《组合学中的多项式方法》第二章习题选做 您所在的位置:网站首页 entropyincreaser博客 《组合学中的多项式方法》第二章习题选做


2023-06-28 04:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Chapter 2 Fundamental examples of the polynomial method

\(\newcommand{\LL}{\mathfrak L} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb Z} \newcommand{\FF}{\mathbb F} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb R} \DeclareMathOperator{\poly}{poly}\)

Exercise 2.1. Given a set of \(N\) points in \(\RR^3\), we proved that there is a non-zero polynomial of degree \(\lesssim N^{1/3}\) that vanishes at all the points. Given any \(N\) lines in \(\RR^3\) prove that there is a non-zero polynomial of degree \(\lesssim N^{1/2}\) that vanishes on all the lines. State and prove a similar result for \(k\)-planes in \(\RR^n\) for any dimensions \(k, n\).

Proof. For each polynomial \(f\in \poly_D(\RR^n)\), for a \(k\)-plane, we can parametrize it by a linear function \(l \colon \RR^k\to \RR^n\), thus \(f(l) \in \poly_D(\RR^k)\). For the lines \(l_1,\dots,l_N\), the mapping \(f \mapsto (f(l_1),\dots,f(l_N))\) maps from a vector space of dimension \(\binom{n+D}{D}\) to a vector space of dimension \(N \binom{k+D}{D}\). When \(\binom{n+D}{D} > N\binom{k+D}{D}\), we have a nontrivial kernel, this happens at \(D \lesssim N^{1/(n-k)}\). \(\square\)

Exercise 2.6. We consider a collection of curves \(\Gamma_a \subset \FF_q^n\) parametrized by \(a\in \FF_q^{n-1}\). For each \(a\in \FF^{n-1}_q\), \(1\leq j\leq n-1\), suppose that \(Q_{a,j} \in \poly_d(\FF_q)\). Let \(\Gamma_a\) be defined as the graph:

\[\Gamma_a := \{ (Q_{a,1}(t), Q_{a,2}(t),\dots, Q_{a,n-1}(t), t)\in \FF_q^{n} \arrowvert t\in \FF_q \}. \]

Suppose also that \((Q_{a,1}(0), \dots, Q_{a,n-1}(0)) = a\), so that \((a, 0) \in \Gamma_a\). Prove that there is a constant \(c(d, n) > 0\) so that

\[\left|\bigcup_{a\in \FF_{q}^{n-1}} \Gamma_a \right| \geq c(d,n)q^n. \]

Proof. Suppose a polynomial \(F\) vanishes on \(K\) with \(\deg F < q/d\). Then for each \(a\in \FF_q^{n-1}\), we have the polynomial

\[f_a(t) = F(Q_{a,1}(t),\dots,Q_{a,n-1}(t),t) \]

vanishes on \(\FF_q\), and \(\deg f_a(t) < q\), we must have \(f_a(t) = 0\). Suppose \(F\) is nonzero, we have

\[F(x_1,\dots,x_n) = \sum_{i< q/d} F_i(x_1,\dots,x_{n-1})x_n^i, \]

where we have some minimal \(r\) such that \(F_r\neq 0\). Then we have

\[f_a(t) = \sum_{i < q/d} F_i(a_1 +O(t), \dots,a_{n-1}+O(t)) t^i, \]

the coefficient on the \(r\)th order should be \(F_r(a) = 0\), since this holds for all \(a\), we have \(F_r = 0\), contradiction, so such \(F\) must be zero. Therefore, for \(D |J|\), there must be a polynomial \(F\) vanishes on \(J\) such that \(\deg F \leq D\). When \(D > n|J|^{1/n}\), we have \(|J| < n^{-n}D^n \leq \binom{D+n}{n}\), so we must have the minimal \(\deg F \leq n |J|^{1/n}\). Suppose every line \(\ell\in \LL\) pass through \(> n|J|^{1/n}\) joints, we have \(F(\ell(t))\) vanishes on \(> \deg F\) points, thus \(F(\ell(t)) = 0\) for all \(\ell \in \LL\). Then for any joint \(j\in J\), we have \(n\) linearly independent lines \(\ell\) pass through \(j\) and \(F(\ell) = 0\), we have \(\nabla F\) vanishes on \(J\) in any direction, by the minimality of \(F\), we have \(\nabla F=0\) in any directions, thus \(F\) is a constant, which is not possible. Therefore, we can conclude that for any line set \(\LL\), it contains a line \(\ell\) that pass through at most \(n|J|^{1/n}\) joints. By repeatedly removing such line, we have \(|J| \leq n L |J|^{1/n}\), thus \(|J| \leq (nL)^{n/(n-1)}\), the constant \(C_n = n^{n/(n-1)}\) is enough. A more precise bound is \(C_n \leq (n!)^{1/(n-1)}\). \(\square\)






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