在QT5窗口菜单中实现最近打开的文件功能 您所在的位置:网站首页 maya最近打开文件在哪看啊 在QT5窗口菜单中实现最近打开的文件功能


2024-07-14 11:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265






#include #include #include #include

class QMenu; class QAction;

#define recentFileCount "OCCADrecentFiles/numOfRecentFiles" #define recentFileListId "OCCADrecentFiles/fileList"

/**  * @brief The RecentFiles class manages a list of recently accessed files.  *  * It handles user-settable number of most recently accessed files, provides  * a sub-menu that allows the user to select recently used files for opening.  */ class RecentFiles : public QObject {     Q_OBJECT public:     explicit RecentFiles(QMainWindow *parent=NULL); /* Parent mainwindow, just for proper heirarchy, not actually used outside QObject constr */     ~RecentFiles();

    /// Inserts the sub-menu into another Menu     ///  param menu   The parent menu where the sub-menu should be inserted     ///  param text   Text of menu item after which Recent menu is inserted     void attachToMenuAfterItem(QMenu *menu, QString text, const char *slotName);

    QStringList getRecentFiles() const;                     ///< application calls this to get list of recent files     void        setMostRecentFile(const QString fileName);  ///< called when each new file is opened     QString     strippedName(const QString &fullFileName);  ///< returns filename from full path

    void        setMenuEnabled(bool tf);

    /// returns how many recent files are being remenbered.  see setNumOfRecentFiles()     int         numberOfRecentFilesToSave();

    static const int MaxRecentFiles = 6;  ///< Max number of names we keep.

public slots:     /// The application can set the number of recent files retained/reported here     void setNumOfRecentFiles(int n);

signals:     void openFile(QString fileName); ///< emitted when user selects item from "Open Recent" sub-menu     void newMaxFilesShown(int);     ///< tells observers that the number of recent files being remembered has changed.

private slots:     void openRecentFile(); ///< menu items signal this when user selects item from "Open Recent" sub-menu

private:     void purgeMissingFilesFromList(QStringList &recentFileList);     void updateRecentFiles(QSettings &settings);  ///< call this with each new filename

    QMenu *m_recentMenu;     QAction *m_recentMenuTriggeredAction;     QAction *m_recentFileActions[MaxRecentFiles]; ///< QActions created in file menu for storing recent files };




#include "RecentFiles.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include

QString sanitizedFileName(const QString &name) {     QString clean = name;     return clean.replace(QRegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9]"), QString("_")); }

RecentFiles::RecentFiles(QMainWindow *parent)     : QObject(parent)     , m_recentMenu(new QMenu(parent))     , m_recentMenuTriggeredAction(NULL)

{     // create the sub-menu     m_recentMenu->setTitle("Open Recent...");     m_recentMenu->setObjectName("RecentMenu");

    // create an action for all possible entries in the sub-menu     for (int i = 0; i < MaxRecentFiles; i++) {         m_recentFileActions[i] = new QAction(m_recentMenu);         m_recentFileActions[i]->setText("---");         m_recentFileActions[i]->setVisible(false);         connect(m_recentFileActions[i], SIGNAL(triggered()),             this, SLOT(openRecentFile()));         m_recentMenu->addAction(m_recentFileActions[i]);     }

    // Set some defaults     QSettings settings;

    if (!settings.value(recentFileCount).isValid())         settings.setValue(recentFileCount, QVariant(4));

    // If there are no recent files, initialize an empty list     if (!settings.allKeys().contains(recentFileListId)) {         settings.setValue(recentFileListId, QVariant(QStringList()));     }

    updateRecentFiles(settings); } RecentFiles::~RecentFiles() {     // delete m_recentMenu; // might be bad because parent menu will delete.     m_recentMenu = (QMenu *)NULL; } //在menu菜单项下插图一个text名称的菜单项,并且这个菜单关联slotname响应 void RecentFiles::attachToMenuAfterItem(QMenu *menu,         /* menu that "Recent" sub-menu should be inserted into */     QString text,        /* Action in menu after which Recent menu should be inserted */     const char * slotName) {     QList actionList = menu->actions();

    int indexOfItemToFollow = 0;     for (; indexOfItemToFollow < actionList.size(); indexOfItemToFollow++) {         QAction *act = actionList.at(indexOfItemToFollow);         if (!act->text().compare(text)) {             break;         }     }

    int indexOfItemToPreceed = indexOfItemToFollow + 1;     if (indexOfItemToPreceed >= actionList.size()) {         // append to end of menu         m_recentMenuTriggeredAction = menu->addMenu(m_recentMenu);         m_recentMenuTriggeredAction->setObjectName("recentMenuAction");     }     else {         // insert into menu         QAction *before = actionList.at(indexOfItemToPreceed);         m_recentMenuTriggeredAction = menu->insertMenu(before, m_recentMenu);         m_recentMenuTriggeredAction->setObjectName("recentMenuAction");         menu->insertSeparator(before);     }

    connect(this, SIGNAL(openFile(QString)), parent(), slotName);


void RecentFiles::openRecentFile() {     QAction *action = qobject_cast(sender());     if (action)         emit openFile(action->data().toString()); }

void RecentFiles::purgeMissingFilesFromList(QStringList &recentFileList) {     for (QMutableStringListIterator i(recentFileList); i.hasNext();) {         QString fileName = i.next(); // stash filename and advance iterator         if (!QFile::exists(fileName)) {             i.remove(); // removes item last jumped by i.next()         }     } }

QString RecentFiles::strippedName(const QString &fullFileName) {     return QFileInfo(fullFileName).fileName(); }

void RecentFiles::setMenuEnabled(bool tf) {     m_recentMenuTriggeredAction->setEnabled(tf); }

int RecentFiles::numberOfRecentFilesToSave() {     QSettings settings;

    return settings.value(recentFileCount).toInt(); }

void RecentFiles::setMostRecentFile(const QString fileName) {     if (fileName.isEmpty())         return;

    QSettings settings;     QStringList recentFileList = settings.value(recentFileListId).toStringList();

    recentFileList.removeAll(fileName);     recentFileList.prepend(fileName);     settings.setValue(recentFileListId, QVariant(recentFileList));


    qApp->setProperty("currentDirectory",         QVariant(         QFileInfo(fileName)         .absoluteDir()         .absolutePath()         )); }

void RecentFiles::setNumOfRecentFiles(int n) {     QSettings settings;

    settings.setValue(recentFileCount, QVariant(n));


    // So a preference panel can be updated to show new value...     emit newMaxFilesShown(n); }

QStringList RecentFiles::getRecentFiles() const {     QSettings settings;

    QStringList recentFileList = settings.value(recentFileListId).toStringList();     return recentFileList; }

void RecentFiles::updateRecentFiles(QSettings &settings) {     int numOfRecentFiles = settings.value(recentFileCount, QVariant(4)).toInt();

    QStringList MyRecentFileList = settings.value(recentFileListId).toStringList();     purgeMissingFilesFromList(MyRecentFileList);     settings.setValue(recentFileListId, QVariant(MyRecentFileList));

    // If there are no recent files, then the menu item (that would show the list)     // should not be visible.     if (m_recentMenuTriggeredAction) {         if (numOfRecentFiles == 0) {             m_recentMenuTriggeredAction->setVisible(false);         }         else {             m_recentMenuTriggeredAction->setVisible(true);         }     }

    for (int j = 0; j < MaxRecentFiles; ++j) {         if (j < MyRecentFileList.count() && j < numOfRecentFiles) {             QString text = strippedName(MyRecentFileList[j]);             m_recentFileActions[j]->setText(text);             m_recentFileActions[j]->setData(MyRecentFileList[j]);             m_recentFileActions[j]->setObjectName(sanitizedFileName(text));

            m_recentFileActions[j]->setVisible(true);         }         else {             m_recentFileActions[j]->setVisible(false);         }     }

    for (int j = numOfRecentFiles; j < MyRecentFileList.count(); j++)         m_recentFileActions[j]->setVisible(false);

    getRecentFiles(); }





m_recentFiles.attachToMenuAfterItem(ui.menu_F, "Export...", SLOT(openFile(QString)));//在Export菜单项下插入  m_recentFiles.setNumOfRecentFiles(8);//最多显示最近的8个文件


QSettings settings; QFileInfo fi(filename);  settings.setValue("currentDirectory", fi.absolutePath());  m_recentFiles.setMostRecentFile(filename);

如果需要点击这些最近的文件后打开,需要实现openFile(QString filename)函数,这个可以根据自己的情况就行了,我的实现是:

//最近文档打开接口 void OCCAD::openFile(QString filename) {     QFormDoc *Temp = FindMdiChild(filename);     //判断文件是否已经打开     if (!Temp)     {//文件还没打开         QFormDoc *formDoc = FindEmptyFile();         if (formDoc)         {//还有空的文档,直接写入空文档             setActiveSubWindow(formDoc);             formDoc->loadFromFile(filename);             formDoc->setcurrFileName(filename);             formDoc->showMaximized(); //默认全屏显示             formDoc->Fill_View_style();             formDoc->show();             //             CurrOperation = "OPEN";             CreateModelNode();             CreateNodeWithModelType(filename, formDoc);             //             QSettings settings;             QFileInfo fi(filename);             settings.setValue("currentDirectory", fi.absolutePath());             m_recentFiles.setMostRecentFile(filename);         }         else         {             //没有空窗口,新建一个并显示到这个新窗口中             formDoc = new QFormDoc(this);             ui.mdiArea->addSubWindow(formDoc);             setActiveSubWindow(formDoc);             formDoc->loadFromFile(filename);             formDoc->showMaximized(); //默认全屏显示             formDoc->Fill_View_style();             formDoc->show();             //             CurrOperation = "OPEN";             CreateModelNode();             CreateNodeWithModelType(filename, formDoc);             //             QSettings settings;             QFileInfo fi(filename);             settings.setValue("currentDirectory", fi.absolutePath());             m_recentFiles.setMostRecentFile(filename);         }     }     else     {//文件已经打开,置顶这个窗口         Temp->activateWindow();         Temp->showMaximized(); //默认全屏显示     }




QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("OCSOFT"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("OCSOFT.COM"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("OCCAD V1.0");


后记: 到此,在QT窗口菜单中实现最近打开的文件功能已经完成。如果有什么写错的地方,请联系我修改 QQ:1623451686。







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