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2023-08-20 18:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1.修理;修补If youmend something that is broken or not working, you repair it, so that it works properly or can be used.


e.g. They took a long time tomend the roof...他们花了很长时间修缮屋顶。e.g. Somebody else lent me a pump and helped memend the puncture...别人借给我一个打气筒,又帮我补好了轮胎。

2.(使)康复;(使)痊愈;(使)愈合If a person or a part of their bodymends oris mended, they get better after they have been ill or have had an injury.

e.g. You'llmend. The X-rays show that your arm will heal all right...你会康复的。X光照片显示你的胳膊能够较好地复原。e.g. I'm feeling a good bit better. The cut aches, but it's mending...我感觉好多了。伤口很疼,但是正在愈合。

3.弥合(分歧);解决(争端)If you try tomend divisions between people, you try to end the disagreements or quarrels between them.

e.g. He sent Evans as his personal envoy to discuss ways tomend relations between the two countries...他派埃文斯以私人特使的身份前往商讨修复两国关系的途径。e.g. I felt that might wellmend the rift between them.我觉得那样做也许可以让他们冰释前嫌。

4.(关系)正在改善;(形势)正在好转If a relationship or situation ison the mend after a difficult or unsuccessful period, it is improving.

e.g. More evidence that the economy was on themend was needed.需要更多证据来证明经济正在好转。

5.(病人)正在恢复之中,正在逐渐好起来If you areon the mend after an illness or injury, you are recovering from it.


e.g. The baby had been poorly but seemed on themend.宝宝生病了,但似乎正在好起来。

6.改过自新;改邪归正If someone who has been behaving badlymends theirways, they begin to behave well.

e.g. He has promised drastic disciplinary action if they do notmend their ways.如果他们不改邪归正的话,他保证一定严惩不贷。

7. tomend fences -> see fence






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