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2024-04-18 10:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



"Hujambo", the Kiswahili word for "hello", is easily the most recognised greeting in East Africa, and is arguably the most recognised African word by people who have visited the region on safari.

First of all, is it Swahili or Kiswahili? It’s both! It’s ‘Swahili’ if you say it in English and ‘Kiswahili’ if you say it in Swahili.

Swahili is the lingua franca of East Africa. Together with English it is the official language of both Kenya and Tanzania. With more than 50 million speakers Swahili is the most widely used language in Africa, although only about a million people recognise it as their mother tongue.

Outside of Kenya and Tanzania the language is spoken in areas of Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Malawi, Somalia and Mozambique with smaller pockets of speakers in Rwanda and Burundi.

Swahili Greetings(问候语)Hujambo - answered by SijamboHow are you?Hi, helloGreetingsSijambo - in reply to HujamboI’m fine, i have no problemsHi, hello.【简易的问候语,最近过得怎么样?—我很好】Habari (noun) meaning - newsHabari gani? - answered by MzuriWhat’s new?How are you doing?Habari yako?(你好吗?)How are you doing?Habari za asubuhi(早上好)Good morning (literary news of the morning)Habari za mchana(下午好)Good afternoon (literary news of the afternoon)Habari za jioni(晚上好)Good evening. (literary news of the evening)Mzuri - in reply to Habari(回答Mzuri,表示,我很好,很不错)Good, niceBeautifulAttractive2.Other useful words to learn are:【其他有用的单词】Yes - Ndiyo(表示肯定,是的)No - Hapana(表示否定,不是)Thank you - Asante(谢谢)Thank you very much - Asante sana(非常感谢)Please - Tafadhali(拜托)Excuse me - Samahani(打扰一下,请问)You're Welcome - Starehe Karibu(别客气)How much? Shilingi ngapi?(多少钱?多少先令)【注:“先令”(Shilling)曾经是英国,前英国附庸国/附属国与英(Commonwealth)的货币单位,亦有在已退出英联邦的爱尔兰与坦桑尼亚通用。“先令”这个字源于盎格鲁-撒克逊时期的古英语Scilling,是当时的会计名词,大约相等于当时肯特郡的一只牛或其他地方的一只羊的市值。】May I take a picture? - Naomba kupiga picha(我可以拍照吗?)Where? - wapi(哪里)Do you speak English? - Unasema kiingereza?(你会说英语吗?)Friend - Rafiki(朋友)What is your name? - Jino lako nani?(你叫什么名字?)Goodbye - Kwaheri(再见)Sleep well - lala salama(晚安呢)Sorry (as in sympathy) - pole(对不起)Slowly - pole pole(慢慢地)Drive slowly - endisha pole pole(开慢点)

3.Food and Drink in Swahili(斯瓦西里语中的饮食)

Food and drink are an important part of a safari anywhere in Africa and knowing the local words for some of the more common items can be helpful.

Food- chakula(食物)Hot/cold- ya moto/baridi(热/冷)Water- maji(水)Hot water- maji ya moto(热水)Drinking water- maji ya kunywa(喝水)Soft drinks- soda(饮料)Beer- bia(啤酒)Milk- maziwa(牛奶)Meat- nyama(肉)Chicken- kuku(鸡肉)Fish- samaki(鱼)Beef- nyama(牛肉)Fruit- matunda(水果)Vegetables- mboga(蔬菜)

4.Safari Animals(野生动物)

Knowing the names of the animals you see on safari in the local lingo can be fun, as is asking your guide in his own language about your favourite animals.

Buffalo- Nyati(水牛)Cheetah- Duma(猎豹)Elephant- Tembo / Ndovuh(大象)Giraffe- Twiga(长颈鹿)Hippo- Kiboko(河马)Hyena- Fisi(鬣狗)Leopard- Chui(豹)Lion- Simba(狮子)Rhino- Kifaru(犀牛)Warthog- Ngiri(疣猪)Wildebeest- Nyumbu(角馬)Zebra- Punda milia(斑马)Goat- Mbuzi(山羊)Dog- Mbwa(狗)Cat- Paka((>^ω^






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