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Asian Pacific Journal Of Tropical Medicine 核心期刊目录查询 期刊全称:Asian Pacific Journal Of Tropical Medicine 简称:ASIAN PAC J TROP MEDISSN:1995-7645ESSN:1995-7645研究方向:PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH - TROPICAL MEDICINE Asian Pacific Journal Of Tropical Medicine英文简介

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (ISSN 1995-7645 CODEN: APJTB6), a publication of Editorial office of Hainan Medical University,is a peer-reviewed print + online Monthly journal. The journal's full text is available online at The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository.

APJTM aims to provide an academic communicating platform for international physicians, medical scientists, allied health scientists and public health workers, especially those of the Asia-Pacific region and worldwide on tropical medicine, infectious diseases and public health, and to meet the growing challenges of understanding, preventing and controlling the dramatic global emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases in the Asia-Pacific.

The journal is proud to have an international and diverse editorial board that will assist and facilitate the publication of articles that reflect a global view on tropical medicine, infectious diseases and public health, as well as emphasizing our focus on supporting the needs of public health practitioners. The APJTM will allow us to seek opportunities to work with others who share our aim, and to enhance our work through partnership, and to uphold the standards of our profession and contribute to its advancement.

Asian Pacific Journal Of Tropical Medicine中文简介

《Asian Pacific Journal Of Tropical Medicine》是一本由WOLTERS KLUWER MEDKNOW PUBLICATIONS出版商出版的专业医学期刊,该刊创刊于2008年,刊期12 issues/year,该刊已被国际权威数据库SCIE收录。在中科院最新升级版分区表中,该刊分区信息为大类学科:医学 4区,小类学科:公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生 4区;热带医学 4区;在JCR(Journal Citation Reports)分区等级为Q2。该刊发文范围涵盖公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生等领域,旨在及时、准确、全面地报道国内外公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生工作者在该领域取得的最新研究成果、工作进展及学术动态、技术革新等,促进学术交流,鼓励学术创新。2021年影响因子为3.041,平均审稿速度一般,3-8周。

中科院分区最新升级版(当前数据版本:2021年12月最新升级版) 大类学科 分区 小类学科 分区 Top期刊 综述期刊 医学 4区 PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生 TROPICAL MEDICINE 热带医学 4区 4区 否 否 中科院分区最新基础版(当前数据版本:2021年12月最新基础版) 大类学科 分区 小类学科 分区 Top期刊 综述期刊 医学 4区 PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生 TROPICAL MEDICINE 热带医学 4区 4区 否 否 中科院JCR分区历年趋势图JCR分区(当前数据版本:2021-2022年最新版) JCR分区等级 JCR所属学科 分区 影响因子 Q2 TROPICAL MEDICINE Q2 3.041 PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Q3 期刊指数 影响因子 h-index Gold OA文章占比 研究类文章占比 OA开放访问 平均审稿速度 3.041 39 99.01% 76.36% 开放 一般,3-8周 IF值(影响因子)趋势图






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