CPU和机箱风扇控制问题 您所在的位置:网站首页 intels1200v3rp主板设置风扇 CPU和机箱风扇控制问题


2024-06-28 20:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

If my translation software is correct you are facing an issue where you have fans near the CPU and near the HDDs and want to control them independently correct?


From my understanding that is not possible since you can only set one temperature for the fan speeds.


However what should possible if you remove the FAN plugins completely is you can set a static speed for your fans like I do it on my test server.

You first have to find the correct FAN in your system devices from the terminal, then you have to enable manual fan control (otherwise it will spin down or up again after a short while) and then set the fan speed with a value from 0-255 (where 0 is 0% and 255 is 100%).


In my case I do that with that few lines in my go file:

# Set CPU FAN speed sleep 5 echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/nct6775.656/hwmon/hwmon2/pwm2_enable sleep 1 echo 180 > /sys/devices/platform/nct6775.656/hwmon/hwmon2/pwm2

(please note that this specific configuration is for my system and you have to customize it so that it works with your system)


So to speak, you could also couple that with a user script but I would rather set a static speed for the CPU or the Array and use the plugin for the other fans.


Hope that helps.






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