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heart murmur

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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 heart murmur (medicine) (医学)SCSimplified Chinese 心脏杂音 xīn zàng zá yīn TCTraditional Chinese 心臟雜音   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 murmur n (low sound)SCSimplified Chinese 咕哝,低声嘟哝 gū nong,dī shēng dū nóng   SCSimplified Chinese 小声的话语 xiǎo shēng de huà yǔ   (水流、风声等)SCSimplified Chinese 细微的声音 xì wēi de shēng yīn  Listen to the murmur of the wind in the pines. murmur [sth]⇒ vtr (say quietly)SCSimplified Chinese 咕哝,低声嘟哝 gū nong,dī shēng dū nóng   SCSimplified Chinese 低声说 dī shēng shuō TCTraditional Chinese 輕聲說  The shy boy murmured "I love you" under his breath.  那个男孩很害羞,低声说了句“我爱你”。 murmur [sth] to [sb] vtr + prep (tell quietly)SCSimplified Chinese 对某人低声说  She murmured her answer to me and quietly left. murmur⇒ vi (speak quietly)SCSimplified Chinese 悄声说话,低声说 qiǎo shēng shuō huà,dī shēng shuō TCTraditional Chinese 輕聲說   SCSimplified Chinese 咕哝,低声嘟哝 gū nong,dī shēng dū nóng  The nurse heard the patient murmuring in his sleep. murmur to [sb] vi + prep (speak quietly)SCSimplified Chinese 低声说 dī shēng shuō TCTraditional Chinese 輕聲說  She was murmuring to herself at the back of the room. murmur, heart murmur n (medicine: heart irregularity) (医药)SCSimplified Chinese 杂音,心脏杂音 zá yīn ,xīn zàng zá yīn TCTraditional Chinese 心臟雜音  The doctor says my heart murmur isn't serious.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 murmur vi dated (grumble, complain)SCSimplified Chinese 发牢骚, 抱怨   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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