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2024-02-04 20:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Or just-just freeze.   freeze 别动 不是don't move哦

These are what are known as "Guidos."   Guido 俚语:意裔美国人 这个词本身是个意大利常见的姓氏,(记得《九》那部电影里就有这么一首歌……)后来用来表示美籍意裔,特别是那些社会底层的蓝领。

I put the fear of God into my kid, and he stopped.   put the fear of God into 恐吓某人 字面意思就是把上帝搬出来吓别人

See you in a bit.   in a bit 一会儿

They're dumb-ass kids.   dumb-ass  extremely stupid

- Hairspray, hair gel, tanning spray and some sort of aerosolized perfume.   - Cologne. Men wear cologne. - You don't.   - That's because it smells like perfume. 男人不用香水用古龙水,但是Booth不用古龙水因为闻着像香水……这段对话逻辑纠结……

Yo, 'sup? 'Sup? 'Sup?   'Sup = What's up 你好 Brennan非常入乡随俗……

- What's a GTL? - Gym, tan, laundry.   GTL 健身、阳光浴、洗换衣服 也是从那部真人秀Jersey Shore里出来的概念,据说是用来显得自己精神焕发的方法。这集很多外国火星文,大家要跟上……

We just thought he pulled some ho-bag or skank or something, you know?   ho-bag or skank 表示妓女的两个俚语

Shut the hole, Jo! Shut the hole 闭嘴 piehole 就有嘴巴的意思嘛

- Wait, like "TTFN."   - Ta-ta For Now. TTFN = Ta-ta For Now 回见 又是一火星文,ta-ta在口语里能表示再见回见,一般女性用得比较多。TTFN则是手机短信上常用的表达。

A vintage rotary phone. vintage 老式的 rotary 转盘 Brennan说这句话的时候整个脸都亮起来了……女人啊~~~

By necessity.   by necessity 必然地, 不可避免地 是说工作需要难免的。于是这里一脸的黯然神伤啊……

Booth will give himself to you completely and it would be very painful for him if you aren't as serious about the relationship as he is. 啥都不说了……Brennan你太伟大~~~

Don't look at me that way, dude. You don't know how good you got it.   Fisher你的忧伤给大家带来多少喜感~~~

You've got that whole glowy thing,and the crackers... Nobody eats crackers for pleasure. glowy thing 看上去红光满面 cracker 饼干  


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