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hawk = n.鹰,隼The lawyer's son-in-law likes hawk's claws and jaws.律师的女婿喜欢鹰爪和下颌.

hay = n.干草"The gay mayor maybe lay in the hay by the Baby bay," he says in dismay.他沮丧地说:"快活的市长大概躺在婴儿湾边上的干草中.

hazard = n.危险,冒险,危害v.冒险,拼命The guard guards the guarantee in the garden regardless of the hazard.卫兵不顾危险看守着花园里的抵押品.

he = pron.他;(不论性别的)

一个人Does he need any help?他需要帮忙吗?

head = n.头;顶部;领导,首脑v.主管;位于..顶部The briber described the tribe head's bribery.行贿者描述了部落首领的受贿行为.

head first = adv.头向前地,冒失地He plunged head first into the stream.他头朝下跳入河中.

head for = v.出发,动身,前往They are heading for Marco Polo Bridge.他们朝着泸定桥地方向行进.

head off = v.阻止,拦截Dress warmly in winter to head off a cold.冬天要穿暖和些防止感冒.

head on = adv.迎面地I rest my head on a soft pillow filled with feather.我把头搁在用羽毛作为枕心的软枕头上.

head up = v.加盖子于The elephants headed up the whole parade.大象在前面领着队伍.

headache = n.头痛He has got a bad headache.他头痛得厉害.

heading = heading n 标题head=head,表示”头” heading n 标题headline n 标题(head+line字行=头一行字=标题)

headstrsong a 倔强的(head+strong强大=头很大=倔强的)

heady a 轻率的,任性的(一头往前冲=轻率的)

headline = headline n 标题(head+line字行=头一行字=标题)

head=head,表示”头” heading n 标题headline n 标题(head+line字行=头一行字=标题)

headstrsong a 倔强的(head+strong强大=头很大=倔强的)

heady a 轻率的,任性的(一头往前冲=轻率的)

headmaster = n.校长The master's masterpiece caused a disaster to headmaster.主人的杰作给校长造成灾难.

headmost = a.最前面的(head头)


headquarters = n.司令部,指挥部;总部,总局The quarrelsome general quarreled about a quarter quart of oil in the headquarters.好争吵的将军在司令部为四分之一夸脱油而争吵.

headstrong = a.倔强的(head+strong强大头很大倔强的)


headstrsong = headstrsong a 倔强的(head+strong强大=头很大=倔强的)

head=head,表示”头” heading n 标题headline n 标题(head+line字行=头一行字=标题)

headstrsong a 倔强的(head+strong强大=头很大=倔强的)

heady a 轻率的,任性的(一头往前冲=轻率的)

heady = a.轻率的,任性的(一头往前冲轻率的)


heal = v.治愈,愈合The healer reveals an appealing fact that health is great wealth to the commonwealth.医治者揭示一个吸引人的事实:健康是联邦的巨大财富.

health = n.健康,健康状况;卫生The healer reveals an appealing fact that health is great wealth to the commonwealth.医治者揭示一个吸引人的事实:健康是联邦的巨大财富.

healthy = a.健康的,健壮的;有益健康的,卫生的He looks very healthy.他看来很健康.

heap = n.(一)


堆,堆起The reaper leaped over a heap of cheap weapons.收割者跃过一堆廉价的武器.

hear = v.听见;审讯;(from)

收到..的信/电话;听说With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb.我亲耳清楚地听到原子弹的心脏的跳动.

hear from = v.接到...的信,受...批评I have not heard from my brothers for years.我多年没有收到兄弟们的来信了.

hear of = v.听说Have you ever heard of California Institute of Technology?你听说过加州理工大学吗?

hear sb. out = 听某人把话讲完

hearing = n.听,倾听;听力;审讯She is hard of hearing.她的听觉迟钝.

heart = n.心(脏)

;内心,感情;热忱;中心,要点With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb.我亲耳清楚地听到原子弹的心脏的跳动.

heart and soul = adv.全心全意地

heart to heart = adv.诚恳地,贴心地We had a heart to heart talk and pointed out one another's shortcomings.我们谈了心并指出了彼此的缺点.

hearten = v.鼓励(heart心)


hearthen = hearthen v 鼓励(heart心)

-en (1)

表动词,”变成” shorten v 缩短(short短)

darken v 变黑(dark黑)

sharpen v 削尖(sharp尖)

straiten v 使狭窄(straot海峡,困难)

hasten v 促进(haste匆忙)

dampen v 使潮湿,使沮丧(damp潮湿)

hearthen v 鼓励(heart心)

broaden v 加宽(broad宽)

sweeten v 变甜(sweet甜)


表形容词,”由…制成”,通常加在名词后面 wooden a 木制的(wood木头)

woolen a 羊毛制的(wool羊毛)

golden a 金(色)


waxen a 蜡制的(wax蜡)

oaken a 橡木制的(oak橡树)


表名词,”人或物” warden n 看守人(ward守卫,保卫)

vixen n 泼妇(vix雌狐)

citizen n 公民(city城市)

heathen n 异教徒(heath荒野,灌木丛)

maiden n 少女(maid少女)

chicken n 小鸡(chick小鸡)

kitten n 小猫(kit=cat猫)

heat = n.热,热度;热烈,激烈v.(给)


变热We beat (defeated)

the cheat who heated the wheat.我们打败了给小麦加热的骗子.

heater = heater n 加热器(heat加热)

-er (1)

表名词,”…人” singer n 歌唱家(sing唱歌)

leader n 领袖(lead领导)

writer n 作家(write写)

insider n 局内人(inside内部)

banker n 银行家(bank银行)

teenager n 青少年(teenage十一到十九岁)

southerner n 南方人(southern南方的)

villager n 村民(village村庄)


表名词,”物品,机器” washer n 洗衣机(wash洗)

lighter n 打火机(light点火)

heater n 加热器(heat加热)

boiler n 锅炉(boil煮)


表名词,”反复做” mutter v 喃喃自语chatter v 喋喋不休(chat聊天+ter)

stutter v 口吃waver v 摆动(wave波动)

batter v 连打,不断打(bat打+ter)

heathen = heathen n 异教徒(heath荒野,灌木丛)

-en (1)

表动词,”变成” shorten v 缩短(short短)

darken v 变黑(dark黑)

sharpen v 削尖(sharp尖)

straiten v 使狭窄(straot海峡,困难)

hasten v 促进(haste匆忙)

dampen v 使潮湿,使沮丧(damp潮湿)

hearthen v 鼓励(heart心)

broaden v 加宽(broad宽)

sweeten v 变甜(sweet甜)


表形容词,”由…制成”,通常加在名词后面 wooden a 木制的(wood木头)

woolen a 羊毛制的(wool羊毛)

golden a 金(色)


waxen a 蜡制的(wax蜡)

oaken a 橡木制的(oak橡树)


表名词,”人或物” warden n 看守人(ward守卫,保卫)

vixen n 泼妇(vix雌狐)

citizen n 公民(city城市)

heathen n 异教徒(heath荒野,灌木丛)

maiden n 少女(maid少女)

chicken n 小鸡(chick小鸡)

kitten n 小猫(kit=cat猫)

heave = v.(用力)

举,提,拉;扔;拖;呕吐n.举起Somebody heaved a stone at us.有人朝我们投掷石块.

heaven = n.天,天空,天堂;(Heaven)

上帝,神The weaver will leave for the heavy heaven.那位纺织工将要到阴沉的天国里去.

heavy = a.重的,重型的;沉重的,大量的,猛烈的The weaver will leave for the heavy heaven.那位纺织工将要到阴沉的天国里去.

hectogram = hectogram一百克(hecto+gram克)

hecto-表示”百,许多” hectogram一百克(hecto+gram克)


7. hemi-表示”半”hemisphere半球(hemi+sphere球)


hectowatt = hectowatt一百瓦(hecto+watt瓦)

hecto-表示”百,许多” hectogram一百克(hecto+gram克)


7. hemi-表示”半”hemisphere半球(hemi+sphere球)


hedge = n.篱笆,树篱,障碍物v.用树篱围住At the edge of the wedged hedge, I acknowledged the knowledgeable man.在楔形篱笆的边缘上,我向那位博识的人致谢.

hedoniatic = hedoniatic a 享乐主义的(hedon愉快+istic)

-istic表形容词,由-ist+ic构成,表示”…的” simplistic a 过分简单的(simple简单的)

artistic a 艺术的(art艺术)

antagonistic a 敌对的 (ant反对+agon斗争+istic)

humanistic a 人道主义的(human人类)

moralistic a 道学气的(moral道德)

hedoniatic a 享乐主义的(hedon愉快+istic)

hedonism = hedonism n 享乐主义(hedon愉快)

-ism名词 (1)

表示”各种主义,宗教” cynicism n 犬儒主义(cynic犬儒主义者)

empiricism n 经验主义(empirical经验的)

eclecticism n 折衷主义(eclectic折衷的)

asceticism n 禁欲主义(ascetic禁欲)

optimism n 乐观主义(aptim最好)

hedonism n 享乐主义(hedon愉快)

opportunism n 机会主义(opportune时机 的,机会的)

extremism n 极端主义(extreme极端)

materialism n 唯物主义(material物质)

lslamism n 伊斯兰教(islam伊斯兰)

confucianism n 儒教(confucian孔子的)

catholicism n 天主教(catholic天主教徒)

buddhism n 佛教(buddha佛)


表示”学术或学术流派” magnetism n 磁学,磁性(magnet磁铁)

fatalism n 宿命论(fatal致命的)

atheism n 无神论(a无+the神+ism)

pedagogism n 教学法(ped儿童+agog引导+ism)

atomism n 原子论(atom原子)

modernism n 现代派(modern现代的)

impressionrsm n 印象派(impression印象)

cubism n 立体派(cube立体的)

structurism n 结构派(structure结构)

socratism n 苏格拉底学派(soctates苏格拉底,古希腊哲学家)


表示”行为,现象,状态” escapism n 逃难现实(escape逃难)

tourism n 旅游(tour旅游)

sexism n 性别歧视(sex性别)

methodism n 墨守成规(method方法)

fanaticism n 狂热盲信(fanatic狂热者)

schism n 分裂(schi[=schist分裂]+ism参考:schiz精神分裂症者)

cannibalism n 同类相食(cannibal原指加勒比土著,为一食人族)

plagiarism n 剽窃(plagiar斜的+ism…做不正当事…剽窃)

barbarism n 野蛮状态(barbar原形容野人说话方式)

gigantism n 巨大畸形(gigant巨人)


表示”疾病” astigmatism n 散光(a 无+stigmat斑点+ism…看不见斑点…散光)

daltonism n 先天性色盲(dalton道尔顿,研究色盲的英国化学家 物理学家)

atavism n 隔代遗传(atav祖先+ism)

rheumatism n 风湿病(rheumat稀黏液+ism )

alcoholism n 酒精中毒症(alcohol酒精)

albinism n 白化病(albin白色+ism )


.表示”具备某种牲质” humanism n 人性(human人)

brutalism n 兽性(brutal野兽的)

antatonism n 对抗性(ant对抗+agon打斗,竞赛)

absurdism n 荒唐性(absurd荒唐的+ism)

hedonistic = 享乐主义的(hedon愉快+istic)


heel = n.脚后跟,踵,鞋跟The feeble man feels an ache on his heels and knees when he kneels on the steel steering wheel.当虚弱男子跪在钢舵轮上时他的脚跟和双膝感到疼痛.

height = n.高,高度;(常pl.)

高地,高处My neighbor knows the height and weight of the highjacked freight.我邻居知道被劫持货船的高度和重量.

heighten = v.提高,升高As she waited, her fears heightened.她在等待时,越发感到恐惧.

heinous = heinous 憎恨的hein=odious (可恨的)

heinous 憎恨的

heir = n.继承人Theoretically, their heir's theory of meteorology can explain the meteor.从理论上讲,他们的继承人的气象理论能解释这种大气现象.






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