关于python:Image.open给出错误无法识别图像文件 您所在的位置:网站首页 newimage/wfish25.gif 关于python:Image.open给出错误无法识别图像文件


2023-01-22 03:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

我正在尝试使用PIL的图像功能打开geotiff文件。 它引发错误:

1OSError: cannot identify image file 'Whatever\\\\image\\\\I\\\\use.tiff'


1Import Image


1From PIL import Image

我认为这是过时的解决方案; 我无法导入图片。 另一种解决方案是将枕头更新为2.9,但是5年后,我们将其设置为5.0.0。 我在收到相同错误的地方也尝试了4.0.0。 是否有最新解决方案?


1234image_path = 'each\\\\image\\\\I\\\\use.tiff' from PIL import Image Image.open(image_path) 相关讨论 不,import Image不是问题; 在过去,PIL存在包装问题,无法安装适当的软件包(因此PIL.Image被安装为Image)。 如果无法通过PIL / Pillow打开文件,则该文件可能不是受支持的格式,或者已损坏。 尝试使用pypi.python.org/pypi/GDAL吗? 另一种可能性是该文件使用压缩,这要求您已安装libtiff,请参见pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/handbook/。 无论如何,如果没有可供测试的实际文件,我们将无能为力。 我添加了一个文件。 我可以同时使用gdal和qgis打开文件,但PIL会引发错误。 不过,这只是一个示例,对于我使用的每个TIFF,其行为都相同。 Id说,坚持使用GDAL或转换为较低的每样本位数(最多16个)格式。 如果您有兴趣,这是调试输出:gist.github.com/mjpieters/522f47fa0466d8520ee835bf4006aac4


Pillow (and PIL) is currently able to open 8 bit per channel multi-channel images (such as RGB) but is able to open higher bit depth images (e.g. I16, I32, or Float32 images) if they are single channel (e.g., grayscale).



We should be able to support common GIS formats as well as high bit depth RGB(A) images. At least 4 channels, but potentially more (see #1839) Different pixel formats, including I16, I32, and Float.


1234from PIL import TiffImagePlugin TiffImagePlugin.DEBUG = True with open(image_path, 'rb') as f:     TiffImagePlugin.TiffImageFile(f)


1tag: BitsPerSample (258) - type: short (3) Tag Location: 46 - Data Location: 218 - value: (32, 32, 32)


您可以使用Python GDAL绑定读取此格式。您还可以使用gdal_translate命令行实用程序将文件转换为Pillow可以处理的格式;对于多频段,您必须降低到8位,或移动到灰度。


1gdal_translate -of PNG rgb_CGI.tiff rgb_CGI.png



12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970>>> from PIL import TiffImagePlugin >>> TiffImagePlugin.DEBUG = True >>> with open(image_path, 'rb') as f: ...     TiffImagePlugin.TiffImageFile(f) ... *** TiffImageFile._open *** - __first: 8 - ifh:  b'II*\\x00\\x08\\x00\\x00\\x00' Seeking to frame 0, on frame -1, __next 8, location: 8 Loading tags, location: 8 tag: ImageWidth (256) - type: short (3) - value: 2924 tag: ImageLength (257) - type: short (3) - value: 2088 tag: BitsPerSample (258) - type: short (3) Tag Location: 46 - Data Location: 218 - value: (32, 32, 32) tag: Compression (259) - type: short (3) - value: 1 tag: PhotometricInterpretation (262) - type: short (3) - value: 1 tag: StripOffsets (273) - type: long (4) Tag Location: 82 - Data Location: 8576 - value: tag: SamplesPerPixel (277) - type: short (3) - value: 3 tag: RowsPerStrip (278) - type: short (3) - value: 1 tag: StripByteCounts (279) - type: long (4) Tag Location: 118 - Data Location: 224 - value: tag: PlanarConfiguration (284) - type: short (3) - value: 1 tag: ExtraSamples (338) - type: short (3) - value: (0, 0) tag: SampleFormat (339) - type: short (3) Tag Location: 154 - Data Location: 16928 - value: (2, 2, 2) tag: ModelPixelScaleTag (33550) - type: double (12) Tag Location: 166 - Data Location: 16934 - value: (0.25, 0.25, 0.0) tag: ModelTiepointTag (33922) - type: double (12) Tag Location: 178 - Data Location: 16958 - value: tag: GeoKeyDirectoryTag (34735) - type: short (3) Tag Location: 190 - Data Location: 17006 - value: tag: GeoDoubleParamsTag (34736) - type: double (12) Tag Location: 202 - Data Location: 17078 - value: tag: GeoAsciiParamsTag (34737) - type: string (2) Tag Location: 214 - Data Location: 17134 - value: Amersfoort / RD New|Amersfoort| tag: ImageWidth (256) - type: short (3) - value: 2924 tag: ImageLength (257) - type: short (3) - value: 2088 tag: BitsPerSample (258) - type: short (3) Tag Location: 46 - Data Location: 218 - value: (32, 32, 32) tag: Compression (259) - type: short (3) - value: 1 tag: PhotometricInterpretation (262) - type: short (3) - value: 1 tag: StripOffsets (273) - type: long (4) Tag Location: 82 - Data Location: 8576 - value: tag: SamplesPerPixel (277) - type: short (3) - value: 3 tag: RowsPerStrip (278) - type: short (3) - value: 1 tag: StripByteCounts (279) - type: long (4) Tag Location: 118 - Data Location: 224 - value: tag: PlanarConfiguration (284) - type: short (3) - value: 1 tag: ExtraSamples (338) - type: short (3) - value: (0, 0) tag: SampleFormat (339) - type: short (3) Tag Location: 154 - Data Location: 16928 - value: (2, 2, 2) tag: ModelPixelScaleTag (33550) - type: double (12) Tag Location: 166 - Data Location: 16934 - value: (0.25, 0.25, 0.0) tag: ModelTiepointTag (33922) - type: double (12) Tag Location: 178 - Data Location: 16958 - value: tag: GeoKeyDirectoryTag (34735) - type: short (3) Tag Location: 190 - Data Location: 17006 - value: tag: GeoDoubleParamsTag (34736) - type: double (12) Tag Location: 202 - Data Location: 17078 - value: tag: GeoAsciiParamsTag (34737) - type: string (2) Tag Location: 214 - Data Location: 17134 - value: Amersfoort / RD New|Amersfoort| *** Summary *** - compression: raw - photometric_interpretation: 1 - planar_configuration: 1 - fill_order: 1 - size: (2924, 2088) format key: (b'II', 1, (2, 2, 2), 1, (32, 32, 32), (0, 0)) - unsupported format Traceback (most recent call last):   File"/Users/mjpieters/Development/venvs/stackoverflow-3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PIL/TiffImagePlugin.py", line 1196, in _setup     self.mode, rawmode = OPEN_INFO[key] KeyError: (b'II', 1, (2, 2, 2), 1, (32, 32, 32), (0, 0)) During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last):   File"", line 1, in   File"/Users/mjpieters/Development/venvs/stackoverflow-3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PIL/ImageFile.py", line 102, in __init__     self._open()   File"/Users/mjpieters/Development/venvs/stackoverflow-3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PIL/TiffImagePlugin.py", line 950, in _open     self._seek(0)   File"/Users/mjpieters/Development/venvs/stackoverflow-3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PIL/TiffImagePlugin.py", line 1017, in _seek     self._setup()   File"/Users/mjpieters/Development/venvs/stackoverflow-3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PIL/TiffImagePlugin.py", line 1200, in _setup     raise SyntaxError("unknown pixel mode") SyntaxError: unknown pixel mode 相关讨论 我有类似的问题。 我做了一些实验,尝试打开CMYK / 16位图像时出现了问题。 它不会给出CMYK / 8,RGB / 8或RGB / 16的错误。 您能否详细说明如何安装和使用GDAL? 似乎比枕头更复杂。 我已经发布了有关GDAL安装的问题,因为它看起来是如此令人困惑。 如果您能看一下,我很感激:stackoverflow.com/q/50721107/2202732


您可以使用ImageMagick 7做到这一点:

1magick oldimage.tiff -depth 8 newimage.tif

或使用ImageMagick 6或更早版本:

1convert out_0.tiff -depth 8 newimage.tiff

pyvips可以像这样直接与TIFF一起使用。它将您的文件加载为具有两个Alpha通道的mono int32图像。

123456789101112131415$ python3 Python 3.8.2 (default, Apr 27 2020, 15:53:34) [GCC 9.3.0] on linux Type"help","copyright","credits" or"license" for more information. >>> import pyvips >>> x = pyvips.Image.new_from_file("rgb_CGI.tiff") >>> x.width, x.height, x.bands, x.format, x.interpretation (2924, 2088, 3, 'int', 'b-w') >>> # getpoint reads out a pixel >>> x.getpoint(10, 10) [156.0, 141.0, 133.0] >>> # avg finds the image average >>> x.avg() 125.31475912560515 >>>







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