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maximizes是什么意思 maximizes的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2024-06-05 09:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  maximizes是什么意思 maximizes的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Trying to maximize the tissue you save… also maximizes the chances of something going wrong, which means you’ve gotta be extra careful, which is such a pain in the ass.

  翻译:尽量挽救你可以救的… 也尽量挽救某些会越来越糟糕的机会 表示你必须额外的小心,如果你屁股疼的话。



  例句:Maybe the fungus benefits from having connections with as many different trees as possible, and maximizes its connections by shuttling molecules between trees.

  翻译:也许这种真菌得益于 与尽可能多的、不同的树建立联系, 并通过在树间来回运输分子 以实现其联系最大化。 。



  例句:The second technique maximizes certainty of fertilization by using a needle to place a single sperm inside the egg.

  翻译:第二种技术会使得受精的确定性最大化 这种技术使用探针将单个置入子内 。



  例句:What if morals, what if what makes something moral is just a matter of if it maximizes pleasure and minimizes pain?

  翻译:假如道德,道德的内涵 只是为了最大的享受 和最少的痛苦? 。



  1. The second technique maximizes certainty of fertilization by using a needle to place a single sperm inside the egg.

  翻译:第二种技术会使得受精的确定性最大化 这种技术使用探针将单个置入子内 。

  2. What if morals, what if what makes something moral is just a matter of if it maximizes pleasure and minimizes pain?

  翻译:假如道德,道德的内涵 只是为了最大的享受 和最少的痛苦? 。

  3. Movement of capital maximizes the value of money, so it’s not even a crime.

  翻译:是将货币价值最大化的王道啊! 所以根本不算犯罪啊!。

  4. What if morals, what if what makes something moral is just a matter of if it maximizes pleasure and minimizes pain?

  翻译:假如道德,道德的内涵 只是为了最大的享受 和最少的痛苦?。

  5. These judgments are consistent with the philosophical principle of utilitarianism which argues that the morally correct decision is the one that maximizes well-being for the greatest number of people.

  翻译:这与功利主义的观点相吻合, 即认为道德上正确的决定是依据 为最多的人提供最大的利益 这一原则做出的。 。

  6. Anything that achieves efficiency and maximizes profit.


  7. When i really came to struggle with these issues, i thought to myself, how can i do this in the most responsible way, that maximizes the public benefit while minimizing the risks?

  翻译:当我和这些事物斗争的时候, 我想, 要如何以最可靠地方式完成, 最大化公众利益 同时将风险最小化? 。

  8. You know that NiM has already computed all possible outcomes of the contest, and will play in a way that maximizes its chance of success.

  翻译:你知道 NIM 已经计算出了 这场比赛的所有可能结果, 而且它会选择以能让它自己 赢的可能性最大化的方式来玩。 。

  9. The performance zone maximizes our immediate performance, while the learning zone maximizes our growth and our future performance.

  翻译:在展现区将展现最大化, 在学习区将进步最大化 并在未来的展现中将其表现。 。

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