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hectares是什么意思 hectares的中文翻译、读音、例句

#hectares是什么意思 hectares的中文翻译、读音、例句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: hectares在中文中有"公顷"的意思,hectares是什么意思 hectares的中文翻译、读音、例句,在英美地区还有"公顷"的意思,发音是[hectares],hectares常被用作名词,在《郎文当代高级法语辞典》中,共找到84个与hectares相关的用法和句子。




1. 这个森林公园占地面积有几千公顷。

The forest park covers an area of several thousand hectares.

2. 该区域有超过十万公顷的土地耕作。

Over 100,000 hectares of land are cultivated in the area.




例句:Houchin Stream irrigates more than 100 hectares of farmland, a town resident says, pointing toward its murky waters. (“这就是灌溉一百多公顷农地的后劲溪”,后劲居民指著“黑褐色”的后劲溪说。)


例句:There's another one which suggests that 30 million hectares of land in Europe, an area the size of Poland, will be vacated by farmers between 2000 and 2030. (另一种研究表示 欧洲有三千万公顷的土地 其面积大小相当于波兰的领土面积 农民将会在 2000 至 2030 年间撤离 )


例句:We also have the second largest planting area of 108 hectares in Medoc. (我们拥有美度区第二大面积的108公顷的葡萄园。)


例句:In 1970 the average size of a French farm was 19 hectares. (翻译:xx年法国农场的平均面积是19公顷。)


1. We also have the second largest planting area of 108 hectares in Medoc. (翻译:我们拥有美度区第二大面积的108公顷的葡萄园。)

2. In 1970 the average size of a French farm was 19 hectares. (翻译:xx年法国农场的平均面积是19公顷。)

3. Now together, through our supply chain, with partners, we've managed to certify 35 million hectares of forestry. (翻译:我们大家一起,通过我们的供应链 和合作伙伴,我们已经管理认定了 3500 万公顷的森林资源。)

4. She used to grow crops on seven hectares of common land; when the pond was built, she lost the land. There was no compensation. (翻译:她过去在七公顷公用土地上种植庄稼;建池塘时,她失去了土地,而且没有得到任何补偿。)

5. Today, we have got 60 conservancies that manage and protect over 13 million hectares of land in Namibia. (翻译:现在,我们有60个保护协会 管理和保护着 1300多万亩土地。)

6. The Churchill bushfire burnt out more than 30, 000 hectares of land. (翻译:丘吉尔山火烧毁了超过3万公顷的土地。)

7. The large Mennonite families and powerful co-operative farm groups have bought an estimated 2m hectares of land in the Chaco. (翻译:几户大的门诺教家庭和具备实力的合作农场在查科购买的土地超过200万公顷。)

8. Between 2000 and 2006 Indonesia planted roughly half a million hectares of oil palm a year, mostly on recently deforested land. (翻译:xx年到xx年之间,粗略估计印尼每年种植大约5万公顷的油棕,而其中大部分种植在最近的毁林地上。)

9. Yes, we have a ranch in South Dakota that is 20 hectares ... (翻译:是的,我们有一个大农场 南达科他州是 20公顷.)

10. The GFMC says that more than 15 million hectares of forest and vegetative land have burned in fires in the Russian Federation already this year. (翻译:GFMC说俄罗斯联邦今年已经有超过150万公顷的森林和蔬菜地被大火吞噬。)

11. Yuanmingyuan by the Yuanming, Changchun, YiChun three Park, with a total area of 350 hectares. (翻译:圆明园由圆明、长春、绮春三园组成,总面积达350公顷。)

12. SEKAB furthermore aims to expand to 400, 000 hectares or more to include also areas in Rufiji. (翻译:SEKAB还计划将包括Rufiji等地在内的种植园区面积扩大到400,000公顷。)

13. Instead of having 100 hectares to make oils or to make proteins, you can make it in these vats at 10 or 100 times the productivity per hectare. (翻译:不再需要100公顷的土地 来生产油或蛋白质, 相反,你可以在这些大桶里 以每公顷10到100倍的产量生产。)

14. The Huffer family has farmed these 53 hectares near Maryland's Catoctin Mountains for more than 140 years. (翻译:霍夫尔一家经营这个位于马里兰州科多克顿山区附近、占地53英亩的农场,已经有140多年的历史了。)

15. We've actually lost two billion hectares in the last 2,000 years. (翻译:在过去的 2000 年里, 我们总共失去了 20 亿公顷森林。)



1. 词的意思:


2. 词性:


3. 常用场景:



4. 词组搭配:


- hectares of land:一片面积为公顷的土地

- hundreds of hectares:数百公顷

- vast hectares:广阔的公顷数

5. 相关短语:

- square hectare:平方公顷

- hectares per person:人均公顷数

- hectares of forest:森林面积

6. 发音拼写:

hectares的发音为 /'hektɛəz/。

总的来说,hectares是一个表示面积的名词,常用于农业和林业领域中。它的单数形式为hectare,常见词组包括hectares of land、vast hectares等。

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