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新牛津译林M4U3 Reading知识点讲解

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l 重点知识点解析

知识要点1 wander vi. & vt. & n. [sing.] 闲逛,漫步 vi. 走失,偏离正道;(思想)走神,开小差

(教材P30) As I wandered through the Impressionist gallery, I appreciated masterpieces like The Ballet Class and The Card Players. 漫步于印象派展馆,我欣赏着像《舞蹈课》和《玩纸牌者》这样的杰作。

【常见搭配】wander about/over the world 周游世界

wander through/around the street 在街上游荡

wander away/off 走失,走散

wander off/from ... 偏离……

如:She wandered aimlessly around the streets. 她在大街上漫无目的地到处游荡。

The child wandered off and got lost. 那孩子走散后迷路了。

They had wandered from the path into the woods. 他们离开小路消失在树林里。

His mind was wandering. 他走神了。


wanderer n. 徘徊者,流浪者

知识要点2 strike vt. & vi. & n.

(教材P31) When I saw it up close, I was struck by the small areas of light across the painting, and the way the soft edges of the figures seemed to mix together. 近距离观赏,画布上遍布着小面积的光斑,人物柔和的轮廓似乎融为一体,令我大为震撼。

【用法详解】(1)vt. [不用于进行时](使)突然想到/意识到(想法或念头);给(某人以……)印象

常见搭配 sth. strike sb. =sth. hit sb. 某人突然想到某事

It strikes/struck sb. that ...主语从句 =It occurs/occurred to sb. that ...主语从句 某人突然想到……

sb. be struck by sth. 意识到……;被……所打动

sth./sb. strike sb. as + n./adj. 给某人留下某种印象

如:An awful thought has just struck me. 刚才我脑子里突然闪过一个可怕的念头。

I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt. 我猛然发现/惊讶于她长得跟我姑姑很像。

It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.


His reaction struck me as odd. 他的反应令我诧异。

【用法详解】(2)vt.(正式用语)撞,碰;击,打 n. [usu. sing.] 击,打,踢

常见搭配 strike sb. +介词 +the +表示身体部位的名词 击打某人的某一部位

如:strike sb. on the shoulder/head 打某人的肩膀/头

She struck him in the face. 她掴了他一耳光。

The ship struck a rock. 船触礁了。

His spectacular strike in the second half made the score 2–0.


【用法详解】(3)vt. & vi.(灾难、疾病)侵袭,爆发

如:Two days later tragedy struck. 两天后悲剧发生了。

The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera. 那一地区爆发了霍乱。

【用法详解】(4)vt. & vi. 敲(钟),报时;划(火柴);敲击、弹奏(乐器)

如:The clock has just struck three. 时钟刚刚敲过三点。

Did you hear the clock strike? 你听见钟响了吗?

strike a match on a wall在墙上擦火柴

The matches were damp and he couldn't make them strike. 火柴受潮了,他划不着。

strike the drum 击鼓

【用法详解】(5)vt. 找到折中方法

如:strike a proper balance between work and rest 劳逸结合

【用法详解】(6)n. [C] 罢工;袭击

常见搭配 be (out) on strike 在罢工 go on strike 举行罢工

launch a strike on/against ... 发动对……的袭击


(1)stricken adj. [常与其他词结合构成复合词] 受灾的;患病的;受苦的

如:earthquake-stricken areas地震灾区

(2)striking adj. 惊人的;显著的;引人注目的

如:a striking/remarkable feature 显著的特征

In striking contrast to their brothers, the girls were both intelligent and charming.



1. 在我眼里,她是个很干练的人。(干练的:efficient)

She strikes me as a very efficient person.

2. 在这一刻,我突然意识到自己是在浪费时间。

At this point, it suddenly struck me that I was wasting my time.

知识要点3 as opposed to ... 而(不是),相对于……

(教材P31) Everyday subject matter was the main focus of their works, as opposed to the history paintings that had traditionally dominated European art. 印象派的作品主要关注日常主题,这与传统上欧洲艺术界占主流的历史题材画作大相径庭。

如:200 attended, as opposed to/in contrast to 300 the previous year. 出席的有200人,而前一年是300人。

This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to (=rather than) strength.



(1)opposed adj. 截然不同的;强烈反对的

常见搭配 be opposed to (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事

(2)oppose vt. 反对,对抗,抵制;与……竞争

常见搭配 oppose (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事 =be opposed to (doing) sth.

oppose sb./sb.’s doing sth. 反对某人做某事

如:They are totally opposed to abortion. 他们完全反对堕胎。

Our views are diametrically opposed on this issue. 在这个问题上,我们的观点大相径庭。

He threw all those that opposed him into prison. 他把所有反对他的人都投进了监狱。

I would oppose changing the law. 我将反对改变这个法规。

He intends to oppose the prime minister in the leadership election. 在领导选举中,他欲与首相一决高下。

(3)opposition n. [U] ~ (to sb./sth.)(强烈的)反对,反抗,对抗

如:Delegates expressed strong opposition to the plans. 代表强烈反对这些计划。

(4)opponent n. [C] 对手,竞争者


1. He was strongly opposed to the idea.

2. Jenny’s father strongly opposed her going(go) there alone.

知识要点4 employ vt. 运用,使用;雇佣;花时间做,忙于做(某事)

(教材P31) They employed free brushwork and used colours to show the effect of light on things, creating paintings that were far less realistic than the works that came before. 他们运用自由的笔法,使用色彩来表现光线投射在物体上的效果,创作的画远不如前人之作那么写实。

【用法详解】employ a method/technique 运用方法/技巧

employ sb. as … 雇佣某人为……

employ sb. to do sth. 雇佣某人做某事

be employed in (doing) sth. 忙于(做)某事

如:Can't we employ someone as an assistant to help with all this paperwork?


We've employed a market researcher to find out what people really want from a cable TV system.


He was busily employed in lacing up his shoes. 他忙着系鞋带。


(1)employer n. 雇佣者,雇主 ↔employee n. 受雇者,雇员,雇工

(2)employment n. 职业;雇佣;使用 ↔unemployment n. 失业 →unemployed adj. 失业的

常见搭配 be out of employment =be out of work =lose one’s job 失业

create employment opportunities 创造就业机会

the unemployed (people) 失业者


1. A number of people have been employed to deal(deal) with the backlog of work. 已雇来一些人处理积压的工作。

2. She was employed in making a list of all the jobs to be done.

3. There are measures to help reduce unemployment(employ).

知识要点5 worthy adj. 值得(或应得)……的;(作前置定语)值得尊敬的,值得注意的

(教材P31) It is also worthy of note that Post-Impressionist painters were not the only ones to be influenced by Impressionism -- the movement has had a lasting influence on modern art, encouraging artists to look at the world from an entirely new point of view. 值得注意的是,后印象派画家并不是唯一受印象派影响的群体--这场运动还对现代艺术产生了持久的影响,鼓励着艺术家们从一个全新的视觉去看待世界。

【用法详解】be worthy of +n. 值得……

be worthy of being done =be worthy to be done 某事值得被做

如:A number of the report's findings are worthy of note. 这份报告里有些调查结果值得注意。

No composer was considered worthy of the name until he had written an opera.


He felt he was not worthy of her. 他觉得他配不上她。

a worthy member of the team 一位优秀的队员


易混词用法常见句型或搭配worthy作定语修饰名词时,一般表示“值得尊敬的,值得敬仰的”;作表语时,一般表示“值得(或应得)……的”。sb./sth. be worthy +①of + n. ②of being done ③to be doneworthwhile表示“值得花时间(或花钱、努力等),重要的”,可作表语、定语或补语。It’s worthwhile to do/doing sth.worth一般用作表语,其前可用well修饰,不能用very修饰。sb./sth. be worth +①n. ②doing(主动表被动)


1. The bank might think you're worthy of a loan. 银行也许会认为你具备贷款的条件。

2. It is worthwhile to include/including(include) really high-quality illustrations.

3. This idea is well worth considering/consideration(consider).

(教材P31) Although the paintings had very different settings, it was their similarities that stayed with me long after I left the Musee d’Orsay -- similarities which can be seen throughout the Impressionist’s paintings. 尽管这两幅画的背景截然不同,但在我离开奥赛博物馆后很长一段时间里,一直萦绕着我的却是它们的相似之处——这种相似之处在印象派的画作中随处可见。

【句式剖析】此句中,开头为although引导的让步状语从句,“it was their similarities that ... the Musee d’Orsay --”为强调句型,“which ... the Impressionist’s paintings”为which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词similarities。



强调句的基本结构是:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who + 其他成分,可以用来强调主语、宾语、状语(介词短语、状语从句),但不能强调定语或谓语。判断是否是强调句,可采用“还原法”,即:如果去掉It is/was和that/who后能还原为一般句式,且句子各成分完整,则是强调句;否则不是。如:

It was in New Zealand that Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith. 所强调成分为:状语

It was you that/who I thought of all the time. 所强调成分为:宾语

It was on Monday night that all this happened. 所强调成分为:状语

It is what you do rather than what you say that matters. 所强调成分为:主语

(2)强调句的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句,以及not ... until ...句型的强调结构

①一般疑问句:Is/Was it + 被强调部分 + that/who + 其他成分? 如:

Is it the famous writer and his works that have aroused great interest among the students?

②特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + is/was it + that + 其他成分? 如:

When and where was it that you were born?

③not ... until ...句型的强调结构:It is/was + not until ... + that + 其他成分. 如:

It was not until midnight that they reached the camp site.

注意 若被强调的部分是句子的主语,则that/who之后的谓语要在人称和数上与句子主语保持一致。如: It is I who am to blame for the fault.It is you who are likely to win the contest.


1. It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

2. It was on the farm that they visited that they got to know.

3. It’s not doing the things we like, but liking the things we have to do that makes(make) life happy.

Ⅰ. 词汇练习


1. Only after the War L______________ of could the people live a peaceful life.

2. The young man was practicing surfing when a shark s______________.

3. Idioms, which reflect customs, are the e______________ of culture in every country.

4. The paintings that David donated to the school are being d______________ in the assembly hall.

5. The book is sure to fuel children’s imagination with its v______________ stories.

6. He has authority,but he doesn’t try to ______________(支配;控制) (others).

7. Nancy was ______________(游荡) aimlessly along the intertwining roads and footpaths when I saw her.

8. Whether to send children to study abroad is a vital decision ______________(值得的) of careful consideration.

9. Surround yourself with ______________(志趣相投的) friends, which helps you realize your dreams.

10. The sense of ______________(视觉) is one of the important ways that the mankind obtain an outside information.

【答案】1. Liberation 2. struck 3. essence 4. displayed 5. vivid 6. dominate 7. wandering

8. worthy 9. like-minded 10. vision


1. Various brands of watches are now ______________ display in the shop windows.

2. Several specialists ______________(employ) from overseas to solve the present problem.

3. The boy fell, ______________(strike) his head on the edge of the table.

4. They accused him of having a prejudice against his women ______________(employ).

5. At that moment, they saw a penniless young man ______________(wander) on the pavement outside their house.

6. He is athletic as ______________(oppose) to his desk mate, who is very quiet.

7. Hard work is ______________(essence) for a student's academic success.

8. A year ago, I was ______________(employ), and I was trying to figure out where to find a job.

9. These effects of the Internet have become even more ______________(strike) since I've begun using a smartphone.


(1)Since you are interested in traditional Chinese cultures, I think this festival is well worth ______________.

(2)Since you are interested in traditional Chinese cultures, I think this festival is well worthy to ______________/of ______________.

(3)Since you are interested in traditional Chinese cultures, I think it is worthwhile this festival ______________.

【答案】1. on 2. have been employed 3. striking 4. employees 5. wandering 6. opposed 7. essential

8. unemployed 9. striking

10. ①experiencing ②be experienced/being experienced ③experiencing/to experience






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