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2024-05-02 06:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1 on the average 一般来说he spends on the average two hours a day on reading.2 step by step 逐步的he learn the rules of game step by step.3 get through 完成we got through all the work.4 drop out of school 失学she drop put of school.5 get up 起床I get up very early today.6 give up 放弃I gave up that game. 7 on time 准时he always catches the bus on time8 be used to 习惯于he is used to the tropical weather.9 be able to 能Are you able to read?10 turn off 关would you turn off the light?11 turn on 开you can turn on the radio now.12 lose weight 减肥will you lose weight this summer?13 get out 离开you can get out here now.14 clear off 消除how to clear off these things is a big problem15 in case of 万一 假如In case of fire, open this safety door.16 go home 回家I want to go home right now. 17 all the same 依然Ilike him all the same18 at least 至少he helped us at least 19 make sure 确定Make sure you take the note.20 point out 指出Mr Hu points out what he view is .21 on board 在船上They waved farewell to their friends on board.22 in the drark 在黑暗中he hit against a person in the dark23 get rid of 扔掉can you get rid of all this stuff?24 put away 收拾you need to put away your things.25 at times 有时She wears a red dress at times



get over1.(使)渡过, (使)穿过 He got over while the traffic was stopped.车辆停下来时, 他过了马路。They got him over somehow.他们设法帮他过去。2.传送 He gets over well when he wants to.他想说什么, 都能表达自如。They got the play over all right.这出戏他们演得很动人。I get it over to him that they wouldn"t come.我使他明白他们不会来了。These facts may be clear enough to us, who have made a study of them, but how are they to be got over to the man in the street?这些事实对于曾做过一番研究的我们可能是够清楚的了, 但怎么能为一般人所理解呢?3.做完…, 结束 Let"s do the job now and get it over.咱们现在就干这事, 并且把它干完。They got the work over as quickly as possible.他们尽快地结束了工作。4.走完 They only managed to get over ten kilometers.他们只走完十公里路。5.克服; 克制 We had to get over many difficulties.我们必须克服很多困难。He can"t get over his shyness.他无法克服羞怯。I hope you"ll get over being angry.我希望你克制住不要生气。Once these difficulties were got over, the work would speed up.一旦克服了这些困难, 工作进展就快了。6.从…中恢复过来 It took him a long time to get over his cold.很久之后他的感冒才好。She seemed to have got over her distress.她似乎已经摆脱了她的悲痛心情。 do well in 1. do well in economic construction 搞好经济建设2. Peanuts do well in this area. 这一带花生长得很好。3. do well in the production of good models 搞好样板4. She was resolved to do well in the factory. 她决心在厂里好好干。5. He was keenly resolved to do well in the examination. 他下定决心要在考试中取得优异成绩。6. What a child should do, above all, is to do well in his studies 小孩子该做的最重要的事是学好功课。7. Students who do well in examinations are the ones who ask questions in class. 考试成绩好的都是上课爱提问的学生。8. He actually supported my decision, although he knew I could do well in academia. 他居然支持了我的这个决定,虽然他知道我会在学术界做得很好。9. HOW TO DO WELL IN THE REASONABLE TRANSPORTATION OF GRAIN UNDER THE SITUATION OF MARKET ECONOMY 在市场经济形势下如何搞好粮食合理运输10. The scheme will do well enough in good hands. 在能人手里,这计划实施起来一定很不错。 be supposed to 1. be supposed to do sth. 应该干。2. Be it supposed to rain today? 今天会下雨吗?3. Do not be alarmed you are supposed to lose. 不是惊慌你是应该失去.4. You are supposed to be there. 你应该到那里去的。5. Hobbies are supposed to be relaxing. 业余爱好应该是令人放松的。6. You are supposed to be smart. 你应该聪明点儿。7. We are supposed to be meeting alone. 我们本来是要单独见面的。8. The show is supposed to be good. 这场表演应当是相当好的。9. When am I supposed to be there? 我应该几点到?10. He was commonly supposed to be dead. 人们一般都认为他死了。 as....as1. Our classroom has as many window as theirs. 我们的教室和他们的教室有同样多的窗户。2. You may as well tell me as the truth. 你把事实告诉我为好。3. Eric is full as an egg. 艾瑞克烂醉如泥。4. It seems as if he knows everything. 他似乎是个万事通。5. Lacking in musical qualities, such as melody or harmony. 缺乏音乐性的,比如这样的旋律或和声6. You are required to fulfill these obligation as by law enact. 你必须履行法律规定的这些义务。7. So long as socialism does not collapse in China, it will always hold its ground in the world. 只要中国社会主义不倒,社会主义在世界将始终站得住8. We can perceive this symbol as a kind of attitude of life, one of treasuring life without being too obstinate. 我们可以把这一象征性标志看成一种生活态度,一种为了珍惜生活而摒弃顽固的生活态度。9. Our hotel is settled recreation sports projects of fashion such as high-standard outdoor sports center, golf, indoor &outdoor tennis, fives-court, bowling alley, swimming pool, gym club, angling spot, etc., and amusement &leisure projects such as sauna, KTV, chess and card, etc. 酒店拥有全国首家五星级多功能现代化体育运动中心,拥有高尔夫球场、室内外网球场、篮球场、壁球馆、保龄球馆、泳池、健身会所、垂钓中心等时尚运动项目,以及KTV、桑拿保健、棋牌游艺等娱乐休闲项目。10. As you have done so many good things for me,it is at least i can do to help you in return. 因为你已经为我做了那么多,所以我至少可以做这些来回报。 the same as 1. Ill have the same as him. 我要一杯和他一样的。2. Jenny looks the same as before . 珍妮看上去同过去一样。3. Think the same as I do? 跟我想的一样吗?4. the village stayed the same; his attitude is the same as ever. 这座村庄仍然保持不变;他的态度依旧没有变化。5. The size is about the same as the one above. 这个尺寸和上面一个是一样的。6. Are the rules the same as those of the pro? 业余拳击赛的规则与职业拳击赛的规则相同吗?7. I fell the same as you. 我与你有同样的感受;我的感受和你一样。8. Be my pencil the same as yours? 我的铅笔和你的铅笔一样吗?9. His attitude is the same as ever. 他的态度和以前一样。10. The same as stated above or before 同上,同前与上述或前述相同11. Twins look the same as each other 双胞胎看上去长得一样。12. That is the same as 2 villagers. 那是相同像2个村民。keep out1. Keep out of sight! 别让我再看见你!2. keep out the cold 御寒3. Keep out of mischief. 不要顽皮。4. Keep out of a quarrel 不介入争吵5. Bouncer to keep out undesirables. 这个俱乐部雇用了一个保镳来驱逐捣乱分子。6. keep out the cold wind 遮挡寒风7. Peaceable people keep out of quarrels. 平和的人不吵架。8. Please keep out of my room. 在英语方面我赶不上他。9. The trees keep out the wind. 这些树可以挡风。10. You must keep out of sight . 你要远离别人的视线。11. Try to keep out of trouble. 尽量别卷入麻烦中去。12. Keep out of reach of children. 放在儿童无法接触的地方。13. shelter sth. from [keep out] the wind 挡风14. America must keep out of this war. 美国应该置身战争之外。15. Do try to keep out of trouble! 务必不要卷入纠纷中去。16. Windows were screened to keep out mosquitoes. 窗户上装了纱窗以防蚊子。as...as possible1. Please reply as soon as possible. 请速回信。2. He ran as soon as possible. 他尽快地跑了。3. "As soon as possible, M. Danglars; “我也是想越快越好,腾格拉尔先生。4. Read as many books as possible. 尽可能多看书。5. Cut expenses as much as possible. 尽量减少开支.6. Then phone as soon as possible. 那么你应该在最短时间内打出电话。7. Wendy Torrance: As soon as possible. 温蒂·托伦斯:尽快吧。8. She spoke as small as possible. 她尽量放低声音说话。9. Please speak as loud as possible. 请尽可能抬高嗓门讲话。10. Do it as soon as possible. 尽快做。11. (of tempo) as fast as possible. (指节拍)尽可能的快。12. get sth. done as quick as possible 尽快把某事干完13. We moved,and as quickly as possible. 我们搬走了,而且是尽快地搬走了。14. I avoided him as much as possible. 我尽量避开他。15. Hoping you"ll return as soon as possible. 望速归。16. Please come over as soon as possible. 请尽快过来。17. Please do that as soon as possible. 请尽快联系。18. I avoided him as much as possible. 我尽可能地躲开他。19. Please serve us as quickly as possible. 请尽快服务。20. Please write back as soon as possible . 请尽快回信。21. Please send it as soon as possible. 请尽快寄过来。22. Please expedite shipment as soon as possible. 请尽速装船。23. Let me know as soon as possible. 请尽早通知我。fit....into1. To fit into a dado. 把…嵌入榫槽2. He doesn’t fit into the team. 他不宜在队中。3. I used to fit into that dress... 我以前穿那件礼服也很合身的……4. To fit into a socket or mortise. 插入插座或与榫眼接合5. This stopper will not fit into the bottle . 这个塞子塞不进这个瓶子。6. Will it fit into this size of box? 这么大的保险箱合适吗?7. To join by or fit into a gain. 在腰槽内连接或配合8. I fear I will not fit into any future. 我怕我会与未来的任何社会都格格不入。9. Would they fit into the new scheme of things? 新生事物的格局,他们能不能融入?10. RULE: 4. You Remeber Things that Fit into Patterns. 规则4:你会记住有一定模式的事情。11. A square thing does not fit into a round hole. 牛头不对马嘴。12. a rectangular groove cut into a board so that another piece can fit into it. 能够使得另一个板插进去的板上的一个矩形槽。13. To fit into or equip with a hilt or handle. 给…装上把手把…装入一个把手或柄中或给…装上把手或柄14. A lion would fit into the mouth of a blue whale. 蓝鲸一口就可以吃掉一头狮子。

高一英语 写100个短语, 并用这100个短语造句!

1.agree with同意……意见;符合;一致I certainly agree with that. 我当然同意。 2.ask for请求;询问We ask for the cooperation of all concerned. 我们请求一切有关方面给予合作。 3.arrive at/in到达arrive at Shanghai on saturday 周六抵达上海 4.begin with以……开始We will begin with Around the Body exercise. 我们先从绕身体体传球开始。 5e from来自Nothing but disaster would come from such a plan.此一计划除了导致失败而外将一无所获。6.feel like想要We"ll go for a walk if you feel like it.如果你愿意, 我们去散散步。7.fall behind落在……后面I"ve fallen behind with my correspondence.我积压了许多信没回.8.fall off掉下Be careful not to fall off the ladder.当心别从梯子上掉下来。9.get to到达How long will it take to get to your house?到你家要多久?10.get on上(车) I"m not getting on very fast with this job.我这份工作进展不太快。11.get off下来;从……下来He got off with a small fine.他交了一小笔罚款了事。12.hear of听说We"re sorry to hear of your father"s death.我们获悉令尊去世, 非常难过.13.knock at/on敲(门、窗等) Did you hear the knocks at the door?你听到敲门声了吗?14.laugh at嘲笑Don"t laugh at him; he"s very sensitive.千万别笑他, 他很敏感.15.look at看Look at the mess you"ve made!你搞得一团糟!16.look after照看We are in a real fix - there is nobody to look after the baby.我们真的处于困境——没人照顾婴儿。17.listen to听She liked to listen to children talk.她喜欢听孩子们谈话。18.look for寻找You can look for the book in the library catalogue.你可以在图书馆的图书目录上查找这本书。19.quarrel with吵架They often quarrel with each other about trifles.他们经常为小事吵架。20.stop...from阻止……做……The amount that you have to pay to the National Health Insurance is usually stopped from you wages.向国民健康保险所付的款项一般是预先从每个人的工资中扣除的。1分1个,多加点分就过给






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