How to change the content of an Item in the ListView control of other programs 您所在的位置:网站首页 nova系列移动 How to change the content of an Item in the ListView control of other programs

How to change the content of an Item in the ListView control of other programs

2022-12-28 10:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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One: Program Description

This time I will introduce how to change the content of an Item in the ListView control of other programs. I have written two similar articles. This is the third article. LVM_GETITEMTEXT message" is similar, the difference is:

1. The message sent is different: the former is to read the content of pszText - send LVM_GETITEMTEXT; this time is to set pszText, it should send LVM_SETITEMTEXT;

2. The role of the string buffer is different: the former pItem is used to receive ITEMTEXT, we can read its content through the ReadProcessMemory function; and in this article, p_MyItemText is used to store the ITEMTEXT we want to set, and write it with the WriteProcessMemory function into the target program.

As a demonstration, the following program will change the content of column 1 in item 6 of the TaskManager. The effect picture after the program runs:

Two: specific practice

//////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// * _ * Send LVM_SETITEMTEXT * Copyright (C) 2005 Tianjin Zhao Chunsheng * 2005.10.28 * * * This program is applicable to: Win2KP+SP4[Windows TaskManager(5.0.2195.6620)] * WinXP+SP1[Windows TaskManager] * The code passed the test of Win2000P+SP4 + VC6+SP6 */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// #include < windows.h > #include < commctrl.h > int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { HWND hwnd; int iItem = 0 ; LVITEM lvitem, * plvitem; DWORD PID; HANDLE hProcess; char *p_MyItemText; // The address used to store TEXT in the target program // The pszText member is the pointer to a null-terminated // string containing the new text; it can also be NULL. // The above information is obtained from the API manual, so in this example the string length cannot be >= 12, // to ensure that there is a NULL after the string. char str_MyItemText[ 12 ]={ 0 }; strcpy(str_MyItemText, " Tianjin Zhao Chunsheng " ); hwnd =FindWindow( " #32770 " , " Windows Task Manager " ); hwnd =FindWindowEx(hwnd, 0 , " #32770 " , 0 ); hwnd =FindWindowEx(hwnd, 0 , " SysListView32 " , 0 ); if (! hwnd) MessageBox(NULL, " [Windows Task Manager] has not started yet! " , " Error! " ,NULL); else { GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, & PID); hProcess =OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false ,PID); if (! hProcess) MessageBox(NULL, " Failed to obtain process handle operation! " , " Error! " , NULL); else { plvitem =(LVITEM*)VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, NULL, sizeof (LVITEM), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); p_MyItemText =( char *)VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, NULL, 12 , MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if ((!plvitem)||(! p_MyItemText)) MessageBox(NULL, " Unable to allocate memory! " , " Error! " , NULL); else { MessageBox(NULL, " This demonstration program will change the content of column 1 in the sixth item in TaskManager. " , " Prompt " , NULL); iItem = 5 ; // 5 is the sixth here (from zero) lvitem.iSubItem = 0 ; // ditto lvitem.pszText = p_MyItemText; WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, p_MyItemText, &str_MyItemText, 12 , NULL); WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, plvitem, &lvitem, sizeof (LVITEM), NULL); // Send LVM_SETITEMTEXT message to the target program SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, (WPARAM)iItem, (LPARAM)plvitem); } } } // Release memory CloseHandle(hwnd); CloseHandle(hProcess); VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, plvitem, 0 , MEM_RELEASE); VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, p_MyItemText, 0 , MEM_RELEASE); return 0 ; }

3. The above code passed the test of Win2000P+SP4+VC6+SP6.

Other articles:

How to send LVM_GETITEMTEXT message to ListView control of other programs

How to select an Item in the ListView control of other programs






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