不仅……也/还/而且…… 您所在的位置:网站首页 notonly…butalso英文造句 不仅……也/还/而且……


2023-10-03 06:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


= not only… but also

Various combinations can be formed:

不仅……也……不仅……还……不仅……而且……不仅……而且也……不仅……而且还……不仅……也还……(spoken, informal)

subject + 不仅 + adj.,也/还/而且 + adj.

他不仅很帅,也很聪明。= 他不仅很帅,还很聪明。= 他不仅很帅,而且很聪明。= 他不仅很帅,而且也很聪明。= 他不仅很帅,而且还很聪明。= 他不仅很帅,也还很聪明。He is not only handsome, but also intelligent.

这道菜不仅好吃,而且很有营养。This dish is not only tasty, but also nutritious.

subject + 不仅 + phrase,而且(也) + phrase

在夏天的时候,不仅有蚊子,而且也没有空调。In the summer, there are not only mosquitoes, but also no air conditioning.

他不仅会说英语,还会说日语。He can speak not only English, but also Japanese.Note: 他会说不仅英语,会说还日语。 不仅 can’t be followed by nouns.

不仅 + subject 1……,(而且) + subject 2 + 也……

When talking about two things, 不仅 needs to be in front of subject.

而且 is optional.

这个电影不仅孩子们喜欢,大人也很喜欢。Not only do children like this movie, but adults like it too.

现在不仅员工压力大,而且老板压力也很大。Not only are the employees under a lot of pressure, but the boss is under a lot of pressure too.

subject 不仅……,(而且) + noun + (也)……

= to talk about two aspects of one subject. Either 而且 or 也 can be omitted.

他不仅喜欢运动,而且性格也不错。= 他不仅喜欢运动,性格也不错。= 他不仅喜欢运动,而且性格不错。= 他不仅喜欢运动,性格不错。Not only does he like sports, but also he has a nice personality

公司不仅有健身房,而且午餐也免费。= 公司不仅有健身房,午餐也免费。= 公司不仅有健身房,而且午餐免费。Not only does the company have a gym, but also provides free lunch.

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