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Meducal: 医学英语常用后缀(附词卡)

2024-04-08 11:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



The following list includes common suffixes. After the meaning of each suffix, I will use a terminology to illustrate the use of the suffix in various words. Some of the roots that might be relatively difficult for you will also be pointed out. 


Before we get started, let us recall the basic rule for building a medical term: Use a combining vowel, such as o, to connect the root to the suffix. However, drop the combining vowel if the suffix begins with a vowel - for example, it should be gastr/itis rather than gastroitis. 

-algia   pain 

neuralgia 神经痛

neur/o (nerve)

-cele   hernia 

rectocele 脱肛

rect/o (rectum)

-centesis   surgical puncture to remove fuild

amniocentesis  羊水穿刺

amni/o (amnion)

-coccus (sing.) -cocci (pl.)   berry-shaped bacterium

streptococcus 链球菌(单数)

strept/o (twisted chains)

staphylococci 葡萄球菌(复数)

staphy/o (grapelike clusters)

-cyte   cell

leukocyte 白细胞

leuk/o (white)

-dynia   pain

pleurodynia 胸膜痛

pleur/o (pleura)

-ectomy   excision, removal

laryngectomy 喉头切除术

laryng (larynx)

-emia   blood condition

anemia 贫血

-genesis   forming

angiogenesis 血管再生术

angi/o (blood vessel)

-gram   record

electroencephalogram 脑电图 EEG

electr/o (electricity) · encephal/o (brain)

-graphy   instrument for recording

electroencephalography 脑电图描记术

-itis   inflammation

bronchitis 支气管炎

bronch/o (bronchus)

-logy   study of

morphology 形态学

morph/o (shape, form)

-lysis   breakdown, separation

hemolysis 溶血

hem/o (blood)

-malacia   softening

osteomalacia 软骨病

oste/o (bone)

-megaly   enlargement

splenomegaly 脾脏肥大

splen/o (spleen)

-oma   tumor, mass

myoma 肌肉瘤

my/o (muscle)

-opsy   to view

biopsy 活检

bi/o (life or living)

-pathy   disease condition

cardiomyopathy 心肌病

cardi/o (heart) · my/o (muscle)

-penia   deficiency

erythropenia 血红细胞减少

eryth/o (red)

-phobia   fear

acrophobia  恐高症

acr/o (extremities)

-plasia   development

achondroplasia 软骨发育不全

chondr/o (cartilage)

-plasty   surgical repair

angioplasty  血管再生术

-ptosis   falling

blepharoptosis 眼睑下垂

blephar/o (eyelid)

-rrhea   flow, discharge

rhinorrhea 鼻涕

rhin/o (nose)

-sclerosis   hardening

arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化

arteri/o (artery)

-scope   instrument for visual examination

laparoscope 腹镜

lapar/o (abdomen)

-scopy   process of visual examination

laparoscopy 腹镜术

-stasis   stopping

hemostasis 止血

hem/o (blood)

-stomy   opening to form a mouth

colostomy 结肠造口术

col/o (colon)

-therapy   treatment

radiotherapy 放疗

radi/o (X-rays)

-tomy   incision

tracheotomy 气管造口

trache/o (trachea)

-trophy   development

atrophy 萎缩

-oid   resembling

mucoid 粘液样的

muc/o (mucus)

以下的一些后缀全部表示 'pertaining to'

 -ac   cardiac

 -iac   inguinal  

 -ar   tonsillar  

 -ary   axillary 

 -eal   laryngeal

 -genic   carcinogenic  

 -ic   chronic

 -ose   adipose

 -ous   mucous

 -tic   necrotic      





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