Why Are So Many Ethnic Minorities Dying In The UK And US 您所在的位置:网站首页 minorities怎么读 Why Are So Many Ethnic Minorities Dying In The UK And US

Why Are So Many Ethnic Minorities Dying In The UK And US

#Why Are So Many Ethnic Minorities Dying In The UK And US| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

知识 BBC Podcast 精选 第51期 2020-05-22 创建 播放:994次

介绍: Why are so many ethnic minorities dying in the UK and US?

In news reports and newspapers, pictures of British healthcare workers who have lost their lives to Covid-19 sit side by side.

And if you look at those faces one thing stands out clearly. Of the 119 cases of NHS deaths more than two thirds are black...

介绍: Why are so many ethnic minorities dying in the UK and US?

In news reports and newspapers, pictures of British healthcare workers who have lost their lives to Covid-19 sit side by side.

And if you look at those faces one thing stands out clearly. Of the 119 cases of NHS deaths more than two thirds are black or an ethnic minority - yet they only make up 20% of the workforce. Figures from the National Health Service in England show a disproportionate number of Covid-19 deaths are amongst these groups. And it’s not just in the UK.

In the United States on available data – it’s a similar story with African Americans accounting for many more deaths in a community that make up 13% of the population.







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