矩阵实验室 MathWorks MATLAB R2018a for Mac 您所在的位置:网站首页 matlab射线追踪程序 矩阵实验室 MathWorks MATLAB R2018a for Mac

矩阵实验室 MathWorks MATLAB R2018a for Mac

#矩阵实验室 MathWorks MATLAB R2018a for Mac| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

MathWorks 推出了Release 2018a (R2018a),其中包含一系列的 MATLAB 和 Simulink 新功能。R2018a 包括两个新产品:用于设计和测试状态监控和预测性维护算法的 Predictive Maintenance Toolbox,集成了三维虚拟环境的车辆动态性能建模和仿真工具箱Vehicle Dynamics Blockset。除了 MATLAB 和 Simulink 中的新功能和新产品以外,此发行版还包括 94 个其他产品的更新和修补程序。

MATLAB 产品系列更新包括: MATLAB:

实时编辑器中的实时函数、文档编写、调试以及用于嵌入滑块和下拉菜单的交互式控件 用于高级软件开发的 App (UI) 测试框架、C++ MEX 接口、自定义 Tab 键自动填充和函数助手 MATLAB Online: 用于与 USB 网络摄像机通信的硬件连接 Econometrics Toolbox: 用于执行时序分析、规格测试、建模和诊断的 Econometric Modeler App Image Processing Toolbox: 三维图像处理和卷可视化 Partial Differential Equation Toolbox: 用来查找自然频率、模态形状和瞬态响应的结构动态分析 Optimization Toolbox: 用于更快求解混合整数线性问题的分支方法


Neural Network Toolbox: 用于导入在 TensorFlow-Keras 中设计的深度学习层和网络的支持包 用于求解回归问题以及利用 Text Analytics Toolbox 进行文本分类的长短期记忆 (LSTM) 网络 用来改进网络训练的 Adam、RMSProp 和梯度裁剪算法 使用多个 GPU 并计算中间层激活,加快对有向无环图 (DAG) 的训练 Computer Vision System Toolbox: 用来自动标记各个像素实现语义分割的 Image Labeler App GPU Coder: 用于采用有向无环图 (DAG) 拓扑的网络和预训练网络(如 GoogLeNet、ResNet 和 SegNet)的 CUDA 代码生成 用于 Intel 和 ARM 处理器上深度学习网络的 C 代码生成

数据分析 Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox: 在 Classification Learner App 中使用散点图的高密度数据可视化 用于大数据的核 SVM 回归分析算法、混淆矩阵计算以及非分层分区的交叉验证 Text Analytics Toolbox: 多词短语提取和计数、HTML 文本提取以及句子、电子邮件地址和 URL 检测 用于大型数据集的随机 LDA 模型训练 Predictive Maintenance Toolbox: 一款用于设计和测试状态监控和预测性维护算法的新产品

Simulink 产品系列更新包括: Simulink:

根据当前模块端口预测可能要插入的新模块供选择,并迅速添加到模型中 Simulation Pacing可指定仿真速度,将仿真时间指定为与实际时间或其他时间一致,从而获得仿真运行时间与指定时间对应的体验 LiveEditor中可使用SimulationDataInspector进行绘图的添加、查看和编辑 Simulink 3D Animation: 使用点云、射线追踪和原始几何形状,检测虚拟世界对象冲突 Simscape: 湿空气域和模块库,用来对HVAC和环境控制系统进行建模 分区本地求解器,提高实时仿真速度

汽车 Automated Driving System Toolbox: 新增Driving  Scenario Designer APP用于交互式定义执行器和驾驶场景来测试控制和传感器融合算法 Model Predictive Control Toolbox: 新增ADAS相关模块,用于设计、仿真和实现自适应巡航控制算法和车道保持算法 Vehicle Network Toolbox: 新增基于 CAN FD 协议的Simulink通信模块,MATLAB 或/Simulink 与 ECU 通信的 XCP协议新增UDP以及TCP Model-Based Calibration Toolbox: 实现与Powertrain Blockset 工具箱集成,可基于测量数据直接标定和生成Powertrain Blockset查表型发动机模块的表格参数 Vehicle Dynamics Blockset: 新增工具箱,实现车辆动态性能建模仿真并集成3D虚拟环境

代码生成 Embedded Coder: 用于定义数据和函数的自定义代码生成配置的 Embedded Coder 字典 CodePerspective,可对用于代码生成流程的 Simulink 桌面进行自定义 MATLAB Coder: 矩阵的行主序排布以简化所生成代码与C环境中存储的行主序矩阵间的访问接口 稀疏矩阵支持,在生成的代码中使用稀疏矩阵实现更高效的计算 用于机器学习部署的 C 代码生成,包括 k-最近邻、非树整体模型以及使用 Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox 进行距离计算 Fixed-Point Designer: 用于近似函数和最小化现有查找表 RAM 使用率的查找表优化 HDL Coder: 矩阵运算支持,能够直接从使用二维矩阵数据类型和运算的算法中生成 HDL 代码

信号处理和通信 Signal Processing Toolbox: Signal Analyzer App,可处理多个信号并从信号中提取感兴趣区域 使用 RPM 追踪和阶次分析对旋转机械中的振动信号进行分析 LTE System Toolbox: NB-IoT 支持,对窄带物联网传输和物理下行链路共享信道的建模 RF Blockset: 根据输入/输出设备特性捕捉非线性和记忆效应的功率放大器模型 Wavelet Toolbox: 连续和离散小波变换滤波器组 Robotics System Toolbox: 基于激光雷达的 SLAM,可使用激光雷达传感器对机器人和地图环境进行定位

验证和确认 Simulink Requirements: 利用 ReqIF 的导入需求,可从 IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 或 Siemens Polarion 之类的第三方工具中导入需求 Simulink Test: 覆盖率组合功能,可以用来组合多次测试运行(文件的)的覆盖率结果 Polyspace Code Prover: 用于 AUTOSAR 软件组件静态分析的 AUTOSAR 支持

MATLAB R2018a Release Highlights Deep Learning

Plot and analyze your network using network analyzer, generate CUDA code that integrates with TensorRT, and deploy deep learning networks to Intel and ARM processors.

With just a few lines of MATLAB® code, you can build deep learning models without having to be an expert. Explore how MATLAB can help you perform deep learning tasks.

MATLAB is fast: Run deployed models up to 7x faster than TensorFlow and up to 4.5x faster than Caffe2. Easily access the latest models, including GoogLeNet, VGG-16, VGG-19, AlexNet, ResNet-50, ResNet-101, and Inception-v3. Use NVIDIA GPUs for your GPU programming: Accelerate training using multiple GPUs, the cloud, or clusters. Use functions and tools to visualize intermediate results and debug deep learning models. Automate ground-truth labeling using apps. Work with models from Caffe and TensorFlow-Keras. Data Analytics

Big data smoothing and outlier detection using tall arrays, grouped calculations, and C code generation for additional machine learning classifiers.

Explore the latest MATLAB® functions and features for developing machine learning models, working with big data, and operationalizing analytics to production systems.

Model and simulate vehicle dynamics in a virtual 3D environment

Vehicle Dynamics Blockset™ provides fully assembled reference application models that simulate driving maneuvers in a 3D environment. You can use the prebuilt scenes to visualize roads, traffic signs, trees, buildings, and other objects around the vehicle. You can customize the reference models by using your own data or by replacing a subsystem with your own model. The blockset includes a library of components for modeling propulsion, steering, suspension, vehicle bodies, brakes, and tires.

Vehicle Dynamics Blockset provides a standard model architecture that can be used throughout the development process. It supports ride and handling analyses, chassis controls development, software integration testing, and hardware-in-the-loop testing. By integrating vehicle dynamics models with a 3D environment, you can test ADAS and automated driving perception, planning, and control software. These models let you test your vehicle with standard driving maneuvers such as a double lane change or with your own custom scenarios.

Design and test condition monitoring and predictive maintenance algorithms

Predictive Maintenance Toolbox™ provides tools for labeling data, designing condition indicators, and estimating the remaining useful life (RUL) of a machine. You can analyze and label machine data imported from local files, cloud storage, and distributed file systems. You can also label simulated failure data generated from Simulink® models.

Signal processing and dynamic modeling methods that build on techniques such as spectral analysis and time series analysis let you preprocess data and extract features that can be used to monitor the condition of the machine. To estimate a machine’s time to failure, you can use survival, similarity, and trend-based models to predict the RUL.

The toolbox includes reference examples for motors, gearboxes, batteries, and other machines that can be reused for developing custom predictive maintenance and condition monitoring algorithms.


矩阵实验室 MathWorks MATLAB R2018a for Mac 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1H5mF1pyYgcMExS9F9zLY3g

Product: MATLAB Version 9.4 (R2018a) Simulink Version 9.1 (R2018a) Aerospace Blockset Version 3.21 (R2018a) Aerospace Toolbox Version 2.21 (R2018a) Antenna Toolbox Version 3.1 (R2018a) Automated Driving System Toolbox Version 1.2 (R2018a) Bioinformatics Toolbox Version 4.10 (R2018a) Communications System Toolbox Version 6.6 (R2018a) Computer Vision System Toolbox Version 8.1 (R2018a) Control System Toolbox Version 10.4 (R2018a) Curve Fitting Toolbox Version 3.5.7 (R2018a) DO Qualification Kit Version 3.5 (R2018a) DSP System Toolbox Version 9.6 (R2018a) Database Toolbox Version 8.1 (R2018a) Datafeed Toolbox Version 5.7 (R2018a) Econometrics Toolbox Version 5.0 (R2018a) Embedded Coder Version 7.0 (R2018a) Filter Design HDL Coder Version 3.1.3 (R2018a) Financial Instruments Toolbox Version 2.7 (R2018a) Financial Toolbox Version 5.11 (R2018a) Fixed-Point Designer Version 6.1 (R2018a) Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Version 2.3.1 (R2018a) Global Optimization Toolbox Version 3.4.4 (R2018a) HDL Coder Version 3.12 (R2018a) IEC Certification Kit Version 3.11 (R2018a) Image Acquisition Toolbox Version 5.4 (R2018a) Image Processing Toolbox Version 10.2 (R2018a) Instrument Control Toolbox Version 3.13 (R2018a) LTE System Toolbox Version 2.6 (R2018a) MATLAB Coder Version 4.0 (R2018a) MATLAB Compiler Version 6.6 (R2018a) MATLAB Compiler SDK Version 6.5 (R2018a) MATLAB Report Generator Version 5.4 (R2018a) Mapping Toolbox Version 4.6 (R2018a) Model Predictive Control Toolbox Version 6.1 (R2018a) Neural Network Toolbox Version 11.1 (R2018a) Optimization Toolbox Version 8.1 (R2018a) Parallel Computing Toolbox Version 6.12 (R2018a) Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Version 3.0 (R2018a) Phased Array System Toolbox Version 3.6 (R2018a) Polyspace Bug Finder Version 2.5 (R2018a) Polyspace Code Prover Version 9.9 (R2018a) Powertrain Blockset Version 1.3 (R2018a) RF Blockset Version 7.0 (R2018a) RF Toolbox Version 3.4 (R2018a) Robotics System Toolbox Version 2.0 (R2018a) Robust Control Toolbox Version 6.4.1 (R2018a) Signal Processing Toolbox Version 8.0 (R2018a) SimBiology Version 5.8 (R2018a) SimEvents Version 5.4 (R2018a) Simscape Version 4.4 (R2018a) Simscape Driveline Version 2.14 (R2018a) Simscape Electronics Version 2.13 (R2018a) Simscape Fluids Version 2.4 (R2018a) Simscape Multibody Version 5.2 (R2018a) Simscape Power Systems Version 6.9 (R2018a) Simulink 3D Animation Version 8.0 (R2018a) Simulink Check Version 4.1 (R2018a) Simulink Coder Version 8.14 (R2018a) Simulink Control Design Version 5.1 (R2018a) Simulink Coverage Version 4.1 (R2018a) Simulink Design Optimization Version 3.4 (R2018a) Simulink Design Verifier Version 3.5 (R2018a) Simulink Desktop Real-Time Version 5.6 (R2018a) Simulink Report Generator Version 5.4 (R2018a) Simulink Requirements Version 1.1 (R2018a) Simulink Test Version 2.4 (R2018a) Stateflow Version 9.1 (R2018a) Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Version 11.3 (R2018a) Symbolic Math Toolbox Version 8.1 (R2018a) System Identification Toolbox Version 9.8 (R2018a) WLAN System Toolbox Version 1.5 (R2018a) Wavelet Toolbox Version 5.0 (R2018a)






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