雅思听力关键词之时间关系词 您所在的位置:网站首页 immediately同意 雅思听力关键词之时间关系词


2024-04-20 13:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



时间关系词在雅思听力题中通常分为两类:1)常规类,如every month, six-week,recently, before/after等,在听力材料中直接出现,直接定位即可。2)隐蔽类,如currently, immediately, at the end of--等,在听力材料中会出现同义替换。隐蔽类在雅思听力考试中考察频度远高于常规类。下面我们以剑十真题为例进行分析。

Test1 section2 Q11-12

Which two facilities at the leisure club have recently been improved?

A the gym

B the tracks

C the indoor pool

D the outdoor pool

E the sports traning for children

这个题目有些学生在C和D选项上犹豫不决。题干recently定位词要求是完成时态,材料提及indoor pool的原句是but now we’ve expanded it to eight lanes, it’s much wider,提及outdoor pool的原句是there isn’t space for an outdoor pool here but the glass roof on the swimming pool is partly retractable.根据recently表述的时态不难得出答案。 至于另一个选项,原文Our recently refurnished fitness suite has all the latest exercise equipment. 直接根据recently 时间词判定答案。

Test 1 Section3 Q25

At the end of the cleaning process, the carbon dixoide____.

A is released into the air

B is disposed of with the waste

C is collected ready to be used.

学生听完整段材料也未选出答案,原因是对时间词组at the end of 不能灵活把握。原文what’s happened to the carbon dioxide once the process is complete? At the end of词组改为了从句形式。剑桥基础课时我们已经总结,at the end of sth.可同义为从句once/when sth is complete/finished/comes to an end。若学生熟练掌握,迅速定位此题答案会很容易。


Test1 Section4 Q35

It is currently found on a small number of ________.

审题时,currently应特别留意,at present/ today/nowadays这些都是基础课上学过的替换词。在听到Today, the spirit bear live off the coast of the province of British Columbia on a few islands. 这句话时中today时,考生会迅速定位这句话是答案的材料来源。

Test 4 Section3 Q23-24

Which two immediate benefits did the company get from Laura’s work placement?

A updates for its software

B cost savings

C an improved image

D new clients

E a growth in sales

这道题关键词是immediate,审题时忽视这点很容易选择D项和E项。原文It enhances the image of the company straight away. So in the long run it should help them to attract clients and improve their sales figures. Immediately同义替换为词组straight away. D项和E项则对应in the long run.








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