inhale是什么意思 inhale的中文翻译、读音、例句 您所在的位置:网站首页 inhale翻译 inhale是什么意思 inhale的中文翻译、读音、例句

inhale是什么意思 inhale的中文翻译、读音、例句

#inhale是什么意思 inhale的中文翻译、读音、例句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: inhale的中文解释是"大吃大嚼、吸气",inhale是什么意思 inhale的中文翻译、读音、例句,作为动词时有"汤等"的意思,在线发音:[inh'eil],inhale是一个英语动词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到80个与inhale相关的释义和例句。





1. He took a big inhale of fresh air.


2. You should never inhale toxic chemicals.


3. The yoga teacher instructed the students to inhale deeply and exhale slowly.





例句:Then there are the taste receptors, and finally, the smell, activated when we inhale. (然后是味觉感受器,最后是嗅觉,当我们吸气时就被激活。)


例句:When spring comes to the north the forests inhale carbon dioxide from the air and grow turning the land green. (当北半球的春季到来 When spring comes to the north, 森林吸入空气中的二氧化碳 the forests inhale carbon dioxide from the air 并随之生长,将大地铺满绿色 and grow, turning the land green.)


例句:But around the world, they go into trance in different ways, and in Pakistan, the way they do it is they burn juniper leaves and they sacrifice an animal, pour the blood of the animal on the leaves and then inhale the smoke. (他们在全世界内 用不同的方式对人进行催眠活动, 在巴基斯坦, 他们的方式是燃烧杜松叶, 然后用一头动物来祭祀, 将动物的血洒在叶子上, 然后吸入烟雾, )


例句:it may also take effect after births for the children could inhale the air containing the smoke. (翻译:也有可能是在后来发生的,因为孩子在家里呼吸了充满烟雾的空气。)


inhale一般作为动词使用,如在to inhale([网络] 吸进;吸气)、French inhale([网络] 法式吸烟法)、oxygen inhale(氧气吸入)等常见短语中出现较多。

to inhale[网络] 吸进;吸气French inhale[网络] 法式吸烟法oxygen inhale氧气吸入snap inhale[网络] 快速吸气例句

1. But around the world, they go into trance in different ways, and in Pakistan, the way they do it is they burn juniper leaves and they sacrifice an animal, pour the blood of the animal on the leaves and then inhale the smoke. (翻译:他们在全世界内 用不同的方式对人进行催眠活动, 在巴基斯坦, 他们的方式是燃烧杜松叶, 然后用一头动物来祭祀, 将动物的血洒在叶子上, 然后吸入烟雾, )

2. it may also take effect after births for the children could inhale the air containing the smoke. (翻译:也有可能是在后来发生的,因为孩子在家里呼吸了充满烟雾的空气。)

3. And at the same time I have to watch I don't inhale my own work, at the same time. (翻译:同时我还得小心, 别把自己的工作成果吸入鼻子里。)

4. We are life forms that have evolved to inhale the waste products of plants. (翻译:我们这种生命形态,演化到 要依靠植物的废弃产物来呼吸。)

5. Why begin to inhale air only to suddenly stop it from actually entering the lungs? (翻译:为何刚开始吸入空气就突然阻止 它真正进入肺部呢? )

6. Protective group, in addition to inhale the oil fume, synchronously given SOD-Se-enriched wolfberry fruit cytoplasma. (翻译:目的通过大鼠吸入染毒烹调胡麻油烟探讨SOD富硒枸杞对烹调胡麻油烟致大鼠肝损伤的保护作用。)

7. Inhale quietly... exhale and say the words until the breath is gone. (翻译:慢慢吸气... 呼气 不停地说直到这口气结束)

8. By using the diaphragm - the muscle that inflates and deflates the lungs - you inhale and exhale more efficiently. (翻译:通过使用横膈膜——让肺部吸气和呼气的肌肉——你能更有效地吸气和呼气。)

9. We have to take a nourishment, to expel waste, and inhale enough oxygen to keep our cells from dying. (翻译:我们应该摄入营养物,废物 同时吸入足量氧气维持我们细胞的生存)

10. But around the world, they go into trance in different ways, and in Pakistan, the way they do it is they burn juniper leaves and they sacrifice an animal, pour the blood of the animal on the leaves and then inhale the smoke. (翻译:他们在全世界内 用不同的方式对人进行催眠活动, 在巴基斯坦, 他们的方式是燃烧杜松叶, 然后用一头动物来祭祀, 将动物的血洒在叶子上, 然后吸入烟雾,)

11. Must inhale, keep it inside as long as possible. (翻译:把烟吸进去 Faut bien avaler la fumée, 烟在肺里时间越久越好 la garder au fond le plus long temps possible.)

12. The control group did not inhale Budesonide. (翻译:对照组不吸入糖皮质激素。)

13. we Also inhale bigger breath so every tiny air sack in the lungs gets filled (翻译:我们还会加强深呼吸 使肺里的每一个肺泡都充满空气)

14. It begins with an involuntary spasm or sudden contraction of the diaphragm, the large dome-shaped muscle below our lungs that we use to inhale air. (翻译:它开始于一种无意识的痉挛 或膈肌的收缩 膈肌是个大的,圆顶形的肌肉 位于胃的下方 用于吸入空气 )

15. But now you know that we also inhale the waste products of supernova explosions. (翻译:不过现在大家也了解了, 我们同时也呼 超新星爆炸的废弃产物。)



关于 "inhale" 这个单词,我从以下三个方面来进行说明:

1. 定义和用法:

"Inhale" 是指通过鼻子或口吸入空气或其他气体,以便将其送入肺中。这通常是我们呼吸的一部分,但也可以在吸入药物或其他化学物质时发生。常见的相关词汇包括 exhale(呼出)、breathe in(吸入)、breathe out(呼出)等。

2. 相关短语和表达:

在使用 "inhale" 单词时,我们还需要注意相关短语和表达。在医疗领域,我们经常听到这些词汇,例如:

- Inhaler:吸入器,一种医疗设备,可以将药物以雾化形式送入肺中。

- Inhalation therapy:吸入疗法,一个医疗技术,通过吸入药品来治疗肺部疾病和其他健康问题。

- Deep inhalation:深呼吸,在许多身体和心理健康方面都非常重要。

3. 常见误用和注意事项:

最后,我们需要知道一些常见的误用和注意事项。例如,很多人会错误地将 "inhale" 和 "exhale" 混淆,或者将其与其他与呼吸有关的词汇混淆。此外,吸入某些化学物质可能会对我们的健康造成严重危害,因此在使用任何吸入设备或药物之前,请务必详细了解其副作用和风险。


1. I didn't realize how much pollution I was inhaling until I moved to a cleaner city. (我在搬到一个更干净的城市之前,没有意识到我吸入了多少污染物。)

2. That medicine is only effective if you inhale it properly using the inhaler. (如果你使用吸入器正确吸入药物,那种药才是有效的。)

3. Take a deep inhalation before you begin your yoga practice. (在开始瑜伽练习之前,进行一次深呼吸。)

4. Inhaling too much smoke from cigarettes can cause lung cancer. (从香烟中吸入过多的烟雾可能会导致肺癌。)

5. The athlete took a quick inhalation of air before diving into the pool. (运动员在跳进游泳池前迅速吸了一口气。)

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