周杰伦《爱在西元前》~中文歌词翻译 您所在的位置:网站首页 lemon翻译成中文歌词 周杰伦《爱在西元前》~中文歌词翻译


2024-05-13 05:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Artist: Jay Chou (周杰倫 (Chou Chieh-Lun))Song: 愛在西元前 (Ài zài xī yuán qián) [Love before BC] •Album: Fantasy (2001)


古巴比伦王颁布了汉摩拉比法典刻在黑色的玄武岩 距今已经三千七百多年妳在橱窗前 凝视碑文的字眼我却在旁静静欣赏妳那张我深爱的脸

祭司 神殿 征战 弓箭 是谁的从前喜欢在人潮中妳只属于我的那画面经过苏美女神身边 我以女神之名许愿思念像底格里斯河般的漫延当古文明只剩下难解的语言传说就成了永垂不朽的诗篇

我给妳的爱写在西元前 深埋在美索不达米亚平原几十个世纪后出土发现 泥板上的字迹依然清晰可见

我给妳的爱写在西元前 深埋在美索不达米亚平原用楔形文字刻下了永远 那已风化千年的誓言一切又重演

祭司 神殿 征战 弓箭 是谁的从前喜欢在人潮中妳只属于我的那画面经过苏美女神身边 我以女神之名许愿思念像底格里斯河般的漫延当古文明只剩下难解的语言传说就成了永垂不朽的诗篇

我给妳的爱写在西元前 深埋在美索不达米亚平原几十个世纪后出土发现 泥板上的字迹依然清晰可见

我给妳的爱写在西元前 深埋在美索不达米亚平原用楔形文字刻下了永远 那已风化千年的誓言一切又重演


我给妳的爱写在西元前 深埋在美索不达米亚平原几十个世纪后出土发现 泥板上的字迹依然清晰可见

我给妳的爱写在西元前 深埋在美索不达米亚平原用楔形文字刻下了永远 那已风化千年的誓言一切又重演

爱在西元前 爱在西元前

Our B.C Love

Ancient Babylon king decreed the Hammurabi CodeIt was engraved on the basaltthirty-seven centuries agoYou stand by window gazing at the inscriptionWhile I stand aside admiring your face, which is my beloved one

The priest,temples,battles,arrows, whose bygones are those?I dote on the tableau that in the crowd you belong to meI made a wish in the name ofSumer goddess when passed by herMy longing inundates vastly like the TigrisWhen ancient civilization remains ciphersThe legends turn into the immortal epics

I give you the love written before Christdeeply buried in MesopotamiaAfter thousands of years it was unearthedThe vestiges on clay board are still discernible

I give you the love written before Christdeeply buried in MesopotamiaConstancy was engraved in cuneiformThe weathered vow had spanned centuriesAll history repeats

The priest,temples,battles,arrows, whose bygones are those?I dote on the tableau that in the crowd you belong to meI made a wish in the name ofSumer goddess when passed by herMy longing inundates vastly like the TigrisWhen ancient civilization remains ciphersThe legends turn into the immortal epics

I give you the love written before Christdeeply buried in MesopotamiaAfter thousands of years it was unearthedThe vestiges on clay board are still discernible

I give you the love written before Christdeeply buried in MesopotamiaConstancy was engraved in cuneiformThe weathered vow had spanned centuriesAll history repeats

I feel exhausted butstill I’m far from my homelandI dread that I can never be back to you

I give you the love written before Christdeeply buried in MesopotamiaAfter thousands of years it was unearthedThe vestiges on clay board are still discernible

I give you the love written before Christdeeply buried in MesopotamiaConstancy was engraved in cuneiformThe weathered vow had spanned centuriesAll history repeats

Our love before ChristOur love before Christ

Submitted by Stormyfeather


帕布莉卡(www.pabulika.com)是一个围绕书影音的外语学习和外语翻译网站。-----------一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬

在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵;

在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。







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