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infecting是什么意思 infecting的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2023-03-31 11:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  infecting是什么意思 infecting的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:For a virus adapted to another mammal, infecting a human might just take a few lucky mutations.

  翻译:对于适应一种哺乳动物的病毒, 感染人类可能只需一些幸运的突变。 。



  例句:Even an antibiotic, probably to keep the bed sores from infecting.




  例句:- Hmm? We don’t want someone with a grudge infecting you.

  翻译:我是说 您如此完美形象 会招来小人忌恨。



  例句:We don’t need to look for some new virus that Arias is infecting people with.

  翻译:我们不必寻找阿里亚斯 感染人们的新病毒。


  infecting一般作为名词使用,如在minimal infecting dose((MID)最小感染量)、disinfecting action(消毒[灭菌]作用)、disinfecting agent(消毒剂,杀菌剂)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. – Hmm? We don’t want someone with a grudge infecting you.

  翻译:我是说 您如此完美形象 会招来小人忌恨。

  2. We don’t need to look for some new virus that Arias is infecting people with.

  翻译:我们不必寻找阿里亚斯 感染人们的新病毒。

  3. He went forth spreading his useless seed throughout the land, infecting women like a virus, so desperate to correct his mistake:

  翻译:他是出去播种无用的种子 遍及国土各处 像病毒一样的染指女人。

  4. if an infected cylon dies and carries this disease into a resurrection ship, it could rapidly spread, potentially infecting our entire race.

  翻译:如果一个感染的赛昂人死亡 把病毒带着一起返回了复活船 那可能会快速蔓延 有可能威胁到我们整个族群。

  5. What’s infecting him is merely a chemical reaction to the raw laboratory ingredients, not the finished contagion.

  翻译:他感染的只是合成物质的原组成成分 不是最后的合成物质。

  6. – Yeah, well, i’m at work too. And you’ll never guess who’s here infecting my entire station.

  翻译:我也在工作 你绝对猜不到 谁在这儿传染我整个餐厅。

  7. And that way, if a person gets infected at work, they reach their peak infectiousness during lockdown, and that way, they avoid infecting many others.

  翻译:用这种方法,如果一个人 在工作的时候被感染, 他的传染性会在隔离期达到最高峰, 这样就可以避免感染很多其他人。 。

  8. if one of us dies and is resurrected, the disease will follow, infecting the resurrection ship and the fleet.

  翻译:如果我们死掉 并被复活 病毒也会跟着。

  9. The virus then hopped the Canadian border, infecting more than 100 children in Quebec.

  翻译:之后病毒还窜到了美加边境, 感染了在魁北克的100多个孩子。 。

  10. Wouldn’t it be better than infecting innocent people?


  11. Their violation did not stop with the good people of Davidstown… but had cut deeply, infecting my beloved homeland.

  翻译:他们的暴行 不会因为戴维斯敦的好人而停止… 但却极深地伤害和影响了我热爱的家乡。

  12. in other words, for T.B. you have to find somebody who has active T.B. who is infecting other people.

  翻译:就是说,如果是结核病,你必须要找到 谁有活动性结核病菌,谁会把结核病传染给别人。 。

  13. And phages are great at infecting bacteria.

  翻译:而噬菌体则擅长感染细菌。 。

  14. its closest relative is, in fact, from mice, and so we would call this a xenotropic retrovirus, because it’s infecting a species other than mice.

  翻译:它最近的亲系,实际上是来自小鼠, 我们把它叫做嗜异性逆转录病毒, 它除了感染小鼠,也感染其它物种。。

  15. Maybe they’re infecting the grain shipments.


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