生活中的各种“恐惧症” 您所在的位置:网站首页 fear词缀 生活中的各种“恐惧症”


2023-09-07 15:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Kinesophobia: Pathological fear of motion 运动恐惧症:对运动无法控制的恐惧

The root of this word is kinein, Greek for to move. 这个词的词根是kinein,是希腊语中“移动”的意思。

Kathisophobia: Fear of sitting down 静坐恐惧症:很害怕坐着

The Greek kathizein means to sit down. 词根kathizein是希腊语,表示“坐下”。

Aichmophobia: A morbid fear of sharp or pointed objects (such as a needle or a pointing finger) 恐尖症(尖器恐惧症):对锋利或有尖头的物品(如针或者伸出的手指)有恐惧

At the root of this word lies an iconic pointed object of the ancient world: the Greek aikhmē means "spear" or "javelin." 这个词的词根是希腊语aikhmē,指古代标志性的物件“矛”或“镖枪”。

Amaxophobia: Fear of being in or riding in a vehicle 乘车恐惧症:害怕待在车里或者乘车

This word comes from the Greek amaxa, meaning wagon – which suggests the vehicle that first inspired this fear. 词根是希腊语amaxa,指“马车”,意指最早引发这一恐惧症的车辆。

Ailurophobia: Abnormal fear of cats 恐猫症:对猫不正常的惧怕

This word comes from ailurous, the Greek word for cat. 来自于“猫”的希腊语说法ailurous。

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety in situations where the sufferer perceives the open space to be dangerous, uncomfortable, or unsafe. 广场恐惧症是一种焦虑症,具体表现为在开阔的环境下感到危险、不适或不安。

Iatrophobia is a fear of going to the doctor. Fear of doctors or iatrophobia can ruin the quality of your life. Some of the common symptoms of this phobic condition include rapid breathing, sweating, feeling of dread, shortness of breath, nausea and irregular heartbeat. “医生恐惧症”,害怕去看病,害怕见到医生。“医生恐惧症”有损生活质量。常见症状有:呼吸加速、出汗、畏惧、气短、恶心、心跳不规律。

Trypophobia is a revulsion and fear of objects with clusters of small holes – think beehives, ant holes, and in particular lotus seed heads. “密集恐惧症”就是指对有密集小孔的物体感到恶心和恐惧,类似物体有蜂窝、蚁窝,尤其是莲蓬。


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)






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