声压转dB python 声压数据a计权matlab 您所在的位置:网站首页 matlab计算声压级 声压转dB python 声压数据a计权matlab

声压转dB python 声压数据a计权matlab

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声压转dB python 声压数据a计权matlab 转载

mob64ca14157da7 2023-11-23 21:24:11

文章标签 声压转dB python 拟合 时域 样条 文章分类 Python 后端开发


声压级计算一个文件夹下多个文件的SPL执行文件exert% 功能:遍历data文件夹下的所有文件,计算带A计权的声压级曲线,并在命令行显示SPL(dB) % 编辑者:Heart_sea % 日期:2019,4,24 clear; clc; close all; % ======================= preferences set ================================= fs = 12000; % sampling frequency (unit: Hz) NFFT = fs; % the number of samples used in FFT pl = 20; % 下限频率 ph = 6000; % 上限频率 N_win = NFFT; % the length of the window,% 规定窗长度是NFFT,暂时这样理解,后面学窗再详细探讨 Window = hamming(N_win); % 或者 WINDOW = NFFT;默认是汉明窗,只给出长度即可 N_overlap = floor(N_win/2); % 重叠是窗长度的一半 A_weighting_flag = 2; % 是否要A计权,0表示不计权,1表示国标的A计权,2表示调用库的A计权 save_image_flag =0; % 是否保存图片,0不存 timecom = 1; % 1 需显示时域曲线,2 无需显示时域曲线 coordinate = 1; % 坐标选择,0表示直角坐标,1表示x轴对数坐标 % ===========计算麦克风的灵敏度 OP_AMP = 5.1; % 麦克风板的放大倍数,采集的是经过放大倍数的数据 MIC_SEN = -38; % 灵敏度级dB mic_sen = (10^(MIC_SEN./20)).*OP_AMP;%麦克风的灵敏度 % ======================== import data ==================================== maindir = './Data'; File_L1 =dir(maindir); % 获取路径下的所有文件信息 PathNumber=numel(File_L1);% 获取元素的数量 m = 1; % 存放数据列数初始化 switch timecom case 1 for i = 3:PathNumber Path=fullfile(maindir,File_L1(i).name); Path2 = fullfile(File_L1(i).name); Path2(end-3:end) = []; note(:,m) = {[File_L1(i,1).name]}; m = m+1; x = load(Path); % importdata(Path) x = x./mic_sen; t = 1/fs:1/fs:length(x)/fs; plot(t,x) hold on; legend(note); end title(['时域曲线 ']) xlabel('t (s)') ylabel('pressure (Pa)') case 2 end if timecom == 1 figure; end % ======================== 频域 ==================================== m = 1; %列放数据初始化 for i = 3:PathNumber Path=fullfile(maindir,File_L1(i).name);% 文件夹下文件路径 Path2 = fullfile(File_L1(i).name); % 文件夹下的文件的名字 Path2(end-3:end) = []; %去掉文件的txt note(:,m) = {[File_L1(i,1).name]}; % 用作legend m = m+1; x = load(Path); x = x./mic_sen; [Sxx,f] = cpsd(x,x, Window, N_overlap, NFFT, fs); f = f(pl:ph); Sxx = Sxx(pl:ph); % ======================== A-weighting-国标 =============================== if A_weighting_flag == 1 WeightA = A_curve(f); % get the vaule of weight-A SPL = 10*log10(Sxx/4e-10)+ WeightA;%各频率上的A计权声压级 SPLA_S = sum(10.^(SPL./10)); SPLA_total = 10*log10(SPLA_S); % ======================== A-weighting-调用MATLAB库 =============================== elseif A_weighting_flag == 2 N_f = sum(f






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