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初中英语必备常见短语汇总(A开头)a bit adv.稍微;有点儿可修饰动词、形容词、副词及比较级。That looks delicious. Can I have a bit 那个看上去很好吃。我可以尝一口吗 Could you turn the radio down a bit, please 请把收音机的音量调低一点儿好吗 a bit of adj.一点儿;少量的修饰不可数名词。Let me give you a bit of advice.我给你一些建议吧。a couple of adj.几个;两个;一对A couple of boys were playing chess.两个男孩在下国际象棋。辨析: a couple of: 指在一起或互有关系的两个人或物,但并不意味着是同样的。a pair of:表示由相同的部分组成并一般成对出现的物品。a few adj.有些;一些;几个;少数Ken gave me a few cards.肯给了我几张卡片。辨析:a few:修饰可数名词,表示肯定的含义。few:修饰可数名词,表示否定的含义。a little:修饰不可数名词,表示肯定的含义。little修饰不可数名词,表示否定的含义。a good / great many adj.很多,大量用来修饰可数名词复数;修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。a great many比 a good many程度更强。A good /great many students took the test.很多学生参加了测试。a group of adj.一群;一组;一批修饰可数名词复数; group前可用形容词修饰。a small group of一小组A group of little boys were playing in the park.一群小男孩在公园里玩。a kind of adj.一种;某种Panda is a kind of animal, and it's kind of cute.熊猫是一种动物,并且它有点儿可爱。辨析:a kind of:修饰名词。kind of:只用于修饰形容词和动词,意为“有几分;有点儿”。a little adj.&adv.少量(的);一点点可修饰不可数名词;也可修饰动词、形容词、副词或比较级。I know a little Chinese.我懂一点儿汉语。I feel a little tired.我觉得有点儿累了。a lot adv.&pron.很;非常;常常;很多I am feeling a lot better now.我现在好多了。Mary has a lot to do today.玛丽今天有很多事要做。辨析:a lot:后不跟名词,可用作代词短语和副词短语;作副词短语时,一般放在句末,相当于 very much.a lot of:意为”大量;许多”,后可跟可数名词复数,也可跟不可数名词。a lot of=lots of adj.大量;许多a lot of与 lots of同义,但在口语中多使用 lots ofHe has a lot of money.他很有钱。There were a lot of people at the party .聚会上来了很多人。a map of adj.一张…的地图a photo of一张…的照片This is a map of my hometown.这是一张我家乡的地图。a moment ago adv.刚才;片刻之前常与一般过去时连用。a moment later片刻之后;过一会儿He was here a moment ago.他刚才还在这儿。a number of adj.许多;若干A number of students are playing on the playground.一些学生正在操场上玩。辨析:a number of:意为“许多;若干”,修饰可数名词复数;作主语时,谓语动词用复数。the number o:意为“……的数目”,后接可数名词复数;作主语时,谓语动词用单数。a pair of adj.一双;一副只能修饰必须成双、成对出现的物件。 a pair of作主语时,谓语动词用单数。A pair of shoes is in the box.一双鞋在盒子里。I want to buy a pair of gloves.我想买一副手套。a piece of adj.一片;一块后接不可数名词。a piece of meat一块肉 a piece of news一条消息a piece of music一首歌曲 a piece of advice一条建议She wrote something on a small piece of paper.她在一小片纸上写了点什么。a set of adj.一套;一副;一组“a set of+名词”表示由若干部分构成一套完整物品。 a set of coffee cups一套咖啡杯He bought a set of books.他买了一套书。a ticket to adj.一张…的票book a ticket预订票 show(sb) the ticket(向某人)出示票I managed to get a ticket to the concert.我设法弄到了一张音乐会的票。above all adv.首先;最重要的;尤其常用作状语,强调内容的重要性。Above all, keep in touch.最重要的是保持联系。according to prep.根据;按照to是介词,后接名词、代词或动词ing形式According to the survey, many students were willing to work hard to achieve their aims.据调查,许多学生都会为了实现自己的目标而努力学习。across from prep.在……对面There is a school just across from my home.有一所学校就在我家对面。add to v.向...增加;往…加入add...to...把…加到...There are more and more private cars in our city, This adds to the traffic and pollution.我们城市中有越来越多的私家车,这加重了交通的拥堵和污染。add up v.把……加起来后接名词/代词作宾语,代词作宾语时,要置于add和up之间。The math problem is to add them up.这道数学题是求它们的总和。add up to v.合计;总计后接数词,该短语不用于被动语态。The bills add up to $50.这些账单加起来是50美元。after a while adv.过了ー会儿;不久以后After a while, we arrived at a small village.过了一会儿,我们到达了一个小村庄。辨析:after a while:相当于 after a moment,常用于一般过去时,回答以when引导的问句。in a while:“一会儿;不久”,常用于一般将来时,回答以 how soon引导的问句。after all adv.不管怎样;毕竟;终究;究竟置于句末时,表示结果与预想的有所不同,意为“终究;究竟”置子句首时,用于提醒别人注意某一事实,意为“毕竟”。You should praise your son. After all, he works harder than before.你应该表扬你儿子,毕竟他学习比以前努力了。again and again adv.再三地;反复地;不断地over and over again再三地;反复地He tried the experiment again and again.他反复做这个实验。agree on /upon v.赞同;取得一致意见I'm sorry we can't agree on /upon this.很抱歉,我们在这一点上意见不一致。辨析:agree on /upon:常与表示价格、计划、日期或协议等的词搭配使用。agree to:表示同意或答应做某事,常与表示建议、安排或条件的词搭配使用。agree to v.同意;赞成后跟动词原形或表示建议、安排等的词。I agreed to help him.我同意帮助他。agree with v.赞同;持相同意见;相符后接人称代词、名词、What从句及表示意见、看法的词。agree with不用于被动语态。Your story agrees with what I have already heard.你讲的故事跟我听过的完全一致。aim at v.瞄准;针对;致力于;旨在I was aiming at the tree but hit the car by mistake.我瞄准树射击,不料失误打中了汽车。all kinds of adj.各种各样的;许多的后接可数名词复数,表示不同种类。There are all kinds of books in the library.图书馆里有各种各样的书。all in all adv.总的来说;总计All in all it has been a great success.总的说来,那是个巨大的成功。all over adv.&prep.到处;遍及;结束all over the world全世界 all over China全中国The news spread quickly all over the world.那条消息迅速传遍了全世界。all right adv.好的;行;可以---Let’s go to school!我们去上学吧 ---All right.好的。辨析:all right:表示同意或答应请求。that’s all right.意为“不用谢”,用于回答别人的道谢。that’s right:意为“对,没错”,表示同意某人的观点。all the same adv.都一样;仍然;照样地可用于句中或句末。多用于交际语中。You say the bridge is safe but I shall take care all the same.你说这桥很安全,可我还是要小心。all the time adv.一直;总是;始终一般不表示频率,而是表示某一特定的活动从开始一直到结束的时间。They are laughing all the time.他们一直笑个不停。all the way adv.一路上;自始至终;一直She didn’t speak a word to me all the way back home.回家的路上,她没对我说过一句话。all together adv.一起;总共All together, there are 15 students.一共有15名学生。辨析:all together:来示全体在一起。altogether:修饰全句时,意为“总之”;修饰形容词、副词或动词时,意为“完全;全部地”。all( the) year round adv.一年到头;终年year by year一年年地;每年We are busy all (the)year round.我们一年到头都很忙。along with prep.与…一起;加之He came to the party along with his friends.他和朋友们一起去了聚会。and so on conj.诸如此类;等等Mary masters five languages, such as English, Chinese, Japanese and so on.玛丽会5种语言,例如英语、汉语和日语等辨析:and so on:用于列举多项事例的最后。for example:表示在众多事物中仅举少数几个例子。such as:通常放在被列举的事物的前面以及需要说明的事物的后面。apart from prep.此外;除......之外根据不同情况,可与 except, besides互换。Apart from Tom, she has no friends.除汤姆外,她没有朋友。argue about v.为…争论Don't argue about the matter any more.不要再为那件事争吵了。辨析:argue about:就某事而争论。argue with:与某人争论。argue with v.与……争论argue with sb about就……与某人争论She is always ready to argue with us.她总是喜欢与我们争论arrive at v.到达;抵达We arrived at the village at noon.我们在中午到达了那个村子。辨析:arrive at:后接小地点。arrive in:后接大地点。get:后跟地点名词时需加介词to。 arrive和get后可直接跟here, there 等地点副词。reach:后可直接跟地点名词。arrive in v.到达;抵达They arrived in Paris on Tuesday.他们在星期二到达了巴黎。as a matter of fact adv.事实上;其实用来说明一个事实,习惯上用于句首,在句中作插入语,表示强调。 in fact实际上;其实As a matter of fact, I'm proud of my daughter.事实上,我为我的女儿感到骄傲。as a result(of) adv.&prep因此;作为…的结果As a result, she has been given a good job.结果她被给予了一份好工作。as a whole adv.作为一个整体;总体上强调所有部分都已考虑到。 on the whole总体上;总的来说We must consider these matters as a whole.我们必须全盘考虑这些事。as...as conj.像…(一样)第一个as是副词,其后跟形容词或副词的原级;第二个as是连词,后可接从句。否定形式为 not so/as...asMy brother is at least as tall as you.我哥哥至少和你一样高。as...as possible adv.尽可能…相当于 as...as one can。两个as之间用形容词或副词的原级。as early as possible尽早 as soon as possible尽快You must leave here as soon as possible.你必须尽快离开这儿。as for prep.至于;关于As for my wish, I want to rest for two months somewhere quiet.至于说我的愿望,我想在某个安静的地方休息两个月。辨析:as for:不能放在句中,而as to可以。as to:后可接连接代词/连接副词引导的从句,而 as for无此用法as if conj.仿佛;好像相当于 as though,常用在look,seem等系动词之后引导表语从向,也可引导状语从句。若引导的从向表示的情况不是事实,则用虚拟语气。She looks as if she were ten years younger.她看起来像是年轻了10岁。as long as conj.只要;长达;和…一样长We’ll have a picnic as long as the weather is good只要天气好我们就去野餐。辨析:as long as:用于同级比较时,既可用于肯定句中也可用于否定句中。so long as:当意为“只要”时,可以与 as long as互换,但用于同级比较时,只能用于否定句中。as many as conj.&adj.和……一样多;多达此结构中many可用作形容词或代词,many后可接可数名词复数。I have as many books as you have.我有和你一样多的书。as much as conj&adj.和…一样多;多达much用作代词,指不可数的东西;作形容词时,修饰不可数名词。He earns as much as 10 thousand yuan a month.他月薪可达1万元as soon as conj.一……就......用来引导状语从句,如果主句用一般将来时, as soon as引导的时间状语从句多用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 as soon as possible尽快地Give me a call as soon as you arrive there你一到那里就给我打个电话。as usual adv.像往常一样;照例表示一种习惯性动作的重复,常置于句首或句末。置于句首时,其后往往加逗号。As usual, he left the children at home.像往常一样,他把孩子们留在了家里。as well adv.也;又;还I sent him a letter and some cards as well.我给他寄了一封信,外加一些卡片。辨析:as well:作“也”讲时,放在句末,前面不加逗号。also:放在be动词后,实义动词前,用于肯定句中。either:放在句末,只用于否定句中。too:放在句末,与前面的句子用逗号隔开。as well as conj.并且;还;和…一样好连接两个并列主语时,强调前者,谓语动词要随 as well as之前的主语的人称、数而变化。 not only...but also...不仅......而且......Lily as well as her parents was invited to the party.莉莉和她的父母都被邀请参加聚会。as you know adv.如你所知常用作插入语。As you know, I work hard.如你所知,我工作很努力。ask for v.要;要求;请求;恳求(给予)ask for sth要求得到某物 ask for sb请求见某人The little boy asked for more milk小男孩要更多的牛奶。ask sb about v.向某人打听about是介词,表示询问的内容。The interviewer asked me about my future plans面试者问了我关于未来的计划。ask sb (not)to do sth v.要求某人(不)做某事He asked you to buy some apples.他让你去买些苹果。at a speed of prep.以……的速度at low speed以低速 at high speed以高速 at full speed以全速The truck is traveling at a speed of 50 mph.货车以每小时50英里的速度行驶。at a time prep.一次;每次Don't eat too much ice cream at a time.一次不能吃太多冰激凌。辨析: at a time强调具体的某一次。at times:意为“有时;偶尔,说明这种事不止一次,时不时都会发生,表达一种常态。at all adv.根本;到底;竟然常用于否定句、肯定句、疑问句中以加强语气。I don’t like it at all.我一点儿也不喜欢它。at first prep.首先;开始;最初Though I might have been lucky at first, I also need to put in hard work.虽然起初我可能已经很幸运,但我也需要付出努力。辨析:at first:含有刚开始…后来并非如此之意。first of all:为“首先;第一”,指次序上的第一。at last prep.最后;终于指时间上的终点,强调经过长时间的延误或努力之后“最后;终于”About ten minutes later, the door opened and Miss Liu at last came in,smiling.大约10分钟后,门开了,刘小姐终于微笑着进来了。at least prep.至少对所讲内容进行强调,在句中作状语。 at most至多;不超过To improve his English, he spends at least one hour a day listening to English programs.为了提高英语水平,他毎天花费至少1个小时听英语节目。at night prep.在晚上;在夜里此短语中 night前不加定冠词the at noon在正午I can't sleep well at night because of the noise由于噪音,我晚上无法安睡。at once prep.立即;马上right now现在;立刻;马上 all at once突然Come here at once!马上过来at present prep.目前;现在for the present暂时;目前I don't need the book at present.我现在不需要这本书。at school prep.在学校;在上学school前不加定冠词the after school放学后 go to school去上学You should obey the rules at school.在学校要遵守规则。at table prep.在吃饭She was at table when I called her.我给她打电语时,她正在吃辨析:at table为”在吃饭”,强调动作。at the table为”在桌子旁”,不一定在吃饭,强调状态。at that moment prep.在那时at that time在那时 at this moment在这时 at the moment此刻;现在;目前What were you doing at that moment 那时你正在干什么 at the age of prep.在……岁时后接表示年龄的基数词,表示“在某人……岁时”,相当于when sb is ...years oldI started to dance at the age of 4.我4岁时开始。at the beginning of prep.在…的开始At the beginning of this century, scientists made an interesting discovery.本世纪初,科学家们有了一个有趣的发现辨析:at the beginning of:指一个事件或一段时间刚刚开始的时候in the beginning;相当于 at first,与“后来”相对,一般不与of连用。at the bottom of prep.在……的底部at the top of在…顶端Some fish live at the bottom of the ocean有些鱼生活在大洋底部辨析:at the bottom of:指纵向上的底部。 at the end of:指水平方向上的尽头。at the doctor’s prep.在诊所名词所有格后修饰的名词如果是指商店、住宅等地点时,这些名词常常省略。此类短语还有:at Mr. Green’s(在格林先生家); at the barber’s(在理发店)。What did the doctor say when you were at the doctor’s 你在诊所时,医生说了什么 at the end of prep.在……结束时;在…尽头Last but not least, at the end of the interview, don't forget to thank the interviewer and say goodbye.最后但同样重要的是,在面试结束时,不要忘了感谢面试官,并跟他们道别。辨析:at the end of:后接表示地点或时间的名词,用一般时态by the end of:后接时间,常与完成时态连用。at the moment prep.此时;此刻;现在;目前at this moment在这时She is busy at the moment.她此刻正忙着。at the same time prep.同时;然而作时间状语,表示两件或更多的事情几乎同时发生。 in the meantime同时As students, we should study hard, at the same time, it's important for us to get on well with others.作为学生我们应该努力学习,同时,与他人和陸相处也很重要。at the sight of prep.一看见...就at first sight乍一看;初见 lose sight of看不见;忽视I have been known to faint at the sight of blood大家都知道,我一看见血就会昏倒。at the top of prep.在…顶端at the bottom of在……的底部 at the top of one’s voice大声喊叫Write your name at the top of the page在页面的顶端写下你的名字。at times prep.有时;偶尔in no time立刻,马上At times the child missed his mother very much有时,这个孩子很想念妈妈。at weekends prep.在周末on weekends在周末Tickets to the cinemas are usually expensive at weekends周末电影票通常很贵。at work prep.在工作out of work失业 off work下班 after work下班后Dad is at work.爸爸在上班Action speaks louder than words! 行动胜于言语!初中英语必备常见短语汇总(A开头)背记练习版adv.稍微;有点儿adj.一点儿;少量的adj.几个;两个;一对adj.有些;一些;几个;少数adj.很多,大量adj.一群;一组;一批adj.一种;某种adj.&adv.少量(的);一点点adv.&pron.很;非常;常常;很多adj.大量;许多adj.一张…的地图adv.刚才;片刻之前adj.许多;若干adj.一双;一副adj.一片;一块adj.一套;一副;一组adj.一张…的票adv.首先;最重要的;尤其prep.根据;按照prep.在……对面v.向...增加;往…加入v.把……加起来v.合计;总计adv.过了ー会儿;不久以后adv.不管怎样;毕竟;终究;究竟adv.再三地;反复地;不断地v.赞同;取得一致意见v.同意;赞成v.赞同;持相同意见;相符v.瞄准;针对;致力于;旨在adj.各种各样的;许多的adv.总的来说;总计adv.&prep.到处;遍及;结束adv.好的;行;可以adv.都一样;仍然;照样地adv.一直;总是;始终adv.一路上;自始至终;一直adv.一起;总共adv.一年到头;终年prep.与…一起;加之conj.诸如此类;等等prep.此外;除......之外v.为…争论v.与……争论v.到达;抵达v.到达;抵达adv.事实上;其实adv.&prep因此;作为…的结果adv.作为一个整体;总体上conj.像…(一样)adv.尽可能…prep.至于;关于conj.仿佛;好像conj.只要;长达;和…一样长conj.&adj.和……一样多;多达conj&adj.和…一样多;多达conj.一……就......adv.像往常一样;照例adv.也;又;还conj.并且;还;和…一样好adv.如你所知v.要;要求;请求;恳求(给予)v.向某人打听v.要求某人(不)做某事prep.以……的速度prep.一次;每次adv.根本;到底;竟然prep.首先;开始;最初prep.最后;终于prep.至少prep.在晚上;在夜里prep.立即;马上prep.目前;现在prep.在学校;在上学prep.在吃饭prep.在那时prep.在……岁时prep.在…的开始prep.在……的底部prep.在诊所prep.在……结束时;在…尽头prep.此时;此刻;现在;目前prep.同时;然而prep.一看见...就prep.在…顶端prep.有时;偶尔prep.在周末prep.在工作行动胜于言语!








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