[BOTD]第一章魔神(Fiendish Divinities) 整合+翻译 您所在的位置:网站首页 divinities翻译 [BOTD]第一章魔神(Fiendish Divinities) 整合+翻译

[BOTD]第一章魔神(Fiendish Divinities) 整合+翻译

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魔神(Fiendish Divinities)引言只有最强大的邪灵才能晋升为魔神。而大部分半神都是从强大的邪灵中跻身而出,但若是有魔神的意志也可瞬间耀升一位邪灵为半神,比如魔鬼大公Mephistopheles。在这之中有极少一部分是从神话生物晋升为魔神的非邪灵生命。比如恶魔领主祖拉就曾是古阿兹兰特帝国的女王,但其残忍且堕落的生活使得她在帝国毁灭前边晋升为了恶魔领主。除阿斯莫提斯与拉玛什图外,本章节描述的魔神皆为半神(CR26及以上)或类神(CR25及以下)本书未提供其战斗数据,但某些存在早已登记在Bestiary系列之中。其他魔神 OTHER FIENDISH DIVINITIES本书讲述的魔神仅包括对格拉里昂饶有兴趣的存在。其他外层位面的存在可能注目于其他世界故而并未详细提及。若你愿意甚至可以加入如阿斯塔罗斯Astaroth、狄魔高根Demogorgon、格莱杨拉波尔Glasya-Labolas、因波斯Ipos、马尔巴士Marbas、拜帕Vepar等,甚至创造你设想的邪灵。但请不要忘记为这些存在加入上述模板。魔族仪典 FIENDISH OBEDIENCE忠诚与血祭并不能满足魔神的索求,祂们更渴求肉体与心灵上的痛楚以表达其顺从。这些都被通称为魔族仪典—由邪教徒举行的自残或极为亵渎的仪式。一般魔族仪典需要举行长达一小时。除非特殊备注,一般的仪典不会伤害举行仪式的人。施法者可以将魔族仪典的一小时与准备或恢复法术的时间结合起来,其他人可以自由选择执行的时间,但大部分人会选择黄昏之时。魔族仪典可以带来莫大的恩惠,尤其是对于信徒。魔族仪典专长可以让邪教徒获得额外的加成,而208-213的三个进阶直接则可以使其更迅速地攫取强大的赐福。魔神词条 FIENDISH DIVINITY下述存在都以如下格式所记录,每一小节都总结了魔神信徒的细节与对于虔诚信徒和仆从的奖赏。格式如下。名称:魔神在凡世的俗称。尊称:魔神最常见的称谓或外号将标注于小节顶部。阵营、性别、类型和神职;领域与子域;偏好武器;邪徽;神殿(偷懒跳过)信徒:魔神最常见的代言人。爪牙:与信徒不同,爪牙是为魔神服务的怪物或异界生物,被奴役用以处理对魔神神殿的威胁,一些魔神信徒也会将其视为请教对象,盟友和守卫者。仪典:希望能表现对魔神忠诚的人可以选择魔族仪典专长(178)在执行仪典后这都会赋予其特殊的力量,详见各魔神的详细小节。仪典有时也会赋予防御能力,一般是对抗特定效果的豁免加成。其具体性质将注明在仪典末尾。神恩:本书列举的三个进阶职业(恶魔狂信者,魔鬼大师和吮魂者)是角色对魔神进一步信奉与服从的体现,他们被视为获得魔族仪典。在高级别时甚至能获得魔神独有的赐福。神恩分为三类:传音者(与扩大魔神在凡世的影响力相关)颂教者(与教派的亵渎仪式相关)卫道者(与战斗相关)获得恩赐的类型取决于在获得第一级进阶职业的选择。若是选择魔族仪典专长,则获得颂教者的神恩(注,178的Damned Disciple与Damned Soldier专长可进一步修改角色获得的神恩)每一类神恩都分为三级。获取神恩的速度取决于角色获得神恩的方式(专长or进阶职业)初级是三个类法术能力。中级与高级都是魔神特有的特殊、类法术或超自然能力。若无特殊说明,中级神恩视为7环法术效果,高级神恩视为9环法术效果。所有能力的CL等同HD(最高20)描述:最后还会描述魔神的外表、性格、目的和领地。魔族仪典http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=105326.msg963836#msg963836


剧透 -   : Only the strongest fiends can rise to become divinities.The majority of these burgeoning divinities ascend fromthe existing ranks of powerful fiends, but sometimesthe will of a full-fledged deity can give rise to a fiendishdemigod, as was the case for the archdevil Mephistopheles.Rarely, non-fiends can make the transition to divinitythrough mythic achievements. The demon lord Zura, forexample, was once a human queen in the ancient humanempire of Azlant, but her life of cruelty and sin ensured herascension to nascent demon lord long before Azlant’s fall.With the exception of Asmodeus and Lamashtu, all of thedivinities described in this chapter are demigods (CR 26 orhigher) or quasi deities (CR 25 or lower). Combat statistics arenot presented in this book, but some of the entities detailedon the following pages have appeared as powerful foes invarious Pathfinder RPG Bestiary volumes.OTHER FIENDISH DIVINITIESThe fiendish divinities presented in this book compriseonly those with specific interests on Golarion. Countlessothers dwell in the sprawling reaches of the Outer Planes,but since their attentions are focused on other worlds, theyare not detailed in this book. These creatures could appear inyour campaign if you wish, be they entities with names suchas Astaroth, Demogorgon, Glasya-Labolas, Ipos, Marbas, orVepar, or be they new fiends of your own creation. Use theentries presented on the following pages as templates whenadding new divinities to your own campaign.FIENDISH OBEDIENCEFiendish divinities are not satisfied with mere promises ofloyalty or blood sacrifices; they require physical and painfulproof of devotion. These demonstrations are known asobediences—acts of self-mutilation or great blasphemyperformed by the truly damned. An obedience typicallyconsists of an hour-long ritual that must be performeddaily. Unless otherwise stated, it does not harm the creatureperforming it. Spellcasting cultists can integrate theirobedience completely with their normal hour-long ritualsand methods of preparing or regaining spells, while othersare free to perform their obedience at any point during theday. Most choose twilight as the time of obedience.Obediences can bring great boons, particularly to the mostpowerful of a divinity’s followers. The Fiendish Obediencefeat allows a worshiper of a divinity to gain access toadditional resistances and powers, and the three prestigeclasses presented on pages 208–213 allow access to the mostpowerful boons more quickly.FIENDISH DIVINITY ENTRIESEach of the entities described on the following pages ispresented in the same format, starting with a stat blockthat summarizes the details of the divinity’s cult and theboons that divinity grants to its most devout worshipers andservitors. Each entry is organized as follows.Name: This lists the fiend’s common name—the name bywhich it is known in the world of mortals.Appellation: The divinity’s most common appellation orepithet is listed at the top of its stat block.Alignment, Gender, Type, and Areas of Concern: Thisentry lists the fiend’s alignment and gender, what type offiend it is, and the divinity’s areas of concern.Domains and Subdomains: The domains and subdomainsthe fiend grants to its clerics are listed here. Full rules onsubdomains can be found in the Pathfinder RPG AdvancedPlayer’s Guide. More subdomains are detailed on pages 180–182.Favored Weapon: This lists the fiend’s favored weapon.Unholy Symbol: A description of the fiend’s unholy symbol.Temples: This entry describes the typical places of worshipfor the fiend. The list is not intended to be exhaustive, and incertain areas where the worship of a fiend is legal, its templescan be much more varied than those shown here.Worshipers: The worshipers listed here are the mostcommon agents of the fiend in question.Minions: As opposed to those who typically worship thefiend as a deity, minions are those monsters and outsidersthat serve the fiend. A fiend’s minions are common threatsencountered in temples and other places sacred to thefiend. They are also called upon by the fiend’s worshipers asadvisors, allies, or guardians.Obedience: Those who wish to deepen their devotion to afiendish divinity can do so by taking the Fiendish Obediencefeat (see page 178). Characters who do so must perform anobedience ritual every day in order to maintain the specialpowers and defenses the feat grants them, and this sectionin each fiendish divinity’s entry describes the specifics ofthe ritual for that divinity. Performing the obedience grantsthe worshiper a specific defense, often a saving throw bonusagainst a specific kind of effect. The exact nature of thisdefense is listed at the end of the obedience entry.Boons: The three prestige classes presented in Chapter 3of this book (demoniac, diabolist, and souldrinker) allowa character to deepen his faith and servitude to a fiendishdivinity, as does taking the Fiendish Obedience feat. Athigher levels, these characters gain access to boons unique tothe fiend they venerate. These boons are organized into threecategories: evangelist (boons often associated with how thefiend influences the mortal realm), exalted (boons typicallyassociated with the profane traditions of the divinity’s cult),and sentinel (boons usually associated with the fiend’soffensive and defensive characteristics). Which categoryof boon a character gains access to depends on choices hemakes when taking the 1st level in a boon-granting prestigeclass. If a character receives boons only via the FiendishObedience feat, he gains exalted boons. (Note that the featsDamned Disciple and Damned Soldier on page 178 canfurther modify which boons a character has access to.)Each category of boon lists three tiers of boons. The rate atwhich these three tiers are gained depends on how a charactergains boons in the first place (whether via a feat or a prestigeclass feature). The first tier of a boon is always one of threespell-like abilities: when a character gains this first boon, hemust choose which of the three spell-like abilities he gainsas his boon, be it a 1st-level spell usable three times per day, a2nd-level spell usable twice per day, or a 3rd-level spell usableonce per day. The second and third boons are extraordinary,spell-like, or supernatural abilities specific to each divinity.Unless otherwise stated, spell-like second boons that do notduplicate existing spells are treated as 7th-level spell effects,and spell-like third boons are treated as 9th-level spell effects.All spell-like abilities used in this way have a caster level equalto your Hit Dice (maximum caster level of 20th).Description: After each stat block, several paragraphsdescribe the fiendish divinity’s appearance, personality,goals, and realm.

FIENDISH DIVINITY BOONSThe boons granted by fiendish divinities assume thatcharacters gain them in one of two ways—via the FiendishObedience feat (see page 178) or via that feat plus oneof the three prestige classes presented on pages 208–213.While the boons of each divinity are categorized into thesame three categories of boons used in Pathfinder CampaignSetting: Inner Sea Gods, the boons granted by deities in thatbook are less powerful, as they are more likely to be boonsgained by PCs, and thus it’s more appropriate for them to begained at earlier levels.While the Hit Dice at which you gain boons via FiendishObedience or Deific Obedience (from Inner Sea Gods)are identical, the prestige classes in Inner Sea Gods (theevangelist, exalted, and sentinel) that allow acceleratedboon achievement have lower entrance requirements thanthe prestige classes in this book. As a result, if you wish touse one of those three prestige classes for a character whowishes to gain the boons presented by one of the fiendishdivinities in this book, increase the requirements for entryinto evangelist, exalted, or sentinel so that a character mustbe 7th level before selecting the class, as summarized below.Evangelist: Base attack bonus +7, 7 ranks in a skill otherthan Knowledge (religion), or ability to cast 4th-level spells.Exalted: Diplomacy 7 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks,ability to cast 4th-level divine spells.Sentinel: Base attack bonus +7.

  阿巴拉克萨斯Abraxas  ForestDew  阿里曼Ahriman 完工  奥迪娜克ALDINACH 完工  安德莉芙库Andirifkhu 完工  安加赞Angazhan 完工  亚波轮Apollyon 完工  阿达德·莉莉Ardad Lili Cyclop  厄莱什卡果Areshkagal 完工 图床说不穿上衣就暴露度过高强制不让上传,码了  阿斯莫迪尔斯Asmodeus 四月 顺带谴责P子偷懒,有的魔鬼大公都一个崇神仪典一个魔族仪典,你这样A总不就没面子了吗  巴尔泽布Baalzebul Cyclop  巴风特Baphomet 完工  巴巴托斯Barbatos Cyclop  贝利亚Belial Cyclop  卡戎Charon 完工  西斯 乌苏格Cyth-V’sug 星云  大衮Dagon 完工  德斯卡利Deskari 完工  迪斯帕特Dispater Cyclop  多洛蕾丝Doloras Cyclop我不承认这是痛苦女士啊啊印记城啊啊啊  艾希斯Eiseth Cyclop  弗洛厄斯Flauros 完工  格殷永Geryon Cyclop  果甘蜍Gogunta 完工  哈艮地Haagenti 犬良人  杰萨尔达Jezelda 犬良人  朱庇莱克斯JUBILEX Ghost-1008  卡布里里KABRIRI HUZIqq5581611  科什迪克提凯Kostchtchie 空山  拉玛什图Lamashtu Evana&四月  玛汉沙拉Mahathallah Cyclop  马蒙Mammon Cyclop  玛茨麦兹Mazmezz 已完工 罗斯看到能气到炸  墨菲斯托菲利斯Mephistopheles Cyclop  麦斯塔玛Mestama 已完工  摩洛克Moloch Cyclop  诺克提库拉Nocticula 完工  怒加Nurgal 拉布拉多  奥喀斯ORCUS Ghost-1008  帕祖祖Pazuzu 犬良人  Shax  施瓦丝卡Shivaska 拉布拉多  希芙珂什Sifkesh 完工  索克斯贝诺Socothbenoth 启明星  祖瑞尔Szuriel 完工  崔玛瑞希Trelmarixian 完工  Urxehl  若伏嶐/佐伏隆Xoveron 完工  Yhidothrus  泽乌伽瓦灾布evgavizeb 完工  祖拉Zura Ghost-1008  Asura Ranas  Daemon Harbingers  地狱公爵Infernal Dukes Cyclop  Kyton Demagogues  Malebranche  Nascent Demon Lords  Oni Daimyo  Qlippoth Lords  Rakshasa Immortals  Sakhil Tormentors

补充说明用(应该不多懒得开新楼)1.九位魔鬼大公 Archdevil详细描述 感谢lusivalhttps://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=77246.msg731141#msg731141除A大外各位魔鬼大公的数据(按照P子的说法应该是化身的?)感谢靛蓝的鸢尾草http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/?topic=92837.0BotD1 法术翻译 感谢girigiriponyhttps://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/?topic=93709.msg869148#msg869148不是很重要的神殿,信徒和爪牙剧透 -   : 阿斯莫迪尔斯Asmodeus神殿 大教堂,图书馆,缮写室信徒 残忍地官吏和律师,魔鬼大师,奴隶,暴君爪牙 魔鬼大公,魔鬼,地狱公爵,雄霸魔Malebranche(PF没有,搬运3R的译名)

巴尔泽布Baalzebul神殿 倒塌的诸神庙宇,滋生害虫与苍蝇的温床,落败贵族的宅邸信徒 渴望权利的施法者,复仇者,自私的领主爪牙 精英角魔,高阶群舞魔,冰魔,僭神魔,深渊炼魔

巴巴托斯 Barbatos神殿 隐秘的乡间中转站,建立在有争议领土上的前哨站或堡垒,僻静的林地神龛信徒 哀嚎着的罪人,暴君,邪恶的商贾爪牙 尖刺魔,倒钩魔,群舞魔,深渊炼魔,骑乘梦魇或巨型炼狱铜鸟的各种魔鬼

贝利亚Belial神殿 黑市,妓院,灰色娱乐场所信徒 痴迷肉体的塑肉体和恶徒,享乐主义者,被遗弃的爱人,好色之人爪牙 accomplice devil(内海诸神279 未译)契约魔,半魅魔和其他魔裔,布种魔(切利亚斯,炼狱帝国)

迪斯帕特Dispater神殿 被遗弃的监狱,不洁的教堂,urban sprawl(城市蔓延。。。这个是真的没懂)信徒 邪恶且享有特权的隐士,被遗弃的绝望者,官迷,流浪者爪牙 契约魔,魔鬼大师,欲魔,仆魔,链魔,夜鬼婆

格殷永Geryon神殿 废弃的图书馆,被玷污的善神神殿,存放偷取信息的仓库,满地是蛇的绿洲信徒 亵渎者,阴谋论者,真相探求者,邪恶的学者爪牙 apostate devils(B5 未译)骨魔,溺亡魔,heresy devils(B4 未译)有思维的炼狱蛇

马蒙Mammon神殿 银行,有着巨量财富的家族宝库,借贷的地方,宝库信徒 邪恶或狡诈的守财奴,吝啬鬼,邪恶的穷鬼爪牙 虚妄魔,堕落的炽天神侍(fallen solars暂译,找不到solar单独指什么,但是3R独指炽天神侍,求指正)被诱骗的幻蛇,铜鸟,各种炼狱构装体

墨菲斯托菲利斯Mephistopheles神殿 大律师办公室和总部(律师总部是什么鬼)深奥的图书馆和卷轴仓库,类似监狱的建筑信徒 骗子,邪恶的大律师,恶德的绝望者,邪恶的狱警爪牙 accomplice devil,accomplice devil,契约魔,仆魔,角魔,冰魔

摩洛克Moloch神殿 邪恶的军事要塞,祭拜用的窑炉,庞大的锻造炉信徒 邪恶的军事社会和领导人,战争贩子,邪恶的监视者和社区守卫爪牙 炼狱吸血鬼,角魔,燔祭魔,深渊炼魔,warmonger devil(B5 未译)

2.四位暗夜女王 Queens Of The Night补充神殿、信徒、爪牙和书中的小介绍阿达德·莉莉Ardad Lili 纯真之末

剧透 -   : 神殿 妓院,被玷污的纱琳神殿,邪恶的剧场和剧院信徒 邪恶的艺术家,欺诈师,操控他人的人爪牙 欲魔,堕落天使,仆魔,其他女性魔鬼阿达德·莉莉是一个阴谋大师,出色的操纵者,野心勃勃的黑暗女王,她热衷于在凡人间制造恐慌和误解,在天界散播敬佩与憎恶。大部分凡人认为祂是一个诱惑者—一个可以通过触碰腐蚀受害者的女性猎手。然而淫蛇女王在暗处细心筹谋了数千年,旨在推翻她以往的天界同胞。他们从不认为她能变得如今这般强大,而现在的她对以往的荣光也嗤之以鼻。在凡人初初诞生之时,阿达德·莉莉是一位涅槃境的天使,其任务是在主物质位面代表新生的神祗纱琳鼓舞新兴的诗人,雕塑家和作曲家。但随着时光流逝,阿达德·莉莉发现受她鼓舞的凡人大多都对其天使形象心怀情欲—尤其是那些愚蠢地年轻人,而这些凡夫俗子怎能与不朽的自己相提并论。她开始越来越讨厌这些飘飘然的凡人,继而对凡人的可悲与肤浅产生了厌恶。时光流逝,疲惫的天使想出了一个计划。她继续着缪斯女神的工作,但开始哄骗凡人对她献出忠贞,并用他们不朽的灵魂换取她所谓的“无暇爱抚”。当然这些忠贞誓言没有任何回报,因为她一开始就不打算遵守诺言,而她的信徒则开始大量升入涅槃境。而那些品德高洁而不愿献出忠贞、或是让她感到厌烦的凡人便顺手杀了了事。随着阿达德·莉莉的力量日益增长,她对其他心怀不满的灵感天使分享了她的手法,并密谋推翻涅槃境的领主以取而代之。最终,纱琳的神仆凤凰尾羽Phoenix Tail在未获取纱琳神意的情况下突然现身在阿达德·莉莉面前,质问其目的,谴责她自私的行径并断言她不过是涅槃境中微不足道的一员无名小卒。阿达德·莉莉心生暗怒,但她无法对抗神仆与其盟友,于是呼唤志同道合同伴参与the Exodus(应该是某个重要事件,好像没有统一的译名,暂不译)前往了阿弗纳斯,并在那里构思出一个可行的计划。而涅槃境也被分割为痛恨阿达德·莉莉贪慕权术的行为与敬佩其聪明才智的两个阵营。同时她的行径也在主物质位面传开—经过夸大与传播,甚至是彻头彻尾的捏造事实。在她公然展示出能挑逗无知凡人的激情后,一些钦佩她的天界生物称其为暗夜女王,在格拉里昂她则被称为娼妓女王、纯真之末和叉舌女士,以表达排挤与厌恶这位外貌性感的堕落天使(这个图是认真的?)贪慕权术的阿达德·莉莉却在这些让她感到滑稽的别称中相处了更恶毒的吸引信徒的方法。而今,自封为毒蛇缪斯的她在阿弗纳斯定居—为表讽刺她将这命名为“无暇爱抚”—聚集了由罪人的灵魂,愚蠢地凡人,堕落天使,欲魔和志同道合的女魔鬼组成的军队,她在被诱惑的侍从转化为自己的黑暗形象,并期盼有一天可以入侵涅槃境。比起一般的魔鬼她更具创造力,因为她想要统治的不是地狱的一层位面,而是占据天界的一角。在四位暗夜女王之中,阿达德·莉莉外表最不可怕也最像凡人。她看上去是一位美丽动人的黑肤女性,喜欢绿色和白色。唯一能看出是魔鬼的地方就是她的翅膀,但那不是羽翼,而是由无数蠕动着的细长蛇尾交织而成。尽管这让然不寒而栗,但这双翅膀让她能快速而优雅地飞行。她喜欢将战斗交给自己的无数的爪牙,但如果没有办法,她手中细长的象牙匕首也能造成痛苦且致命的伤口。当然阿达德·莉莉更喜欢通过魔法或者口才将潜在敌人转变为忠实的盟友。剧透 -   : Temples brothels, defiled temples of Shelyn, wicked playhousesand theatersWorshipers evil artists, grifters, manipulatorsMinions erinyes, fallen angels, handmaiden devils, and otherfemale devilsA being who engenders deliberately coaxed fear andmisunderstanding among mortals and mixed admirationand loathing among celestials, Ardad Lili is a plotter, anunparalleled manipulator, and a dark queen of uniqueambition. Most mortals think of her as a seducer—a figureof feminine predation who can corrupt victims by her verytouch. However, the specter of a lustful serpent-queen is acarefully cultivated, millennia-old campaign of Ardad Lili’saimed at bringing down her former celestial brethren. Theynever believed that she could become as powerful as she has,and now she shoves their noses in her glorious infamy.In the time when mortals were young, Ardad Lili was anangel from Nirvana tasked with visiting the Material Planeand inspiring nascent poets, sculptors, and songwriterson behalf of Shelyn, a then-minor deity. As time wore on,Ardad Lili became distinctly aware that many of her earthlyassignments harbored feelings of lust toward her angelicform—particularly foolish youths, who clearly thoughtthemselves worthy of her despite the fact that she wasimmortal and they were not. Ardad Lili grew to hate thesesmug mortals and soon burned with disgust for all mortalswith their pathetic and shallow egos.Over time, the jaded angel formulated a plan. Shecontinued her work as a muse, but she began coaxingmortals into swearing fealty and their undying souls to her inexchange for what she called a “stainless caress.” Usually, thepledge of allegiance came with Ardad Lili giving absolutelynothing in return, as she made long-term promises shenever intended to keep, while prayers to her rose intoNirvana in droves. Those mortals who proved too virtuousto make the pledge or who bored her, she simply killed. AsArdad Lili grew in power, she shared her manipulative wayswith other disgruntled angels of inspiration, and she plottedto overthrow Nirvana’s lords and carve out her own place ofabsolute rulership in the realm.Eventually, the servitor of Shelyn known as PhoenixTail appeared to Ardad Lili—without authorization fromShelyn—to ask what her end goal was, censure her self-serving behavior, and declare that she was but a speck in thehosts of Nirvana, destined for obscurity. Quietly incensedbut not yet strong enough to take on the servitor andhis allies, Ardad Lili responded by gathering herown supporters and fleeing during the Exodus toAvernus, where she knew she could come upwith a logical plan. Nirvana became deeplydivided between those who abhorred ArdadLili’s power-hungry ways and those whoadmired her ingenuity and initiative.Meanwhile, word of her deeds hadspread—exaggerated,  extrapolated,  andsometimes outright fabricated—on theMaterial Plane. Where admiring celestialshad called her a Queen of the Night, aftershe proved her ability to exact declarationsof ardor from foolish, arrogant mortalsto whom she appeared under the stars,some on Golarion called her a WhoreQueen, the End of Innocence, and She ofthe Forked Tongue, attaching their strangeand hateful obsession with vilifyingsensual women to the fallen angel,who wielded her powers like a knife.For her part, Ardad Lili found themonikers hilarious, and the power-hungry queen played to them as shedeveloped new and even more viciousways to bring worshipers to her side.Even now, the self-styled Serpent Musebasks in her Avernus home—quiteironically named the Stainless Caress—gathering an army of damned souls,foolish mortals, fallen angels, erinyeshandmaidens, and like-minded femaledevils, waiting for the day she caninvade Nirvana and twist its deludedservants into her dark likeness. Far morecreative than the pedestrian devils whotake Hell’s patriarchal hierarchy seriously,Ardad Lili wishes to rule not a layer of Hell, but a corner ofthe heavens themselves.Of the four Queens of the Night, Ardad Lili is the leastmonstrous and most human in appearance. She appears asa beautiful, dark-skinned woman, and she favors the colorsgreen and white. Her only diabolic feature is her wings,which feature long, slithering snake tails instead of feathers.Despite this unsettling cosmetic feature, her wings allowher swift and graceful flight. She prefers to leave the grislydetails of battle to her minions (of which she has countless),but if she’s forced to fight, her slender ivory-bladed dagger iscapable of inflicting unusually painful and deadly wounds.Of course, Ardad Lili prefers to turn would-be enemies intoloyal allies via magic or her silver tongue.多洛蕾丝Doloras 我们的痛苦女士背叛自己的少女剧透 -   : 神殿 无法逃脱的监狱,藏匿被绑架者的地方,酷刑室信徒 链魔和召唤链魔的魔鬼大师,冷漠的施虐者,虐待狂爪牙 apostate devils,邪隐魔,链魔,冰魔,刻魔多洛蕾丝是一位地狱半神,这位不朽的存在象征着超然与冷漠。然而在年轻时,她也曾是一位热情的异界神侍,在埃拉斯蒂尔麾下担任将军。一次恶魔企图入侵埃拉斯蒂尔的神国,正是多洛蕾丝的军团坚持了数十年将其拒之门外。但包括她的兄弟在内的数名炽天神侍(几个CR23的要CR16的去救??)被俘获拉入深渊时,她独自一人踏上了猎杀恶魔的路途。最终她在深渊的上层追上了一群恶魔,恶狠狠地以铁链死死捆住那些他们,并折磨了66天以打听兄弟们的下落。在折磨恶魔的同时,她的内心深处的某样东西碎开了。期初她还会因自己的行为而受到良知的责备,但慢慢地她便习惯了恶魔痛苦的尖叫与求饶声。她发现自己十分享受对无助的灵魂施加痛苦的行为,即使最后弄清楚这与抓走其兄弟的恶魔不是一伙的时候,她也停不下来了。天界三次派遣使者找到她并告知其兄弟已安全返回神国,但三次的使者都被多洛蕾丝谋害了。她告诉自己那是恶魔或者其他邪灵变形来骗自己的—实际上她只是在享受用巨剑切开新鲜血肉的快感。在斩杀第三位天使后不久,多洛蕾丝不小心将折磨着的最后一名恶魔杀死了。她恼怒地看着自己的双手,才发现自己的芊芊手指变成了匕首,眼睛与皮肤变成了结实的乌木,曾经洁白的羽翼布满了针刺。她头顶戴着一顶泪水串成的冠冕,其大小形状正如她谋害自己曾经同胞时对方留下的泪水一般。穿过外环宇宙,多洛蕾丝毫不意外地发现天堂之门不再为她开放了。失去恩宠的她通过冷漠的方式找到了自己的救赎,并开始着手寻找一个更完美的家。接纳了“背叛自己的少女”这一称号后,多洛蕾丝发现自己对于兄弟们再无一丝牵挂。至于她在天界的兄弟姐妹则时至今日仍在深深哀悼她,尽管他们并不相信自己姊妹的真实命运。虽然善良不再,但她仍痛恨混乱。所以她前往地狱深处寻觅新家。在哪里她遇到了被关押的链魔们,从他们身上多洛蕾丝看到了自己的施虐与邪恶的天性,于是她解放了他们。在探寻凯恩纳时,第八层的大公墨菲斯托菲利斯找到她并提出一笔交易。多洛蕾丝可以自由选择一座尖顶且为其提供一切她想要的家具装饰,但代价是在他需要时帮他残忍地折磨某些灵魂。多洛蕾丝马上答应了,从此她便在Spike of Our Lady’s Pain定居下来。与其他魔鬼不同,施虐天使不追求权力,她毕生所求只有将残忍与血腥的景象付诸在她眼前的生物之上。只要能自由折磨她看上的俘虏,她就不会拒绝与其他暗夜女王结盟,而她们也不会拒绝这点小要求。对于娼妓女王这个凡人的蔑称她依旧保持冷漠,而那些试图斥责她的人会发现自己来到她的拷问台上,为多洛蕾丝带来专属的快感。剧透 -   : Temples inescapable prisons, locations used to hide abductedvictims, torture chambersWorshipers kytons and kyton-summoning diabolists, mercilesstorturers, sadistsMinions apostate devils B5 , eremite kytons B3 , evangelist kytons,ice devils, sacristan kytons B4Our Lady in Pain is an infernal demigoddess, the immortalmodel for detachment and dispassion. However, whenmortality was young, she was a roundly impassionedplanetar angel serving as a general in Erastil’s celestialarmies. Doloras was charged with holding the line against adecades-long incursion of demons rushing the outskirts ofErastil’s realm in Heaven. But when several solar angels weredragged off as prisoners into the Abyss, including Doloras’sthree brothers, Doloras followed, alone, to hunt the demonsshe thought responsible. When she finally caught up to themin an upper pocket of the Abyss, she trapped and chainedthe demons, full of fury. For 66 days, she tortured them forinformation about her brothers’ whereabouts.While she tormented those demons, something brokewithin Doloras’s mind. At first she was torn by the moralquandary that her deeds created, but she eventually becameentirely inured to the demons’ guttural screams of agonyand cries for mercy. She even found herself enjoying theact of inflicting pain on helpless souls so much that evenwhen it became clear that these demons weren’t part ofher brothers’ kidnapping party, she continued. Thrice, anemissary of Heaven found her and informed her that herbrothers had returned home relatively unharmed, and thrice,Doloras murdered the messenger. She told herself that theywere demons or other fiends in disguise—but in truth, shesimply relished the feeling of her greatsword slicing throughnew flesh.Shortly after cutting down the third angel, Dolorasaccidentally destroyed the demons she was tormenting.Annoyed, she looked down at her hands and found daggersin the place of her fingers. Her eyes and skin had turnedto solid ebony, and her once plumose wings bristled withneedles. Atop her head sat a crown made of tears the exactsize and shape that her former kin had shed when she torethe life from their bodies.Passing through the Outer Sphere, Doloras discoveredwhat came as no surprise: the gates of Heaven were closedto her. She had fallen from grace, but as she had now foundsalvation through an absence of emotion, she set herselfabout finding a home that suited her better. Embracing thetitle She Who Betrays Her Own, Doloras realized she nolonger cared about her brothers. As for her angelic siblings,to this day they mourn her as dead, though they harbor deepsuspicions about their sister’s true fate.Although she eschewed good, she still found chaosinimical. Thus, while looking for a new home, Dolorasexplored the depths of Hell. While there, she came acrossthe imprisoned kytons, in whose sadism and wickednessDoloras saw much of herself, and so she unleashed thefiends. She was exploring Caina when Mephistopheles, Lordof the Eighth, found her and offered her a deal. Doloraswould have her choice of spire and all that she wished tooutfit her new home, in exchange for viciously torturingspecific souls whenever he asked.Without reservation, Doloras agreed, and ever since shehas resided on the Spike of Our Lady’s Pain. Unlike manyfiends, the Sadistic Angel does not seek dominion; shewishes only to inflict her emotionless, bloodthirsty vision onthose set before her. She was willing to ally with the otherQueens of the Night when Eiseth drew them all together, solong as Doloras was free to torment her choice of captives—acondition the other queens have happily granted. She regardsthe mortal-given title of Whore Queen with characteristicindifference, and those who try to hurl the epithet at heroften find themselves upon her rack, thus providing Dolorasas much joy as one such as her can feel.艾希斯Eiseth 欲魔女王剧透 -   : 神殿 塑肉仪式举行地点,军事基地,军营信徒 满腔仇恨的贵族,心怀不满的魔鬼大师,邪恶的将军爪牙 控斥魔,欲魔,角魔,深渊炼魔,warmonger devils作为一位执掌可怕的地狱烈焰的半神,欲魔女王艾希斯是一位堕落天使,又被称为地狱女武神和不受限制的她。在the Exodus蔓延到整个多元宇宙时,艾希斯还只是一位早已消亡的善神手下的光暗使徒。但她很快就因至高天指挥官的失利与周遭缺乏献身精神的天使同伴而感到懊恼,神祗退缩。于是这位年轻的天使渴望登上至高天的宝座,这样就可以随意指挥自己的军队。她的野心不断滋长,并将目光投向了责任与复仇的至高天神使之位。她开始慢慢深信在上司倒台之后,她可以攫取更多的权力并接替对方的位置。嫉妒与烦躁在艾希斯内心疯长,一天她的指挥官做出一个她认为十分愚蠢的决策后,她便用手中的戟击碎了指挥官和首席顾问的胸膛。在被传唤到炽天神侍法庭时,她清晰陈述了自己的动机,认为她的决定有助于推进天堂的 大业。然而惊惧的天使并没有授予奖励,而是快速下大了严厉的惩罚。艾希斯未能知晓判决的全部内容,因为她预感到法庭的裁决会对她不离便立刻逃离了天界。她四处游荡(wandered creation没看懂)了603年,不知道为什么自己为了崇高善良做出的小小恶行是这般不可饶恕,她对曾经的天界同袍的仇恨与日俱增,这彻底泯灭了她曾经善良的心。在这6个世纪的后期,她梦到了关于自己的景象。梦中的她曾洁白的羽翼变得漆黑,素丽的长袍沾满了天使的血液,金光闪闪的盔甲变成了暗黑色。她统治者一个由受苦圣徒和哀嚎灵魂组成的国度—她成为了建立于铁与铜刃组成的诡异山脉之中的女王。为了让梦境变为现实,她开始努力梦中的场景,最后在地狱第二层迪斯找到了。魔鬼大公迪斯帕特对这位陌生的新居民的到来表示了欢迎,并沉醉于她永不停息的怒火与致力于毁灭曾经同袍的奋不顾身。千年之后,数十个罪恶的灵魂转化为第一批欲魔后,地狱女武神才得知一些凡人将其称作娼妓女王,仅仅因为她们身为女性且住在地狱,便将其与阿达德·莉莉联系起来。艾希斯对此翻了个白眼,区区凡人居然试图以诋毁女性的绰号削减她的愤怒和能力。但这个绰号也的确带来了一点变化,只是并非凡人所想象的那般:这促使她带着一队欲魔到无暇爱抚拜访那里的新主人。阿达德·莉莉的狡黠与对涅槃境的异常憎恶给艾希斯留下了深刻的印象,所以她也对多洛蕾丝和玛汉沙拉伸出了手。四位半神在交流后发现各自的利益毫无冲突,于是他们结成了松散的联盟以达成各自的目的,并自称为暗夜女王。暗夜女王的关系随着时光流逝愈加紧密,她们意识到在地狱的烈火之中她们的力量可以变得更加强大。艾希斯现在在迪斯打造自己的军队,每当有地狱的居民告诉她已经登上了对于女性而言在地狱能达到的权力巅峰时,她都会因此发小。因为艾希斯严密保守领地的真名,那些恶徒称它为寡妇的啜泣Widow’s Cry,因为那里经常传出受害者的尖叫,大多数人都认为那是饱受痛苦的母亲和少女的痛苦声,而事实比这更为残酷:那是正在经受转化的魔鬼的嘶吼。艾希斯的军队日益壮大,她谋划着入侵玛尔伯格并推翻摩洛克。一旦登上了魔鬼大公之位,她就打算集结地狱所有的军队消灭天堂。剧透 -   : Temples fleshwarping sites, martialing fields, military barracksWorshipers bitter nobles, disgruntled diabolists, evil generalsMinions accuser devils, erinyes, horned devils, pit fiends,warmonger devils B5A demigoddess of terrible infernal wrath, Eiseth is a fallenangel now known as the Erinyes Queen, Hell’s Valkyrie, andShe Who Defies Limitation. When the throes of the Exodushad just begun to ripple throughout the multiverse, Eisethwas a movanic deva serving in the infantry of a good godwho most believe is now long dead. Eiseth perpetuallyfound herself frustrated—held back, even—by the failingsshe saw in her empyrean angel commander and in the hostsof less dedicated angels around her. The young deva achedto become an empyrean herself so she could commandher own legions as she saw fit. But her ambition didn’tend there; Eiseth set her sights on rising to the rank of anempyreal lord of duty and vengeance. Over time, she becameconvinced that when her superior fell, she would grow inpower and step in to take her place.Envy and impatience continued to fester in Eiseth’s heartuntil, one day, after her commander made a decision sheconsidered particularly foolish, the deva rammed her halberdinto the chests of the commander and the leader’s mosttrusted advisors. When Eiseth was called before a tribunal ofsolars to account for herself, she plainly stated her reasons forthe murders, certain that she had made the right decision tofurther Heaven’s cause. Instead of rewarding Eiseth, however,the horrified angels handed down a swift, harsh punishment.The deva never gleaned the full details of her sentence,because as soon as she sensed the tribunal turning againsther, she fled her celestial home. For 603 years she wanderedcreation, unsure of why her wicked deeds were not consideredcommitted for the greater good, with growing hatred of herformer celestial brethren burning a hole in her once-pure heart.Near the end of these 6 centuries, Eiseth saw a vision ofherself in a dream. In it, her angelic wings were pitch black, herpristine robes tainted with the blood of her celestial enemies,and her once-golden armor a pure, matte ebony. She presidedover an entire realm of suffering saints and screamingsouls—a queendom nestled into a strange mountain ofiron and brass blades. Gripped with the desire to make thisvision a reality, Eiseth dedicated herself to searching for thismountain, and find it she did: in Dis, the second layer of Hell.For his part, the infernal king Dispater welcomed this strangenew denizen, enamored of her ever-burning fury and herdedication to smiting those she once called kin.Millennia later, after scores of damned souls had becamethe first erinyes, word reached Hell’s Valkyrie that somemortals had begun calling her a Whore Queen, associating herwith Ardad Lili simply by virtue of their femininity and theirhomes in Hell. Eiseth rolled her eyes at the ridiculous notionthat the mortals’ misogynist epithet against her might in anyway temper her fury or skill. The epithet did change her, butnot in a way mortals anticipated or desired: it prompted herto travel with a contingent of erinyes to the Stainless Caressto meet its new queen. Ardad Lili’s cunning and singularlyfocused hatred of Nirvana impressed Eiseth, who then reachedout to Doloras and Mahathallah. The four demigoddesses,finding that their interests did not conflict, named themselvesQueens of the Night and formed an alliance of convenience tofurther their own agendas. Over time, the Queens of the Nightbecame closer to true allies, recognizing that in the fires ofHell, their strength is greater together.Eiseth now builds her armies in Dis, laughing each timeinfernal denizens tell her she’s reached the pinnacle of powerto which a woman might climb in Hell. Though Eiseth keepsthe true name of her home closely guarded, the damned call itWidow’s Cry, and it echoes with the screams of the suffering.Most believe these are the cries of wronged mothers andmaidens, but the truth is much darker: they are the howlsof fiends undergoing transformation. Eiseth’s forces growstronger daily as she prepares to invade Malebolge and unseatMoloch. Once she takes that iron throne, Eiseth intends tomarshal all of Hell’s armies and finally defeat Heaven for good.玛汉沙拉Mahathallah 虚幻遗孀剧透 -   : 神殿 洞窟,墓地,心像结界信徒 炼金术师,吸毒者,痛苦的空想家,幻术师,流浪者爪牙 堕落的招魂者(那不就是恐亡魔sahkil吗)不死生物玛汉沙拉知道她终究会死—她早已预见。她曾是骨园中强大的招魂者,协助法莱斯玛审判了无数的灵魂。数千年来,世界上一代又一代的灵魂都通过她的裁决前往来世。凡人准成她为迷雾少女Maiden of Mist,因为她的双眼能看透所有掩饰,她的话语能驱散所有迷雾。她不渴望赞美,但仍作为招魂使引座人中神秘领袖之一而备受尊崇。而她的女主人,墓土女士法莱斯玛对此从不多言,但也为她高兴。不过玛汉沙拉永远无法接受对她的祈祷。她的信徒声称她知晓万物的开始,经过与终结,而事实并非如痴。玛汉沙拉的确能知晓所有凡人的死亡,而且有能力预见高位者的终焉—但对自己的未来她一无所知。无法预见未来对于凡人而言不一定是坏事,但无法预见自己的终结却折磨着玛汉沙拉。她开始将自己完美的视线专注于这一点点失败,开始对其他一切视而不见。慢慢地,由于她越来越专注于此,以至于无法再为向她寻求裁决的灵魂提供帮助。意识到这一点后她前往觐见墓土女士,希望她能解答为何赐予她一双有缺陷的眼睛—为什么她能预见几乎所有事物的终末,除了对她而言最为珍重的东西。女神只在生死平衡间驻足了片刻,但这足以提醒她的仆人,只有穿过灵魂长河的生命才能知晓自己的终末。玛汉沙拉离开骨园来到凡间,利用自己完美的双目找到了一个即将死去之人,并跟随这个灵魂来到了灵魂长河。灵魂长河的距离因生命而迥异,对于玛汉沙拉而言就十分曲折。当她再度返回骨园,她的神殿早已化为废墟,而她也在此站立在多元宇宙中心的女神面前。法莱斯玛一言不发地将其拉出时间的幻象,并向其揭露了将如何走向死亡。迷雾少女从不知晓凡人对死亡的恐惧,所以这位不朽者对于死前的恐惧毫无准备。玛汉沙拉逃跑了。没有人知道玛汉沙拉去过哪里—她对于自己在旅途种的磨难和奇遇绝口不提。灵界最年长的恐亡魔带着愤怒与敬畏,以及自傲的伤疤讲述了她的离开。传颂在凡世的故事讲述了一位能破坏天命,甚至能解开位面间纠缠的命数。但最后玛汉沙拉逃向了多元宇宙的深坑之一,地狱。只有玛汉沙拉知道阿斯莫迪尔斯对她的许诺,而黑暗王子也以独特的方式安抚了她。自此这位古老得能与神比肩的存在将她的目光用以为地狱效劳,她也从迷雾少女变为了虚幻遗孀。在地狱诸多贵族中,虚幻遗孀是四位暗夜女王中最难以捉摸的。她的外貌是一个穿着暮色丧服,但皮肤苍白的年轻天使到一个羽翼残破,披着碎布条的丑陋老妪之间不断变换。这种衰败与复生的循环极不规律地进行着,有时会长达一天,有时又会短至一分钟。虽然本性冷漠,但外貌的改变似乎源自其心态的变化,年轻一面是她愤怒的面具,老妪一面象征虚无的智慧。正因其变幻不定多以难以准确描述她的外貌。艺术家常将她描绘成笼罩在阴暗迷雾中的女性形象,或者用她的邪徽—被诸多神秘符文包围的大眼—来表现她。玛汉沙拉与其他暗夜女王来往密切,但最复杂的就要数多洛蕾丝了。她们都重视智慧而不希望受到凡世琐事的打扰。所以两人都保持着冷漠疏远,但又互惠互利的暗中交易—玛汉沙拉常用对自然和宇宙奥秘的洞察交换多洛蕾丝在科学与苦难方面的新点子。受行为与情感驱使的艾希斯对玛汉沙拉的耐心且缓慢的报复难以接受,即使她知晓深思熟虑的重要性。玛汉沙拉常为他人提供建议,将自己古老的智慧和致命的语言,与阿达德·莉莉对浪漫与复仇的诉求夹杂在一起。所以玛汉沙拉的信徒会将其他暗夜女王的信徒视为平等的盟友—只要他们尊重他们的洞察力。某些至高天神使不遗余力的阻挠玛汉沙拉的信徒,而黛丝娜的信徒可以说是他们最大的死敌。但奇怪的是曾经的女主人法莱斯玛对这位堕落的招魂者似乎漠不关心。(所以她想复仇的是什么都没说。。。。)剧透 -   : Temples caverns, graveyards, mindscapesWorshipers alchemists, drug users, embittered dreamers,illusionists, outcastsMinions fallen psychopomps, undeadMahathallah knows she will die—she has seen it.As a powerful psychopomp in the courts of the Boneyard,she aided Pharasma in judging countless souls. Generations,entire millennia, and whole worlds of spirits passedthrough her court en route to their afterlives. Mortals calledMahathallah the Maiden of Mists, whose gaze pierced anyveil and whose whisper parted any fog. She never soughtpraise, but she came to be worshiped nonetheless as one ofthe mysterious leaders of her kind: a psychopomp usher.Though her mistress, Pharasma, the Lady of Graves, neversaid as much, she was pleased. Mahathallah, however, couldnever entirely accept the prayers offered in her name. Herfaithful claimed she knew every beginning, every act, andevery end, but that wasn’t true. Mahathallah knew of everymortal’s demise and could predict the dooms of far greaterbeings—but to her own end she was utterly blind.Ignorance of one’s own death is often a blessing tomortals, but the very idea of the conclusion of her ownexistence tormented Mahathallah. This one failure of herperfect sight eventually consumed her vision, blinding herto all else. Over time, it so preoccupied her that she couldno longer serve the souls seeking her judgment. Realizingthis, she went to Pharasma, beseeching the Lady of Gravesto reveal why the goddess had impaired her sight—why shewas able to see every end except the one most important toher. The goddess paused in her balancing of life and deathfor only a moment, just long enough to remind her servantthat only those who travel the River of Souls may learn theirfinal fate.Mahathallah left the Boneyard. She traveled to the mortalrealm, waited for a portentous moment, and used her nearlyperfect vision to find the last being to die in that instant. Shethen followed that spirit to reach the River of Souls.The length of the River of Souls differs for every creature,but for Mahathallah the path was particularly winding. Bythe time her route returned to the Boneyard, all her shrineshad fallen to rubble. She stood once more before the goddessat the center of the multiverse. Without a word, Pharasmapulled back the illusions of time and revealed Mahathallah’sfinal moment. The Maiden of Mists had never understoodthe fear mortals associated with death, so she was unpreparedfor the terror she would face upon witnessing the end of herown immortality.And Mahathallah fled.None can say for certain all the places Mahathallahwandered—certainly she herself has said little ofthe ordeals and wonders she experienced duringher voyage. The eldest sahkils of the EtherealPlane recount her passing with furious awe andproud scars. Tales from several mortal worlds tellof the crone who spoiled destiny, unraveling theplanetary fates. But ultimately, Mahathallah’s flightdrove her to one of existence’s deepest pits: Hell itself.Only Mahathallah knows what Asmodeus promised, butthe Prince of Darkness calmed her as no other could.Ancient as only a deity can be, Mahathallah now turnsher vision to the service of Hell, the Maiden of Mists nolonger, but the Dowager of Illusions.The Dowager of Illusions numbers among the nobility ofHell as the most elusive of the four demigoddesses knownas the Queens of the Night. Her appearance endlesslyshifts between that of a youthful, though cadaverous, angelwearing a dusk-hued burial gown and that of a rotting cronetrailing tatters and shattered wings. This cycle of decay andregeneration advances erratically, sometimes taking as longas a day or as little as a moment. Although typically cold anddispassionate, Mahathallah’s state of mind seems to affecther appearance, youth being the mask of her anger and agethat of her nihilistic wisdom. Ever-changing, Mahathallahis impossible to depict accurately. Artists often representher as a vaguely feminine figure cloaked in somber mists,or they portray her by her symbol alone—a glaring eyesurrounded by an assortment of occult sigils.Mahathallah has close ties to the other Queens of theNight, though the most complex of these is with Doloras.Much like Mahathallah, Doloras values wisdom overpetty mortal distractions. The two have a dispassionateand distant, but mutually beneficial, relationship oftrading secrets—typically exchanging Mahathallah’sinsight into the mysteries of nature and the cosmosfor Doloras’s innovations in science and suffering.Action- and emotion-driven Eiseth typically has littletolerance for Mahathallah’s patience and slow revenges,even though she understands the source of that deliberation.Mahathallah often counsels the others, lending her memoriesof ancient lore and deadly prophecies alongside Ardad Lili’sappeals for romance and revenge. In all cases, the followers ofMahathallah consider those who worship the other Queensof the Night as allies in faith and deal with them fairly—solong as these other servants respect their insight. Certainempyreal lords go out of their way to stymie Mahathallah’sworshipers, but the faithful of Desna are perhaps herchurch’s best-established enemies. Curiously, her one-timecommander Pharasma seems to show little concern for thefallen psychopomp.3. 四驭者/天启驭者四驭者的数据卡已经有大佬翻译了,而且也整合到Bestiary 6的连接中很容易找就不贴超链接了BotD3 法术翻译 感谢笨哈(撒花)http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/?topic=104019.0






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