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本文目录麻烦翻译成中文下,谢谢lapse是什么意思我的生命在流逝 英文怎么说 好就给分求一篇 老人与海 的英文读后感 50字schedule的用法请教一下lapse和elapse的区别相信 英语单词英语 概括空中监狱麻烦翻译成中文下,谢谢

11岁的桑德拉西斯奈罗斯,使用许多文学设备的特点一个复杂的11岁的人。雷切尔,画出童心第一人叙述者,涉及的细节,她的羞辱第十一岁生日。虽然她的词反映了她的年龄,雷切尔传递的困难,长大成年的精度。她是尴尬和无助的感觉,但知道她很快就将与她的父母和她的可怕的日子将流失。瑞秋的年龄是送出的不仅是冠军,但她的话选择。她拥有众多的明喻,说明哭得就像无法控制打嗝,喝牛奶,以速度快,噪音小动物。她的信心摇铃如“便士在锡带急救箱” ,她永远是对的边缘陷入另一次会议的眼泪。然而,雷切尔的文辞并不简单背叛她的年龄。说明,如“气味像农舍奶酪”是深入了解她的真实个性。她是热情和好奇,几乎发生故障。因为她这样描述失控气球,她是一个可信的11岁。第一人称叙事表明尽管瑞秋的想法是一个典型的11岁的她描述能力更加成熟。雷切尔有一个神秘的能力转达了她的感情。但是,因为她是一个直率的叙述者,她有时会忽略了更深的意义,她的感情。尽管她两次提到,她期待着蛋糕,她的生日歌,和正常的生日外,她没有提到她还需要舒适的她的父母。另一方面,与大多数的老年人,或成熟,人,她对生活的理解足够的经验,知道她没有足够的。两次,她提到她想有经验的人谁是102 。在11瑞秋意识到,来自信心与经验,个人的力量,最重要的是她的,知道该怎么做的敌对局势。至于那些惊人的想法是,雷切尔最令人印象深刻的思想是年龄。她明白,人显示的特点,年龄,他们已经过去了。她的理解是,尽管她是11 ,她仍然可以害怕就像她是五年,哭就像她们是三个。


  lapse 英  n. 流逝; 小错,疏忽; 行为失检,失足; (权利等的) 失效,消失;  vi. 退步; 陷入,堕入; 失效,终止; 转归;  On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.  星期五那天他的表现既不得体,又有失尊严。如此失态非常少有。   第三人称单数:lapses 复数:lapses 现在分词:lapsing过去式:lapsed 过去分词:lapsed

我的生命在流逝 英文怎么说 好就给分

看起来好像时间流逝了一切都我不在乎他们怎么说 I’m gonna be with you 我就是要和你在一起 I 你是我生命的全部,我的快乐都是你给的 And

求一篇 老人与海 的英文读后感 50字

范文:The Old Man and the Sea is the most classic and concernful novel of Hemmingway’s. Its compendious expression and exciting fighting narrative attracts numerous readers. 

The author repeatedly emphasized his customary key thoughts in the story: despairing courage, struggling on both physically and psychologically, and the hero’s brave, glory and noble character.








n.时间表, 进度表v.确定时间计划schedulen.A list of times of departures and arrivals; a timetable:a bus schedule; a schedule of guided tours.A plan for performing work or achieving an objective, specifying the order and allotted time for each part:finished the project on schedule.A printed or written list of items in tabular form:a schedule of postal rates.A program of events or appointments expected in a given time:Can you fit me into your schedule Tuesday afternoon?A student’s program of classes.A supplemental statement of details appended to a;; sched.ules;To enter on a schedule:calculate and schedule each tax deduction on the proper form.To make up a schedule for:I haven’t scheduled the coming week yet.To plan or appoint for a certain time or date:scheduled a trip in June; was scheduled to arrive Monday.Middle English sedulefromOld French cedulefromLate Latin scheduladiminutive of schedavariant ofLatin scidafromGreek skhida, skhed?Akin To:perhaps akin to skhizein*See Also : schizo-sched摇lar adjsched摇ler nscheduleAHD:D.J.:K.K.:n.A list of times of departures and arrivals; a timetable:时刻表离开或到达的时间表;时刻表:a bus schedule; a schedule of guided tours.汽车时刻表;导游时间表A plan for performing work or achieving an objective, specifying the order and allotted time for each part:进度表进行工作或达到目标的计划,尤指进行每一部分的顺序和分配的时间:finished the project on schedule.按计划完成工程项目A printed or written list of items in tabular form:清单以表格形式打印或书写的项目单:a schedule of postal rates.邮费目录表A program of events or appointments expected in a given time:日程计划在给定时间安排的事情或约会纲要:Can you fit me into your schedule Tuesday afternoon?你能在日程计划中把我安排在星期二下午吗A student’s program of classes.课程表学生上课计划表A supplemental statement of details appended to a document.附录附加在文件后对细节的补充陈述;; sched.ules;To enter on a schedule:列表:calculate and schedule each tax deduction on the proper form.用合适的形式对每一笔减税进行计算和列表To make up a schedule for:制定计划:I haven’t scheduled the coming week yet.我还没有为下周制定计划To plan or appoint for a certain time or date:预定计划安排或计划一定的时间或日期:scheduled a trip in June; was scheduled to arrive Monday.计划在六月进行一次旅行;计划星期一到达Middle English sedule中古英语 sedulefromOld French cedule源自古法语 cedulefromLate Latin schedula源自后期拉丁语 scheduladiminutive of schedascheda的小后缀variant ofLatin scida拉丁语 scida的变体fromGreek skhida, skhed?源自希腊语 skhida, skhed?Akin To:perhaps akin to skhizeinAkin To:可能类似于 skhizein*See Also : schizo-schedulen时间表;进度表;程序表The next thing on our schedule is to telephone our friends.我们的日程安排中要做的下一件事是给我们的朋友打电话。表,一览表;目录a schedule of postal charges邮资价目表ahead of schedule比时间表提前The task will be finished ahead of schedule if nothing prevents.“如果没有什么阻碍的话,这项任务将提前完成。“on schedule 准时behind schedule落后于时间表schedulevt-uled, -uling(时间的)预定,安排(飞机、火车)列入时间表,定时服务enumerate index line up list post program slateschedule【动】调度To select jobs or tasks that are to be dispatched. In some operating systems, other units of work such as input-output operations may also be scheduled.选 出待分派的作业或任务。在某些操作系统中,其它作业单位,诸如输入输出操作,也可被调度。schedulen.目录, 一览表, 清单程序表, 计划表时间表, 课程表, 日程表; 火车时刻表议事日程a schedule of postal charges邮资一览表a sailing schedule航运时刻表a train schedule火车行车时刻表a production schedule生产进度表What’s your schedule for tomorrow ?你明天的日程安排如何?He always has a full schedule.他的时间表一向排得很紧。The train was in an hour behind schedule.火车误点一小时到达。schedulevt.为...作目录将...列入时间表中, 排定(在某时间作某事)安排(某事)于将来某特定日期为..规定进度The meeting is scheduled on Friday.会议安排在星期五。The plane is scheduled to take off at 4.飞机定于四时起飞。according to schedule按时间表; 按照原定进度ahead of schedule提前behind schedule落后于计划或进度; 迟于预定时间on schedule按时间表, 准时tight schedule排得紧紧的时间表; 难以遵守的时间表to schedule按照预定时间accelerated schedule快速列车时刻表accumulation schedule累计表, 累积表active schedule活动一览表amortization schedule摊提表, 分期偿还债务表analytic schedule (=Dean schedule)火险风险表(狄恩表)annealing schedule退火制度, 退火程序berth schedule船台使用顺序计划, 指泊计划bus schedule公共汽车时刻表casting schedule出铁时间表, 出铁程序charging schedule装料程序class schedule功课表, 课表coding schedule编码表collection schedule收款明细单combined schedule of investments by funds各种基金投资明细表cooking schedule蒸煮规程, 热处理操作规程, 热炼规程cost schedule生产费用表, 成本表列crew schedule乘务组值勤表curing schedule腌制规程customs schedule关税税率daily schedule日课表debit schedule发料清单design schedule设计计划表, 设计进度表detail schedule小日程计划detailed schedule of special fund专用基金明细表drying (kiln) schedule干燥基准表Edwards Personal Preference S-爱德华个人爱好测验表electric rate schedule电费规定fabrication schedule制造程序film schedule影片摄制计划fixed interval schedule定时矩程式(程序教学用语)fixed ratio schedule定比率程式(程序教学用语)flat schedule硬性计划flight schedule飞机运行图foreign-balance schedule国际均衡曲线harmonic-analysis schedule谐波分析表inquiry schedule调查表inspection schedule检查图表internal-balance schedule国内均衡曲线iob schedule工作日程表, 工作进度表lapsing schedule固定资产增减明细表, 逐期折旧明细表lease schedule租赁计划leave schedule假日安排表main schedule正表master schedule主要图表, 综合图表, 设计任务书, 主要作业表master work schedule周期作业时间表(在销售周期中, 陈列、销售准备、整理、接待顾客预计所必要的时间)maturity schedules of marketable security上市证券到期日表model schedule for the day’s routine标准作息时间numbering schedule编号一览表operations schedule操作(进度)表, 作业(进度)表, 工序卡outgoing airmail schedules国外航空邮件发送时间表penalty schedule罚规; 惩罚条例plant schedule企业工作制度pressure schedule压力图表price schedule价格凡例, 订价标准procurement schedule采购进程规划production schedule生产进度表, 生产计划, 产品细明表progress schedule(生产等的)进度表propensity-to-consume schedule消费倾向图表rate schedule税率表rating schedule检定程序表repair schedule检修计划roll pass schedule轧辊孔型设计; 轧制程序表rolling schedule轧制制度, 轧制程序表rolling stock schedule机车车辆周转表running schedule运行时刻表salary schedule工资表sailing schedule船期表shooting schedule摄制计划, 拍摄计划shut-down schedule停工期工作计划station working schedule车站作业图表(列车和调车)supply schedule供应表switching schedule切换计划节目时间表(串连)tariff schedule海关税则, 税率表, 费率表technical schedule技术规程; 工艺规程termination schedule解约附表therapeutic schedule治疗方案Thurstone Temperament S-瑟斯顿气质调查表timingschedule进度表, 时刻表, 日程表trader’s schedule买卖人名单, 贸易者一览表trading schedule贸易表, 交易程序表train schedule列车明细表(列车运行时刻表内规定的列车等级、方向、车次和运行办法)training schedule训练进度表welding schedule焊接计划表work schedule工作程序表, 工作记录, 工作进度表zonal rate schedule地区价格制schedule of arrangement债务整理协议书schedule of consumption plotted against NNP消费与国民净产额关系的曲线schedule of terms and conditions税率表, 收费率表schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund流动资金周转率计算表schedulen.时间表, 进度表v.确定时间参考词汇enumerate index line up list post program slate







1、lapse:第三人称单数,lapses、复数,lapses、现在分词,lapsing、过去式,lapsed、过去分词,lapsed、派生词,lapsed adj.记忆技巧:laps 滑,滑走 + e → 堕落;犯错误。

2、elapse:第三人称单数,elapses、现在分词,elapsing、过去式,elapsed、过去分词,elapsed、记忆技巧:e 加强 + laps 滑,滑走 + e → 滑走 →〔时光〕流逝。




相信 英语单词






1、I do believe you.


2、I believe in you, so I believe what you said.



1、believe in 相信,信任,信赖,信仰

2、make believe v.假装,假扮 n.假装,虚构






Most consumers seem unconvinced that the recession is over...






Those who misdoubt the Marxism-thought private-ownership’s historical provisionality may see that the right-form has been more and more lapsing from the privately-owned and walking up to the commonly-owned. 


英语 概括空中监狱

In 1988, a new action sub-genre was born with the release of “Die Hard“, which spawned a flurry of activity in Hollywood and many pitch meetings starting with the phrase, “Well, it’s like Die Hard on a...“. Over the years, this sub-genre has evolved, and now the latest incarnation of the Die Hard formula, “Con Air“, has hit the theaters.But before we examine the Simon West-directed actioner, let’s review the characteristics of the Die Hard formula. Up until 1988, the action genre was dominated by infallible, almost mythical, heroes with limitless abilities. Sylvester Stallone as “Rambo“, Sean Connery/George Lazenby/Roger Moore as James Bond, and Arnold Schwarzenneger as “Commando“ were examples of these types of heroes. “Die Hard“ breathed new life into the genre with the fallible hero, an ordinary guy caught up in extraordinary circumstances. Of course, “Die Hard“ was not the first, since it had many predecessors, including Alfred Hitchcock’s “North by Northwest“ and Sam Peckinpah’s “Straw Dogs“. And if one examines the origins of “Die Hard“, which originated from the novel by Rod Thorp entitled “Nothing Lasts Forever“, a case could be made for the Die Hard formula as an offshoot of the big budget mainstay of the Seventies, the disaster movie (think “Towering Inferno“ with terrorists instead of fire). Regardless, “Die Hard“ begat a number of films using the same model, some of which were of equal or greater commercial success.So what are the necessary elements for the Die Hard formula?A fallible hero who seeks redemption for some failure in their life. John McClane (“Die Hard“) needed to reconcile his troubled marriage with his wife, Casey Ryback (“Under Siege“) was a disgraced ex-Navy SEAL, and Jean-Claude Van Damme wanted to be the hero that he never was to his estranged son in “Sudden Death“. This hero also has some useful skill that will allow him or her to confront the situation, such as being a cop (“Die Hard“), a fireman (“Sudden Death“), or white-water rafter (“The River Wild“).The hero faces off against a known number of heavily-armed villains. Unlike James Bond, where hundreds of guys in matching jumpsuits are running around with machine guns, the number of antagonists are known, they have names (and if the script is decent, they also have personalities), and must be eliminated one by one. It also helps if the leader of the terrorists is vilely charismatic.The hero faces off against these antagonists within an enclosed area, such as an office building (“Die Hard“), a battleship (“Under Siege“), an airplane (“Passenger 57“ or “Executive Decision“), a deserted prison (“The Rock“), or a river (“The River Wild“). Trapped within this enclosed area are innocent civilian lives, whose lives are threatened by the antagonists, unless some condition is met or payment is made.Somewhere in the crowd of civilians being threatened is someone who the protagonist cares very deeply about, and is in a precarious situation if this fact discovered by the head antagonist, be it the wife (“Die Hard“), the daughter (“Under Siege 2“), or the son and daughter (“Sudden Death“).To make the hero even more fallible, they must fail early on in the story or experience excruciating hardship. John McClane pulled glass out of his feet in the first “Die Hard“, and couldn’t stop a plane from crashing in the second.While the hero is fighting to survive within the enclosed area, there is another protagonist on the outside, who is providing assistance. This outside protagonist is often at odds with his or her superiors, who believe that the inside protagonist is actually one of the villains.A means of communication is put in place between the protagonist and the antagonists, usually by means of a stolen communication device (John McClane always manages to find an unscrambled walkie-talkie which allows him to figure out the next move of the terrorists and to taunt them with snappy one-liners).A plot device is put in place to severely curtail the time-limit for the hero’s actions, whether it be a bomb, a gradually emptying fuel tank, or an impending executive decision from the President of the United States.We’ve got eleven Current Affairs, five Hard Copies, and a genuine Geraldo inteviewee!“Con Air“, from producer Jerry Bruckheimer (“Top Gun“, “Beverly Hills Cop“, “Bad Boys“, “Crimson Tide“, “The Rock“), has many elements of the Die Hard formula. Cameron Poe (Nicolas Cage) is an Airborne Ranger who gets into a fight outside a bar while defending his pregnant wife. He ends up accidentally killing one of the rednecks and is sentenced to ten years in jail on a manslaughter charge. Eight years later, this fallen hero is released on parole and is taken home on a U.S. Marshall plane that happens to be carrying several high-security prisoners. Of course, his long-awaited reunion with his wife Tricia (Monica Potter) and daughter Casey (Landry Allbright) is put on hold when Cyrus ’The Virus’ Grissom (John Malkovitch) and Nathan ’Diamond Dog’ Jones (Ving Rhames) spearhead a bloody takeover of the flight. Poe is given an opportunity by the hijackers to get off the flight at its first stop, but decides that he can’t abandon Baby O (Mykelti Williamson), a fellow prisoner who needs insulin badly, nor U.S. Marshall Sarah Bishop (Rachel Ticotin) who is being threatened by serial rapist John ’Johnny 23’ Baca (Danny Trejo, the menacing tattooed fellow who’s in all of Robert Rodriguez’s films) who gleefully has a tattooed heart for everyone of his victims. Instead, Poe pretends to be on side with the hijackers, hiding the fact that he is technically a free man.Define irony.It’s a bunch of idiots on a plane dancing to a song by a group who died in a plane crash.On the outside, is Marshall Larkin (John Cusack) who wants to get the plane down intact and believes that Poe is staying on the plane, waiting for an opportunity to resume control from Cyrus. However, he is opposed by a trigger happy DEA Agent Duncan Malloy (Colm Meaney, Chief O’Brien on “Deep Space 9“), who simply wants to blow the plane out of the sky because one of his undercover agents on board the plane was killed.Put the bunny back in the box!Unfortunately, Cameron is running out of time. Baby O is quickly lapsing into a diabetic coma, a helicopter gunship under the command of Malloy is racing towards them with missiles locked, Billy ’Billy Bedlam’ Bedform (Nick Chinlund, who played a shirts-buttoned-up-to-the-collar-escalating-death-fetishist on “The X-Files“) has just discovered Poe’s parole papers in the personal effects hold down below, and Cyrus is becoming increasingly suspicious of Poe, and Garland ’The Marietta Mangler’ Greene (Steve Buscemi) has got a wild look in his eyes and is starting to sing. Only he alone can take back the plane from the hands of Cyrus and Nathan... unless of course Larkin can’t stop Malloy from shooting the plane down, which would then make the whole point moot.I can’t exchange a friend’s life for my own.“Con Air“ is full of unbelievable stunts and pyrotechnics that are characteristic of Bruckheimer’s Hong Kong action film influences. The whole John Woo bag of tricks is found here: the dramatic dolly-ins, the slo-mo action sequences, guys running around with two guns, the internal conflict that Poe faces between loyalty and duty, and redemption through cartoon violence.It is a spectacle movie that plays off the Die Hard formula nicely, though the spectacle does seem a bit tame compared to other offerings currently in the market place, especially towards the middle of the film, when the plane is temporarily grounded. However, the pace picks up again with an incredible crash-landing and subsequent high-speed chase on the Las Vegas strip. If “The Rock“, “Bad Boys“, or Hong Kong action movies are your cup of tea, then so will “Con Air“.






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