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nary是什么意思 nary的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

2024-01-17 02:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




1. She looked through her purse and found nary a penny. (她在钱包里翻了翻,没有一个便士。)

2. I asked him if he had any experience with programming, but he replied that he had nary a clue. (我问他有没有编程经验,但他回答说他一点都不懂。)


1. 她翻遍了钱包,发现没有一分钱。

2. 我问他是否有编程经验,但他回答说自己一点头绪也没有。




例句:But that barely covers the cost of his room... with nary a penny left over for appropriate treatments: (但那只够付他的房租... 用于必要的治疗就没有一分钱了:)


例句:With nary a cloud in the sky, living in one of the world's sunniest spots has its perks, including happy, laidback locals and plenty of time for the great outdoors. (在无云的天空下,生活在世界上最晴朗的地区之一是非常惬意的,比如当地人生活快乐悠闲,并可享受大把的户外活动时间。)


例句:In his debut earnings call with investors, Page made nary a mention of social. (佩奇与投资者的首度收入会议对社交网络只字未提。)


例句:With nary a rustle to reveal his presence, Raw Head raced through the trees and up the path to a large, moonlight rock. (翻译:毫无显露他的存在的沙沙声,未加工的头通过树赛跑了并且上升道路对大,月光岩石。)


nary一般作为形容词使用,如在nary a([网络] 第一个)、nary a cent(一个铜子也没有)、nary a doubt(毫无疑问)等常见短语中出现较多。

nary a[网络] 第一个nary a cent一个铜子也没有nary a doubt毫无疑问us naryadj. [数] 一元的例句

1. In his debut earnings call with investors, Page made nary a mention of social. (翻译:佩奇与投资者的首度收入会议对社交网络只字未提。)

2. With nary a rustle to reveal his presence, Raw Head raced through the trees and up the path to a large, moonlight rock. (翻译:毫无显露他的存在的沙沙声,未加工的头通过树赛跑了并且上升道路对大,月光岩石。)

3. For me, it's raw fruits and vegetables and crunchy things. . . there must be nary an onion or celery bit in my stuffing. (翻译:对于我,那就是生果蔬和发出嘎吱嘎吱声响的东西……我的馅料里一定连一片洋葱或芹菜都没有。)

4. Nary red, it all comes to their barking up the wrong tree about the old man's property. (翻译:一个子儿都没留给我,全都是她们母女俩 一厢情愿地以为是我继承了那个老男人的财产)

5. An encoding procedure is generally applied to the group of bits or nary digits for error-control purposes. (翻译:为了便于出错控制,对二进制或n进制数字一般要进行一次编码处理。)

6. Nary a form field, object model, or core validation logic component to be found anywhere. (翻译:完全没有什么表单栏、对象模型、核心验证逻辑组件之类的东西。)

7. - Nevertheless, two months: nary a word. (翻译:可是两个月过去了, 没收到只言片语...)

8. You know I haven't heard nary a twit from you in several minutes, and I'm getting concerned. (翻译:你知道我好几分钟没听到你的声音了 我有点感到担心了)

9. Ordi-nary concrete can be used in some areas, but it is subject to attack by strong acids and alkalis. (翻译:普通的混凝土可能被使用在一些区域,但它是依于攻击由强的酸和碱。)

10. With nary a lasting injury. (翻译:而且没什么大碍 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3c000000}{\4cH000000}With nary a lasting injury.)

11. The police dragged that river for three days, and nary a gun was found... so no comparison could be made between your gun and the bullets... taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims. (翻译:警方打捞三天都没找到 这样就无法比对 受害者身上的弹痕)

12. I promise, nary a hair on their artfully tousled heads. (翻译:I heard you the first time. 我保证 他们狡猾的小脑袋上 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}I promise -)

13. You frivolously throw away the lives of your people while your own king sits atop his throne of lies, nary lifting a finger to help. (翻译:当你恣意的将你的的性命全抛洒出去时,你的国王却安稳的坐在如同谎言的王位上,连伸出一个手指帮忙都不肯。)

14. "I wandered lonely as a cloud" o'er fields of scientific inquiry, with nary a precise understanding, of all my complex processes. (翻译:“我像云一样孤独的”游荡在科学探索的领域,却连自己的复杂过程都没能精确的理解。或者类似的文字。)

15. LOOK at him standing there, a great big movie star in a great big movie, the Iron Man with nary a trace of human frailty. (翻译:他在一部大制作电影里饰演了一个毫无人类弱点的“钢铁侠”,于是他以一个伟大的电影明星的身份,站在了我们的面前。)





词组搭配:nary a, nary a one

短语:nary a bit, nary a soul

发音拼写: ['neəri]


1. Nary a word was spoken during the meeting. 会议期间一个字都没有说。

2. Nary a soul was on the street at this time of night. 夜里这个时候街上一个人都没有。

3. She could find nary a flaw in his argument. 她找不出他的论据有任何错误。

4. I have nary a clue how to solve this problem. 我完全不知道怎么解决这个问题。

5. Nary a thought had been given to the consequences of their actions. 他们没有考虑到他们的行为会有什么后果。

6. There was nary a cloud in the sky. 天空中一个云都没有。

7. He left nary a drop of juice in the glass. 他把杯子中的果汁喝得干干净净,连一滴也不剩。

标签: 翻译






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