新冠病毒的英语是什么?新冠英语大合集 您所在的位置:网站首页 facinguptostickershock翻译 新冠病毒的英语是什么?新冠英语大合集


2024-05-24 15:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

01 官方名字

WHO ( World Health Organization)给新型冠状病毒 (Novel Corona Virus)定的官方名称是COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) 2019冠状病毒,目前的称呼是COVID-19 Pandemic。因为已经变成了大流行病。

02 病例相关词汇

Confirmed Case 确诊病例

新闻例句:Currently, the World Health Organization reports there are more than 500,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 across the globe, and more than 27,000 deaths.

Official Case 官方病例

新闻例句:Trump said he would ultimately let Pence decide whether to allow passengers to leave the ship. But he said several times that he would be inclined to leave them on board because bringing them ashore would increase the number of official cases on American soil.


Suspected Case 疑似病例

新闻例句:The World Health Organization has warned that the coronavirus pandemic is a "defining global health crisis of our time", as it urged countries to test all suspected cases.

Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield said a suspected case "is someone who fits the criteria of travel exposure or exposure to a confirmed case and has symptoms consistent with Covid-19 before they are tested".

If the testing is positive, then they become a confirmed case.

If the testing is negative - but there's a strong clinical suspicion based on the travel history and symptoms - then it becomes a probable case.

Presumptive Positive Case 疑似阳性病例


The results for anyone tested at a local level are considered “presumptive positive” until the CDC confirms the cases.

CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 疾控中心

Domestic Case 国内病例

Imported Case 输入型病例

No new domestic infections, China reportsChina’s National Health Commission said on Saturday that 54 new coronavirus cases were reported on the mainland on Friday, all involving so-called imported cases. There were 55 new cases a day earlier.


South Korea reports most new cases in a weekSouth Korea reported 146 new coronavirus cases on Friday, the highest number in a week, its disease control agency said on Saturday, with the country suffering a rise in imported cases from Europe and the United States during recent days.

为啥韩国的imported cases就不是so-called呢?

Tested positive 检测呈阳性

Tested negative 检测呈阴性

新闻例句:Vice President Mike Pence said at a press briefing Friday that of the 46 people on the Grand Princess who were tested for coronavirus, 21 tested positive. An additional 24 people tested negative, and one person's test was inconclusive.

03 症状相关词汇

Symptom 症状

Fever 发热

Cough 咳嗽 Dry Cough 干咳

Fatigue 乏力

Sputum/Phlegm 痰

新闻例句:The most common symptoms of COVID-19, according to a recent WHO report that draws on more than 70,000 cases in China, are the following: fever (in 88% of cases), dry cough (68%), fatigue (38%) and sputum/phlegm production (33%).

Shortness of breath 呼吸急促

Sore throat 喉咙酸疼

Headache 头疼

Shortness of breath occurred in nearly 20% of cases, and about 13% had a sore throat or headache, the WHO said.

Asymptomatic 无症状的Mild Symptom 轻微症状

The study concluded that 86 per cent of cases were “undocumented” – that is, asymptomatic or had only very mild symptoms.

Respiratory Disease 呼吸系统疾病Cardiovascular Disease 心血管疾病Underlying Health Condition 基础健康状况Pre-existing Medical Condition 现有疾病情况这两个词都跟咱们官方所说的基础性疾病差不多,指已患有一些疾病的情况,比如糖尿病,呼吸系统疾病等等。

Older people, and those with pre-existing medical conditions (such as cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease or diabetes) are at risk for severe disease.

04 感染相关词汇

Contract 感染

新闻例句:Placer County’s health officer, however, questioned Tarling’s statement and said the passenger probably contracted the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 while on the cruise.

Infect 感染 (动词)Infected 已感染的 Infectious 有感染性的 Infection 感染(名词)

新闻例句:He said research suggested there was a very small possibility that a person in the same row on an airplane as that of an infected person would contract the virus.

Contagious 有感染性的, 会传染别人的

新闻例句:Such undocumented cases are still contagious and the study found them to be the source of most of the virus’s spread in China before the restrictions came in. Even though these people were only 55 per cent as contagious as people with symptoms, the study found that they were the source of 79 per cent of further infections, due to there being more of them, and the higher likelihood that they were out and about.

Cluster 聚集性感染

新闻例句:Singapore today reported 13 more cases, raising its total to 200. One is part of a dinner party cluster, nine are imported cases, two are linked to earlier cases, and an exposure source is unknown for one, according to the country's health ministry.

Community Transmission 社区传染

新闻例句:If countries detect, test, treat, isolate, trace and mobilize their people in the response, those with a handful of novel coronavirus cases can prevent those cases becoming clusters, and those clusters becoming community transmission, Ghebreyesus said.

05 死亡相关

Death toll 死亡人数

Fatality 死亡

新闻例句:Global coronavirus death toll passes 25,000, with Italy and Spain announcing almost 2,000 fatalities in just 24 hours.

Fatality Rate 死亡率

新闻例句:Those four nations are all imposing drastic measures in an attempt to slow the spread of the COVID-19 illness, which has a higher fatality rate for elderly people and those with underlying health conditions.

06 流行病相关词汇

Outbreak 爆发Epidemic 流行病Pandemic 大流行病



A pandemic is defined as the "worldwide spread" of a new disease. Whereas, an outbreak is the occurrence of disease cases in excess of what's normally expected and an epidemic is more than a normal number cases of an illness, specific health-related behavior or other health-related events in a community or region, according to the World Health Organization.

病毒刚在武汉出现的时候是 outbreak.

病例集中在中韩时的称呼:Those countries also have more than 90% of current cases, Tedros noted, adding that both China and South Korea have had success in reining in their epidemics.

多国爆发时的称呼升级:The COVID-19 viral disease that has swept into at least 114 countries and killed more than 4,000 people is now officially a pandemic, the World Health Organization announced Wednesday.

Endemic 常见病,流行病

新闻例句:The most uncomfortable answer they gave is the possibility that Covid-19 keeps spreading at a high rate and becomes endemic — regularly infecting humans, like the common cold.

Epicenter 震中

The World Health Organization (WHO) said today that Europe is now the world's COVID-19 pandemic epicenter, as cases in Italy and other nations on the continent soared, and as the WHO launched a new fundraising effort designed to expand donations from individuals and businesses to support the response.


07 防控措施相关词汇

contain 抑制,控制 Containment 抑制(措施)

例句:Governments’ failure to contain the coronavirus means it may be here to stay.

Stunt 遏制

例句:The directives to keep people at home to stunt the spread of the coronavirus began in California, and have quickly been adopted across the country.

Quarantine 隔离,可以是名词也可以是动词

做名词例句:Outbreaks economically impact the people who have to take off from work for a quarantine, those who cannot afford medical care, and the groups that are unfairly targeted and stereotyped as being disease carriers.

做动词例句:Pence, who leads the task force in charge of the response, said the federal government is working with the state of California to bring the cruise ship into a noncommercial port over the weekend and quarantine those on board as necessary.

Self Isolation 自我隔离 动词形式为 Self Isolate

Yesterday, the school said two potentially exposed students were in self-isolation.

Lock Down 关闭,封锁

Health officials announced the first lockdown for Spain, which affects four towns near Barcelona and 60,000 people, the Associated Press reported. Shortly after, the southeastern region of Murica also announced a lockdown.

State of ermergency 紧急状态

Spain is expected to announce a state of emergency tomorrow, which would last at least 15 days, Business Insider reported.

08 设备设施相关词汇

Face Mask 口罩

Ventilator 呼吸机

Officials in nearly 200 U.S. cities, large and small, report a dire need for face masks, ventilators and other emergency equipment to respond to the coronavirus outbreak, according to a survey released on Friday.

Dire: 极其严重的

Test Kit 检测套装,检测试剂盒

例句:In addition, 92 percent of cities reported a shortage of test kits and 85 percent did not have a sufficient supply of ventilators available to local health facilities.

Makeshift Hosiptal 临时医院Mobile Canbin Hospital 方舱医院

例句:Officials are looking to convert around 10 more sites across the country into makeshift coronavirus hospitals similar to the ExCel exhibition centre in London, Sky News understands.


方舱医院的翻译来自China Daily:Wuhan will make use of the city's sports stadium and two convention centers, and renovate them into three mobile cabin hospitals to offer a total of 3,400 beds to treat novel coronavirus infected patients with mild symptoms.

Dearth 紧缺


As the toll of the virus grows, mayors, county executives and governors are sounding the alarm over a dearth of equipment and struggling to deal with the deadly onslaught.

09 扩展阅读:历史上的大流行病

Pandemics of the past

Pandemics have been a part of human history for centuries, with one of the earliest ever reported dating back to 1580. Since then, at least four pandemics of influenza occurred in the 19th century and three occurred in the 20th century, according to the CDC.

What we can learn 100 years later from the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.

The most severe pandemic in recent history was the 1918 influenza pandemic, sometimes referred to as the "Spanish flu." The pandemic was estimated to have infected about 500 million people or one-third of the world's population and killed some 50 million worldwide.

There remains some debate about where this H1N1 flu virus originated, but scientists have found that the virus had genes of avian origin. In other words, it had a connection to birds.

More American soldiers died from the 1918 flu pandemic than were killed in battle during World War I in 1918, according to the CDC. In 1919, the pandemic subsided but the H1N1 virus continued to circulate seasonally for 38 years.

Your flu risk may be linked to the year you were bornThen in 1957, a novel influenza A H2N2 virus emerged in East Asia, triggering a pandemic that is estimated to have killed 1.1 million worldwide and 116,000 in the United States. The virus was comprised of genes that could be linked to an avian influenza A virus, suggesting it had a connection to birds.

The virus was first reported in Singapore in February 1957, Hong Kong in April 1957, and in coastal cities in the United States in the summer of that same year. Yet its survival in the human population was short and the virus disappeared about a decade after its arrival. Some scientists suggest that it was supplanted by a H3N2 subtype.

In 1968, a pandemic caused by an influenza A H3N2 virus that originated in China swept the world. That virus was comprised of two genes from an avian influenza A virus, according to the CDC.

The virus was first noted in the United States in September 1968 and led to about 100,000 deaths nationwide and 1 million worldwide. Most excess deaths were in adults 65 and older, according to the CDC.

The H3N2 virus continues to circulate globally as a seasonal flu virus.

Everything you need to know about the H1N1 influenza virus pandemic

In the spring of 2009, a novel influenza A H1N1 virus emerged. It was detected first in the United States and then spread quickly across the world.

The virus contained "a unique combination of influenza genes not previously identified in animals or people," according to the CDC. It was found to be of swine origin.

During that H1N1 pandemic, the CDC estimated that somewhere between 151,700 and 575,400 people died worldwide during the first year the virus circulated. Globally, 80% of the deaths were estimated to have occurred in people younger than 65.

The World Health Organization declared the global H1N1 pandemic over in August 2010, but the H1N1 virus continues to circulate as a seasonal flu virus every year.







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