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driver [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈdraɪvər/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈdraɪvɚ/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(drīvər) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 driver n (of vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 司机 sī jī TCTraditional Chinese 司機   SCSimplified Chinese 驾驶员 sī jī,jià shǐ yuán TCTraditional Chinese 駕駛員   SCSimplified Chinese 车夫 sī jī,chē fū TCTraditional Chinese 車夫  The driver of the blue car turned the wheels sharply to avoid the hole in the road.  那辆蓝色车的司机猛地一转方向盘,以避开路面上的坑。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 driver n (machine part that exerts force) (如铁锤)SCSimplified Chinese 敲入工具 qiāo rù gōng jù  The driver on this machine isn't working; I'll have to take it to the repair shop.  机锤出故障了,得送修。 driver, number one wood n (golf) (高尔夫球)SCSimplified Chinese 球棒 qiú bàng  He used a driver to hit over the sand trap. driver n (one who drives livestock)SCSimplified Chinese 驱赶牲口的人 qū gǎn shēng kǒu de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 牧人 qū gǎn shēng kǒu de rén,mù rén  The driver controlled the sheep with the aid of his dogs. driver n colloquial, figurative (driving force) (比喻,口语)SCSimplified Chinese 推动力,驱动力 tuī dòng lì,qū dòng lì TCTraditional Chinese 推動力,驅動力  The driver for the success of the business is the name of the designer. driver n (computers) (计算机)SCSimplified Chinese 驱动程序   (计算机)SCSimplified Chinese 驱动器 qū dòng qì TCTraditional Chinese 驅動器  The program will not work because it is missing a driver. driver n (finance: factor affecting business) (商业)SCSimplified Chinese 驱动因素 TCTraditional Chinese 驅動因素  Technological progress has been the main driver of economic growth.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 backseat driver, back-seat driver n figurative, pejorative, informal (meddling passenger)SCSimplified Chinese 对司机指手画脚的乘客   SCSimplified Chinese 爱指手画脚的人,爱干涉别人事情的人 be in the driver's seat, take the driver's seat, have the driver's seat, be in the driving seat v expr figurative (have control)SCSimplified Chinese 掌控 zhǎng kòng   SCSimplified Chinese 处于控制地位  If he thinks he can lead the team better, let him have the driver's seat. bus driver n ([sb] employed to drive a bus)SCSimplified Chinese 公交车司机 gōng jiāo chē sī jī  The bus driver stopped to pick up a passenger. camel driver n (person who leads or herds camels)SCSimplified Chinese 赶骆驼的人 gǎn luò tuó de rén  The camel drivers snickered behind their scarves as the fat man tried to climb on his camel. co-driver n (assistant driver)SCSimplified Chinese 合作驾驶者   SCSimplified Chinese 领航员 lǐng háng yuán TCTraditional Chinese 領航員 coach driver n ([sb] who drives bus)SCSimplified Chinese 长途客车司机 coach driver n ([sb] who drives carriage)SCSimplified Chinese 马车夫 mǎ chē fū designated driver n (stays sober to drive)SCSimplified Chinese 指定驾车者,指定司机 备注: 聚会时说好开车送人而不喝酒的人Driver's Education n US (high-school driving classes)SCSimplified Chinese 驾驶教育,驾驶训练 driver's license (US), driving licence (UK), driver's licence (Can) n (permit to drive)SCSimplified Chinese 驾驶证 jià shǐ zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 駕駛證   SCSimplified Chinese 驾照 jià shǐ zhèng,jià zhào  I've had my driver's license for 15 years.  我拿驾照已经15年了。 driver's seat n (seat in vehicle for the driver)SCSimplified Chinese 驾驶座 jià shǐ zuò TCTraditional Chinese 駕駛座  The driving instructor sat in the passenger seat and the student sat in the driver's seat. driver's test (US), driving test (UK) n (exam for learner drivers)SCSimplified Chinese 驾照考试 TCTraditional Chinese 駕照考試  Gina failed her driver's test several times before finally passing. engine driver n ([sb] who drives a train)SCSimplified Chinese 火车司机 huǒ chē sī jī TCTraditional Chinese 火車司機  One of the two engine drivers was killed when the trains collided. hit-and-run driver n ([sb]: leaves accident scene)SCSimplified Chinese 肇事逃逸司机 zhào shì táo yì sī jī  The police went to auto body repair shops to find the hit-and-run driver's car. learner driver n UK ([sb] learning to drive car)SCSimplified Chinese 驾驶学员 lorry driver n UK (truck driver)SCSimplified Chinese 卡车司机 kǎ chē sī jī TCTraditional Chinese 卡車司機   SCSimplified Chinese 货车司机 kǎ chē sī jī,huò chē sī jī nut driver n (tool for screwing head onto a bolt)SCSimplified Chinese 套筒扳手 pile driver, piledriver n (machine that sets piles)SCSimplified Chinese 打桩机 dǎ zhuāng jī TCTraditional Chinese 打樁機  The workmen drove the pole into the ground using a pile driver. pile driver, piledriver n (football: hard shot)SCSimplified Chinese 劲射 pile driver, piledriver n (wrestling move)SCSimplified Chinese 打桩摔 reckless driver n ([sb] who drives dangerously)SCSimplified Chinese 莽撞的司机 mǎng zhuàng de sī jī  The reckless driver was eventually stopped by the police. screwdriver, also UK: screw driver n (tool)SCSimplified Chinese 螺丝刀 luó sī dāo TCTraditional Chinese 螺絲刀   SCSimplified Chinese 起子 luó sī dāo,qǐ zi  Have you got a screwdriver? I need one to put up this shelf.  你有螺丝刀吗?我安装这个搁板需要。 slave driver, slave-driver n literal, archaic ([sb] in charge of slaves)SCSimplified Chinese 监管奴隶的监工 jiān guǎn nú lì de jiān gōng  Not all slave drivers were monsters and tyrants. slave driver, slave-driver n figurative ([sb] who demands hard work)SCSimplified Chinese 苛刻的上司, 苛刻的老板   (比喻严苛的老板)SCSimplified Chinese 奴隶主, 赵老爷  My boss is a real slave driver: he always wants me to work through my lunch break. taxi driver n ([sb] employed to drive a cab)SCSimplified Chinese 出租车司机 chū zū chē sī jī  I gave the taxi driver a generous tip. test driver n (tests cars)SCSimplified Chinese 试驾员 shì jià yuán TCTraditional Chinese 試駕員 train driver n UK (engineer: [sb] who drives a train)SCSimplified Chinese 火车司机 huǒ chē sī jī TCTraditional Chinese 火車司機 truck driver n US ([sb] employed to drive a lorry)SCSimplified Chinese 卡车司机 kǎ chē sī jī TCTraditional Chinese 卡車司機  My uncle worked as a truck driver transporting goods all over North America.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: driver [ˈdraɪvər] n [c] 1 [of own car] 驾(駕)驶(駛)员(員) jiàshǐyuán [位 wèi] 2 [of taxi, bus, lorry, train] 司机(機) sījī [位 wèi] 3 (=chauffeur) 司机(機) sījī [位 wèi] 在这些条目还发现'driver': 在英文解释里: boy racer - brake - cabby - cabdriver - cabman - carter - charioteer - chauffeur - clean driving licence - co-driver - coachman - cut off - cut up - dickey - driver's seat - driving wheel - endorse - engineer - hauler - hit - honker - indicate - L-plate - lorry driver - motorist - motorman - off-roader - P-plate - passenger seat - postilion - privateer - racer - racing - road hog - rubberneck - skipper - speed demon - speeder - teamster - trucker - wagoner 中文: 司机 - 驾驶员 - 车夫 - 驾驶证 在单词列表中: Golf, Car racing terms, Computer network terms, 更多……同义词: motorist, car driver, chauffeur, coachman, whip, 更多……习惯性搭配: a [bus, taxi, race car, truck] driver, the driver's-side [airbags, seatbelt], is a [good, terrible, dangerous, student, cautious, learner] driver, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'driver' 的论坛讨论:

A drunk driver drove into their house early this morning. , or upon application for a state-issued driver license or ID card, or... - English Only forum ...said another driver told him he had seen a car drove off. - English Only forum (driving/driver/flying/flight) distance - English Only forum 8500 GT driver - English Only forum a car and driver - English Only forum a diversion of/in the driver’s attention? - English Only forum A driver picked him up,






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