最强英音之Kate Beckinsale 您所在的位置:网站首页 kate怎么读英语 最强英音之Kate Beckinsale

最强英音之Kate Beckinsale

2022-03-24 04:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

原标题:最强英音之Kate Beckinsale

今天,在我的专栏《最强英音》中,我要推荐的是Kate Beckinsale. 她的美貌的确令人觉得惊艳。那怕在《黑夜传说》里那一身紧身皮装女杀手形象(其实我一直觉得那身衣服太紧,曲线都给压没了,和时尚人士打死都不穿的秋衣秋裤没啥区别了)只要将镜头一拉近,那双吸血鬼的眉眼立刻产生了比标准地球重力一个G高几十倍的强大吸引力。



可这还没有完,除了她的美貌、智商和能力以外,她竟然还有一副超级性感的嗓子。一群老外粉被迷得不要不要的,说Blind date遇到这种声音也绝对要沦陷。13岁就开始写诗获奖的人,念起台词或作品来自然驾轻就熟。我今天就给大家推荐一个很有意思的视频,讲述19世纪的女人如何才能赢得一个男人的心。

这段视频中,Kate Beckinsale在朗读时使用了清晰纯正的标准英音。她性感低沉的嗓音使得发音更为饱满质感。整体语速适中,可以根据字幕或者我整理的文字进行跟读练习。


How to get a guy in the 1800s read by Kate Beckinsale

I’m Kate Beckinsale and this is how you get a guy in the 1800s. These are from real etiquette guides at the time.

A lady should be expected to shine in the art of conversation, but not too brightly. She should cultivate a distinct but subdued tone, like a beaten animal.

Once a couple is introduced, families set out a courting candle, which allows the man and woman to talk until it burns below a certain level. That’s quite a tall candle. I don’t know if I can accommodate candle of that size. Considering that it is you, would you possibly make it slightly shorter.

A lady should finish her toilet before entering the room for dancing. No, that’s not what you’re thinking. It means what…something else. “Finish your toilet in the dressing rooms.” My mother said that to me millions of times. That’s not even just 1800s. That’s just a thing you should do.

No sexual contact is allowed before marriage. Innocence is demanded by men from ladies in his class, and most especially from his future wife. Quite right.

Man: A lady in the streets, a freak in the sheets. Right?

It’s wrong that on me. You got really sweaty and then you said that. It’s made me feel uncomfortable.

A lady never serves herself from a buffet line. She informs her dinner partner of her wishes and he brings her plate to her.

Man: Kale Salad, my lady.

See? There could be a sneeze on that I’d like to see where it’s come from. I don’t like to just be handed something. Just in case.

A lady should not attend a public ball without an escort, nor should she promenade the ballroom alone; in fact, no lady should be left unattended. Very much like luggage at an airport that could possibly explode.

If the lady walks out with a gentleman, they always walk apart. A gentleman can offer his hand over rough spots, the only contact he is allowed.

Man: Excuses me.

Thank you so much.

A lady, when crossing the street, must raise her dress a bit above the ankle. It is considered vulgar to raise the dress with both hands as it would show too much ankle. You are in a tumescent state from seeing my ankle which has been out this entire time.

Man: It’s been fine.

Why are you doing that?

Man: I am sorry.

A lady never says “can you not turn the pages before it finished.” Is another thing.

A proposal is best made in person, with clear, distinct language, so the girl might not misunderstand the gentleman’s intent.

Man: Netflix and chill.

Perfect. Cause I didn’t think you were saying anything else. That was a quite obvious what you were after..

If he cannot bring himself to propose in person, he can do so in writing. A girl does not have to accept her first proposal. She can play coy. I’ve had one of these before Yeah. This is really familiar. I check No.

He’s off. That is how to get a guy in the 1800s. Sounds horrible. I’d rather not have one.


1. It's wrong (that) on me. 对我来说不贴切,不适合。that这里么有意义,纯口语中的所谓碎词。

2. A lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets. 大意是说路上装得像淑女,床上其实就是个荡妇。(这个男得别看他老实巴交,其实一直设套往污得地方带,后面还有)。

3. Netflix and chill: 其实这个是很污的委婉语。字面上就是指约女孩子到家里来看看Netflix的电影啥的。其实,是指看完电影后那个啥...(大家自己脑补)

4. Finisn your toilet in the dressing room. 和Kate说的一样,这里的toilet不是厕所的意思,而是来源于toilette这个单词。是在梳妆打扮时要用的材料。大致意思就是“在自己的房间将自己打扮好了再出去见人”。

特别留意带有英音特色的ball, escort, airport, walk, talk等单词的发音,但要和offer, not等有所区别。














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