英文俚语: “Encourage” 实用句子 您所在的位置:网站首页 encourage是啥意思 英文俚语: “Encourage” 实用句子

英文俚语: “Encourage” 实用句子

#英文俚语: “Encourage” 实用句子| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英文俚语: “Encourage” 实用句子(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)

(a) “Encourage”常用的意思是 “鼓舞”, 同义字是“heartening”, 我们看一下这个字在好的盈利结果令人鼓舞怎么说(#1);

(b) 这个字第二个常用意思是“鼓励”, 我们看一下主管鼓励手下(#2), 机构鼓励大家坦诚相处(#3), 和父母鼓励子女要自立(#4)怎么说; “鼓励”不一定是正面, 我们看看在机构鼓励竞争做成不合作(#5)和批评“填鸭式”教育制度(#6)怎么说;

(c) 第三个常用意思是“驱使他人有信心”, 我们看平平无奇的盈利结果不令人有信心(#7)怎么说;

(d) 第三个常用意思是 “促使”, 同义字是“spur/prompt”, 我们看一下低利息促使人们小房子更换大房子(#8)怎么说.

A. 那新部门还没有(产生/ditto)1盈利但(2a/2b)是(令人鼓舞/ditto)3: The new division has not (turned in/produced/delivered)1 a profit but the (2a/ 2b) is (encouraging/ heartening)3.评论: 盈利结果令人鼓舞留意:1. turned in/produced/delivered: 产生2a. improvement: 改进2b. progress: 进展3. encouraging/heartening: 令人鼓舞

B. 他的(主管)1是个(真正)2(能激发他人者)3能够以(教导)4, (指引/ditto)5, (培养)6, (鼓励)7, (调查)8和(要求更多)9来从他的(手下)10(获得最高效果)11: His manager1 is a true2 motivator3 that can (get the best)11 from his subordinates10 by teaching4, (guiding/directing)5, nurturing6, encouraging7, probing8 and (demanding more)9 from them.

评论:主管鼓励手下留意:1. manager: 主管2. true: 真正3. motivator: 能激发他人者4. teaching: 教导5. guiding/directing: 指引6. nurturing: 培养7. encouraging: 鼓励8. probing: 调查

9. demanding more: 要求更多

10. subordinates: 手下

11. get the best: 获得最高效果

C. 要在一个(工作地方)1(建立)2 (管理)3和(员工)4之间的(不会猜疑)5和(互相信任)6的(关系)7(鼓励)8(没有被报复的疑虑)9的(坦诚沟通)10是(11a/11b): Encouraging8 (open communication)10 (without fear of reprisal)9 is (11a/ 11b) to build2 an assuring5 and trusting6 relationship7 between management3 and employees4 in a workplace1.评论:机构鼓励大家坦诚相处留意:1. workplace: 工作地方2. build: 建立3. management: 管理4. employees: 员工5. assuring: 不会猜疑6. trusting: 互相信任7. relationship: 关系8. Encouraging: 鼓励9. without fear of reprisal: 没有被报复的疑虑10. open communication: 坦诚沟通11a. essential/vital/crucial/extremely important: 极端重要11b. imperative/absolutely necessary: 非常必须的

D. (父母)1应该(鼓励)2他们的(孩子)3(自立)4和(5a/5b): Parents1 should encourage2 their children3 to be independent4 and (5a/5b).评论:父母鼓励子女要自立留意:4. independent: 自立5a. make their own marks: 自己创造成功5b. blaze their own trails: 自己闯出新的道路

E. 在(1a/1b)(竞争)2而不是(合作)3的(优胜劣败)4 (工作环境)5(整体互助)6的(简单观念)7(证实是)8(难以存在)9: The (simple concept)7 of teamwork6 proves8 elusive9 in a meritocracy4 (working environment)5 which (1a/1b) competition2 instead of cooperation3.评论:“鼓励”不一定是正面, 我们看看在机构鼓励竞争做成不合作留意:1a. fosters: 助长2. competition: 竞争3. cooperation: 合作4. meritocracy: 优胜劣败5. working environment: 工作环境6. teamwork: 整体互助7. simple concept: 简单观念8. proves: 证实是9. elusive: 难以存在

F. 我们的(教育制度)1(2a/ 2b)(学习)3以(死记硬背方法)4(5a/5b) (主动性)6和(创作性/ditto)7: Our (education system)1 (2a/2b) learning3 in parrot-fashion4, but (5a/5b) initiatives6 and (creativity/originality)7.

评论:批评“填鸭式”教育制度留意:1. education system: 教育制度2b. rewards: 奖励3. learning: 学习4. parrot-fashion: 死记硬背方法5a. discourages: 导致沮丧5b. curbs/restrains/curtails: 抑制6. initiatives: 主动性7. creativity/originality: 创作性

G. 这公司去年(盈利结果)1是(乏味事项/ditto)2, (就是)3, 没有(4a/4b)也没有(粉碎程度/ditto)5(失望)6: The (earnings result)1 of this company for last year was a (yawn/yawner/bore)2, (i.e.)3, no (4a/4b) but no (shattering/ crushing/devastating/shocking/earth-shattering)5 disappointment6 either.评论:平平无奇的盈利结果不令人有信心留意:1. earnings result: 盈利结果2. yawn/yawner/bore: 乏味事项4a. pleasant surprise: 意料之外的惊喜4b. wild encouragement: 值得兴奋的令人有信心5. shattering/ crushing/devastating/shocking/earth-shattering: 粉碎程度6. disappointment: 失望

H. (有史以来最低)1的(按揭利息)2(3a/3b)(拥有房子的人)4去(改善地转换)5(更大和更新的房子)6: (Historically low)1 (mortgage rates)2 have (3a/3b) homeowners4 to (trade up)5 to (bigger and newer homes)6.评论:低利息促使人们小房子更换大房子留意:1. Historically low: 有史以来最低2. mortgage rates: 按揭利息3a. enticed/lured/induced: 诱使3b. spurred/ prompted/ encouraged: 促使4. homeowners: 拥有房子的人5. trade up: 改善地转换6. bigger and newer homes: 更大和更新的房子



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