VBA比较两个Excel数据的异同 您所在的位置:网站首页 excel比较数据的差异 VBA比较两个Excel数据的异同


2024-06-11 14:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


由于Excel本身无法简单的比较两个Excel数据的异同,所以用VBA编写代码的方式来实现。 这里的比较条件是:数据行为单位,假设对应Sheet中没有重复数据,对应数据行的所有列的数据都相等,即为此行数据相同。 这里的两个Sheet的数据行量级别大约为:50000 * 50000,数据列大约:50,对应Cell中的字符串大约100以内,中英文混合。 如何在Excel中调出VBA的编写工具,请参考如下链接: https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/63f236281f17650208ab3d97.html




Sub CompareData() Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim fullSheetName As String fullSheetName = "Sheet1" Set fullSheet = Sheets(fullSheetName) Dim fullDataRange As Variant fullDataRange = fullSheet.Range("A1", "AT80000").CurrentRegion.Value Dim fullSheetRowMax As Long fullSheetRowMax = fullSheet.Range("A1", "AT80000").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Dim partialSheetName As String partialSheetName = "Sheet2" Set partialSheet = Sheets(partialSheetName) Dim partialDataRange As Variant partialDataRange = partialSheet.Range("A1", "AT80000").CurrentRegion.Value Dim partialSheetRowMax As Long partialSheetRowMax = partialSheet.Range("A1", "AT80000").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Dim columnMax As Integer columnMax = 46 Dim columnMark As Integer columnMark = 48 Dim sameRow As Boolean For i = 1 To fullSheetRowMax For j = 1 To partialSheetRowMax sameRow = True For columnIndex = 1 To columnMax If fullDataRange(i, columnIndex) partialDataRange(j, columnIndex) Then sameRow = False Exit For End If Next columnIndex If sameRow Then fullSheet.Cells(i, columnMark) = 1 Exit For End If Next j Next i MsgBox "Successfully!" End Sub View Code




注:实际数据是按照时间进行抽取出来的,所以partial的sheet数据 大致都在full的sheet的前半部分相同,如果数据无规律,非常混乱,那么还要对每一个row的数据进行结构优化,即:用另外一个标记为进行标记此row是否有相同的数据,判断的时候先判断这个标记位】



Public Type PartialBasedModule IsAllSame As Boolean SheetDataRange As Variant SameCount As Long End Type Sub CompareData() Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim fullSheetName As String fullSheetName = "Sheet1" Set fullSheet = Sheets(fullSheetName) Dim fullDataRange As Variant fullDataRange = fullSheet.Range("A1", "AT80000").CurrentRegion.Value Dim fullSheetRowMax As Long fullSheetRowMax = fullSheet.Range("A1", "AT80000").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Dim partialSheetName As String partialSheetName = "Sheet2" Set partialSheet = Sheets(partialSheetName) Dim PartialDataRange As Variant PartialDataRange = partialSheet.Range("A1", "AT80000").CurrentRegion.Value Dim partialSheetRowMax As Long partialSheetRowMax = partialSheet.Range("A1", "AT80000").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Dim partialSheetPages() As PartialBasedModule partialSheetPages = SeparatePartialSheet(PartialDataRange, partialSheetRowMax) Dim columnMax As Integer columnMax = 46 Dim columnMark As Integer columnMark = 48 Dim sameRow As Boolean For i = 1 To fullSheetRowMax For j = 1 To UBound(partialSheetPages) If partialSheetPages(j).SameCount < 1000 Then For k = 1 To UBound(partialSheetPages(j).SheetDataRange) sameRow = True For ColumnIndex = 1 To columnMax If fullDataRange(i, ColumnIndex) partialSheetPages(j).SheetDataRange(k, ColumnIndex) Then sameRow = False Exit For End If Next ColumnIndex If sameRow Then fullSheet.Cells(i, columnMark) = 1 partialSheetPages(j).SameCount = partialSheetPages(j).SameCount + 1 Exit For End If Next k Else sameRow = False End If If sameRow Then Exit For End If Next j Next i MsgBox "Successfully!" End Sub Public Function SeparatePartialSheet(ByRef PartialDataRange As Variant, ByVal rowCount As Long) As PartialBasedModule() Dim eachPageCount As Long eachPageCount = 1000 Dim pageCount As Integer pageCount = Int(rowCount / eachPageCount) + 1 Dim pageIndex As Long Dim pageArr() As PartialBasedModule Dim startIndex As Long Dim endIndex As Long For pageIndex = 1 To pageCount Dim seperatedDataRange(1 To 1000, 1 To 46) As Variant Dim seperatedIndex As Long seperatedIndex = 1 Dim colIndex As Integer If pageIndex < pageCount Then endIndex = pageIndex * eachPageCount Else endIndex = rowCount End If For startIndex = (pageIndex - 1) * eachPageCount + 1 To endIndex For colIndex = 1 To 46 seperatedDataRange(seperatedIndex, colIndex) = PartialDataRange(startIndex, colIndex) Next colIndex seperatedIndex = seperatedIndex + 1 Next startIndex Dim pageData As PartialBasedModule pageData.SheetDataRange = seperatedDataRange pageData.SameCount = 0 pageData.IsAllSame = False ReDim Preserve pageArr(pageIndex) pageArr(pageIndex) = pageData Next pageIndex SeparatePartialSheet = pageArr End Function View Code



Public Type RowModule IsSame As Boolean RowData As Variant End Type Public Type PartialBasedModule IsAllSame As Boolean SheetDataRange() As RowModule SameCount As Long End Type Sub CompareData() Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim fullSheetName As String fullSheetName = "Sheet1" Set fullSheet = Sheets(fullSheetName) Dim fullDataRange As Variant fullDataRange = fullSheet.Range("A1", "AT80000").CurrentRegion.Value Dim fullSheetRowMax As Long fullSheetRowMax = fullSheet.Range("A1", "AT80000").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Dim partialSheetName As String partialSheetName = "Sheet2" Set partialSheet = Sheets(partialSheetName) Dim PartialDataRange As Variant PartialDataRange = partialSheet.Range("A1", "AT80000").CurrentRegion.Value Dim partialSheetRowMax As Long partialSheetRowMax = partialSheet.Range("A1", "AT80000").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Dim partialSheetPages() As PartialBasedModule partialSheetPages = SeparatePartialSheet(PartialDataRange, partialSheetRowMax) Dim columnMax As Integer columnMax = 46 Dim columnMark As Integer columnMark = 48 Dim sameRow As Boolean For i = 1 To fullSheetRowMax For j = 1 To UBound(partialSheetPages) If partialSheetPages(j).SameCount < 1000 Then For k = 1 To UBound(partialSheetPages(j).SheetDataRange) sameRow = True If partialSheetPages(j).SheetDataRange(k).IsSame Then sameRow = False Else For ColumnIndex = 1 To columnMax If fullDataRange(i, ColumnIndex) partialSheetPages(j).SheetDataRange(k).RowData(ColumnIndex) Then sameRow = False Exit For End If Next ColumnIndex If sameRow Then fullSheet.Cells(i, columnMark) = 1 partialSheetPages(j).SheetDataRange(k).IsSame = True partialSheetPages(j).SameCount = partialSheetPages(j).SameCount + 1 Exit For End If End If Next k Else sameRow = False End If If sameRow Then Exit For End If Next j Next i MsgBox "Successfully!" End Sub Public Function SeparatePartialSheet(ByRef PartialDataRange As Variant, ByVal rowCount As Long) As PartialBasedModule() Dim eachPageCount As Long eachPageCount = 1000 Dim pageCount As Integer pageCount = Int(rowCount / eachPageCount) + 1 Dim pageIndex As Long Dim pageArr() As PartialBasedModule Dim startIndex As Long Dim endIndex As Long For pageIndex = 1 To pageCount Dim seperatedDataRange(1 To 1000) As RowModule Dim dataRows(1 To 1000) As Variant Dim seperatedIndex As Long seperatedIndex = 1 Dim colIndex As Integer If pageIndex < pageCount Then endIndex = pageIndex * eachPageCount Else endIndex = rowCount End If For startIndex = (pageIndex - 1) * eachPageCount + 1 To endIndex Dim dataRow(1 To 46) As Variant For colIndex = 1 To 46 dataRow(colIndex) = PartialDataRange(startIndex, colIndex) Next colIndex Dim currentRowModule As RowModule currentRowModule.RowData = dataRow currentRowModule.IsSame = False seperatedDataRange(seperatedIndex) = currentRowModule seperatedIndex = seperatedIndex + 1 Next startIndex Dim pageData As PartialBasedModule pageData.SheetDataRange = seperatedDataRange pageData.SameCount = 0 pageData.IsAllSame = False ReDim Preserve pageArr(pageIndex) pageArr(pageIndex) = pageData Next pageIndex SeparatePartialSheet = pageArr End Function View Code









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