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dumplings是什么意思 dumplings的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释 – 下午有课

2024-06-26 16:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  dumplings是什么意思 dumplings的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


  1. 定义 – Dumplings是一种传统的面食类食品,通常由面粉和水混合制作成糰,再添加各种馅料和调料制成。

  2. 类型 – Dumplings可以根据制作方法和馅料的不同分类。例如,有水饺,馄饨,饺子等。

  3. 来源 – Dumplings起源于中国,但已经在许多国家和地区得到广泛的传播和食用。

  4. 意义 – Dumplings在许多国家和地区,如中国、日本、韩国和东南亚地区都具有重要的文化意义。在中国,它们是新春佳节的重要食品。

  5. 营养 – Dumplings作为一种传统食品,不仅美味,而且营养丰富。因为它们通常包含多种蔬菜和肉类。


  1. I love to eat steamed dumplings for breakfast. (我喜欢吃蒸饺作为早餐。)

  2. My grandma makes the best boiled dumplings in town. (我的奶奶做的水饺是全镇最好的。)

  3. I’ve been trying to learn how to make dumplings from scratch. (我一直在尝试学习如何从头开始制作饺子。)

  4. We usually order dumplings as an appetizer at the restaurant. (我们通常在餐厅点饺子作为开胃菜。)

  5. When I visited Japan, I tried their version of dumplings called gyoza. (当我去日本旅游时,我品尝了一种他们叫做饺子的口味。)




  1. She learned how to make dumplings from her grandmother.(她从她的祖母那里学会了怎么做饺子。)

  2. I love to eat dumplings with vinegar and chili oil.(我喜欢用醋和辣椒油吃饺子。)

  3. My favorite type of dumpling is pork and chive.(我最喜欢的饺子种类是猪肉韭菜味。)



  例句:I wouldn’t have made it so easy for you to get your dumplings. (那恐怕你得先唱一出《杀四门》 才能吃得上这顿饺子)


  例句:According to the tradition, on the day peaple wound eat glutinous rice dumplings, duck eggs and something like. (按照传统,端午节要吃粽子、鸭蛋什么的。)


  例句:Agnolotti are Italian dumplings, resemblingravioli, typical to the region of Piedmont. (意式肉饺是一种意大利饺子,类似意式馄饨,在皮埃蒙特地区比较常见。)


  例句:Others tuck into a tasty lunch of silver carp caught from the Amur, or pork dumplings. (翻译:其他人会找个餐厅,点上一盘从黑龙江捕获的鲤鱼,或者一碗猪肉水饺,大快朵颐一番。)

  dumplings一般作为名词使用,如在dumplings in soup(元宵,扁食汤;馄饨)、dumplings soup(面球汤;饺子汤)、hump dumplings([网络] 驼峰饺子)等常见短语中出现较多。

  dumplings in soup元宵,扁食汤;馄饨dumplings soup面球汤;饺子汤hump dumplings[网络] 驼峰饺子make dumplings[网络] 包饺子;做饺子;捏饺子Norfolk dumplingsNorfolk dumpling

  诺福克(无馅)汤圆soup dumplings[网络] 汤包;灌汤包;水饺squirrel dumplingsna. 〈美俚〉面条

  [网络] 水鲛;馄饨sweet dumplings[网络] 元宵;汤圆;糯米米兹volcanic dumplings熔丘团1. Agnolotti are Italian dumplings, resemblingravioli, typical to the region of Piedmont. (翻译:意式肉饺是一种意大利饺子,类似意式馄饨,在皮埃蒙特地区比较常见。)

  2. Others tuck into a tasty lunch of silver carp caught from the Amur, or pork dumplings. (翻译:其他人会找个餐厅,点上一盘从黑龙江捕获的鲤鱼,或者一碗猪肉水饺,大快朵颐一番。)

  3. Let`s fnish the dumplings, l`m starving vou go and sit down, l`ll do it (翻译:快点包饺子吧,我肚子饿坏了 你坐下,你坐下,我包饺子)

  4. They serve the best traditional Polish pierogi, or Polish dumplings, in Warsaw. (翻译:这里的传统波兰饺子是全华沙最好吃的。)

  5. That makes 1500 potato knishes, cabbage, carrots, 4200 dumplings, latkes, klopslach, beef tongues. (翻译:总共有1500个土豆。还有白菜、萝卜4200个。)

  6. This early planting millet, farmerswu geng Danian drank the soup dumplings, on the plane in the mountains of millet. (翻译:这种谷子播种早,农民喝了大年五更的饺子汤,就上山刨地种谷子。)

  7. One of the staples of Nianyefan is Jiaozi, Chinese dumplings, which are extremely time-consuming to make. (翻译:年夜饭中的一道主食,饺子,即中式汤团食物,要花费大量的时间去准备。)

  8. You got any stew and dumplings you can warm through? (翻译:- 家里还有没有能热着吃的炖肉饺子什么的?)

  9. Later, it had scheduled for this day for the Dragon Boat Festival, to take the form of dumplings to commemorate Qu Yuan. (翻译:以后,人们就把这一天定为端午节,以吃粽子的形式来纪念屈原。)

  10. Say Dragon Boat Festival, they’ll send others dumplings (翻译:过年过节会送东西 端午节的时候还会送粽子哩)

  11. She had already mixed the stuffing for the dumplings. (翻译:她已经把饺子馅和好了。)

  12. Anyway, dumplings with courgette are also very tasty. (翻译:再说,西葫芦包饺子也很好吃的。)

  13. Jiaozi, or dumplings in English, is one of the most typical foods eaten during the Spring Festival, especially in northern China. (翻译:饺子是中国最有代表性的春节传统美食之一,尤其是在北方,过年一定要吃饺子。)

  14. Tuen Ng Festival that people eat this stuffing of rice dumplings DCB can detoxification Qubing. (翻译:民间认为端午节吃这种馅的粽粑可以解毒去病。)

  15. It is beauteous to eat dumplings. (翻译:就饺子吃更是美不胜收。)


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