2016.05 三级笔译实务试题与参考译文 您所在的位置:网站首页 manytrees翻译中文 2016.05 三级笔译实务试题与参考译文

2016.05 三级笔译实务试题与参考译文

2024-05-28 22:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


“This semi-arid region is becoming less and less habitable. We want to make it possible for people to continue to live here,” Col. Pap Sarr, the agency’s technical director, said in an interview here. Colonel Sarr has forged working alliances between Senegalese researchers and the French team headed by Mr. Boetsch, in fields as varied as soil microbiology, ecology, medicine and anthropology.“In Senegal we hope to experiment with different ways of doing things that will benefit the other countries as they become more active,” the colonel said.Each year since 2008, from May to June, about 400 people are employed in eight nurseries, choosing and overseeing germination of seeds and tending the seedlings until they are ready for planting. In August, 1,000 people are mobilized to plant out rows of seedlings, about 2 million plants, allowing them a full two months of the rainy season to take root before the long, dry season sets in.

该机构技术主任佩普•萨阿上校(Col. Pap Sarr)接受采访时说:“这片半干旱地区越来越不适宜居住。我们要让人们有可能继续在这里生活下去。”萨阿上校促成塞内加尔研究人员与伯伊士先生负责的法国科学家小组建立起研究合作关系,涉及微生物学、生态学、医学和人类学等诸多领域。上校说:“在塞内加尔,我们希望通过尝试各种行动方法,让其他国家更积极地行动起来。”自2008年以来,每年五六月份,约有400人应招在八个苗圃工作,选种、育种、育苗,直到苗熟待种。八月份,要动员1000人栽种共约200万株树苗。这样,在漫长的旱季到来之前,这些树苗就有足足两个月的时间在雨季扎根。

After their first dry season, the saplings look dead, brown twigs sticking out of holes in the ground, but 80 percent survive. Six years on, trees planted in 2008 are up to three meters, or 10 feet, tall.So far, 30,000 hectares, or about 75,000 acres, have been planted, including 4,000 hectares this summer.There are already discernible impacts on the microclimate, said Jean-Luc Peiry, a physical geography professor at the Université Blaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand, France, who has placed 30 sensors to record temperatures in some planted parcels.


“Preliminary results show that clumps of four to eight small trees can have an important impact on temperature,” Professor Peiry said in an interview. “The transpiration of the trees creates a microclimate that moderates daily temperature extremes.”“The trees also have an important role in slowing the soil erosion caused by the wind, reducing the dust, and acting like a large rough doormat, halting the sand-laden winds from the Sahara,” he added.Wildlife is responding to the changes. “Migratory birds are reappearing,” Mr. Boetsch said.


The project uses eight groundwater pumping stations built in 1954, before Senegal achieved its independence from France in 1960. The pumps fill giant basins that provide water for animals, tree nurseries and gardens where fruit and vegetables are grown.

该项目所使用的八个地下水泵站均建于 1954 年,在1960年塞内加尔从法国独立出来之前。水泵把水抽到巨大的蓄水池里,供动物饮用并灌溉苗圃和种植水果蔬菜的园地。




Good health is a prerequisite for promoting all-round development of the person. And it is a common pursuit of human societies to improve people’s health and ensure their right to medical care. For China, a large developing country, medical and healthcare is of vital importance to its population of over 1.3 billion, and is a major issue concerning its people’s well being.


China pays great attention to protecting and improving its people’s health. As the Constitution stipulates, “The state develops medical and health services, promotes modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine…, all for the protection of the people’s health.


Over the years, China has worked hard to develop its medical and health services with Chinese characteristics in accordance with the policy of “making rural areas the focus of our work, putting disease prevention first, supporting both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, relying on science, technology and education, and mobilizing the whole of society to join the efforts, improving the people’s health and serving socialist modernization.”


Thanks to unremitting efforts that have been made, medical and healthcare systems covering both urban and rural residents have taken shape, the capabilities of disease prevention and control have been enhanced, the coverage of medical insurance has expanded, continuous progress has been made in medical science and technology, and the people’s health has been remarkably improved.


With the quickened pace of the country’s industrialization and urbanization, as well as its increasingly aging population, the Chinese people are facing the dual health threats of infectious and chronic diseases, and the public needs better medical and health services. In the meantime, problems still exist regarding China’s health resources, especially the shortage of high-quality resources and the unbalanced distribution of those resources. China has arduous tasks ahead for reforming and developing its medical and health services.返回搜狐,查看更多






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