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2023-04-13 07:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、He more or less thought it was his duty to tell me.他或多或少认为自己有义务告诉我。

2、It’s more or less triangular plot of land.这块地略成三角形。

3、Holding an exhibition of pure art in this context more or less has shadow of ridiculousness.在这样的现实状况下举办一个纯粹的艺术展览多少带有一点滑稽的色彩。

4、Needless to say, a 100 percent response to a cancer drug is more or less unheard of.毋庸置疑,100%的有效率不论对于一种抗癌药物还是所谓 * 疗法都是闻所未闻的。

5、Were more or less in agreement.差不多达成一致

6、And power is so devolved that you can more or less choose which rules you want to live under.权力被下放得如此彻底,你可以多多少少选择生活的地方,那里有适合自己的法律。

7、How much will it cost, more or less ?这个大概得花多少钱?

8、the idea of a federal organization of more or less self-governing units.由不同程度的自治单位组成的联邦组织思想。

9、More or less all of us yammer on more or less endlessly about hope.我们所有的抱怨或多或少都跟无究无尽的希望有关。

10、He more or less railroaded the rest of Europe into recognizing the new "independent" states.他或多或少地强迫了欧洲其他国家承认这些新“独立”的国家。

11、Since the three of you have expressed more or less the same problem of having a guilty conscience.你们其中有三个人多多少少都遇到了同样的内疚感。

12、So, he was more or less chronicling The Times and seemingly got a kick out of it.因此,他或多或少地编写下那个时期的事,似乎真的有被逐出的感觉(笑)。

13、I was not surprised to see their old faces more or less outclassed by Croatia.我并不感到惊讶地看到他们的老面孔更加克罗地亚或多或少处于劣势。

14、I am more or less tired after such a long trip.经过这样长途旅行,我感到有点累了。

15、Everybody felt more or less thirsty.大家都感到有些渴。

16、This time we dismantled the sequencer more or less completely before we built it back up again.我们这次拆除序或多或少完全才建成,它再度回升。

17、Does everyone more or less agree on the main problems?是不是每个人都或多或少的认同主要问题?

18、If their testing is going more or less according to plan, then a brief report is sufficient.如果他们的测试基本是按计划进行的,那么一篇简短的报告就足够了。

19、It more or less goes perpendicular with the fault rupture of the earthquake.海啸的行进方向与地震断层破裂带通常会相互垂直。

20、Most people are more or less selfish.大多数的人多少有点自私。

21、She started off by accusing him of blackmail but he more or less ignored her.她以指控他敲诈勒索开始,但他基本上没理会她。

22、The discussion of tree training and pruning is still more or less slanted toward the large trees.所论述的整形和修剪,或多或少仍倾向于大冠树。

23、The landfill sits on a natural foundation of London clay which is more or less impermeable.垃圾掩埋场以伦敦黏土为天然地基,其防渗效果极佳。

24、People with this mutation are more or less immune to HIV infection.带有这种突变的人对于艾滋病毒感染存在或多或少的免疫能力。

25、The body feels hot and the temperature remains more or less constant at the new elevated level.身体感到热,可体温保持在升高后的新高度上差不多稳定不变。

26、Should it do more or less work?是要做更多的事情,还是做少一些事情?

27、He is more or less a jerk他或多或少是个混球。

28、Mashable's Ben Parr asked him directly about Google +, and here's more or less what he said.Mashable的本·帕尔直接问了他有关Google +的问题,以下这些或多或少都是他所说的(只是大意记录,不一定精确)。

29、The polluted water more or less influences their health.受污染的水或多或少地影响着他们的健康。

30、The content of the two articles is more or less the same.两篇文章内容雷同。

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