介绍56个最常见的英语前缀及其相关派生词(be) 您所在的位置:网站首页 il否定前缀的单词大全及解释 介绍56个最常见的英语前缀及其相关派生词(be)


#介绍56个最常见的英语前缀及其相关派生词(be)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

7 be-[OE]=Ⅰ about; completelyⅡ to make; to provide with


be-的属性有两种:1)介词性或副词性前缀。这时,它可以帮助构成像beside, between这样的介词(见练习2. A),也可以加在动词上表示加强词义或构成及物动词。

2)动词性前缀。这时,它可以加在名词或形容词上,意为to make或to cause to be。如果加在物质名词上,be-还可表示to provide with的意思。在少数情况下,be-表示to make ... off的意思(见练习4. A)。下面分别介绍be-的主要用法。


become [be-=about周围;come v. 来⇒“come about发生”→]vi. come to be成为,变得 / He became wiser as he got older. 随着年龄增长,他变得聪明了。

befall [be-=around周围;fall vi. 降落⇒“fall around sb. 落在某人身边”→]vt. happen to发生于,降临到 / Be careful that no harm befalls you. 小心别碰上什么倒霉事儿。

beset [be-=around四周;set v. 设置⇒“set around设置于四周”→]vt. attack from all sides困扰,围攻 / We were beset by mosquitoes in the swamp. 在沼泽地里我们饱受蚊虫之害。

besiege [be-=completely完全;siege v. 包围⇒“siege completely完全包围”→]vt. surround and try to capture围困,围攻 / For ten years the Greeks besieged the city of Troy. 希腊人把特洛伊城围困了10年。

bestir [be-=completely完全;stir v. 激动⇒“stir completely非常激动”→]vt. stir up; exert激励;发奋 / He was napping in the sun, hardly able to bestir himself for his dinner. 他正在阳光下打盹,连吃饭也激不起他的兴趣。


bedevil [be-=to make使;devil n. 魔鬼⇒“to make sb. act like a devil使变得像魔鬼一样”→]vt. play the devil with; drive frantic使着魔;使狂乱 / Biting flies bedeviled the horses. 蚊虫叮得马儿狂蹦乱跳。

befriend [be-=to make使;friend n. 朋友⇒“to make oneself a friend to使自己成为…的朋友”→]vt. act as a friend to; help亲近;帮助 / The policeman befriended the lost child. 警察很亲切地对待迷路的小孩。

belittle [be-=to make使;little a. 小⇒“to make to seem little使显得微小”→]vt. make little of; make less important轻视;贬低 / Jealous people belittled the explorer's gr






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