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New home

2022-03-27 08:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

After saying goodbye to her friends in San Francisco.Tiffany and her

family went on the plane and flew to Seoul. Her father started doing

business in Seoul so her family has to follow him. 


Tiffany didn't want to leave because of her friends and, memories

she made in San Francisco. Her life was there. But after discussing

with her family and her friends, she chose to go to Seoul because she

don't want to let her family down even if she will leaves her friends. 


In Seoul, her family (consists of her father,her big brother and her older

sister ) will live in a new house that her father brought before going to

Seoul. About her mother, she died because of an illness when Tiffany was 8.

Tiffany still misses her but she knows she has to keep going in her life.Her

older sister named Michelle will start working in Seoul as a nurse. She is

25 years old. Her older brother named Leo will go to University. He is 19

years old.


Arriving at her new house, she started moving her stuff in her room. Her house

was big, 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. That's because her father started a

pluming business in Seoul.


While onboxing her things, she encounters her new school uniform. She starts

thinking. Will her new school life be interesting? Tomorrow is the day she will start

school at a new high school. She is nervous but she will handle it because she will

have her cousin Jessica there. 






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