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2023-08-22 23:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.想要;想做If youfancy something, you want to have it or to do it.

e.g. What do youfancy doing, anyway?...你到底想干什么?e.g. Do youfancy going to see a movie sometime?...你想不想有空去看场电影?

2.(尤指一时的)喜好,渴望Afancy is a liking or desire for someone or something, especially one that does not last long.

e.g. She did not suspect that his interest was just a passingfancy.她相信这不过是他一时兴起。

3.爱慕;对(异性)着迷If youfancy someone, you feel attracted to them, especially in a sexual way.

e.g. The boys would tease you to death if they didn'tfancy you...如果男孩们不喜欢你的话,他们就会狠狠地捉弄你。e.g. I think he thinks Ifancy him or something.我想他以为我爱慕他或什么的。

4.想让自己成为;想让自己做If youfancy yourself as a particular kind of person orfancy yourself doing a particular thing, you like the idea of being that kind of person or doing that thing.

e.g. So youfancy yourself as the boss someday?...这么说,你是想有一天自己当上老板喽?e.g. I didn'tfancy myself wearing a kilt.我不想穿褶裥短裙。

5.以为(自己)是;把(自己)当成If you say that someonefancies themselves (as) a particular kind of person, you mean that they think, often wrongly, that they have the good qualities which that kind of person has.

e.g. She fancies herself a bohemian...她自以为是放荡不羁的艺术家。e.g. She knew Felix fancied himself as a connoisseur.她知道费利克斯把他自己当成鉴赏家。

6.相信(参赛的某队或某人)会赢If you say that youfancy a particular competitor or team in a competition, you think they will win.

e.g. You have tofancy Bath because they are the most consistent team in England...巴斯队一定会赢,因为他们是英格兰表现最稳定的球队。e.g. Ifancy England to win through.我认为英格兰队会一路胜出。

7.认为;料想If youfancy that something is the case, you think or suppose that it is so.

e.g. When Ferris looked up he fancied that he saw a shadow pass close to the window...费里斯抬头向上看,感觉看见一个影子在窗子近旁经过。e.g. She fancied he was trying to hide a smile.她猜想他正在尽力掩饰笑容。

8.(不切实际的)想象,幻想Afancy is an idea that is unlikely, untrue, or imaginary.

e.g. His last book is a bold, at times surrealistic mixture of fact andfancy.他的最后一部书把现实与梦幻大胆糅合在一起,有些地方表现出超现实主义色彩。e.g. ...a childhoodfancy.儿时的幻想

9.(表达惊奇或不赞成)真想不到,太意外You say 'fancy' or 'fancy that' when you want to express surprise or disapproval.

e.g. It was very tasteless.Fancy talking like that so soon after his death...这真是太不得体了。真想不到在他尸骨未寒时就那么说话。e.g. 'Fancy that!' smiled Conti.“真想不到!”康蒂笑着说。

10.(通常指不知何故就)爱上,喜欢上If youtake a fancy to someone or something, you start liking them, usually for no understandable reason.

e.g. Sylvia took quite afancy to him...西尔维娅深深爱上了他。e.g. The King took afancy to ordering disguises and masks.国王迷上了订购化装用品和面具。

11.招…喜欢;逗…喜爱If somethingtakes yourfancy ortickles yourfancy, you like it a lot when you see it or think of it.

e.g. She makes most of her own clothes, copying any fashion which takes herfancy.她的衣服多是仿照她喜爱的时装自己缝制的。

12. flight offancy -> see flight


1.别致的;精美的;花哨的If you describe something asfancy, you mean that it is special, unusual, or elaborate, for example because it has a lot of decoration.


e.g. It was packaged in afancy plastic case with attractive graphics.它装在一个别致的有漂亮图纹的塑料盒子里。e.g. ...fancy jewellery.精美的珠宝

2.(过于)奢华的,豪华的,昂贵的If you describe something asfancy, you mean that it is very expensive or of very high quality, and you often dislike it because of this.

e.g. He owned afancy house out on Lake Agawam...他在阿格瓦姆湖畔拥有一座豪宅。e.g. They sent me to afancy private school.他们把我送到一所昂贵的私立学校学习。






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