Windows远程桌面mstsc命令在CMD中运行的使用说明 您所在的位置:网站首页 mstsc如何远程对方 Windows远程桌面mstsc命令在CMD中运行的使用说明


2024-01-25 17:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 1. 按2. 用法实例2.1. 以全屏模式打开远程桌面2.2. 指定长和宽2.3. To open a file called filename.rdp for editing2.4. 编写bat脚本 3. 语法详解

1. 按


官方文档更多关于远程桌面的连接方法,可以参考:基于IPv6的Windows 3389端口远程桌面使用方法,从此告别第三方远程控制软件 2. 用法实例 2.1. 以全屏模式打开远程桌面 echo 使用IPv4地址 mstsc /v: /f echo 使用域名 mstsc / /f echo 使用计算机名 mstsc /v:computer1 /f mstsc /f 2.2. 指定长和宽 mstsc /v:computer1 /w:1920 /h:1080 2.3. To open a file called filename.rdp for editing mstsc /edit filename.rdp 2.4. 编写bat脚本


start mstsc / /f

编写bat脚本使用是非常方便的,直接双击一下脚本文件就可以了。 在这里插入图片描述

3. 语法详解 mstsc.exe [] [/v:[:]] [/admin] [/f] [/w: /h:] [/public] [/span] mstsc.exe /edit mstsc.exe /migrate ParameterDescriptionSpecifies the name of an .rdp file for the connection./v:[:]Specifies the remote computer and, optionally, the port number to which you want to connect./adminConnects you to a session for administering the server./fStarts Remote Desktop Connection in full-screen mode./w:Specifies the width of the Remote Desktop window./h:Specifies the height of the Remote Desktop window./publicRuns Remote Desktop in public mode. In public mode, passwords and bitmaps aren’t cached./spanMatches the Remote Desktop width and height with the local virtual desktop, spanning across multiple monitors if necessary./edit Opens the specified .rdp file for editing./migrateMigrates legacy connection files that were created with Client Connection Manager to new .rdp connection files./?Displays help at the command prompt. Default.rdp is stored for each user as a hidden file in the user’s Documents folder.User created .rdp files are saved by default in the user’s Documents folder, but can be saved anywhere.To span across monitors, the monitors must use the same resolution and must be aligned horizontally (that is, side-by-side). There is currently no support for spanning multiple monitors vertically on the client system.






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