英语简单句100句带翻译 您所在的位置:网站首页 growth造句简单 英语简单句100句带翻译


2023-06-29 10:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

越短越好的英语句子: 1. This is a ship.(这是一艘船。)2. He is an old worker.(他是一个老工人。)3. I have a brother and a sister.(我有一个兄弟和一个姐妹。)4. There is a map on the wall.(墙上有一幅地图。)5. This is a yellow pencil.(这是一支黄铅笔。)6. Tom is an American boy.(Tom是个美国男孩。)7. English is a useful tool.(英语是一种有用的工具。)8. He is telling them an interesting story.(他正在给大家讲一个有趣的故事。)9. Britain is a European country.(不列颠是一个欧洲国家。)10. It takes an hour and a half to get there.(这要花费一小时半到达那里。)11. It is a pig.(它是一头猪。)12. It is cotton.(它是棉花。)13. It is wheat.(它是麦子。)14. It is a cow.(它是一头母牛。)15. It is an orange.(它是一只橘子。)16. It is rice.(它是稻子。)17. It is an ox.(它是一头公牛。)18. It is a duck.(它是一只鸭子。)19. It is water.(它是水)20. It is a hen.(它是一只母牛。)21. Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday.(今天是星期一。明天是星期二。)22. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is Thursday.(今天是星期三。明天是星期四。)23. Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday.(今天是星期五。明天是星期六。)24. Today is Saturday. Tomorrow is Sunday.(今天是星期六。明天是星期日。)25. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is Monday.(今天是星期日。明天是星期一。)We are workers.(我们是工人。)26. My sister and I are both pupils.(我的姐妹和我都是学生。)27. You are all middle school pupils.(你们都是中学生。)28. They are trees and flowers.(它们是树和花。)29. Cats and dogs are animals.(猫和狗是动物。)30. All of them are teachers.(他们都是教师。)31. The sun is red.(太阳是红色的。)32. That table is heavy.(那张桌子很重。)33. I am sixteen.(我十六岁。)34. Class is over.(课结束了。)35. The river is faraway.(这条河很远。)36. Time is up.(时间到了。)37. The bottle is full of water.(这瓶子装满了水。)38. I am from Shanghai.(我来自上海。)39. Comrade Wang is out.(王同志外出了。)40. The football match is on.(足球比赛开始了。)41. The boy is over there.(那男孩在那边。)42. My brother is at home.(我的兄弟在家里。)43. He is not here.(他不在这里。)44. She is good at swimming.(她擅长游泳。)45. I am fond of sports.(我很喜欢运动。)46. I am tired.(我很累。)47. You are ill.(你病了。)48. It is hot today.(今天很热。)49. The weather is cold.(天气很冷。)50. It is fine.(这个很好。)51. The play is good.(这场演出很好。)52. Snow is white.(雪是白的。)53. The streets are clean.(街道是干净的。)54. This hall is full of people.(这个大厅挤满了人。)55. The library is open.(图书馆开门了。)56. The film is on.(影片上映了。)57. My uncle is over there.(我的叔叔在那边。)58. The cinema is far away.(电影院很远。)59. The light is off.(灯暗了。)60. My father is out.(我的父亲外出了。)61. Her brother is thirteen.(她的兄弟十三岁。)62. I am eighteen.(我十八岁。)63. Mr. Smith is from American.(史密斯先生来自美国。)64. The boys in our class are fond of football.(我们班的男孩很喜欢足球。)65. Wang Ying is good at music.(王英擅长音乐。)66.I have a brother.(我有一个兄弟。)67. He has two English books.(他有两本英语书。)68. We have a lot of paper.(我们有许多纸。)69. You have many friends.(你有许多朋友。)70. My sister has a pen and a ball-pen.(我的姐妹有一支铅笔和一支圆珠笔。)71. Her classmates have a small library.(她的同班同学们有一个小图书馆。)72. Our school has twenty classes.(我们的学校有二十个班级。)73. I have some bread and jam.(我有一些面包和果酱。)74.There is a teacher’s desk in the classroom.(教室里有一只讲台。)75. There are forty pupils in the playground.(操场上有四十个学生。)76. There are some desks and chairs in the office.(办公室里有一些书桌和椅子。)77. There are two blackboards on the wall.(墙上有两块黑板。)78. There are four lights in the classroom.(教室里有四盏灯。)79. There is a loud-speaker in the hall.(大厅里有一只喇叭。)80. There are two portraits above the blackboard.(黑板上方有两张像。)81. There is a map and two pictures in the reading-room.(阅览室里有一幅地图和两幅画。)82.Your pencil is blue. Mine is blue, too.(你的铅笔是蓝色的。我的也是蓝色的。)83. His book is new. Hers is new, too.(他的书是新的。她的也是新的。)84. Our classroom is big. Theirs is big, too.(我们的教室很大。他们的也很大。)85. Her brother is a worker. His is a worker, too.(她的兄弟是一个工人。他的也是一个工人。)86. Their house is near the park. Ours is near the park, too.(他们的房子在公园附近。我们的也在公园附近。)87. His room is tidy. Yours is tidy, too.(他的房间很整洁。你的也很整洁。)88. My sister is not here. Hers is not here, either.(我的妹妹不在这里。她的也不在这里。)89. Our classroom is not on the first floor. Theirs is not on the first floor, either.(我们的教室不在二楼。他们的也不在二楼。)90. Your father is not a teacher. Mine is not a teacher, either.(你的父亲不是一个教师。我的也不是一个教师。)91. Their library is not big. Ours is not big, either.(他们的图书馆不大。我们的也不大。)92. How nice the song is!(这首歌多么好听啊!)93. What a wonderful time we’re had!(我们过了一段多么美好的时光啊!)94. How fast the dog runs!(这只狗跑得多么快啊!)95. What a clever boy he is!(他是一个多么机灵的男孩啊!)96. What beautiful music they’re playing!(他们正在演奏多么优美的音乐啊!)97. How quickly time flies!(时间飞逝得多么快啊!)98. What an excellent idea you’re got!(你有一个多么出色的主意啊!)99. What a dear little child he is!(他是一个多么可爱的小孩啊!)100. He is telling us an interesting story.(他正在给我们讲一个有趣的故事。)101. We are having a holiday today.(今天我们正在度假。)102. What are you doing these days?(这几天你正在做什么?)103. You are speaking so quickly, I can’t understand you.(你这么快地讲着,我没能搞懂你。)104. Jane’s studying in our school this term. She is preparing her lessons now.(这学期珍妮在我们学校学习。她现在正在准备功课。)105. Can I use your dictionary for a moment? I’m sorry, but I am using it now.(我能用一下你的词典吗?很抱歉,我现在正在用。)106. They are doing their best to finish the work in time.(他们正在努力及时完成这项工作。)107. She is speaking.(她正在讲话。)108. The children are singing.(孩子们正在唱歌。)109. I am listening to the radio.(我正在听无线电。)110. My brother is writing.(我兄弟正在写字。)111. We are preparing our lesson.(我们正在准备功课。)112. Our teachers are having a meeting.(我们的老师正在开会。)113. The dog is running very fast.(狗正在非常快地跑着。)114. Your sister is looking for her pen.(你的姐妹正在找她的钢笔。)115. see a map on the wall.(我看见墙上的一张地图。)116. My father works in a factory.(我的父亲在工厂工作。)117. The pupils often play games in the playground.(学生们经常在操场上玩游戏。)118. Tom and his sister often clean the room together in the morning.(汤姆和他的妹妹经常在早晨打扫房间。)119. She studies politics, Chinese and other subjects.(她学习政治、语文和其他课目。)120. The boys pass by the bookstore every day on their way to school.(孩子们每天在上学路上经过书店。)121. My brother and I wash our clothes every day.(我兄弟和我每天洗我们的衣服。)122. Our parents usually go to work at seven.(我们的父母通常在七点钟去上班。)123. Birds fly south in winter.(鸟在冬天飞往南方)124. Mary lives in New York.(玛丽住在纽约。)125. We always get up early.(我们总是起床很早。)126. He usually goes to bed at nine.(他通常九点上床。)127. It often rains in spring.(天天常常下雨。)128. I sometimes go to the park.(我有时去公园。)129. She seldom comes late.(她不常迟到。)130. Li-li never tells a lie.(丽丽从不撒谎。)131. I often go to the cinema.(我常常去电影院。)132. He seldom forgets to do his homework.(他不常忘记做回家作业。)133. The boy usually goes to school at 7.30.(那男孩通常七点半去上学。)134. She never talks to her teacher that way.(她从不以那种方式跟老师谈话。)135. He usually studies in the reading-room.(他通常在阅览室里学习。)136. We always listen to the radio at 8.00 p. m.(我们总是在上午八点听无线电。)137. John sometimes watches television in the evening.(约翰有时在晚上看电视。)138. Wang Fang never comes to school late.(王芳来上学从不迟到。)139. They are always busy.(他们总是很忙。)140. I don’t usually take a bath at noon.(我通常不在中午洗澡。)141. Do you often work so late?(你常常工作得这么晚吗?)142. This is sometimes true.(这有时是真实的。)143. We can seldom do it without his help.(没有他的帮助,我们很少能做到。)144. It is not going to be cold next month.(下个月不会马上很冷。)145. He is always ready to help people.(他总是助人为乐。)146. You must never do it again.(你千万不能再做这件事。)147. She is seldom late for school.(她上学不常迟到。)148. Do you often read the newspaper after supper.(你常常在晚饭后看报吗?)149. Tom doesn’t usually wake up so early.(汤姆通常不醒得这么早。)150. Mary can sometimes choose the right thing.(玛丽有时会选择正确的事情。)151. Does he usually have breakfast at six?(他通常在六点钟吃早饭吗?)152. The boys are seldom absent from school.(男生们不常缺课。)153.Now I am reading the newspaper.(现在我正在看报纸。)154. We are not going to play basket-ball after school.(我们不打算放学后打篮球。)155. The workers are building a big ship these days.(这几天工人们正在造一条大船。)156. The pupils are visiting a photo show now.(学生们现在正在参观摄影展览。)157. We often play basket-ball with Class Three.(我们常常与三班打篮球。)158. Wang Ling does a lot of housework every evening, but today he is helping his brother with his lessons.(王林每天晚上做许多家务,但今天正在帮助弟弟温习功课。)159. I am going to study French next year.(我打算明年学法语。)160. I am going to read the book this morning.(我打算今晚看这本书。)161. She is going to help her classmate later.(她打算最近帮助她的同学。)162. It is going to snow very soon.(过不了多久就要下雪了。)163. We are going to go to Peking the day after tomorrow.(我们打算后天去北京。)164. You are going to be middle school pupils next autumn.(你们明年秋季就要成为中学生了。)165. They are going to visit the museum next week.(他们准备下星期参观博物馆。)166. They are not going to stay here.(他们不打算住在那里。)167. She is not going to mend her shoes.(她不打算补自己的鞋。)168. You are not going to have an English lesson tomorrow.(你们没计划明天上英语课。)169. I am not going to watch TV today.(我不打算今天看电视。)170. You are not going to see the film next Sunday.(你们不打算下星期天看这部电影。)171. He is not going to write to his father tonight.(他不打算今晚写信给他父亲。)172. I shall be at middle school next year.(明年我将要读中学。)173. You will hear the news tonight.(今夜你将会听到这条消息。)174. He will tell it to you the day after tomorrow.(他将会在后天把这件事告诉你。)175. She will play volley ball after school.(放学后她要打排球。)176. It will be cold tomorrow.(明天要冷了。)177. The baby will be able to walk soon.(这婴儿不久就能走路了。)178. We shan’t be middle school pupils next year.(我们不会在明年成为中学生的。)179. She won’t read the book this evening.(她今晚不会看这本书。)180. They won’t see the film this week.(他们这星期不会去看这部电影。)181. You won’t hear from him tonight.(你不会在今夜收到他的信。)182. I shan’t be sixteen until early next month.(我到下个月月初才十六岁。)183. They won’t be able to come this evening.(他们今晚不能够来了。)184. There will be a football match next Sunday.(下星期天将有一场足球赛。)185. There will be more new machines in the workshop.(车间里将有更多的新机器。)186. There won’t be any rain next few days.(过几天不会下雨。)187. There will be several new film on next season.(下个季度会有几部新影片。)188. We don’t go to school on Sunday.(我们星期天不上学。)189. He does his homework in the evening.(他在晚上做回家作业。)190. I first met him on a spring evening.(春天的一个晚上我第一次遇见他。)191. My sister usually gets up at six o’clock.(我姐姐通常在六点钟起床。)192. Her father lived in Tientsin at that time.(那时他父亲住在天津。)193. We have dinner at a quarter to twelve.(我们十一点三刻吃饭。)194. I left for Peking on September 11.(我是九月十一日赴北京的。)195. Chang Hua is going to stay here next month.(张华打算下个月在这儿呆着。)196. We are learning Lesson Ten this week.(这星期我们正在学第十课。)197. She often works at night.(她常常在夜里工作。)198. She worked late last night.(她昨夜工作得很晚。)199. They went to the park the day before yesterday.(前天他们去过公园。)200. It will be very hot next month.(下个月将会很热。) 100个给100分,300个给300分,200个为何只有150分?开玩笑的。只要能帮到你,给个5分就行了。


高中英语句子100句 简单的那种 带翻译 谢谢

or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a me


1. Waste not,want not. 俭以防匮。2. From saving comes having. 富有来自节俭。3. A penny saved is a penny gained. 省一文是一文。4. Take care of the pence and the poundwill take care of themselves.金钱积少便成多。5. Frugality is an estate alone.节俭本身就是一宗财产。6. He that regards not a penny,will lavish a pound.小钱不知节省,大钱将滥花。7. Small gains bring great wealth.积小利,成巨富。8. Many a little makes a mickle. 积少便成多。9. As the touchstone tries gold,so gold tries man. 试金之石可试金,正如黄金能试人。10.Courage and resolution are the spiritand soul of virtue. 勇敢和坚决是美德的灵魂。11.The path to glory is always rugged. 光荣之路常坎坷。12.Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只要人肯试。13.The fire is the test of gold;adversity of strong man. 烈火试真金,困苦炼壮士。14.Great hopes make great man. 远大的希望造就伟大的人物。15.No way is impossible to courage. 勇士面前无险路。16.A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. 平静的大海决不能造就出熟练的水手。17.The good seaman is known in bad weather. 坏天气下才能识得出良好的海员;要识好海员,须凭坏天气。18.The best hearts are always the bravest. 行为最勇敢的人心地总是最善良。19.We must not lie down,and cry,God help us. 求神不如求己。20.He that falls today may be up again tomorrow. 今天跌倒的人也许明天就会站起。21.Rome was not built in a day. 罗马并非一日可建成;坚持必成。22.Success belongs to the persevering. 胜利属于坚忍不拔的人。23.We must repeat a thousand and one times that perseverance is the only road to success. 我们要多次重申:不屈不挠是取得胜利的唯一道路。24.Perseverance is failing nineteen timesand succeeding the twentieth. 十九次失败,到第二十次获得成功,这就叫坚持。25.Step by step the ladder is ascended. 登梯需要逐级登。26.Adversity leads to prosperity. 困苦通向昌盛。27.Patience and application will carry us through. 忍耐和专心会使我们度过难关。28.Fortune often rewards with interest thosethat have patience to wait for her.做事只要有耐心,到头总会有好运;耐心候好运,好运常会来。29.All things will come round to him who will but wait.只要肯等待,一切都会按时来。30.Constant dropping wears the stone. 滴水不绝可穿石。31.Omelets are not made without breaking of eggs. 鸡蛋不打破,蛋卷做不成;不甘愿吃苦,则预期效果达不到。32.The world is a ladder for some to go upand others to go down. 世界好似一把梯,有人上去有人下。33.There needs a long apprenticeship to understandthe mystery of the world"s trade. 要知世事奥秘多,须要长期作学徒。34.Life is sweet. 生活是可爱的;人无不好生(恶死)。35.Where there is life,there is hope. 生命不息,希望长在。36.Life is not all beer and skittles. 人生并不全是吃喝玩乐。37.Much water runs by the mill thatthe miller knows not of. 眼前发生许多事,有些我们并不知。38.Fortune knocks once at least at every man"s door.人人都有走运的一天。39.If you are too fortunate,you will not know yourself;if you are too unfortunate,nobody will know you. 运气太好,见人不睬;运气太坏,无人理会。40.Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 每一个人都是自身幸福的建筑师。41.Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth. 记得年轻时所作蠢事的人是幸福的。42.Misfortunes never (seldom) come alone (single). 祸不单行。43.Misfortune is a good teacher. 不幸是良好的教师。44.Misfortunes come at night. 祸常生于不测。45.Misfortunes tell us what fortune is. 恶运临头后,才知幸运贵。46.Adversity makes a man wise,not rich. 患难能使人聪明,但不能使人富有。47.Live and learn. 活到老,学到老。48.It is never too old to learn. 为学不怕年高。49.A man becomes learned by asking questions. 要长学问,就得多问;多问则业精。50.There is no royal road to learning. 学问无坦途。51.He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning. 畏问之人耻于学。52.What is learned in the cradle lasts till the grave. 婴孩时期学到的东西,老死不会忘记。53.Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse. 知识能使好人更好,坏人更坏。54.Soon learnt,soon forgotten. 学得快,忘得快。55.Learn young,learn fair. 为学趁年青,既学须学好。56.A lazy youth,a lousy age. 少时懒惰老来苦。57.He that knows nothing,doubts nothing. 无知即无疑。58.A good name keeps its luster in the dark. 良好的名声在黑暗中也能闪闪发光。59.Fame is a magnifying glass. 名誉是放大镜。60.A good fame is better than a good face. 美名胜于美貌。61.Fame like a river is narrowest at itssource and broadest afar off. 名誉如河流,发源处最狭,愈远愈宽广。62.Take honour from me and my life is done. 没有名誉,就没有了生命。63.Beware of him who regards not his reputation. 要谨防不重名誉的人。64.It is better to die with honour than to live in infamy. 光荣的死胜于羞辱的生。65.Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory. 成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。66.Reputation is often got without meritand lost without fault. 无功得名是常事,无过失名也是常事。67.Your father"s honour is to youbut a second-hand honour. 对于你来说,父亲的荣誉只是间接的荣誉。68.Never trust another what you should do yourself. 自己该做的事,决不要委托给旁人做。69.It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody. 信任一切与不信任任何人,同样是弱点。70.Eat a peck of salt with a man before you trust him. 在你信任一个人之前,先要深入了解他。71.If you trust before you try, you may repent before you die. 不经考验就依赖,不到瞑目便的悔。72.Never trust to fine words. 切勿轻信漂亮话。73.Trust not a great weight to a slender thread. 细线挂重物,终究不可靠。74.Be just to all,but trust not all. 要对一切人都公正,但不要对一切人都信任。75.Trust thyself only,and another shall not betray thee. 只要信任你自己,旁人才不出卖你。76.Self-trust is the essence of heroism. 自信为英雄品质之本。77.Confidence is a plant of slow growth. 信任是一种生长缓慢的植物。78.Truth is the daughter of time. 真理是时间的女儿。79.Truth hath a good face,but ill clothes. 真理面目善良;但衣衫褴褛。80.Truth and roses have thorns about them. 真理和玫瑰,身旁都有刺。81.Truth may be blamed,but shall never be shamed. 真理可能会被责难,但绝不会受羞辱。82.Though malice may darken truth,it cannot put it out. 恶意可以糟塌真理;但无法消灭真理。83.Truth will prevail. 真理必胜。84.Truth"s best ornament is nakedness. 不加掩饰乃是真理的最好装饰。85.Facts are stubborn things. 事实是最顽强的东西。86.Sooner or later,the truth comes to light. 真相迟早会大白。87.The truths we least like to hear are thosewhich it is most to our advantage to know. 我们最不愿意听到的事实,往往是我们知道了会大有好处的事实。88.Falsehood like a nettle stings thosewho meddle with it. 谎言似荨麻,玩弄会刺手。89.There is many a fair thing full false. 有许多说得好听的东西充满了谬误。90.Though a lie be well drest,it is ever overcome. 谎言装扮虽不错,到头总会被揭露。91.A lie begets a lie till they come to generations. 谎言生谎言,谎言世代传。92.A false tongue will hardly speak truth. 假舌不会吐真言。93.False with one can be false with two. 对一个人虚假,也会对两个人虚假。94.He that will lie will steal. 会说谎的人也就会偷窃。95.Gossiping and lying go together. 流言常和谎话并行。96.Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. 含糊其词是谎话的近亲。97.A great talker is a great liar. 最会夸夸其谈的人也最会说谎。98.The greatest liars talk most of themselves. 最爱自吹自擂的人是最大的说谎者。99.Lying rides upon debt"s back. 负债的人谎话多。100. Lying is the first step to the gallows. 说谎是上断头台的第一步。






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