应MB1A等T-code和MIGO等)必然 会知道凡是若是MARD,MSEG,MBEW的数据对不上那SAP就有题目了,知道什么时辰 material and FI doc No获得(这时辰实际上还没有save到表中,这很轻易申明 为什么Doc no跳号,若是你愿意你可象放慢镜头一样,有心建造出doc no跳号的case), 你也懂得materail movement是如何到DB table中的.

完个测试法度 REPORT ZTEST . Data zmard like mard. data zmseg like mseg. data zmbew like mbew. data zs032 like s032.

single * into zmard mard where MATNR = ""M1"" and WERKS = ""0001"". zmard-LABST = ""100"". mard zmard.

single * into zmbew mbew where MATNR = ""M1"" and BWKEY  = ""0001"". zmbew-LBKUM = ""200"". mbew zmbew.

single * into zs032 s032 where MATNR = ""M1"" and WERKS = ""0001"" and LGORT = ""0001"". zs032-MBWBEST = ""300"". s032 zs032 .

应用了上方法度test后,OK,你再应用MMBE,MB52, MC.9等发明每种T-code看到的库存都是不一样的 再次申明,应用Mard,MSEG,MBEW的T-code看库存数据一般会一致,然则 MC.9等应用了LIS table的就不必然了 熟悉LIS的伴侣必然熟悉此两表 TMC4:Global Control Elements: LIS Info Structure TMCAE:Features of Application 并且知道凡是S031,S032的 rule是Synchronous Updating (V1 Update) 是的,它是由MB1*的include 法度RMCSV3VB完成的.就是说在物料移动时及时那么为什么 MC.9看到的库存还会和MB1*或MMBE看到的不合呢?原因有很多,比如你更该了material type, Material group等,

呈现题目了,当然你必须更新信息机构的数据. 更新S012 PURCHASE DATA. OLI3 - Statistical setup of info structures purchasing documents 重组Purchase Doc to LIS. NPRT - Log for Setup of Statistical Data NPRT to check REsetup log. MC26容许你看到LIS, QIS,SIS的更新景象,无论是LIS,QIS,SIS...,库存如不一致就应当一下了.

关于如何更新IS体系下面有一堆T-code (OLI1-9),实际上后台你也可看到.


一.for WM相干(项目组): LS09  Display Material Data for Stor.Type LS24  Display Quants for Material LS25  Display Quants per Storage Bin LS26  Warehouse stocks per material LS27  Display quants for storage unit LS28  Display storage units / bin LT0G  Return delivery to stock LX02  Stock list 二.库存从头估价 J1A3  MM goods issue revaluation(从头估价) J1A5  MM Warehouse stock report J1AI  Asset Revaluation (Inflation)

三.关于物料价格(及其更改) MR21  Price Change MR22  Material Debit/Credit CK24            Mark/change Standard Cost CKMTOPSTOCKVAL Materials w/ Highest Inventory Value MRN8  Lowest Value: Price Variances 四.关于库存解析. MMBE(MB53): 显示单个库存(可将0库存的sto.过滤) MB52:  Warehouse Stocks on Hand (不克不及By date) MB54:Consignment Stocks MB51/MB59:Material Doc. List (查看物料凭证,可by posting date) MB5B:  Stocks for Posting Date ** By Selection date可分时段查询库存MB5B MB5K  Stock Consistency Check MB5L(MB5W) 显示 Stock Values Balances ** MB5L是从物料评估层看物料价值.比如某plant 1100的valuation clas是12110101 ** 若是你应用MB52 by plant 1100和MB5L的12110101(物料总帐科目)价值不合就有题目了. MB5T  Stock in transit CC(转储) **凡是跨公司转储应用MB1B 311同plant转,301跨plant(且可跨company)转. **内部公司接洽关系贸易若是推敲MRP,一般不直接应用MB1B而开PO,如许open PO就推敲了.

MBBS  Display valuated special stock MBGR  Displ. Material Docs. by Mvt. Reason(有题目的库存) MBLB  Stocks at Subcontractor

MBST  Cancel Material Document **凡是MBST是整单的,比如PO 101收货错误,如整单可应用MBST,或一个个应用102. **MBST能找到cancelling mat.doc的对应的反向mvtype . MBSM  Display Cancelled Material Docs.

物料发卖相干解析 MC+A   Customer Returns, Selection MC+E   Customer, Sales - Selection MC+I  SIS: Customer Credit Memos - Selec. MC+M   Material Returns, Selection MC+Q   Material, Sales - Selection MC+U   Material Credit Memos, Selec. MC+Y   Sales Org. Returns, Selection MC-0   Shipping Point Returns, Selec. MC-A   Sales Office Returns, Selection MC-E  SIS: Sales Office - Sales Selection MC-I  SIS: Sales Office Credit Memos Selec MC-M   Employee - Returns, Selection MC-Q   Employee - Sales, Selection MC-U   Employee - Credit Memos, Selec. MC.H   Business Area Anal.Sel. Stock MC.I   Bus. Area Anal. Sel. Rec/Iss MC.J   Bus. Area Anal. Sel. Turnover MC.K   Bus. Area Anal. Sel. Coverage MC.L   Mat.Group Analysis Sel. Stock MC.M   Mat.Group Anal. Sel. Rec/Iss MC.N   Mat.Group Anal. Sel. Turnover MC.O   Mat.Group Anal. Sel. Coverage MC.P   Division Analysis Sel. Stock MC.Q   Division Anal. Sel. Rec/Iss MC.R   Division Anal. Sel. Turnover MC.S   Division Anal. Sel. Coverage 物料工厂相干解析 MC.1   Plant Anal. Selection: Stock MC.2   Plant Anal.Selection, Rec/Iss MC.3   Plant Anal.Selection,Turnover MC.4   Plant Anal.Selection,Coverage MC.5   SLoc Anal. Selection, Stock MC.6   SLoc Anal. Selection: Rec/Iss MC.7   SLoc Anal. Selection,Turnover MC.8   SLoc Anal.Selection, Coverage MC.9   Material Anal.Selection,Stock MC.A   Mat.Anal.Selection, Rec/Iss MC.B   Mat.Anal.Selection, Turnover MC.C   Mat.Anal.Selection, Coverage MC.D   MRP Cntrllr.Anal.Sel. Stock MC.E   MRP Cntrllr Anal.Sel. Rec/Iss MC.F   MRP Cntlr Anal.Sel. Turnover MC.G   MRP Cntlr.Anal.Sel. Coverage MC.T   Mat.Type Anal.Selection Stock MC.U   Mat.Type Anal.Sel. Rec/Issues MC.V   Mat.Type Anal.Sel. Turnover MC.W   Mat.Type Anal.Sel. Coverage

物料汗青. MRN9  Balance Sheet Values by Account (各类价值) MM60  Materials List MM04            material Changed History(物料被更改的汗青记录) MM06            mark Material d flat (将物料设置删除标记) MMAM  Change Material Type **MMAM如何的material type才可change比如从SFG转到FG,前提是什么?我知道. MCE9   Purchasing Function(转到MM_PUR功能菜单) MCE3   Vendor Analysis Selection MCE5   MatGrp Analysis Selection MCE7   Material Analysis Selection MCW2 ME2M             Material by Purchase Order 以上是斗劲常用的关于stock analyst的一些t-code --------------------------------------------------------------- 库存相干表格: MKOL :Special Stocks Vendor MKOLH:Special Stocks Vendor: History

MSCA :Sales Orders on Hand with Vendor MSCAH:Sales Order Stock at Vendor: History

MSKA :Sales Order Stock MSKAH:Sales Order Stock: History

MSKU :Special Stocks at Customer MSKUH:Special Stocks at Customer: History

MSLB :Special Stocks at Vendor MSLBH:Special Stocks at Vendor: History

MARA :Plant Data for Material(物料plant相干master data) MARCH:Material Master C Segment: History

MARD :Material Master Storage Location(常规库存在此表) MARDH:Material Master Storage Location Segment: History

MBEW :对应material master data的account1-2,costing1-2 view. MBEWH:Material Valuation: History

MCHB :       Batch Stocks MCHBH      Batch Stocks: History

MCH1       Batches (if Batch Management Cross-Plant) MCHA       Batches

----------------------------------------------------- MC00            Logistics Information System (LIS)

OLI1  INVCO Stat. Setup: Material Movemts OLI2  INVCO Stat. Setup: Stocks OLI3  PURCHIS Statistical Setup OLI4  SFIS Statistical Setup OLI5  PMIS Statistical Setup OLI7  SIS Statistical Setup: Orders OLI8  Set Up SIS for Deliveries OLI9  SIS Statistical Setup: Billing Docs

OLIA  C Maintenance Processing OLIB  PURCHIS: StatUpdate Header Doc Level OLID  SIS: Stat. Setup - Sales Activities OLIE  Statistical Setup - TIS: Shipments OLIF  SFIS: Setup-Repetitive Manufacturing OLIH  MRP Data Procurement for BW OLIM  Periodic stock qty - Plant OLIP  C Plant Maintenance Planning OLIQ  Reorganization of QM info system OLIX  Stat. Setup: Copy/Delete Versions OLIZ  INVCO Setup: Invoice Verification

BDMC  Upload info structures MC20  Display Field Catalog MC21  Create Info Structure MC22  Change Info Structure MC23  Display Info Structure MC24  Create Update MC25  Change Update MC26  Display Update MC27  Create Evaluation Structure MC28  Change Evaluation Structure MC29  Display Evaluation Structure

MCC1  Inventory Controlling MCC2  Inventory Information System MCC3  Set Up INVCO Info Structs. Docs MCC4  Set Up INVCO Info Structs. Stock MCD7  PURCHIS: Create Eval. Structure MCD8  PURCHIS: Change Eval. Structure MCD9  PURCHIS: Display Eval. Structure MCDA  PURCHIS: Create Evaluation MCDB  PURCHIS: Change Evaluation MCDC  PURCHIS: Display Evaluation MCDG  PURCHIS: ute Evaluation

SECR_EDIT  Edit Audit Info Structures VFS3  Adjusting info structure S060 VFSN  Reorganization info structure S060

PTU  Maint. PS Info System field settings OPTV  Maint. PS Info System sort criteria OPTW  Maint.PS Info System group. criteria OPTX  Maint. PS Info System database set. PO0  Info. System Orders: Presettings RPON  Info. System Orders: Presettings RPP0  Proj. Info System: Default Settings RPPN  Proj. Info System: Default Settings OPSW  Info System Profile

OPUR  Info System: Structure overview ORIS  Stat. Setup: Retail Info System RISV  Setup: Retail Info System - Versions OLIQ  Reorganization of QM info system OCCB  Info System: Further Reports OLIZ  INVCO Setup: Invoice Verification

OCC8  Info System: Report Selection OCCB  Info System: Further Reports MS71  Copy info structure version to LTP MCSS  Display Log: Gen. Info Structure MCST  Display Log: Gen. Updating MCSA  SIS: Create Evaluation MCSB  SIS: Change Evaluation MCSC  SIS: Display Evaluation

MCSM1  TIS: Create evaluation MCSM2  TIS: Change evaluation MCSM3  TIS: Display evaluation MCSM4  TIS: ute evaluation

MCH+  RIS: Display Evaluation Structure MCH0  Retail Information System MCH1  RIS: ute Evaluation MCH2  RIS: Create Evaluation MCH3  RIS: Change Evaluation MCH4  RIS: Display Evaluation MCH6  Update Maintenance: RIS MC9E  Info Structure: Add to General Char. MC9F  Info Structure: Delete All Charact.

MC8S  Transfer Profiles MC8T  Activities MC8U  Calculate Proportional Factors MC8V  LIS Planning: Copy Versions MC8W  LIS Planning: Delete Versions

MC20  Display Field Catalog MC21  Create Info Structure MC22  Change Info Structure MC23  Display Info Structure MC24  Create Update MC25  Change Update MC26  Display Update

MC27  Create Evaluation Structure MC28  Change Evaluation Structure MC29  Display Evaluation Structure MC30  Update Log MC31  Create Planning MC35  Create Rough-Cut Planning Profile MC36  Change Rough-Cut Planning Profile MC37  Display Rough-Cut Planning Profile MC38  Number range maintenance: MC_ERKO MC3V  U3

MC40  INVCO: ABC Analysis of Usage Values MC41  INVCO: ABC Analysis of Reqmt Values MC42  INVCO: Range of Coverage by Usg.Val. MC43  INVCO: Range Of Coverage By Reqmts MC44  INVCO:Analysis of Inventory Turnover MC45  INVCO: Analysis of Usage Values MC46  INVCO: Analysis of Slow-Moving Items MC47  INVCO: Analysis of Reqmt Values MC48  INVCO: Anal. of Current Stock Values MC49  INVCO: Mean Stock Values MC50  INVCO: Analysis of Dead Stock MC59  Revise Planning Hierarchy MC60  Maintain SOP Plant MC61  Create Planning Hierarchy MC62  Change Planning Hierarchy MC63  Display Planning Hierarchy MC64  Create Event MC65  Change Event MC66  Display Event MC67 screen: genl.plg.hier. MC6A  Sales and Operations Planning MC6B  Sales and Operations Planning MC70  Maintain Capacity Planning (SOP) MC71  Evaluation: Product Group Hierarchy MC72  Evaluation: Product Group Usage MC73  "Evaluation: Material Usage, Prod.Grp" MC74  Transfer Mat. to Demand Management MC75  Transfer PG to Demand Management MC76  Disaggregation: Planning MC77  Disaggregation: Display Planning MC78  Copy SOP Version MC79  User Settings for SOP MC7A  Plant Distribution MC7B  Information Structure: Units MC7C  Key Figure Parameters: Info Struct. MC7D  Planning Parameters: LIS MC7E  ALE Configuration for Info Structure MC7F  Planning Parameters MC7M  Methods maintenance MC7N  Price Band Prices MC7O  Characteristic Fields for Info Str. MC7P  COPA Profile MC7Q  Characteristic Assignment MC7R  Key Figure(s) Assignment MC80  Delete and activate versions MC81  Sales and Operations Planning MC82  Sales and Operations Planning MC83  Sales and Operations Planning MC84  Create Product Group MC85  Display Product Group MC86  Change Product Groups MC87  Sales and Operations Planning MC88  Sales and Operations Planning MC89  Sales and Operations Planning MC8A  Create Planning Type MC8B  Change Planning Type MC8C  Display Planning Type MC8D  Mass Processing: Create Planning MC8E  Mass Processing: Change Planning MC8F  Delete Entry in Planning File MC8G  Schedule Mass Processing MC8H  Maintain User Methods MC8I  Mass Processing: Check Planning MC8J  Reprocess Mass Processing

MC8K  Copy/Delete Planning Versions MC8L  Calculate Proportions: SOP MC8M  Read Opening Stocks MC8N  Delete Forecast Versions MC8O  Reset Regeneration Time Stamp MC8P  Standard SOP: Generate Master Data MC8Q  Aggregate Copy MC8R  RESET: Status for Planning Objects MC8S  Transfer Profiles MC8T  Activities MC8U  Calculate Proportional Factors MC8V  LIS Planning: Copy Versions MC8W  LIS Planning: Delete Versions

MC8X  SOP: Distribution Scenario - Select MC8Y  SOP: Distribution Scenario - Display MC8Z  SOP => Key Figure Assignments MC90 Dm.Mgmt.: Mat. any IS MC91  Initial Graphic: Product Groups MC92  "Initial: Product Groups, Hierarchies"

MC93  Create Flexible LIS Planning MC94  Change Flexible LIS Planning MC95  Display Flexible LIS Planning MC96  Maintain Table 440P MC97  Number Range Maintenance: MC_SAUF MC98  Maintain Planning Objects MC99  Display Planning Objects MC9A  Flexible Planning: Gen. Master Data MC9B  Calc. Proportions as in Pl.Hierarchy MC9C  Reports for Flexible Planning MC9D  Maintain Copy Profiles MC9E  Info Structure: Add to General Char. MC9F  Info Structure: Delete All Charact.

MC11  Create Evaluation MC12  Change Evaluation MC13            Display Evaluation

MC04  Create Info Set MC05  Change Info Set MC06  Display Info Set MC07  Create Key Figure MC08  Change Key Figure

MCS7  SIS: Create Evaluation Structure MCS8  SIS: Change Evaluation Structure MCS9  SIS: Display Evalaution Structure

MCS=  Info Structure Data: Create Archive MCSA  SIS: Create Evaluation MCSB  SIS: Change Evaluation MCSC  SIS: Display Evaluation MCSG  SIS: ute Evaluation

MCSM1  TIS: Create evaluation MCSM2  TIS: Change evaluation MCSM3  TIS: Display evaluation MCSM4  TIS: ute evaluation MCSM5  TIS: Create evaluation structure MCSM6  TIS: Change evaluation structure MCSM7  TIS: Display evaluation structure

MCSS  Display Log: Gen. Info Structure MCST  Display Log: Gen. Updating

MCW1  PURCHIS: Evaluate Payment Header MCW2  PURCHIS: Evaluate Payment Item MCW3  PURCHIS: Evaluate VBD Header MCW4  PURCHIS: Evaluate VBD Item MCW6  LIS Setup for Agency Documents

MCX1  QMIS: Create Evaluation MCX2  QMIS: Change Evaluation MCX3  QMIS: Display Evaluation MCX4  QMIS: ute Evaluation MCX7  QIS: Create Evaluation Structure MCX8  QIS: Change Evaluation Structure MCX9  QIS: display evaluation structure

NPRT  LIS/setup/log(记录) VFSN  Reorganization info structure S060 VFS3  Adjusting info structure S060 VFSN  Reorganization info structure S060

PVH0  Create/Change External Instructor PV19  Activity Allocation for Instructors(外) OV9Z  Suitable Statistical Structures

OT75  Reconstruct CM Vendor Bill.Docs OT76  Reconstruct CM Loans OT77  Reconstruct CM Securities OT78  "Reconstruct FC, Money Mkt, Deriv."

OPUR  Info System: Structure overview(forproject system) MGV_CORRECT  Checks + Corrects Quantity Structure

------------------------------------------------------------ If you wish to create an information structure that contains fields different applications, you first need to create a self-defined application.

信息布局。我们可以列出 一些最具有代表性和最原始的报表,加以解析,客制信息布局,须要的话可以本身写更新规矩、 更新过程或更新需求。这些信息布局因为直接接管交易数据,是以能获得及时的更新,并且因为 不须要从最原始的被打散的数据表中取数累算,速度是很快的。接着我们可以哄骗信息布局的复 制技巧和ENHANCE技巧对此信息布局进行一些复制(运算规矩有差别没紧要,只要有规律就可以; 周期小的可以生成周期大的;有不合的列项没紧要,不是有ENHANCE吗;用户习惯不一致以及需求 有误差没紧要,不是可以setting吗)

就教关于信息体系的更新机制中U1和U2的差别,它们都是体系按照负载的景象决意何时 做的吗? 一个信息布局表发明有误,清空完毕后,如何从头开端做!

OLI0  C Plant Maintenance Master Data OLI1  INVCO Stat. Setup: Material Movemts OLI2  INVCO Stat. Setup: Stocks OLI3  PURCHIS Statistical Setup OLI4  SFIS Statistical Setup OLI5  PMIS Statistical Setup OLI7  SIS Statistical Setup: Orders OLI8  Set Up SIS for Deliveries OLI9  SIS Statistical Setup: Billing Docs OLIA  C Maintenance Processing OLIB  PURCHIS: StatUpdate Header Doc Level OLID  SIS: Stat. Setup - Sales Activities OLIE  Statistical Setup - TIS: Shipments OLIF  SFIS: Setup-Repetitive Manufacturing OLIH  MRP Data Procurement for BW OLIM  Periodic stock qty - Plant OLIP  C Plant Maintenance Planning OLIQ  Reorganization of QM info system OLIX  Stat. Setup: Copy/Delete Versions OLIZ  INVCO Setup: Invoice Verification

NPRT - Log for Setup of Statistical Data OLIX - Copy/ versions of an info structure -------------------------------------- LIS最常用的几个table S031 Statistics: Movements for current stocks S032 Statistics: Current Stock and Grouping Terms S034 INVCO: Movements (Batches)

S035 Statistics: Batch Stocks

S039 Statistics: Inventory Controlling

S094 Stock/Requirements Analysis

------------更多IS相干table的如下----------------- S001:SIS: Customer Statistics   S001BIW1:S001BIW1 * SIS: Customer Statistics   S001BIW2:S001BIW2 * SIS: Customer statistics   S001E:S001 - Structural Information   S002:SIS: Sales Office Statistics   S002BIW1:S002BIW1 * SIS: Sales office statistics   S002BIW2:S002BIW2 * SIS: Sales office statistics   S002E:S002 - Structural Information   S003:SIS: SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/District/Customer/Product   S003BIW1:S003BIW1 * SIS: SaleOrg/Dist.Channel/Divisn/Distrct/Cust/Pro   S003BIW2:S003BIW2 * SIS: SaleOrg/Dist.Channel/Divisn/Distrct/Cust/Pro   S003E:S003 - Structural Information   S004:SIS: Product/Sales Organization/Distribution Channel   S004BIW1:SIS: Product/Sales Organization/Distribution Channel   S004BIW2:SIS: Product/Sales Organization/Distribution Channel   S004E:S004 - Structural Information   S005:SIS: Shipping Point/Route/Forwarding Agent/Receiving Country   S005BIW1:S005BIW1 * SIS: Ship.Pnt/Route/Forw.Agent/Recipient Country   S005BIW2:S005BIW2 * SIS: Ship.Pnt/Route/Forw.Agent/Recipient Country   S005E:S005 - Structural Information   S006:SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/Product   S006BIW1 : S006BIW1 * SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/   S006BIW2 : S006BIW2 * SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/   S006E : S006 - Structural Information   S008 : Communications Table SD -> CO/Projects   S009 : CAS: Last Documents   S011 : PURCHIS: Purchasing Group Statistics   S011BIW1 : S011BIW1 * PURCHIS: Purchasing Group Statistics   S011BIW2 : S011BIW2 * PURCHIS: Purchasing Group Statistics   S011E : S011 - Structural Information   S012 : Purchasing   S012BIW1 : S012BIW1 * Purchasing   S012BIW2 : S012BIW2 * Purchasing   S012E : S012 - Structural Information   S013 : PURCHIS: Statistics for Vendor Evaluation   S013BIW1 : PURCHIS: Statistics for Vendor Evaluation   S013BIW2 : S013BIW2 * PURCHIS: Statistics for vendor evaluation   S013E : S013 - Structural Information   S014 : CAS Document Information   S015 : Subsequent Settlement: Evaluation   S015BIW1 : S015BIW1 * Supplementary settlement - Evaluation   S015BIW2 : S015BIW2 * Supplementary settlement - Evaluation   S015E : S015 - Structural Information   S016 : SIS: Sales activities   S016E : S016 - Structural Information   S017 : SIS: Sales promotions   S017E : S017 - Structural Information   S018 : SIS: Address list for sales promotion   S018E : S018 - Structural Information   S019 : SIS: Address counter   S019E : S019 - Structural Information   S020 : SIS: Customer Potential Analysis   S020E : S020 - Structure Information   S021 : SFIS: Order Item Data for Material   S021E : S021 - Structure information   S022 : SFIS: Order Operation Data for Work Center   S022E : S022 - Structural information   S023 : SFIS: Totals Records for Material   S023E : S023 - Structure information   S024 : Totals Records for Work Center   S024E : S024 - Structural information   S025 : SFIS: Run Schedule   S026 : Material Usage   S026E : S026 - Structural Information   S027 : Product Costs   S027E : S027 - Structural Information   S028 : Reporting Point Statistics   S028E : S028 - Structural Information   S029 : KANBAN   S031 : Statistics: Movements for current stocks   S031E : S031 - Structure Information   S032 : Statistics: Current Stock and Grouping Terms   S032E : S032 - Structural information   S033 : Statistics: Movements for Current Stock (Individual Records)   S033E : S033 - Structural information   S034 : INVCO: Movements (Batches)   S034E : S034 - Structure Information   S035 : Statistics: Batch Stocks   S038 : All Key Figures for Batch Analysis   S038E : S038 - Structural information   S039 : Statistics: Inventory Controlling   S039E : S039 - Structural Information   S050 : Shipment   S050E : S050 - Structural Information   S051 : Shipment routes   S051E : S051 - Structural Information   S052 : Means of transportation   S052E : S052 - Structural Information   S053 : Shipment: shipping data   S053E : S053 - Structural Information   S054 : Stages of shipment   S054E : S054 - Structural Information   S055 : Shipment: materials   S055E : S055 - Structural Information   S060 : Model Structure for Info Structures with Initial VAKEY   S061 : Location and planning   S061E : S061 - Structural Information   S062 : Object type and manufacturer   S062E : S062 - Structural Information   S063 : Damage Analysis 30 .   S063E : S063 - Structural Information   S064 : Single object - damage analysis   S064E : S064 - Structural information   S065 : Object statistics   S065E : S065 - Structural Information   S066 : Open orders: credit management   S067 : Open deliveries/billing documents (KM)   S068 : Vendor statistics   S068E : S068 - Structural Information   S069 : Material Statistics (QM)   S069E : S069 - Structural Information   S070 : Breakdown Statistics   S070E : S070 - Structural Information   S071 : Condition Update   S072 : Individual Records for Inspection Lot   S073 : Cumulative Delivered Quantities   S074 : Subsequent Settlement: Operative   S074E : S074 - Structural Information   S075 : DRP node information   S075E : S075 - Structural Information   S076 : Sales & Operations Planning   S076E : S076 - Structural Information   S077 : STRPS: Movements   S077E : S077 - Structural Information   S078 : STRPS: Stock   S078E : S078 - Structural Informaton   S079 : STRPS: Movements + Stock






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