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2023-03-22 17:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Chances are, if you were asked to choose the most iconic dress of the 20th century, you would say it had to be the Little Black Dress worn by Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Tiffany's.如果要你选出二十世纪最有代表性的女装的话,你很可能会说,那必须是奥黛丽·赫本在《蒂凡尼的早餐》中所穿的那件小黑裙。

Even today, this sleeveless gown by Hubert de Givenchy looks as radically chic as it did 57 years ago.这件无袖长裙是休伯特·德·纪梵希在57年前设计的,但就算是在今天,它依然看上去非常时髦。

Givenchy's strength was his simplicity. Where other designers aimed for shock value, Givenchy honoured understated elegance and refined femininity.纪梵希的优势就在于他的设计的朴素。在其他设计师以冲击效果为目标的时候,纪梵希却以突出低调的优雅和精致的女性气质为荣。

But he was more than just the LBD. Take any other of his designs today, and they still look strikingly fresh.而他的著名设计可不仅仅是小黑裙。把他其他的所有设计拿到今天来看,它们看上去也依然非常新颖。

His chic, understated frocks were synonymous with a golden age of fashion — adored not just by whippet-thin movie stars but ordinary women everywhere on account of their no-fuss glamour.由他设计的时髦又低调的女装是时尚黄金时代的代名词,他的设计不仅受到了那些身材纤细小巧的电影明星们的喜爱,而且因其朴素的魅力也受到了各地普通女性们的欢迎。

Little wonder, then, that celebrities, fashion aficionados and stylish women the world over are in mourning for the French designer who died last Saturday at the age of 91.难怪在他去世的时候,世界各地的名人、时尚爱好者和时尚女性都在为他哀悼。这位法国设计师于上周六去世了,享年91岁。

It was in 1953 that Givenchy met the relatively unknown Hepburn, agreeing to the introduction because he thought she was long established Hollywood star Katharine Hepburn.1953年,纪梵希遇到了当时还不太有名的赫本,他以为她是久负盛名的好莱坞明星凯瑟琳·赫本,所以他同意了那次引见。

The Audrey had requested the meeting to discuss the possibility of wearing his dresses in Sabrina. Givenchy's costume designs for that film won an Oscar and afterwards she repeatedly requested his dresses.当时奥黛丽请求那次会面是为了探讨她是否可以在《龙凤配》中穿上他设计的礼服。纪梵希为那部电影设计的戏服获得了奥斯卡奖,之后,奥黛丽·赫本就多次请他设计礼服。

Hepburn also became Givenchy's muse and his creations featured in seven of her films, from the white embroidered frock she wore in 1954’s Sabrina to the scarlet strapless gown in 1957's Funny Face.赫本也成为了纪梵希的缪斯,从她于1954年在《龙凤配》中所穿的那件白色绣花连衣裙到她于1957年在《甜姐儿》中所穿的那件红色抹胸长裙,她在七部电影中都穿上了纪梵希设计的礼服。

Givenchy said their close relationship was tantamount to 'a kind of marriage' and Hepburn described the designer as 'my beautiful Hubert'.纪梵希曾说过,他们之间的亲密关系就像“一种婚姻”,而赫本则把他称为“我出色的休伯特”。

But Givenchy's celebrity seal of approval didn't end there. He dressed the world's most glamorous aristocrats , actresses and politicians’ wives.不过,名人对纪梵希的认可并没有止于此。世界上最有魅力的贵族、女演员和政客们的妻子都穿过他设计的礼服。

Givenchy himself summed up his career: 'To have lived your dream is very rare in life. I have been so fortunate.'纪梵希对自己的职业生涯的总结是:“能在一生中实现自己的梦想是很难得的。我是那么的幸运。”







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