Jmockit使用详解之Mocking 您所在的位置:网站首页 java单元测试mock构造函数 Jmockit使用详解之Mocking


2024-07-09 05:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Jmockit使用详解之Mocking 简介一个案例Mocking Mock的类型和实例期望Expectationsrecord-replay-verify 模型测试类的初始化和注入Record灵活的参数匹配 any匹配具体参数类型前面anywith匹配 指定执行次数的限制显示验证Delegate自定义结果result return验证时获取调用参数级联Mock指定Mock的对象实例部分Mocking捕获实现类和实例全验证和其他的验证法

Jmockit使用详解之Mocking 简介



Mocking有一套流程:Exceptations, replay,和Verfications,Exceptations也就是期望,它会记录期望行为,常常就是我们希望伪造的部分;replay是回放,是调用我们想测试的代码的时候;Verfications是验证(可以使用各种assert),它的语法和Exceptations类似,是用来验证我们的最后的结果符不符合期望的逻辑。




Jmockit能够mock public方法,final,static方法方法和构造函数。当mock一个对象后,在原对象运行的时候将会使用mock后的对象来代替运行。




对于LLT(low level test)来说,我们需要验证程序的内部逻辑是否正确,在操作数据库、发邮件时只需要得到正确的反馈(访问数据库、发邮件都能操作一般都是依赖第三方,这些第三方的东西一般都是假定正确的),而不需关注(通常也没法配置,因为环境是变化的)要连接哪个数据库,给哪个地址发邮件等操作,因此这些跟我们程序的内部逻辑不是很相关或者需要依赖真实环境的部分可以mock掉。



public final class MyBusinessService { private final EntityX data; public MyBusinessService(EntityX data) { = data; } public void doBusinessOperationXyz() throws EmailException { List items = find("select item from EntityX item where item.someProperty=?1", data.getSomeProperty()); BigDecimal total = new BigDecimal("12.30"); data.setTotal(total); persist(data); sendNotificationEmail(items); } private void sendNotificationEmail(List items) throws EmailException { Email email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setSubject("Notification about processing of ..."); email.addTo(data.getCustomerEmail()); String message = buildNotificationMessage(items); email.setMsg(message); email.send(); } private static String buildNotificationMessage(List items) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); for (EntityX item : items) { message.append(item.getSomeProperty()).append(" Total: ").append(item.getTotal()); } return message.toString(); } }



@Mocked 注解标识相关的类将会被Mock掉

Verifications 表示验证阶段,例如,{ anyEmail.send(); times = 1; }表示上面代码运行过程中,anyEmail.send运行了一次

Expectations 表示期望,可以让我们mock的对象产生期望的运行结果。这能够帮助我们在测试在不同的条件(例如是否出现异常)下代码逻辑的正确性。

public final class MyBusinessServiceTest { @Rule public final ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Tested final EntityX data = new EntityX(1, "abc", "[email protected]"); @Tested(fullyInitialized = true) MyBusinessService businessService; @Mocked SimpleEmail anyEmail; @Test public void doBusinessOperationXyz() throws Exception { EntityX existingItem = new EntityX(1, "AX5", "[email protected]"); persist(existingItem);//持久化,这里没使用Mock //被测试代码 businessService.doBusinessOperationXyz(); assertNotEquals(0, data.getId()); // implies "data" was persisted new Verifications() {{ anyEmail.send(); times = 1; }}; } @Test public void doBusinessOperationXyzWithInvalidEmailAddress() throws Exception { String email = "invalid address"; data.setCustomerEmail(email);Expectations new Expectations() {{ anyEmail.addTo(email); result = new EmailException(); }}; thrown.expect(EmailException.class); businessService.doBusinessOperationXyz(); } } Mocking

jmockit中Expectations Api 主要提供了mocking的功能,mocking主要关注代码的行为,用于测试比较独立的两个模块间的交互功能,也就是当一个unit(一个类或者模块)依赖另一个unit时,我们可以将另一个unit mock掉。



mock的type(类型)可以是接口,类以及注解或者枚举。在测试阶段,mocked type的所有非私有方法和所有非私有构造器都会被mock,如果mock的类型是一个类,它的所有父类(不包括Object)也会被mock。



若mock的对象作为方法的参数,该对象将会由Jmockit来创建,然后传递给JUunit等test runner,所以参数不能为nulll


// "Dependency" is mocked for all tests in this test class. // The "mockInstance" field holds a mocked instance automatically created for use in each test. //该mock对象作用于整个测试类 @Mocked Dependency mockInstance; @Test //作为方法的参数传入Mock对象 public void doBusinessOperationXyz(@Mocked AnotherDependency anotherMock) { ... new Expectations() {{ // an "expectation block" ... // Record an expectation, with a given value to be returned: //记录期望(调用某个方法产生期望的输出) mockInstance.mockedMethod(...); result = 123; ... }}; ... // Call the code under test. // 验证阶段,就是调用要测试的代码 ... new Verifications() {{ // a "verification block" // Verifies an expected invocation:; times = 1; }}; ... }


@Mocked 主要的mocking注解,可以带一个属性stubOutClassInitialization

@Injectable 单例,只会mock一个实例的实例方法

@Capturing 将会mock所有实现该mock接口的类



@Test public void doBusinessOperationXyz(@Mocked Dependency mockInstance) { ... new Expectations() {{ ... // An expectation for an instance method: mockInstance.someMethod(1, "test"); result = "mocked"; ... }}; // A call to code under test occurs here, leading to mock invocations // that may or may not match specified expectations. } record-replay-verify 模型






记录阶段: 所谓记录就是记录我们mock的对象的行为,实际上就是上面的期望(记录不如说是期望)

回放阶段: 也就是代码实际执行阶段(回放我们上面的记录)

验证阶段: 验证代码是否按照期望进行运行(各种assert)


public class SomeTest { // Zero or more "mock fields" common to all test methods in the class: //作用于整个类 @Mocked Collaborator mockCollaborator; @Mocked AnotherDependency anotherDependency; ... @Test public void testWithRecordAndReplayOnly(mock parameters) { // Preparation code not specific to JMockit, if any. new Expectations() {{ // an "expectation block" // One or more invocations to mocked types, causing expectations to be recorded. // Invocations to non-mocked types are also allowed anywhere inside this block // (though not recommended). }}; // Code under test is exercised. // Verification code (JUnit/TestNG assertions), if any. } @Test public void testWithReplayAndVerifyOnly(mock parameters) { // Preparation code not specific to JMockit, if any. // Code under test is exercised. //这里没有Expectations也行 new Verifications() {{ // a "verification block" // One or more invocations to mocked types, causing expectations to be verified. // Invocations to non-mocked types are also allowed anywhere inside this block // (though not recommended). }}; // Additional verification code, if any, either here or before the verification block. } @Test public void testWithBothRecordAndVerify(mock parameters) { // Preparation code not specific to JMockit, if any. new Expectations() {{ // One or more invocations to mocked types, causing expectations to be recorded. }}; // Code under test is exercised. new VerificationsInOrder() {{ // an ordered verification block // One or more invocations to mocked types, causing expectations to be verified // in the specified order. }}; // Additional verification code, if any, either here or before the verification block. } } 测试类的初始化和注入

@Tested 注解的实例属性将会被自动初始化和注入,如果在测试方法执行前仍为null,将会调用默认构造函数(可以保证不为null)

@Injectable 对象的注入,可以不是mock对象


public class SomeTest { @Tested CodeUnderTest tested; @Injectable Dependency dep1; @Injectable AnotherDependency dep2; //需要指明初始值,不然将会使用默认值 @Injectable int someIntegralProperty = 123; //可以通过注解来赋值 @Test public void someTestMethod(@Injectable("true") boolean flag, @Injectable("Mary") String name) { // Record expectations on mocked types, if needed. tested.exerciseCodeUnderTest(); // Verify expectations on mocked types, if required. } } Record





public class ClassUnderTest { (1)private final DependencyAbc abc = new DependencyAbc(); public void doSomething() { (2) int n = abc.intReturningMethod(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String s; try { (3) s = abc.stringReturningMethod(); } catch (SomeCheckedException e) { // somehow handle the exception } // do some other stuff } } } @Tested ClassUnderTest cut; @Test public void doSomethingHandlesSomeCheckedException(@Mocked DependencyAbc abc) throws Exception { new Expectations() {{ (1) abc.intReturningMethod(); result = 3; (2) abc.stringReturningMethod(); returns("str1", "str2"); result = new SomeCheckedException(); }}; cut.doSomething(); } 灵活的参数匹配


“any”匹配(具体参数类型前面+any) @Tested CodeUnderTest cut; @Test public void someTestMethod(@Mocked DependencyAbc abc) { DataItem item = new DataItem(...); new Expectations() {{ // 匹配 "voidMethod(String, List)" 方法的调用 abc.voidMethod(anyString, (List) any); }}; cut.doSomething(item); new Verifications() {{ // Matches invocations to the specified method with any value of type long or Long. //匹配anotherVoidMethod(Long) abc.anotherVoidMethod(anyLong); }}; } “with”匹配

withNotNull 不为null

withAny 任何的参数

withSubstring 任何包含某个字符串的字符串

@Test public void someTestMethod(@Mocked DependencyAbc abc) { DataItem item = new DataItem(...); new Expectations() {{ // Will match "voidMethod(String, List)" invocations with the first argument // equal to "str" and the second not null. abc.voidMethod("str", (List) withNotNull()); // Will match invocations to DependencyAbc#stringReturningMethod(DataItem, String) // with the first argument pointing to "item" and the second one containing "xyz". abc.stringReturningMethod(withSameInstance(item), withSubstring("xyz")); }}; cut.doSomething(item); new Verifications() {{ // Matches invocations to the specified method with any long-valued argument. abc.anotherVoidMethod(withAny(1L)); }}; } 指定执行次数的限制



@Tested CodeUnderTest cut; @Test public void someTestMethod(@Mocked DependencyAbc abc) { new Expectations() {{ // By default, at least one invocation is expected, i.e. "minTimes = 1": new DependencyAbc(); // At least two invocations are expected: //最少执行两次 abc.voidMethod(); minTimes = 2; // 1 to 5 invocations are expected: //1-5次 abc.stringReturningMethod(); minTimes = 1; maxTimes = 5; }}; cut.doSomething(); } @Test public void someOtherTestMethod(@Mocked DependencyAbc abc) { cut.doSomething(); new Verifications() {{ // Verifies that zero or one invocations occurred, with the specified argument value: abc.anotherVoidMethod(3); maxTimes = 1; // Verifies the occurrence of at least one invocation with the specified arguments: DependencyAbc.someStaticMethod("test", false); // "minTimes = 1" is implied }}; } 显示验证


@Test public void verifyInvocationsExplicitlyAtEndOfTest(@Mocked Dependency mock) { // Nothing recorded here, though it could be. // Inside tested code: Dependency dependency = new Dependency(); dependency.doSomething(123, true, "abc-xyz"); // 验证指定参数类型的doSomething至少被调用了一次 // Verifies that Dependency#doSomething(int, boolean, String) was called at least once, // with arguments that obey the specified constraints: new Verifications() {{ mock.doSomething(anyInt, true, withPrefix("abc")); }};


@Test public void verifyingExpectationsInOrder(@Mocked DependencyAbc abc) { // Somewhere inside the tested code: abc.aMethod(); abc.doSomething("blah", 123); abc.anotherMethod(5); ... //验证是否按照该顺序进行 //doSomething的顺序没有验证,顺序以及是否产生调用都没有影响 new VerificationsInOrder() {{ // The order of these invocations must be the same as the order // of occurrence during replay of the matching invocations. abc.aMethod(); abc.anotherMethod(anyInt); }}; } Delegate:自定义结果(result, return)


@Tested CodeUnderTest cut; @Test public void delegatingInvocationsToACustomDelegate(@Mocked DependencyAbc anyAbc) { new Expectations() {{ anyAbc.intReturningMethod(anyInt, anyString); //使用Delegate来定制化结果 result = new Delegate() { int aDelegateMethod(int i, String s) { return i == 1 ? i : s.length(); } }; }}; // Calls to "intReturningMethod(int, String)" will execute the delegate method above. cut.doSomething(); }



@Test public void delegatingConstructorInvocations(@Mocked Collaborator anyCollaboratorInstance) { new Expectations() {{ new Collaborator(anyInt); result = new Delegate() { void delegate(int i) { if (i < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } }; }}; //第一个调用Collaborator(int)构造函数的实例将会执行上面的delegate方法 // The first instantiation using "Collaborator(int)" will execute the delegate above. new Collaborator(4); } 验证时获取调用参数

T withCapture() : 针对单词调用

T withCapture(List< T>) : 针对多次调用

List< T> withCapture(T) :针对构造函数(新创建的实例)


@Test public void capturingArgumentsFromSingleInvocation(@Mocked Collaborator mock) { // Inside tested code: ... new Collaborator().doSomething(0.5, new int[2], "test"); // Back in test code: new Verifications() {{ double d; String s; mock.doSomething(d = withCapture(), null, s = withCapture()); assertTrue(d > 0.0); assertTrue(s.length() > 1); }}; }




@Test public void capturingArgumentsFromMultipleInvocations(@Mocked Collaborator mock) { // Inside tested code: mock.doSomething(dataObject1); mock.doSomething(dataObject2); ... // Back in test code: new Verifications() {{ List dataObjects = new ArrayList(); mock.doSomething(withCapture(dataObjects)); assertEquals(2, dataObjects.size()); DataObject data1 = dataObjects.get(0); DataObject data2 = dataObjects.get(1); // Perform arbitrary assertions on data1 and data2. }}; }


@Test public void capturingNewInstances(@Mocked Person mockedPerson) { // From the code under test: dao.create(new Person("Paul", 10)); dao.create(new Person("Mary", 15)); dao.create(new Person("Joe", 20)); ... // Back in test code: new Verifications() {{ // Captures the new instances created with a specific constructor. List personsInstantiated = withCapture(new Person(anyString, anyInt)); // Now captures the instances of the same type passed to a method. List personsCreated = new ArrayList(); dao.create(withCapture(personsCreated)); // Finally, verifies both lists are the same. assertEquals(personsInstantiated, personsCreated); }}; } 级联Mock


@Test public void recordAndVerifyExpectationsOnCascadedMocks( //将会匹配运行中任何新建的Socket对象 @Mocked Socket anySocket, // will match any new Socket object created during the test //将会匹配级联产生的SocketChannel对象 @Mocked SocketChannel cascadedChannel // will match cascaded instances ) throws Exception { new Expectations() {{ // Calls to Socket#getChannel() will automatically return a cascaded SocketChannel; // such an instance will be the same as the second mock parameter, allowing us to // use it for expectations that will match all cascaded channel instances: cascadedChannel.isConnected(); result = false; }}; //当调用getChannel时返回的就是cascadeChannel对象 // Inside production code: Socket sk = new Socket(); // mocked as "anySocket" SocketChannel ch = sk.getChannel(); // mocked as "cascadedChannel" if (!ch.isConnected()) { SocketAddress sa = new InetSocketAddress("remoteHost", 123); ch.connect(sa); } InetAddress adr1 = sk.getInetAddress(); // returns a newly created InetAddress instance InetAddress adr2 = sk.getLocalAddress(); // returns another new instance ... // Back in test code: new Verifications() {{ cascadedChannel.connect((SocketAddress) withNotNull()); }}; }



@Test public void postErrorMessageToUIForInvalidInputFields(@Mocked FacesContext jsf) { // Set up invalid inputs, somehow. // Code under test which validates input fields from a JSF page, adding // error messages to the JSF context in case of validation failures. FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (some input is invalid) { ctx.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Input xyz is invalid: blah blah...")); } ... // Test code: verify appropriate error message was added to context. new Verifications() {{ FacesMessage msg; jsf.addMessage(null, msg = withCapture()); assertTrue(msg.getSummary().contains("blah blah")); }}; }


@Test public void createOSProcessToCopyTempFiles(@Mocked ProcessBuilder pb) throws Exception { // Code under test creates a new process to execute an OS-specific command. String cmdLine = "copy /Y *.txt D:\\TEMP"; File wrkDir = new File("C:\\TEMP"); Process copy = new ProcessBuilder().command(cmdLine).directory(wrkDir).inheritIO().start(); int exit = copy.waitFor(); ... //验证pb.command使用特定的参数调用了start方法 // Verify the desired process was created with the correct command. new Verifications() {{ pb.command(withSubstring("copy")).start(); }}; } 指定Mock的对象实例


注意:@Injectable Mock的实例是指传进来的或者是类里面注入的实例,不是调用构造函数创建的实例(因为是单例的,新创建的实例属于另一个对象了),另外静态方法( 静态方法属于类不属于对象)以及构造函数是不能被Mock的。


public final class ConcatenatingInputStream extends InputStream { private final Queue sequentialInputs; private InputStream currentInput; public ConcatenatingInputStream(InputStream... sequentialInputs) { this.sequentialInputs = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(sequentialInputs)); currentInput = this.sequentialInputs.poll(); } @Override public int read() throws IOException { if (currentInput == null) return -1; int nextByte =; if (nextByte >= 0) { return nextByte; } currentInput = sequentialInputs.poll(); return read(); } } @Test public void concatenateInputStreams( //注入两个Mock对象 @Injectable InputStream input1, @Injectable InputStream input2 ) throws Exception { new Expectations() {{; returns(1, 2, -1);; returns(3, -1); }}; InputStream concatenatedInput = new ConcatenatingInputStream(input1, input2); byte[] buf = new byte[3];; assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {1, 2, 3}, buf); }



@Test public void matchOnMockInstance( @Mocked Collaborator mock, @Mocked Collaborator otherInstance ) { new Expectations() {{ mock.getValue(); result = 12; }}; // Exercise code under test with mocked instance passed from the test: int result = mock.getValue(); assertEquals(12, result); // If another instance is created inside code under test... Collaborator another = new Collaborator(); // ...we won't get the recorded result, but the default one: assertEquals(0, another.getValue()); }



需要注意的是,Expectations中定义的使用指定构造器构造的对象并不是一对一的映射,可以是多对一的映射(也就是 不是只生效一次)

@Test public void newCollaboratorsWithDifferentBehaviors(@Mocked Collaborator anyCollaborator) { // Record different behaviors for each set of instances: new Expectations() {{ //下面两个使用了制定了构造器 // One set, instances created with "a value": Collaborator col1 = new Collaborator("a value"); col1.doSomething(anyInt); result = 123; // Another set, instances created with "another value": Collaborator col2 = new Collaborator("another value"); col2.doSomething(anyInt); result = new InvalidStateException(); }}; // Code under test: new Collaborator("a value").doSomething(5); // will return 123 //下面的将会抛异常 new Collaborator("another value").doSomething(0); // will throw the exception ... }


@Test public void newCollaboratorsWithDifferentBehaviors(@Mocked Collaborator col1, @Mocked Collaborator col2) { new Expectations() {{ // Map separate sets of future instances to separate mock parameters: new Collaborator("a value"); result = col1; new Collaborator("another value"); result = col2; //可以统一创建,统一record // Record different behaviors for each set of instances: col1.doSomething(anyInt); result = 123; col2.doSomething(anyInt); result = new InvalidStateException(); }}; // Code under test: new Collaborator("a value").doSomething(5); // will return 123 ... new Collaborator("another value").doSomething(0); // will throw the exception ... } 部分Mocking





public class PartialMockingTest { static class Collaborator { final int value; Collaborator() { value = -1; } Collaborator(int value) { this.value = value; } int getValue() { return value; } final boolean simpleOperation(int a, String b, Date c) { return true; } static void doSomething(boolean b, String s) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Test public void partiallyMockingAClassAndItsInstances() { Collaborator anyInstance = new Collaborator(); //传需要Mock的类 new Expectations(Collaborator.class) {{ anyInstance.getValue(); result = 123; }}; // Not mocked, as no constructor expectations were recorded: Collaborator c1 = new Collaborator(); Collaborator c2 = new Collaborator(150); // Mocked, as a matching method expectation was recorded: assertEquals(123, c1.getValue()); assertEquals(123, c2.getValue()); // Not mocked: assertTrue(c1.simpleOperation(1, "b", null)); assertEquals(45, new Collaborator(45).value); } @Test public void partiallyMockingASingleInstance() { Collaborator collaborator = new Collaborator(2); new Expectations(collaborator) {{ collaborator.getValue(); result = 123; collaborator.simpleOperation(1, "", null); result = false; // Static methods can be dynamically mocked too. Collaborator.doSomething(anyBoolean, "test"); }}; // Mocked: assertEquals(123, collaborator.getValue()); assertFalse(collaborator.simpleOperation(1, "", null)); Collaborator.doSomething(true, "test"); // Not mocked: assertEquals(2, collaborator.value); assertEquals(45, new Collaborator(45).getValue()); assertEquals(-1, new Collaborator().getValue()); } }


@Test public void partiallyMockingAnObjectJustForVerifications() { Collaborator collaborator = new Collaborator(123); new Expectations(collaborator) {}; // No expectations were recorded, so nothing will be mocked. int value = collaborator.getValue(); // value == 123 collaborator.simpleOperation(45, "testing", new Date()); ... // Unmocked methods can still be verified: new Verifications() {{ c1.simpleOperation(anyInt, anyString, (Date) any); }}; }




public interface Service { int doSomething(); } final class ServiceImpl implements Service { public int doSomething() { return 1; } } public final class TestedUnit { private final Service service1 = new ServiceImpl(); private final Service service2 = new Service() { public int doSomething() { return 2; } }; public int businessOperation() { return service1.doSomething() + service2.doSomething(); } }


public final class UnitTest { @Capturing Service anyService; @Test public void mockingImplementationClassesFromAGivenBaseType() { new Expectations() {{ anyService.doSomething(); returns(3, 4); }}; int result = new TestedUnit().businessOperation(); assertEquals(7, result); } }



@Test public void testWithDifferentBehaviorForFirstNewInstanceAndRemainingNewInstances( //Buffer是个接口 @Capturing(maxInstances = 1) Buffer firstNewBuffer, @Capturing Buffer remainingNewBuffers ) { new Expectations() {{ firstNewBuffer.position(); result = 10; remainingNewBuffers.position(); result = 20; }}; // Code under test creates several buffers... ByteBuffer buffer1 = ByteBuffer.allocate(100); IntBuffer buffer2 = IntBuffer.wrap(new int[] {1, 2, 3}); CharBuffer buffer3 = CharBuffer.wrap(" "); // ... and eventually read their positions, getting 10 for // the first buffer created, and 20 for the remaining ones. assertEquals(10, buffer1.position()); assertEquals(20, buffer2.position()); assertEquals(20, buffer3.position()); } 全验证和其他的验证法


@Test public void verifyAllInvocations(@Mocked Dependency mock) { // Code under test included here for easy reference: mock.setSomething(123); mock.setSomethingElse("anotherValue"); mock.setSomething(45);; new FullVerifications() {{ // Verifications here are unordered, so the following invocations could be in any order. mock.setSomething(anyInt); // verifies two actual invocations mock.setSomethingElse(anyString);; // if this verification (or any other above) is removed the test will fail }}; }



@Mocked DependencyAbc abc; @Mocked AnotherDependency xyz; @Test public void verifyingTheOrderOfSomeExpectationsRelativeToAllOthers() { new CodeUnderTest().doSomething(); new VerificationsInOrder() {{ abc.methodThatNeedsToExecuteFirst(); //unverifiedInvocations表示未排序的方法可以在这块执行 unverifiedInvocations(); // Invocations not verified must come here... xyz.method1(); abc.method2(); unverifiedInvocations(); // ... and/or here. xyz.methodThatNeedsToExecuteLast(); }}; } @Test public void verifyFirstAndLastCallsWithOthersInBetweenInAnyOrder() { // Invocations that occur while exercising the code under test: mock.prepare(); mock.setSomethingElse("anotherValue"); mock.setSomething(123); mock.notifyBeforeSave();; //需要排序的验证和不需要排序的验证分成两个部分来写 new VerificationsInOrder() {{ mock.prepare(); // first expected call unverifiedInvocations(); // others at this point mock.notifyBeforeSave(); // just before last; times = 1; // last expected call }}; // Unordered verification of the invocations previously left unverified. // Could be ordered, but then it would be simpler to just include these invocations // in the previous block, at the place where "unverifiedInvocations()" is called. new Verifications() {{ mock.setSomething(123); mock.setSomethingElse(anyString); }}; }


@Test public void verifyAllInvocationsInOrder(@Mocked Dependency mock) { // Code under test included here for easy reference: mock.setSomething(123); mock.setSomethingElse("anotherValue"); mock.setSomething(45);; new FullVerificationsInOrder() {{ mock.setSomething(anyInt); mock.setSomethingElse(anyString); mock.setSomething(anyInt);; }}; }


@Test public void verifyAllInvocationsToOnlyOneOfTwoMockedTypes( @Mocked Dependency mock1, @Mocked AnotherDependency mock2 ) { // Inside code under test: mock1.prepare(); mock1.setSomething(123); mock2.doSomething(); mock1.editABunchMoreStuff();; new FullVerifications(mock1) {{ mock1.prepare(); mock1.setSomething(anyInt); mock1.editABunchMoreStuff();; times = 1; }}; }



@Test public void verifyNoInvocationsOnOneOfTwoMockedDependenciesBeyondThoseRecordedAsExpected( @Mocked Dependency mock1, @Mocked AnotherDependency mock2 ) { new Expectations() {{ // These two are recorded as expected: mock1.setSomething(anyInt); mock2.doSomething(); times = 1; }}; // Inside code under test: mock1.prepare(); mock1.setSomething(1); mock1.setSomething(2);; mock2.doSomething(); // Will verify that no invocations other than to "doSomething()" occurred on mock2: new FullVerifications(mock2) {}; }


@Test public void readOnlyOperation(@Mocked Dependency mock) { new Expectations() {{ mock.getData(); result = "test data"; }}; // Code under test: String data = mock.getData(); // should not be called here ... new FullVerifications() {{ //只有getData能够被调用,其他的方法如果被调用就会失败,minTimes应该是个标记 mock.getData(); minTimes = 0; // calls to getData() are allowed, others are not }}; }






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